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Daily Quests assist in giving you [[items]] which help strengthen characters, either by [[LV|leveling]] them up, raising their [[Skills#Skill_Levels|Skill Level]], or [[Limit Break]]ing to raise their level cap and unlock new skills.
Daily Quests assist in giving you [[items]] which help strengthen characters, either by [[LV|leveling]] them up, raising their [[Skills#Skill_Levels|Skill Level]], or [[Limit Break]]ing to raise their level cap and unlock new skills.

As the name suggests, the type of quests change daily, with each weekday focusing on giving you {{Item|Boost}}s of a specific energy, and the {{Item|Skill Up}}s of a specific weapon type. In quests for {{Item|Boost}}s, all enemies will be the same energy as the {{Item|Boost}}s you are getting as drops, and in quests for {{Item|Skill Up}}s, all enemies will have the same weapon type.
As the name suggests, the type of quests change daily, with each weekday focusing on giving you Breakthrough materials of specific [[attribute]]s and [[weapon type]]s. Daily Quests on weekends do not focus on a specific attribute or weapon type, however.

Daily Quests on weekends do not focus on a specific energy or weapon type, however.  {{Item|Boost}} Quests will give you {{Attribute|All}} {{Item|Boost}}s, Weapon Skill quests will drop {{Weapon|全武}} {{Item|Skill Up}}s, and [[Limit Break]] quests are replaced with {{Item|Coin}} farming quests.
The attributes and weapon types each day focuses on are summarized in the table below:

The energies and weapon types each day focuses on are summarized in the table below:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! Focus
! [[Daily Quest:Sunday|Sunday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Monday|Monday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Tuesday|Tuesday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Wednesday|Wednesday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Thursday|Thursday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Friday|Friday]]
! [[Daily Quest:Saturday|Saturday]]
! !! Monday !! Tuesday !! Wednesday !! Thursday !! Friday !! Sat. / Sun.
! Permanent availability
| colspan="7" align="center" | [[File:item_coins.png]][[File:item_boost_4star_all.png]][[File:item_soul_warrior.png]]
! rowspan=15 | Focus
! Attribute <br/>Breakthrough Materials
| [[File:item boost 4star aether.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_aether.png]] <br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_nether.png]]<br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_infernal.png]]<br>[[File:item_god_chunk_valiant.png]]<br>[[File:item_god_chunk_null.png]]<br>[[File:item god chunk god.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star fire.png]]  
| [[File:item_god_chunk_all.png]] <br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_aether.png]] <br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_infinity.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star water.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_fire.png]] <br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_infernal.png]] <br/> [[File:item god chunk god.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star wood.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_water.png]] <br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_valiant.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star nether.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_wood.png]] <br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_world.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star all.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_nether.png]]<br/> [[File:item_god_chunk_null.png]]
| [[File:item_god_chunk_all.png]]<br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_fire.png]] <br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_water.png]]<br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_wood.png]]<br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_world.png]]<br/>[[File:item_god_chunk_infinity.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk aether.png]]
! Weapon Licences
| [[File:item god chunk fire.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_shot.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_magic.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_wide_slash.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_snipe.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk water.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_slash.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk wood.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_pierce.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk nether.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_blow.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_none.png]]
| [[File:item coins.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_shot.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_snipe.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_magic.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_wide_slash.png]]
| [[File:item soul slash.png]]
| [[File:item_crest_preliminary_slash.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_pierce.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_blow.png]] <br/> [[File:item_crest_preliminary_none.png]]
| [[File:item soul pierce.png]]
| [[File:item soul blow.png]]
| [[File:item soul shot.png]]
| [[File:item soul magic.png]]
| [[File:item soul warrior.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary slash.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary pierce.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary blow.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary shot.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary magic.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk all.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star infernal.png]]
| [[File:item boost 4star valiant.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary wide slash.png]]
| [[File:item crest preliminary snipe.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk infernal.png]]
| [[File:item god chunk valiant.png]]
| [[File:icon item worldexp4.png]]
| [[File:icon item worldlimitbreak3.png]]

Keep time zones in mind, as Japan tends to be a day ahead of the West.
Keep time zones in mind, as Japan tends to be a day ahead of the West.
Basic information about which quests give which drops will be summarized in the table below.  For weekday quests element and weapon type drops will match what's shown in the table above. The quests are listed as they are in-game.
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="2" | Weekday Quests
! rowspan="10" style="background: white;" |
! colspan="2" | Weekend Quests
! Quest Name
! Drops
! Quest Name
! Drops
| ENERGY Simulation Battle/Beginner
| 1☆ and 2☆ {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ALL Simulation Battle/Beginner 
| 1☆ and 2☆ ALL-type {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ENERGY Simulation Battle/Intermediate
| 2☆ and 3☆ {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ALL Simulation Battle/Intermediate
| 2☆ and 3☆ ALL-type {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ENERGY Simulation Battle/Advanced
| 3☆ and 4☆ {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ALL Simulation Battle/Advanced
| 3☆ and 4☆ ALL-type {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ENERGY Simulation Battle/Super
| 3☆ and 4☆ {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ALL Simulation Battle/Super
| 3☆ and 4☆ ALL-type {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ENERGY Simulation Battle/Ultra
| 4☆ {{Item|XP Star}}s
| ALL Simulation Battle/Ultra
| 4☆ ALL-type {{Item|XP Star}}s
| WEAPON TYPE Skill Training/Beginner
| 1☆ and 2☆ {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| ALL Skill Training/Beginner
| 1☆ and 2☆ ALL-type {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| WEAPON TYPE Skill Training/Intermediate
| 2☆ and 3☆ {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| ALL Skill Training/Intermediate
| 2☆ and 3☆ ALL-type {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| WEAPON TYPE Skill Training/Advanced
| 3☆ and 4☆ {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| ALL Skill Training/Advanced
| 3☆ and 4☆ ALL-type {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| WEAPON TYPE Skill Training/Super
| 4☆ {{Item|Skill Up}}s
| Coin Battle/Beginner
| {{Item|Coin}}s (300-500)
| ENERGY Limit Break/Beginner
| {{Item|Spell Token}} and ({{Item:片}}) {{Item|God Shard}}
| Coin Battle/Intermediate
| {{Item|Coin}}s (2000-5000)
| ENERGY Limit Break/Intermediate
| {{Item|Spell Token}} and ({{Item:晶}}) {{Item|God Shard}}
| Coin Battle/Advanced
| {{Item|Coin}}s (4000-10000)
| ENERGY Limit Break/Advanced
| {{Item|Spell Token}} and ({{Item:塊}}) {{Item|God Shard}} and {{Item|Owner Medallion}}
| Coin Battle/Super
| {{Item|Coin}}s (8000-20000)
| WEAPON TYPE Limit Break/Intermediate
| {{Item|Provisional Proof of Mastery}}
| Coin Battle/Ultra
| {{Item|Coin}}s (15000-30000)
| WEAPON TYPE Limit Break/Advanced
| {{Item|Proof of Mastery}} and {{Item|Owner Medallion}}
For more information about how to handle each quest, see the following sections.  For detailed information about each quest, see the individual pages linked below.

For quest data, visit the links for each weekday. For information on a particular attribute or weapon type, visit the respective link.
<!-- 月 | Monday | HOLY | 斬撃 | Slash | -->
<!-- 月 | Monday | HOLY | 斬撃 | Slash | -->
===[[Daily Quest:Monday|Monday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Monday|Mondays]], you can collect {{Attribute|HOLY}} {{Item|Boost}}s and increase skill levels of {{Weapon:斬撃}}. In ordinance with the attribute advantage chart, while caution is required, {{Attribute|DARK}} companions are best to tackle through this day's simulation battles, and {{Weapon|Ranged}} or {{Weapon|Magic}} users for the skill training to avoid being slashed by attacking from a distance. Monday is also the day to collect materials to limit break {{Attribute|HOLY}} and {{Attribute|ALL}} companions.
[[Daily Quest:Monday|Monday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|All}}, {{attribute|Aether}}, {{attribute|Infinity}}, and {{weapon|Slash}} Transients.

<!-- 火 | Tuesday | FIRE | 突撃 | Pierce -->
<!-- 火 | Tuesday | FIRE | 突撃 | Thrust -->
===[[Daily Quest:Tuesday|Tuesday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Tuesday|Tuesdays]], you can collect {{Attribute|FIRE}} and {{Attribute|Shadow}} {{Item|Boost}}s  and increase skill levels of {{Weapon:突撃}} users. In ordinance with the attribute advantage chart, {{Attribute|WATER}} companions are best to tackle through this day's simulation battles, and {{Weapon|Slash}} or {{Weapon|Magic}} users for the skill training to avoid being pierced by attacking from the sides. Tuesday is also the day to collect materials to limit break {{Attribute|FIRE}} and {{Attribute|Shadow}} companions.
[[Daily Quest:Tuesday|Tuesday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|Fire}}, {{attribute|Infernal}}, {{attribute|God}}, and {{weapon|Thrust}} Transients.

<!-- 水 | Wednesday | WATER | 打撃 | Strike -->
<!-- 水 | Wednesday | WATER | 打撃 | Blow -->
===[[Daily Quest:Wednesday|Wednesday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Wednesday|Wednesdays]], you can collect {{Attribute|WATER}} and {{Attribute|Hero}} {{Item|Boost}}s and increase skill levels of {{Weapon:打撃}} users. In ordinance with the attribute advantage chart, {{Attribute|EARTH}} companions are best to tackle through this day's simulation battles, and {{Weapon|Slash}}, {{Weapon|Pierce}}, {{Weapon|Ranged}} or {{Weapon|Magic}} users for the skill training to avoid being striked by attacking from the sides or a distance. Wednesday is also the day to collect materials to limit break {{Attribute|WATER}} and {{Attribute|Hero}} companions.
[[Daily Quest:Wednesday|Wednesday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|Water}}, {{attribute|Valiant}}, {{weapon|Blow}}, and {{weapon|None}} Transients.

<!-- 木 | Thursday | WOOD | 射撃 | Ranged -->
<!-- 木 | Thursday | WOOD | 射撃 | Shot -->
===[[Daily Quest:Thursday|Thursday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Thursday|Thursdays]], you can collect {{Attribute|WOOD}} and {{Attribute|World}} {{Item|Boost}}s and increase skill levels of {{Weapon:射撃}} users. In ordinance with the attribute advantage chart, {{Attribute|FIRE}} companions are best to tackle through this day's simulation battles, and {{Weapon|Slash}} or {{Weapon|Magic}} users for the skill training by attacking from the sides. Thursday is also the day to collect materials to limit break {{Attribute|WOOD}} and {{Weapon|Snipe}} companions.
[[Daily Quest:Thursday|Thursday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|Wood}}, {{attribute|World}}, {{weapon|Shot}}, and {{weapon|Snipe}} Transients.

<!-- 金 | Friday | DARK | 魔法 | Magic -->
<!-- 金 | Friday | DARK | 魔法 | Magic -->
===[[Daily Quest:Friday|Friday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Friday|Fridays]], you can collect {{Attribute|DARK}} {{Item|Boost}}s and increase skill levels of {{Weapon:魔法}} users. In ordinance with the attribute advantage chart, {{Attribute|LIGHT}} companions are best to tackle through this day's simulation battles, and {{Weapon|Slash}} users for the skill training by attacking from the sides. Friday is also the day to collect materials to limit break {{Attribute|DARK}} and {{Weapon|Wide Slash}} companions.
[[Daily Quest:Friday|Friday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|Nether}}, {{attribute|Null}}, {{weapon|Magic}}, and {{weapon|Long Slash}} Transients.

<!-- 土 | Saturday | ALL | Coin | -->
<!-- 土 | Saturday | ALL | Coin | -->
===[[Daily Quest:Saturday and Sunday|Saturday and Sunday]]===
On [[Daily Quest:Saturday and Sunday|weekends]], you can acquire {{Attribute|ALL}} stars, weapon souls, and coins.
[[Daily Quest:Saturday|Saturday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|All}}, {{attribute|Fire}}, {{attribute|Water}}, {{attribute|Wood}}, {{attribute|World}}, {{attribute|Infinity}}, {{Weapon|Slash}}, {{Weapon|Thrust}}, {{Weapon|Blow}}, and {{Weapon|None}} Transients.

[[Daily Quest:Sunday|Sunday]] is the day to collect materials to limit break {{attribute|Aether}}, {{attribute|Nether}}, {{attribute|Infernal}}, {{attribute|Valiant}}, {{attribute|Null}}, {{attribute|God}}, {{Weapon|Shot}}, {{Weapon|Magic}}, {{Weapon|Long Slash}}, and {{Weapon|Snipe}} Transients.

[[Category:Daily Quests]]
== Notes ==
The chance of an Owner's Medallion dropping in the Advanced Limit Break quests is low, but it is there.

Latest revision as of 17:19, 29 November 2024

Banner daily b.png

Daily Quests are a special type of quest constantly available in Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.


Daily Quests assist in giving you items which help strengthen characters, either by leveling them up, raising their Skill Level, or Limit Breaking to raise their level cap and unlock new skills.

As the name suggests, the type of quests change daily, with each weekday focusing on giving you Breakthrough materials of specific attributes and weapon types. Daily Quests on weekends do not focus on a specific attribute or weapon type, however.

The attributes and weapon types each day focuses on are summarized in the table below:

Focus Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Permanent availability Item coins.pngItem boost 4star all.pngItem soul warrior.png
Breakthrough Materials
Item god chunk aether.png
Item god chunk nether.png
Item god chunk infernal.png
Item god chunk valiant.png
Item god chunk null.png
Item god chunk god.png
Item god chunk all.png
Item god chunk aether.png
Item god chunk infinity.png
Item god chunk fire.png
Item god chunk infernal.png
Item god chunk god.png
Item god chunk water.png
Item god chunk valiant.png
Item god chunk wood.png
Item god chunk world.png
Item god chunk nether.png
Item god chunk null.png
Item god chunk all.png
Item god chunk fire.png
Item god chunk water.png
Item god chunk wood.png
Item god chunk world.png
Item god chunk infinity.png
Weapon Licences Item crest preliminary shot.png
Item crest preliminary magic.png
Item crest preliminary wide slash.png
Item crest preliminary snipe.png
Item crest preliminary slash.png Item crest preliminary pierce.png Item crest preliminary blow.png
Item crest preliminary none.png
Item crest preliminary shot.png
Item crest preliminary snipe.png
Item crest preliminary magic.png
Item crest preliminary wide slash.png
Item crest preliminary slash.png
Item crest preliminary pierce.png
Item crest preliminary blow.png
Item crest preliminary none.png

Keep time zones in mind, as Japan tends to be a day ahead of the West.


For quest data, visit the links for each weekday. For information on a particular attribute or weapon type, visit the respective link.


Monday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element none.pngALL-ROUND, Element light.pngAETHER, Element infinity.pngINFINITY, and 0.45x ATK penaltySlash Transients.


Tuesday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element fire.pngFIRE, Element evil.pngINFERNAL, Element god.pngDIVINE, and 0.55x ATK penaltyThrust Transients.


Wednesday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element water.pngWATER, Element hero.pngVALIANT, 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow, and Icon weapon nothing.pngNone Transients.


Thursday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element earth.pngWOOD, Element world.pngWORLD, 0.45x ATK penaltyShot, and 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe Transients.


Friday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element dark.pngNETHER, Element zero.pngNULL, 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic, and 0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash Transients.


Saturday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element none.pngALL-ROUND, Element fire.pngFIRE, Element water.pngWATER, Element earth.pngWOOD, Element world.pngWORLD, Element infinity.pngINFINITY, 0.45x ATK penaltySlash, 0.55x ATK penaltyThrust, 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow, and Icon weapon nothing.pngNone Transients.


Sunday is the day to collect materials to limit break Element light.pngAETHER, Element dark.pngNETHER, Element evil.pngINFERNAL, Element hero.pngVALIANT, Element zero.pngNULL, Element god.pngDIVINE, 0.45x ATK penaltyShot, 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic, 0.32x ATK penaltyLong Slash, and 0.26x ATK penaltySnipe Transients.

[Show Comments]

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: f051b76d
No. 19052
8 months ago
Score 0 You
All of the new daily quests are a lot more accessible to new players, so hopefully they won’t be complaining about their difficulty
Anonymous user: 56b8868d
No. 1878
74 months ago
Score 0 You
Pretty sure all quests give rank exp, not just these level up quests.
Anonymous user: 9056cfc5
No. 1169
77 months ago
Score 0 You
Which quest does not give any rank xp?
Anonymous user: 37e6dff8
No. 1148
78 months ago
Score 0 You

So it's a one time rewards then? If you cleared before, it will remain cleared?

Or actually we can get the rewards from daily map again every month?
Anonymous user: 4f1eb2a3
No. 770
79 months ago
Score 0 You
The All-Round Spell token/God crystals are only for the All-Round types, so you have to get specific ones for the others
Anonymous user: c34d349c
No. 766
79 months ago
Score 0 You
What is confusing for me is that you can get All-Round Spell token/God crystals, but you can't use them. Or am I overlooking something?
Anonymous user: 097cd408
No. 627
80 months ago
Score 0 You
Cleared means you have ever cleared said quest and got the first time reward. Clearing it last week counts too.
Anonymous user: 3df65e32
No. 626
80 months ago
Score 0 You
why do some of the daily quests say cleared even if I hadn't done them that day?
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