Whose Side Are You On?!

Whose Side Are You On?!
Rarity 3
Usamochi Daihuku
効果1Increases HP by 125~250
効果2Increases ATK by 175~350
溢芸逸能Prodigious PolymathNo additional CS effects
[Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] +10~20 CP to self / 100%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal 1.4x damage to DazzleATK Down by 0.7x ~ 0.35x for 3 turns (Debuff)-affected enemies / 100%
0.28x ATK penaltyMagic
0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash
Show applicable transients (194)
Agyo (☆3)
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
Alice (☆3)
Alice (☆4)
Amatsumara (☆4 Fashionista)
Ame-no-Uzume (☆4)
Andvari (☆5 Beachside)
Ashigara (☆4)
Astaroth (☆3)
Azathoth (☆4 Halloween)
Azazel (☆3)
Azazel (☆4)
Babalon (☆3)
Bael (☆3)
Bael (☆5)
Balor (☆5 Valentine)
Barguest (☆4)
Benten (☆3)
Benten (☆4)
Benten (☆5 Christmas)
Bertro (☆4 Christmas)
Bigfoot (☆3)
Bigfoot (☆5)
Boogeyman (☆5 Summer)
Cait Sith (☆3)
Cait Sith (☆4)
Choji (☆3)
Choji (☆4)
Christine (☆3)
Christine (☆4)
Claude (☆3)
Claude (☆4 Christmas)
Cthugha (☆5 Nightglows)
Cu Sith (☆4)
Daikoku (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Duo (☆3)
Duo (☆5)
Ellie (☆4 Halloween)
Fafnir (☆5)
Fenrir (☆4 Make Sail)
Furufumi (☆4 Festival)
Gabriel (☆3)
Gabriel (☆5)
Gabriel (☆4 Valentine)
Gandharva (☆4)
Red Ghost (☆1)
Blue Ghost (☆1)
Green Ghost (☆1)
Yellow Ghost (☆1)
Purple Ghost (☆1)
Shaded Ghost (☆1)
Goemon (☆3)
Goemon (☆4)
Gordon (☆5)
Gyobu (☆3)
Gyobu (☆4)
Gyumao (☆5)
Gyumao (☆4 Valentine)
Hecate (☆4)
Hecate (☆4 Summer)
Heracles (☆5 Pool)
Hermes (☆3)
Hermes (☆4)
Horkeu Kamui (☆5 Hot Paradise)
Inaba (☆4)
Itzamna (☆4 Valentine)
Jambavan (☆4)
Jinn (☆5)
Kengo (☆5 Valentine)
Kenta (☆4 Valentine)
Kijimuna (☆4 Canaan)
Korpokkur (☆3)
Korpokkur (☆5)
Kuniyoshi (☆3)
Kuniyoshi (☆4)
Kuniyoshi (☆5 Nightmare)
Kurogane (☆5)
Fire-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Water-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Wood-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Aether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Nether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Licho (☆4)
Licho (☆5 Festival)
Licht (☆3)
Licht (☆5)
Licht (☆4 Valentine)
Loki (☆5)
MacRoich (☆4)
Fire Mage (☆1)
Ice Mage (☆1)
Earth Mage (☆1)
Light Mage (☆1)
Dark Mage (☆1)
Fire Maid (☆1)
Water Maid (☆1)
Wood Maid (☆1)
Aether Maid (☆1)
Nether Maid (☆1)
Maria (☆3)
Maria (☆4)
Mephistopheles (☆3)
Mephistopheles (☆4)
Fire Mermaid (☆2)
Water Mermaid (☆2)
Wood Mermaid (☆2)
Aether Mermaid (☆2)
Nether Mermaid (☆2)
Infernal Mermaid (☆2)
Michael (☆5)
Mineaki (☆3)
Mineaki (☆4)
Motosumi (☆4 Setsubun)
Nekros&Bacchus (☆3)
Nyarlathotep (☆4)
Oniwaka (☆5 Setsubun)
Orgus (☆4)
Otter (☆4)
Oz (☆4)
Pazuzu (☆3)
Pazuzu (☆4)
Perun (☆5)
Water Pirate (☆1)
Prometheus (☆5)
Black Ranger (☆2)
White Ranger (☆2)
Brown Ranger (☆2)
Red Ranger (☆2)
Blue Ranger (☆2)
Green Ranger (☆2)
Yellow Ranger (☆2)
Purple Ranger (☆2)
Ryota (☆3)
Ryota (☆4)
Ryota (☆5 Christmas)
Sanat Kumara (☆5)
Sarutahiko (☆4 Host)
Seth (☆3)
Seth (☆4)
Shennong (☆5 Summer)
Shinya (☆4 Valentine)
Shiro (☆3)
Shiro (☆4)
Shiro (☆4 Valentine)
Shiro (☆5 Jamboree)
Shuichi (☆4)
Smoky God (☆4 Pool)
Sol (☆4)
Sphinx (☆3)
Sphinx (☆4)
Surtr (☆5)
Suzuka (☆4)
Tadatomo (☆4)
Taishakuten (☆5 Valentine)
Tajikarao (☆5 Summer)
Takemaru (☆3)
Takeminakata (☆4 Valentine)
Tangaroa∞ (☆5)
Tetsuya (☆4 Christmas)
Thunderbird (☆4 Summer)
Tindalos (☆5 Summer)
Toji (☆5 Halloween)
Black Trickster (☆2)
White Trickster (☆2)
Brown Trickster (☆2)
Red Trickster (☆2)
Blue Trickster (☆2)
Green Trickster (☆2)
Yellow Trickster (☆2)
Purple Trickster (☆2)
Triton (☆3)
Triton (☆4)
Tsukuyomi (☆4 Halloween)
Tuaring (☆3)
Tuaring (☆5)
Typhon (☆4)
Typhon (☆5 Make Sail)
Fire Valkyrie (☆2)
Water Valkyrie (☆2)
Wood Valkyrie (☆2)
Aether Valkyrie (☆2)
Nether Valkyrie (☆2)
Willie Wildcat (☆3)
Willie Wildcat (☆5)
Black Yaksha (☆2)
Brown Yaksha (☆2)
Yellow Yaksha (☆2)
Yasuyori (☆4)
Yasuyori (☆5 Christmas)
Yoritomo (☆5 Valentine)
Yuma (☆4)
Zao (☆5 Gendarme)
Zhurong (☆4)
Ziz (☆4)
Translated from Japanese
"Come ON Licht, you can't seriously tell me you like this lameass otaku!"

"You get it, don't you Licht? If you don't clear things up now you'll never get this fad-chasing poser to leave you alone, you know?"

Kuniyoshi Etogawa and Benten attend the same art club as Licht. Now, they weren't necessarily incompatible from the very start. For want of a nail the two might have bonded over their creative passion and become good friends. But, the gap between them grows ever wider. Some people just never click, no matter how they try. The relationship between Benten and Kuniyoshi is a typical example of this. So, stuck in the middle between them, Licht's life devolves into a tragicomedy.

Official Japanese

「リヒト君は分かってるよね? そろそろちゃんと言ったげないと、このニワカ仕込みのサブカルマニアが調子乗っちゃうよ?」 リヒトと同じ美術教室へと通う、干支川クニヨシと、ベンテン。 相性が悪い訳では決してなかった、はずだ。 何かひとつ、ボタンを掛け違えたのならばきっと、親友にだってなれただろう。 しかしそれでも、間が悪かった、そうとしか例えようがない。 たとえどれだけの繰り返しを試そうとも、決して歯車がかみ合わない者たちは、いる。 クニヨシとベンテンの関係は、その典型と言って然るべきであろう。 その2人に挟まれるリヒトには喜劇、いや悲劇に違いあるまいが。


  • The CS name is "Omnis Ars: Leisurely Overflowing Talents"

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: b077e5c5
No. 16245
18 months ago
Score 0 You
Cuando eres bisexual:
Anonymous user: b077e5c5
No. 16243
18 months ago
Score 0 You
Se van a comer al gordo de Licht.
Anonymous user: 1de8a4f8
No. 7135
52 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: 1b3bbd59
No. 3829
58 months ago
Score 0 You
yum yum a licht spitroast
Anonymous user: ae5b758a
No. 3229
60 months ago
Score 0 You
He's actually getting pegged just offscreen
Anonymous user: 9a68787e
No. 3228
60 months ago
Score 0 You
Nice to know he has other friends
Anonymous user: f628b6ad
No. 3162
60 months ago
Score 0 You
The special attack skill of this stacks with Christine's Ender of Dreams and Alice's Dasher of Dreams. Bonus damage reaches to +90%.
Anonymous user: 8ae6df22
No. 3095
61 months ago
Score 0 You
Damn, I feel bad for poor Litch being in the middle of this mess.
Anonymous user: 2252e809
No. 3074
61 months ago
Score 4 You
lucky benten got to touch licht's belly like that
Anonymous user: 8cc8ad27
No. 3042
61 months ago
Score 0 You
tomoyo tomoyo tomoyo :tomoyo:
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