Category:Hero companions

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This is a list of all Element hero.pngVALIANT companions currently in the game.

Icon NameWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKHP at Lv 60ATK at Lv 60Base skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Zabaniyya (Fashionista)Shot163589066115110Photogenic Figure Law Enforcer Meteor Chaser Purgatorial EscapeeWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Clear Vow From the Bottom of my HeartWrath of Longinus?
Xolotl (Hot Paradise)Slash142098066574533Stone Serpent Weaver Out of the Waters A Hand in the Underworld Noir of the White SunWeapon Spread Magic.pngLost in FoliageTwisted Bastion
White Yaksha Snipe775562943393Frightful Imp Lawbreaker Strutting Sprite Punishing PixieWeapon Spread Blow.pngオーガホーン
White Wraith Shot13810260493378Living in the Night Warming the Place Praiser Passing the HonorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDance In The Hall
White Trooper Shot13011055603867Mechaman Self Reinventor Bad Influence DischargerWeapon Spread Shot.pngタイムディセラレーション
White Trickster Magic11812256443783Generosity Demander Cursed Hides Wearer Interrupter Wildness BearerWeapon Spread Magic.pngPrank Attack!
White Tribe Shot12611659213808Islander Gardener Anointed One Citizen of DeathWeapon Spread Shot.pngTribal Secret Mystery
White Ranger Long Slash11013050414386Range Finder Hardsheller Warmonger InsectoidWeapon Spread Snipe.png機甲戦術
White Nightgaunt Slash11512558133614Swarming Aggressor Sanity Defiler Tickler Abyssal ScurrierWeapon Spread Slash.pngUFO Abduction
White Luchador Blow1706065093215Warmonger Jungle Jumper Midnight Mister Spreader of LunacyWeapon Spread Thrust.pngTécnica Favorita
White Livestreamer Shot12412649864445App Partier Enjoyer Performer PopularWeapon Spread Magic.pngMelancholic Livestream
White Drone Pilot None12212856173814Metacognizer Conveyor from Above Mopping Up Man-Machine SplicerWeapon Spread All.pngCritical Pointer
White Camouflager None10913158373590Infiltrator Skulker Blade Stasher Discord SowerWeapon Spread Shot.pngステルスフォース
White Agent Snipe13510559603467Disentangler Systemic Executor Digital Receiver Signal DividerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngDigital Rewrite
Volos (Beachside)Thrust65754361984214Happy Harvester Cutter of Ties Summery Spirit Sentimental SapWeapon Spread Magic.pngStraw Basket of Greens TipsBear Harvest
Valiant Senri Slash1419957293699Jumper Shielder Slum Assassin Cornered OneWeapon Spread Shot.pngMafia Bullet
Valiant Jiangshi Thrust2307065032948Stiff-limbed Lifeless One Shadow Stalker Tagged with a TalismanWeapon Spread Thrust.pngHollow Ring Moon
Valiant Giant Blow13410652444183Giant Persistor Fearless AdvancerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngMarch of the Giants
Valiant Ciramantep Slash12211855393888Givers and Takers of Menace Predators to Maturity Morning Marcher DisparagersWeapon Spread Slash.pngBear Claw
Valiant Angel Thrust705454604290Judgement Dealer Winged One Heavenly Messenger EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngGreater Stigmata
Valiant Alchemist Blow2428542625500Aspiring Alchemist Keen Bean Wisdom Spouter InscriberWeapon Spread Magic.pngAlchemy Spark
Tindalos (Summer)Magic153486693521838Soaked to the Skin Staff Employer Restraining One Summer ExposerWeapon Spread Magic.png令律執処Gift of Lycanthropy?
Thunderbird (Summer)Magic60359764833928Engulfer of Evil Appraiser Like Lightning Dream-guarding WingsWeapon Spread Magic.pngThe Bird Punishing Evil and Rewarding GoodClose-Woven Catcher?
Teda Snipe62157955944817Distant Beacon Force Expulsor Mass of Energy Gift of the SunWeapon Spread All.pngTale of Despairing at the SunSolar Prayer
Tanetomo Shot75544569953416Peony Planner Lovelorn Dancer Spiritual Dog Warrior AssassinWeapon Spread Shot.pngDeep Ruinous Wisdom in LovelinessAvenger's Blade
Tanetomo Slash38022066653206Tactician Ritual Dancer Spiritual Dog Warrior AssassinWeapon Spread Shot.pngDeep Ruinous Wisdom in LovelinessAvenger's Blade
Shiva Thrust930147058375353Shut Third Eye Universal Annihilator Undesirous Trio DividedWeapon Spread All.pngMany Swings from One AttackCrescent Trimurti
Shennong Thrust72447671793834Poisoner Antibody Factory Propagator of Plenty Heritor of the FlagWeapon Spread Magic.pngDoctor's Dozen DistractionsDoctor's Orders
Seth Magic42017861283810Voyager Wind Manipulator The Forgotten Travel GuardianWeapon Spread Magic.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Seth Magic72251864294076Voyager Wind Manipulator The Forgotten GuideWeapon Spread Magic.pngChaotic RestraintHeart of Chaos
Oniwaka (Setsubun)Long Slash172567573093881Time Devotee Survivor of Six Realms Fate Stopper Dream GrabberWeapon Spread Thrust.pngOne Oni ArmoryRavenous Hunter
Moritaka (Jamboree)Shot1330107072903900Samurai of Inheritance River Splasher Pillar to His Friends Bearer of ColdWeapon Spread Shot.pngQuick and Deft Surplus KnowledgeBlade of Ice?
Michael Slash31828252114661Similar to His Brother Wing-Inheriting Hero Supreme One JudgeWeapon Spread Magic.pngRuler of the Pure RealmIlu Kanaph Seraph
Michael Long Slash1250115058195370Resembling God Twelve-Winged Angel The Four Supreme Archangels Judge of the Heavenly WorldWeapon Spread Magic.pngRuler of the Pure RealmIlu Kanaph Seraph
Marduk Snipe63656464613950Celestial Ravager Dragon Tamer Prayer Venerator Flood BringerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngWeakening Opening Light from WithinVeil of Amar Utu
Kurogane (Nightglows)Snipe145294869264264Grounded Visionary Silver Fragmentator Abyssal Sunderer Young SupernovaWeapon Spread Snipe.pngTen Thousand Attentive Shot FlashesConstruct of the Gods?
Kengo (Valentine)Magic980142057345455Stalwart Contender Eternal Warrior Gloved Fighter Judgment EnforcerWeapon Spread Magic.pngWell-Tempered Fierce AttackGeant Basher?
Horkeu Kamui Slash163284466794555Cleaver of the Frozen Stars Vanguard Mountain Dweller Adorning OneWeapon Spread Magic.pngBrave and Loyal Freezing StrikeGallant Guardian
Hogen (Festival)Shot185082366824802Duality Wielder Rampager Conquerer of the Heavens Tengu WarriorWeapon Spread Long Slash.pngSix Swords, Three StrategiesBlade of Stratagem
Gullinbursti Blow40030052773732Unshakable Believer Fey Folk Frontline Fighter Old YellerWeapon Spread Thrust.pngReckless Foolish RushBoar-Headed Rush
Gullinbursti Slash65070059784493Unshakable Believer Giant Dominator Frontline Fighter War CrierWeapon Spread Thrust.pngReckless Foolish RushBoar-Headed Rush
Balor Blow36523558414031Death-Row Inmate Master Commander Giant Eye OpenerWeapon Spread None.pngSharp Manly Gaze and Suppressed VirtueGlare of the Doomed
Balor Blow65055059904421Captive Ruler Master Commander Giant Smoking EyeWeapon Spread None.pngSharp Manly Gaze and Suppressed VirtueGlare of the Doomed
Arsalan (Summer)Snipe1100130055555635Veteran Adventurer Summer-Maned Lion King Bestowed Green Sword User Ointment SoakerWeapon Spread Snipe.pngAstounding Guidance to New PlacesNardo Messiah?
Algernon Thrust31029055304342Mechaman Price Payer Time Traveler Clean SweeperWeapon Spread Shot.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet
Algernon Thrust66054058014610Mechaman Price Payer Time Traveler Fullmetal JanitorWeapon Spread Shot.pngDesperate Dreams in an Iron CurseMechanical Bouquet

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