
From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 06:04, 22 April 2018 by Ko (talk | contribs)
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About Me

Hello there, nice to meet you (i guess?). I started playing this game on mid March

so i don't have all event unit before Valentine Jail Event. Anyway, let's get along (Maybe?). ^v^

For this page, i used lots of references from other users in housamo wiki, Thank You :)

IGN  : Ko²

Friend ID  : 154,287,404

Started  : March 11th, 2018

Favorite Food  : Sweet, Tasty, and Salty Food :P

Food I Hate  : Extreme (like snake or bugs?) and Spicy food, i cant stand them at all >.<

Love Relationship  : <3 Inuzuka Shino Moritaka <3 || <3 (Sometimes i just call him Mori or Taka-chan) <3

Moritaka_3star_icon.png Moritaka_4star_icon.png Moritaka_Summer_expression_excited.png Moritaka_Valentine_expression_joy.png

Interested In  : Sitri Sitri_3star_icon.png Kamui Horkeukamui_3star_icon.png Shino Shino_3star_icon.png and some others... Unknown_icon.png

Main Team Leader  : Azazel Lv 55, SLv 100, CSLv 1


Companion List

Normal Gacha Units

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Asterios -
Azazel -
Ded -
Duo -
Gabriel -
Jambavan -
Kalki -
Kengo -
Ophion -
Pollux -
R-19 -
Shinya -
Taromaiti -

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Aizen -
Chouji -
Claude -
Gunzou -
Hakumen -
Hanuman -
Ibaraki -
Ifrit -
Juugo -
Kagutsuchi -
Kotarou -
Kyuuma -
Marchosias -
Motosumi -
Nomad -
Oniwaka -
Tadatomo -
Zabaniya -

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Ahab -
Ashigara -
Eita -
Fenrir -
Gandharva -
Gouryou -
Horkeukamui -
Jiraiya -
Makara -
Managarmr -
Melusine -
Moritaka -
Shuten -
Snow -
Touji -
Tsathoggua -
Typhon -

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Arslan -
Cusith -
Hougen -
Ikutoshi -
Krampus -
Kuniyoshi -
Kurogane -
Macan -
Nobuharu -
Nyarlathotep -
Ryouta -
Tangaroa -
Taurus Mask -
Temujin -
Volos -
Xolotl -

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Alice -
Andvari -
Barguest -
Bathym -
Chernobog -
Garmr -
Harlot -
Kenta -
Licht -
Lucifuge -
Maria -
Robinson -
Shirou -

Event Shop Units

Characters ☆3 ☆4 ☆5
Sitri -
Agyou -
Benten -
Joul -
Kijimuna -
Zaou -