Skill Quest

Revision as of 17:28, 19 October 2021 by Arathun (talk | contribs)

These series of quests will focus around the strengthening of individual skills, improving activation rates and/or effects. However, like everything else, there's specific conditions that have to be met, and apply:

  • before starting the quest, set your leader to the unit who has the skill in question. As an example, Protagonist would have to be the very first unit (leader) in your party. For skills with multiple evolutions, you must complete them serially to unlock the next skill quest for the next skill evolution.
  • afterwards, these quests can't be redone with the same individual unit.
  • however, different variants and rarities can be redone, because:
  • finally, these improvements only apply to the individual unit; the quest would have to be redone if you, for example (if Beastman ever did get a fix), want your Moritaka to also have the improvement you just did with Moritaka .

See Skill Evolution for more information about Skill Evolution. Follow this external link for official documentation. For information on the Quest battles, see Skill Quest/Quest Details

Skill Quests

Volume Release period Name of Skill Quest Pre-evo skill Post-evo skill
1 April 2018
Skill Quest release campaign
Castaway Challenge Drifter Drifter +
Guardian Challenge Guardian Guardian +
Mentor Challenge Mentor Mentor+
Starshine Challenge Starshine Starshine+
Swimmer's Challenge Swimmer Swimmer+
Island Guardian Challenge Island Guardian Island Guardian+
Child Challenge Child Child+
Grandstander Challenge Grandstander Grandstander+
2 August 2018
Seaside Summer School with You (2018 Re-Release)
Soul Shooter Challenge Soul Shooter Soul Shooter+
Avenger Challenge Avenger Avenger+
Sprouter Challenge Sprouter Sprouter+
Archangel of the Moon Challenge Archangel of the Moon Archangel of the Moon +
3 March 2019
2019 New school year campaign
The Lovesick Challenge The Lovesick The Lovesick +
「聖痕を徴す者」の挑戦 Stigma Brander Stigma Brander+
「医学の徒」の挑戦 Medical Practitioner Medical Practitioner+
「獣を追う者」の挑戦 Beast Hunter Beast Hunter+
「瞬間移動者」の挑戦 Blink Jumper Blink Jumper+
「鉄の技術者」の挑戦 Iron Artisan Iron Artisan+
Samurai Warrior Challenge Samurai Warrior Samurai Warrior +
「叡智を敷く者」の挑戦 Fount of Wisdom Fount of Wisdom+
「病を与う者」の挑戦 Disease Carrier Disease Carrier+
「転生の始竜」の挑戦 Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate Primordial Wyrm Reincarnate+
4 May 2019
Black Snow on the Hot Spring Mountains (2019 Re-Release)
「凍み氷る者」の挑戦 Mountain Moghul Mountain Moghul+
「無窮に挑む者」の挑戦 The Frozen The Frozen+
「棄てられし者」の挑戦 Infinite Challenger Infinite Challenger+
「不幸を嘆く者」の挑戦 The Misfortunate The Misfortunate+
The Forsaken Challenge The Forsaken The Forsaken +
5 June 2019
Raiders of the Lost Isle (2019 Re-Release)
Earth Eater Challenge Earth Eater Earth Eater+
Wave Bender Challenge Wave Bender Wave Bender+
Chance Hitter Challenge Chance Hitter Chance Hitter+
6 August 2019
Embark! Summer Ocean Adventure (2019 Re-Release)
Sea-favored Challenge Sea-favored Sea-favored+
Devourer of Worlds Challenge Devourer of Worlds Devourer of Worlds+
Battlefield Rigger Challenge Battlefield Rigger Battlefield Rigger+
Avenger+ Challenge Avenger+ Avenger++
Binder Challenge Binder Binder+
Savior Challenge Savior Savior+
7 September 2019
I Ain't Scared a No Halloween! (2019 Re-Release)
Lord of the Graveyard Challenge Lord of the Graveyard Lord of the Graveyard +
Graveyard Lurker Challenge Graveyard Lurker Graveyard Lurker +
Sower of Plenty Challenge Sower of Plenty Sower of Plenty +
8 October 2019
Inter-event period (wave for other localized events that were previously skipped for skill evos)
「空を駆ける者」の挑戦 Sky Dasher Sky Dasher+
「硬翼の鷲獅子」の挑戦 Tough-Winged Griffon Tough-Winged Griffon+
「料理人」の挑戦 Cook Cook+
「浜辺の人気者」の挑戦 Beach Babe Beach Babe+
「武芸の練達者」の挑戦 Martial Arts Master Martial Arts Master+
「熱狂の皇帝」の挑戦 Emperor of Zealots Emperor of Zealots+
9 January 2020
New Year 2020
「繁栄を象る者」の挑戦 Symbol of Prosperity Symbol of Prosperity+
「巨人に勝る者」の挑戦 Giant Dominator Giant Dominator+
「鋼の掃除屋」の挑戦 Fullmetal Janitor Fullmetal Janitor+
10 March 2020
O' the Great Gendarme (2020 Re-Release)
Mountain Dweller Challenge Mountain Menace[1] Mountain Menace+
Driving Force Challenge Driving Force Driving Force+
King of the Four Heavens Challenge King of the Four Heavens King of the Four Heavens +
11 April 2020
New semester 2020
Cajoler Challenge Cajoler Cajoler+
Miracle Child Challenge Miracle Child Miracle Child+
Devourer of the Strong Challenge Devourer of the Strong Devourer of the Strong+
12 April 2020
Desert Journey (2020 Re-Release)
Potter Challenge Eloquent Speaker Eloquent Speaker+
Guide Challenge Guide Guide+
Bodhisattva Challenge Bodhisattva Bodhisattva+
Mobilized General Challenge Mobilized General Mobilized General+
13 December 2020
Tail end of Chapter 11 Release Campaign
Infinite Challenger+ Challenge Infinite Challenger+ Infinite Challenger++

Skill Specific Quests

These quests are similar to the regular skill quests except that they are only applicable to specific cards. Below is a list of them. For information on the Quest battles, click here

Volume Release period Name of Skill Quest Pre-evo skill Post-evo skill Applicable card
1 January 2020
Inter-event period
「峨々たる氷壁」の挑戦(1) Vanguard Indomitable Vanguard     
「烈波旋風」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Shifting Snatcher     
「天上の歌姫」の挑戦(1) Artist Angel of Song     
「リングの人気者」の挑戦(1) Athlete Jubilant Athlete     
「堕天の使徒」の挑戦(1) Farseer Earthly Watcher     
「戦場の傾奇者」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Head Hunter     
2 April 2020
New semester 2020
「劫火の天使」の挑戦(1) Judgement Dealer Yearning Punisher     
「聖夜の紅き闘魂」の挑戦(1) The Hot-blooded Fervent Wrestler     
「忠義の荒法師」の挑戦(1) Mountain Dweller Mt. Meru Dweller     
3 May 2020
Early Summer Campaign 2020
「恋は試合の後で」の挑戦(1) Athlete Intuitive Athlete     
「投手交代」の挑戦(1) Marksmen Relief Pitcher     
「闇堕の鍵盤使い」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Wolf of Ragnarok     
「泣き虫わんこ」の挑戦(1) Death Bringer Death Howler     
「氷壁砕く白刃」の挑戦(1) Mountain Dweller Mt. Daisetsu Dweller     
4 May 2020
Clash of Floats (2020 Re-Release)
「祭や宴や」の挑戦(1) Heavy Hand Heavy Gripper     
「轟く応援太鼓」の挑戦(1) Sound Shooter Thundering Pep Squad     
「三刀の鬼姫」の挑戦(1) Dark Lord Daughter of the Fourth Heaven     
「化け狸の親分」の挑戦(1) Cloudy Dreamer Cloistered Boss     
5 June 2020
Inter-event period
「三尺の氷刀」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Filial Dog Warrior     
「仇討ちの炎」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Loyal Dog Warrior     
「悌の八犬士」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Respectful Dog Warrior     
「智の八犬士」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Eight Dog Warriors of the Wisdom Beads     
「黒く猛きサンタ」の挑戦(1) Fortune Dealer Ethical Delineator     
「魂を穿つ剣撃」の挑戦(1) Knightly One Knight of Apostasy     
6 July 2020
Inter-event period
「雪獅子のお仕置き」の挑戦(1) Herbalist White-Maned Herbalist     
「ドラゴンメイド」の挑戦(1) Ruler Ruler of Munition     
7 August 2020
A Golden Treasure Ship 2020 Reprint
「白髪のアギト」の挑戦(1) Undersea Celebrant Undersea Reveler     
「宝船の釣人」の挑戦(1) Hoster of Feasts Big Catch Regaler     
「金欠ドラマー」の挑戦(1) Flame Spreader Burning Genie     
8 September 2020
Fall Date Quest Campaign
「怠惰なる旧支配者」の挑戦(1) Amorphous Lifeform Fallen Abstraction     
「ヤールギュレシ」の挑戦(1) Monarch Jade Lion King     
「大物一本釣り」の挑戦(1 Block Adept Seafaring Adept     
「囚われの狂虎」の挑戦(1) Survivor Purrvivor     
「狂虎の暴虐」の挑戦(1) Immortal Immortal King of The Jungle     
9 November 2020
Trick or Treat! Jiangshi Night (2020 Re-Release)
「世界を殺す獣」の挑戦(1) Benevolent One Aspiring Matron     
「天殺の宿星」の挑戦(1) Gambler Passionate Gambler     
10 Mid December 2020
Tail end of Chapter 11 Release Campaign
「疾雷の蹴撃」の挑戦(1) Thunderer Thundering Runner     
11 Late December 2020
Ikebukuro Christmas Concerto (2020 Re-Release)
「雷鳴の運び手」の挑戦(1) Lightning Delivery Perpetual Wheel     
「聖夜の流星」の挑戦(1) Pugilist Beaconing Pugilist     
12 February 2021
Valentine Colosseum
「武士は恋を知る」の挑戦(1) Spiritual Dog Warrior Filial Dog Warrior - Yearning     
「恋を知った破壊神」の挑戦(1) Monarch Lord of Reincarnation     
13 March 2021
Make a Killing! The Beach House and Andvari Falls (2021 Re-Release)
「天下の大泥棒」の挑戦(1) Shape Shifter Tricky Tanuki     
「大蛇の口寄せ」の挑戦(1) Ninja Fuuma Ninja     
14 April 2021
Ueno Nightmare Dream Kingdom Re-Release (2021)
「もふもふ王国のもふもふ王」の挑戦(1) Reality Escapee Snarling at Reality     
「書物王国の書斎王」の挑戦(1) Fiercely Tearful Fierce Tears Amid Lotus Flowers     
「お菓子の王国の破壊王」の挑戦(1) Hard Hitter Asura Pounder     
15 April 2021
Early Summer Campaign
「宙を掴む鉄腕」の挑戦(1) Slick Artisan Oily Artisan     
「星に輝く勇気」の挑戦(1) Twin-Hearted Lion Twin-Hearted Zosma     
16 June 2021
Date Quest Campaign 2021
「浜辺のリキシメン」の挑戦(1) Gourmand Voracious Gourmand     
「大いなる道へ」の挑戦(1) Tagalong Bull Tamer     
「三月兎の茶会」の挑戦(1) Dreamer Returning Dreamer     
17 June 2021
The Promised Undersea City Re-Release
「廻る黄金の蛇」の挑戦(1) Brave of Heart Inspired by Promises     
「父たる竜の記憶」の挑戦(1) Creator Creator of Flesh and Bone     
「暴走の神牛」の挑戦(1) Blood of the Beast Beast of the Labyrinth     
18 September 2021
The Afterschool Hero and the Fantastic Boyfriends Re-Release
「光の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Ring Bearer Bound by a Ring     
「炎の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Bulwark Mighty Stronghold     
「風の装備と共に」の挑戦(1) Demolisher Disciple of Destruction     
「無機の皇帝」の挑戦(1) Engulfer of Lust Imbiber of Lust     
19 September 2021
Autumn Vacation Campaign
「渚のベーシスト」の挑戦(1) Flirt Indomitable Flirt     
20 「引きこもりモデル」の挑戦(1) Immoveable One Immovable Roommate     
「炎への誓約」の挑戦(1) Follower of Falling Stars Star-Chaser's Fire     
「触れなば斬れん」の挑戦(1) Air of Authority Swaggering Ogress     
  1. Referred to   Zao (Gendarme)'s skill only, which shares the same English name with the more common Mountain Dweller skill but has different effects.

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No. 13041
34 months ago
Score 0++
Gosh I wish these would come more frequently, or more per batch
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