Stat plus

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A Seed is an item that permanently enhance card properties. The seeding of a card also refers to the amount a card property has been enhanced by Seeds. Seeding refers to the act of using a Seed. Cards cannot be seeded indefinitely as a maximum seeding limit exists, the exact amount of which depends on the property being enhanced. A Blossom is an item that can further enhance the same card properties of a fully seeded card, and blossoming has a similar extended usage to that of seeding. Stat plus is used in this article to describe cases where a stat may be enhanced by a combination of Seeds and Blossoms.

Pooling across cards of the same unit

A given named unit may have several cards under their name, such as Licht having 3 cards ( Licht, Licht, and Licht (Valentine)). Stat plus is pooled across all such sibling cards when seeding a particular unit. Thus, all sibling cards benefit equally from existing stat plus and are enhanced equally from future Seed or Blossom usage.

Types of Seed

The types of seeds can be categorized by the maximum seeding each permits. These can further be divided into four classes of seed, each enhancing a different card property. The seeds and their categories are tabulated below.

Maximum seeding
+1000 +20 +10
HP ATK Level Limit Skill activation rate (%)
+1 Lesser HP Seed Lesser ATK Seed Level Seed Skill Seed
+3 HP Seed ATK Seed
+10 Greater HP Seed Greater ATK Seed

Upgrading with Seeds

Seeding a card costs Coins, and the exact amount depends on which property you wish to enhance, as well as how much the card has been already increased for that stat.

HP and ATK Seeds

If you attempt to upgrade a unit just below +1000 stat plus with a regular or Greater HP/ATK Seed to surpass the normal seeding threshold, the unit will instead cap at +1000 stat plus, wasting any stat plus increase above +1000, and you will not be able to add any more Seeds to the same batch.

For HP and ATK Seeds, the coin cost calculation is below:

Coinsinstance = nslots_filled×(100 + 50×⌊(stat plusi)/10⌋)


  • stat plusi is the stat plus the given property already has before the current seeding
  • ⌊(stat plusi)/10⌋ is the value given by dividing the stat plusi by 10 and rounding down (to the lower 1s place)
    • for example, if the stat plusi is 47, then (stat plusi)/10 is 4.7, and ⌊(stat plusi)/10⌋ is 4
    • this bit of calculation exists because the price of enhancement goes up by 50 for each time the stat plusi increases by 10 from 0 to +1000 stat plus
  • nslots_filled is the number of item slots used to enhance the given property with Seeds (maximum 5 slots used before calculation is updated)

The total cost of HP or ATK seeding up to the seeding limit of 1000 is dependent on which quality of seeds are used (Lesser, regular, or Greater) and how they are batched during each enhancement instance. The worst case cost scenario is exclusively using Lesser Seeds from 0 to 1000 seeding one at a time. This cost and its corresponding calculation is below:

= 10×[i=0,99]Σ(100 + 50i) passing all 100 cost ranges 10× each
=2 575 000

At worst, to fully seed either HP or ATK, 2 575 000 Coins need to be expended. To fully seed both, you would need double at 5 150 000 Coins, a bit over 5 million.

The best case cost scenario is exclusively using Greater Seeds from 0 to 1000 seeding in batches of 5. This cost and its corresponding calculation is below.

= [i=0,19]Σ(100 + 5×50i) passing 20 maximally distanced cost ranges once each
= 49500

At best, to fully seed either HP or ATK, 49500 Coins need to be expended. To fully seed both, you would need double at 99000, a bit under 100K.

Thus, the cost range to fully seed either HP or ATK is 49500 ~ 2 575 000 Coins, and the cost to fully seed both is 99000 ~ 5 150 000 Coins.

Level and Skill Seeds

For Level and Skill Seeds, the coin calculation is below:

Coinsinstance = 500 000×((stat plusi) + 1)

Unlike HP or ATK Seeds, both Level and Skill Seeds cannot be batched together in a single enhancement instance; i.e. they must be used one at a time. Thus, the cost for fully Level or Skill seeding a card does not change. The total cost for fully Level or Skill seeding a card (to +20 or +10, respectively) and its corresponding calculation is below.

= 500 000×[i=0,19]Σ(i + 1)
= 105 000 000

= 500 000×[i=0,9]Σ(i + 1)
= 27 500 000

The total amount to fully seed Level Limit is 105 million Coins, and to fully seed Skill activation rate is 27.5 million Coins. To fully seed both, you need 132.5 million Coins. Because Level and Skill seeding are this prohibitively expensive, this feature is sometimes considered end-game content.

Types of Blossoms

The types of blossoms are tabulated below.

Maximum Stat Enhancement with Blossoms
+1 Lesser HP Blossom Lesser ATK Blossom
+3 HP Blossom ATK Blossom
+10 Greater HP Blossom Greater ATK Blossom

Upgrading with Blossoms

In the same vein as HP/ATK Seeds, HP/ATK Blossoms enhance the stats of a card up to +2000 after it has hit the maximum seed limit of +1000. You may not use both stat seeds and stat blossoms in the same batch.

HP and ATK Blossoms

Blossoms may also be used within the range from 0 to +1000 stat plus, using the cost formula for HP/ATK Seeds found in the section in this page on Seeds. If you attempt to upgrade a unit just below +1000 stat plus with a regular or Greater HP/ATK Blossom to surpass the normal seeding threshold, the unit will surpass the +1000 stat plus. Any Blossoms added thereafter will follow the Blossom calculation found below. The calculation will still take 5 total item slots, including the Blossom sub-+1000 stat plus, before it updates (see calculation notes for details).

Coinsinstance = nslots_filled×(7600 + 75×⌊(stat plusi - 1000)/10⌋)


  • stat plusi is the stat plus the given property already has before the current blossoming
  • ⌊(stat plusi - 1000)/10⌋ is the value given by subracting the stat plusi by 1000, then dividing the stat plusi by 10 and rounding down (to the lower 1s place)
    • for example, if the stat plusi is 1047 (from +1000 seeding and +47 blossoming), then (stat plusi - 1000)/10 is 4.7, and ⌊(stat plusi - 1000)/10⌋ is 4
    • this bit of calculation exists because the price of enhancement goes up by 75 for each time the stat plusi increases by 10 from +1000 stat plus onward
  • nslots_filled is the number of item slots used to enhance the given property with Blossoms (maximum 5 slots used before calculation is updated)

The total cost of HP or ATK blossoming from +1000 up to the total stat plus limit of +2000 is dependent on which quality of blossoms are used (Lesser, regular, or Greater) and how they are batched during each enhancement instance. The worst case cost scenario is exclusively using Lesser Blossoms from 1000 to 2000 stat plus. This cost and its corresponding calculation is below:

= 10×[i=0,99]Σ(7600 + 75i) passing all 100 cost ranges 10× each
=11 312 500

At worst, to fully blossom either HP or ATK, 11 312 500 Coins need to be expended. To fully blossom both, you would need double at 22 625 000 Coins, over 20 million.

The best case cost scenario is exclusively using Greater Blossoms from 1000 to 2000 stat plus. This cost and its corresponding calculation is below.

= [i=0,19]Σ(7600 + 5×75i) passing 20 maximally distanced cost ranges once each
= 223 250

At best, to fully blossom either HP or ATK, 223 250 Coins need to be expended. To fully blossom both, you would need double at 446 500, a bit under 500K.

Thus, the cost range to fully blossom either HP or ATK is 223 250 ~ 11 312 500 Coins, and the cost to fully blossom both is 446 500 ~ 22 625 000 Coins.


  • Level 1-3 Seeds and level 3 Blossoms are usually found in Event Item Exchanges.
  • Level 3 Seeds may be obtained in Premium Ally Gacha.
  • Level 3 Blossoms are obtainable in Andvari's Shop.
  • Blossoms and Seeds are found in fixed quantities in Limited Seed/Blossom Dungeons.
  • Seeds and Blossoms of various levels can be found in Free Quests. Their drop rates are increased by having your team use the following:


AR Skill Afterschool Workshop (+5~10%)
The Queen of Kabukicho (+5~10%)


AR Skill Mother and Child (+5~10%)
For You and Only You (+5~10%)

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Anonymous user: 9d940ce3
No. 19573
5 months ago
Score 0 You
Frankly they need tô update tô at least level 120 or more because the enemies are becoming too much frustratingly hard
Anonymous user: 182be70d
No. 18825
9 months ago
Score 0 You
There's a couple that need to be added to the AR lists.
Anonymous user: c1f4bbb3
No. 6337
58 months ago
Score 0 You
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