Catalog/Misc/Charge Skill/All

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 06:16, 8 August 2019 by Arathun (talk | contribs)
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Infinity icon representing the All weapon.
Yellow indicates the square the ally All unit occupies. The red squares symbolically indicate that all squares are checked for enemy occupation to attack. Because attack checks only occur when an enemy is still present on the board, missing will this range is impossible. Attacking an enemy at 0HP does not activate skill effects that trigger by attacking (with some exceptions, such as Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff) removal with Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff)). This also applies for charge skill effects; however, certain charge skill effects may activate for every unit hit, regardless of their HP.

Below is a list of units whose charge skill takes effect in All range. The damage dealt per square is the product of the ATK, the All penalty multiplier (0.1), the charge skill bonus multiplier, and (1 + 0.5*log(Sacred Artifact Lv)). Units who have skills that reduce damage from All range (e.g. 正月敵モリタカ専用) will also take less damage from charge skills with this range.


No transients found that satisfy the search criteria.


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Yellow Drone Pilot AetherNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
White Drone Pilot ValiantNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Red Drone Pilot FireNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Purple Drone Pilot NetherNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Green Drone Pilot WoodNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Brown Drone Pilot WorldNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Blue Drone Pilot WaterNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
Black Drone Pilot InfernalNone122128Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Triton WaterMagic359266Flow Diverter Wave Bender Mentor ForefatherWeapon Spread All.pngResounding Yell in Still WaterConch's Call
Tindalos NetherNone277323Tongue Lasher Brigadoog Fadmaker Hungry HoundWeapon Spread All.pngTelltale Calling Pointy TongueGift of Lycanthropy
Teda FireShot330270Distant Beacon Heavy Bowman Ball of Energy Gift of the SunWeapon Spread All.pngTale of Despairing at the SunSolar Prayer
Oscar InfernalNone450150Playwright The Masked The Director Theater MasterWeapon Spread All.pngMercurial CompositionGea■■ ■■n Cola■n?
Hastur WoodThrust480220Master of Winds Disaster Marker Cloaked in Yellow DefilerWeapon Spread All.pngCreeping Plague Across the WorldYellow King's Sign
Furufumi WoodNone444200Scribe of Prophecy Catastrophe Auger Salvation Herald Archive WalkerWeapon Spread All.pngCentury Verse ReturnCenturies of Nostradamus
Dagon InfernalSlash406194One Who Calls From the Dark Dweller of the Depths One Who Embraces the Pillar Tamer of the AbyssWeapon Spread All.pngCalling from the Deep Rooted DarknessOver Shadow
Azathoth WorldShot351312Scorner Finisher Great Creator Lord of ChaosWeapon Spread All.pngLife is Dark, Death's a DreamMouth of Madness
Arc FireShot398202Finisher Restrainer Compensator Sin-bearerWeapon Spread All.pngIncinerated FaithPyre of Piety
Akiha Gongen WaterShot332268Rescuer Safety Snarer Waterfall Meditator Dark Crow TenguWeapon Spread All.pngFiery Will Breaking Protection RuleControlled Burn


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
∀Isaac WorldNone1059141Dawn Watcher Steel Encirclement Avian Gifter Intellectual InnovatorWeapon Spread All.pngUnbreakable Hindering CaveCaves of Steel
Zhurong All-RoundMagic670530Pure Beast Image Weaver Flame Finder Seeker of AuroraWeapon Spread All.pngMystic BrillianceColors of the Aurora
Yuma WaterLong Slash518682Mixed DNA Drinker Cryptid Beast and TamerWeapon Spread All.pngBestial InitiativeSan Salvador Loupgarou
Yasuyori WoodLong Slash465735Bough Feller Expender of Vitality Spiritual Dog Warrior Wrestler with DeathWeapon Spread All.pngCutting to the Soul of the ProblemBlade of Falling Leaves
Tsathoggua (Fashionista)AetherNone1130120Photogenic Figure Immoveable One Captivating Corrupter Tribute PayerWeapon Spread All.pngHolding Meals until the Universe EndsSaturnian Elder?
Triton WaterMagic866429Flow Diverter Wave Bender Swimmer ForefatherWeapon Spread All.pngResounding Yell in Still WaterConch's Call
The Hero AetherShot530670The Championed The Reinforced Ring Bearer The Chosen OneWeapon Spread All.pngA Glimpse of Infinite PossibilitiesThe Chosen One's Sword
Teda ValiantSnipe621579Distant Beacon Force Expulsor Mass of Energy Gift of the SunWeapon Spread All.pngTale of Despairing at the SunSolar Prayer
Oz (Pool)NetherShot749451Adventurer Summertime Regulus Starlit Coward Courage BonderWeapon Spread All.pngCowardly Outburst of Brother in ArmsVirtus Leonis
Nobuharu (Festival)WoodSnipe756584Head of Festivities Arbitrator Morale Raiser Sound ShooterWeapon Spread All.pngCold Flower Mountain WindElemental Mastery
Macan FireBlow830469Immoveable One Survivor Berserker Shape ShifterWeapon Spread All.pngPossession By Mad TigerMad Tiger
Licho AetherMagic705495False Villain In Beast's Clothing Power of Suggestion Bombastic NarratorWeapon Spread All.pngPassing Enthusiastic EndorsementRoar to the Moon
Kotaro (Beachside)WaterNone890310Flow Dodger Trip-Taker Top Boss Master NinjaWeapon Spread All.pngReleasing Sea and SkyAvaricious Serpent?
Kijimuna (Canaan)WorldMagic732468Earthbound Protector of Island Winds Cultivator Thwarter of CalamitiesWeapon Spread All.pngSwaying Grove of Blessed TreesBanyan Haka
Jambavan (Nightmare)WaterThrust810600Bustler In Beast's Clothing Fiercely Tearful Royally SwampedWeapon Spread All.pngThe Unacceptably Busy KingDaughter of Jambavan?
Ifrit (Make Sail)AetherBlow951453Penny Pincher Band-Mate Shining One Flame SpreaderWeapon Spread All.pngHot-Headed Boorishness?Lesser Key of Conflagration
Hakumen (Nightclub)NetherBlow771429Lady Nuwa's Aide The One to Lean On Nightclub Owner Beauty FoxWeapon Spread All.pngPassionate Eyes See Great BeautyKeisei Sangoku?
Gyumao (Valentine)NetherMagic867333Love For All King of Gaochang Enterprising Entrepreneur Unstoppable ForceWeapon Spread All.pngLove and Alliances for Quicker DiplomacyUltimate Realization?
Girimekra InfernalBlow691509Vexed Contriver Overbearing Elephant Insufflating Mount Enduring Exchange StudentWeapon Spread All.pngFalling Acts and Rebellious WillAgainst It All
Furufumi WoodNone999200Scribe of Prophecy Catastrophe Auger Deliverance Author Archive KeeperWeapon Spread All.pngCentury Verse ReturnCenturies of Nostradamus
Echo WoodBlow768432Reverberator Nature's Resonator Paragon of First Love Adoring NymphWeapon Spread All.pngDrunk on Heartbroken TearsLove is Blind!
Echo (Valentine)NetherShot904296Refrain Idol Scouting Responder Never Forget to Reply Harmony VocalsWeapon Spread All.pngSign of a Stubborn Musical PeachAmantes Amentes?
Ebisu (Halloween)NetherBlow750450All Hallows' Mummy Stage Taker Dark Hand Ally InbetweenerWeapon Spread All.pngFailure to Attack One's DislikesBountiful Returns?
Durga (Nightmare)FireBlow740620Go-getter Hard Hitter Sweets Gobbler Emotional RulerWeapon Spread All.pngHesitating to Fool OneselfFirst in Glory?
Daikoku (Hot Paradise)NetherMagic395805Corpse Manager Shrouded Embodiment Cup Sharer InciterWeapon Spread All.pngAbundant Grudges Hidden in DarknessMahakala Mantra?
Claus WoodNone780420Ruler of Midgard Giver of Royal Orders Brother's Replacement Proclaimer of Good EndingsWeapon Spread All.pngBrotherly Crown of Wide Starry AccomplishmentHárbarðr Gambanteinn
Cipactli InfinityNone689511Irradiator Cycle's Pioneer Devouring One Huge Kaiju ActorWeapon Spread All.pngBlessings of Terrifyingly Huge SizeTlaltecuhtli
Christine All-RoundMagic756468Standing Ovation Mask Bearer Dreamer Ender of DreamsWeapon Spread All.pngFantasy EmbracePhantom Embrace
Behemoth NetherSlash850400Immoveable One Bulker Sacrifice Continent DevourerWeapon Spread All.pngExtreme High Time Pulling and BingingContinental Gorger
Babe Bunyan (Summer)InfernalShot891309Summer Waterfront Pioneer Performer of Tall Tales Inspired One Fearless CowboyWeapon Spread All.pngThe Monster Dreaming of Perfect ServiceFeet on the Ground?
Azathoth WorldSnipe661581Scorner Finisher Great Creator Lord of ChaosWeapon Spread All.pngLife is Dark, Death's a DreamMouth of Madness
Arc FireSnipe641592Finisher Restrainer Compensator Sin-bearerWeapon Spread All.pngIncinerated FaithPyre of Piety
Amatsumara FireBlow838451Coiler of the Dragon Hard Worker Dragonborn Mentor of the Next WaveWeapon Spread All.pngLightweight Stone OreIron-Gazed Dragon


Icon NameEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zhurong (Christmas)All-RoundThrust12161184Excited One Immesurable One Tight Hugger Independent on the Holy NightWeapon Spread All.pngMystic BrillianceColors of the Aurora
Wakan Tanka∞ WaterSnipe1405995Long Distancer Alltender Pillar of Heaven ImpartializerWeapon Spread All.pngPreeminent Great WishGrateful Sundance
Typhon (Make Sail)WaterMagic14971132Band-Mate Flirt Voice of the Seas Beach ProwlerWeapon Spread All.pngFierce Inverse Storm?Gigantic Typhoon Electric Mix
Tsukuyomi InfernalShot1820580Reflector of Desires Caster of Shadows Moonlight Incarnate Ruler of the NightWeapon Spread All.pngDrinking Inside Deep into the NightMidnight Maneater
Toji (Halloween)NetherMagic12301170Naive Vampire Lifedrainer Moonlight Basker Midnight ExorcistWeapon Spread All.pngInterest in Evil Teaches VirtueOrphaned Fangs?
Tindalos NetherNone10111389Devious Drooler Brigadoog Top Streamer Famished FidoWeapon Spread All.pngTelltale Calling Pointy TongueGift of Lycanthropy
Tangaroa (Canaan)WorldShot12721128The Anointed Inheritor of History One Who Toils Kairyu the CreatorWeapon Spread All.pngBloody Mountains And RiversLumia Kanaloa
Tajikarao (Summer)AetherLong Slash11231277Skin Barer Of Mighty Arms Sun Reveler Pleasant HandlerWeapon Spread All.pngHeavenly Gate CrasherMountain Mover
Shiva ValiantThrust9301470Shut Third Eye Universal Annihilator Undesirous Trio DividedWeapon Spread All.pngMany Swings from One AttackCrescent Trimurti
Shiro (Jamboree)AetherMagic1680720Commander Insightful Strategist Approaching the Gate Sworn AllyWeapon Spread All.pngCarefully Prepared Travel PlansCosmic Terror?
Shennong (Summer)WoodLong Slash1460940Toxic Presence Impetuous Sunshine Enthralling Dance Medicine BombWeapon Spread All.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Quantum NullNone1535865Breaker of Omniscience Transference Copycat Future Choosing Girl Thought Experiment SubjectWeapon Spread All.pngReflection of Uncertain Life StateStuck in Limbo
Perun WorldLong Slash12401160Upturner Cognition Scrambler Millstone Auteur Great OratorWeapon Spread All.pngOrigin and History of ThunderStatic Rewrite
Oscar InfernalNone14001000Hedonistic Playwright The Veiled Last Act Director Yurakucho PuppetmasterWeapon Spread All.pngMercurial CompositionGea■■ ■■n Cola■n?
Nekros&Bacchus NetherSnipe1571829Engulfer of Lust Consoler of Pain Surrounding Demise Lord of DegenerationWeapon Spread All.pngExtreme Withering SufferingUnderworld King's Staff
Masashi WorldSnipe12301170Brilliant Protagonist Dog Warrior of Benevolence Egotistic Boy Detective Spitting Image of YatsufusaWeapon Spread All.pngOverflow EnforcementBlade of the Beginning
Manticore FireBlow12641136Visiting Foreign Royalty Monster of Dissonance New Archery Club Member Weapon Beyond Visual RangeWeapon Spread All.pngThe Bungled Eight Basic Steps of ArcherySewochini Mibela Ch'irak'i
Kyoma DivineNone1979421Messenger of the Beginning Beloved Teacher Inorganic King of OmniscienceWeapon Spread All.pngA Flashing Ray of LightYakumo no Chigiri Alternative
Kuniyoshi (Nightmare)NetherMagic15901040Painter of Dreams Fantasy-Clad Reality Escapee King of the FurriesWeapon Spread All.pngLove of Beasts in My Native LandAuto-substantiation?
Krampus (Valentine)AetherThrust13251075Comet Striker Valentine's Hero Love Interest Here To HelpWeapon Spread All.pngAnticipated Unsung AdorationToll of the Wildebell?
Korpokkur WorldMagic1940460Hider in the Leaves Suppressor of Change Fickle Benefactor Blizzard CallerWeapon Spread All.pngPrecipitous Hailstorm of FrostCold Sky at Morning
Israfil InfernalSnipe14001000World Reverser Propheteer Lamourenter Rain ConductorWeapon Spread All.pngViolent Ends to Friendly BeginningsExitium In Excelsis
Hastur WoodThrust1850550Higher than the Winds Disaster Marker King in Yellow Humanity's DefilerWeapon Spread All.pngCreeping Plague Across the WorldYellow King's Sign
Gyumao FireLong Slash12931504Blood of the Beast Hulking Lord Celestial Hot-Head Eloquent SpeakerWeapon Spread All.pngExtreme ExpansionYes I Can!
Ded (Christmas)WaterSlash1720680Wind Gazer Red Hot Santa Wave Skipper Yin-YangerWeapon Spread All.pngWhat Fortune Goes Around Comes AroundRobgoblin Goodfellow?
Dagon InfernalSlash1716684One Who Bellows From the Dark Ruler of the Depths One Who Embraces the Pillar One Who Claws at the AbyssWeapon Spread All.pngCalling from the Deep Rooted DarknessOver Shadow
Curren & MS-C1 DivineShot1528872Needle Advancer Just the Two of Us Time Rewinder Initiative SubjectWeapon Spread All.pngTimeless RapidsClock Hands Time Accel
Cthugha FireSlash1615785Cheat Hero Solitary Star Living Inferno Almighty ExasperatorWeapon Spread All.pngBurning the Encroaching StarsFomalhaut Flare
Amduscias (Valentine)WoodShot11871213Lead Musician Candidate from Underground Roving Eyes Emerald IdolWeapon Spread All.pngThe Definition of Green with EnvyGrimoire Charm Eyes?
Amaterasu WorldNone13201080Retreating and Hiding Behind Iwato Eldest of the Three Children Shameless Ohirume Ruler of TakamagaharaWeapon Spread All.pngTrembling in Fear and GriefKashikodokoro no Kagami
Akiha Gongen WaterShot1460940Orange Rescuer Reliable Roper Waterfall Transcendent Firesnuffer TenguWeapon Spread All.pngFiery Will Breaking Protection RuleControlled Burn