[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply Debuff StrengtheningWhen holding removable debuffs: DEF Up by 0.1x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 50~100% [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff) to self / 45~90% [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)]Apply Remove DebuffRemove one debuff (Buff) to self / 100% [After DebuffDoes not trigger with skill-disabling debuffs. Does not trigger if debuff is nullified, reflected, or resisted. Shares timing with effect that inflicted debuff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when debuff is already held. Debuff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.]-400 HP to self / 100%
[After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to hit units / 15~30% [Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.]Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler of Munition enemies / 100%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.]+200~400 HP to self / 25~50% [Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.]Remove PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) / 50~100%
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply Curse StrengtheningWhile user has Curse: ATK Up by 5x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 50~100% [Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.]Deal 1.5x damage to Nullify DebuffPrevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff)-affected enemies Deal 1.5x damage to Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to hit units + Apply DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to self
"A Transient from the world of Kitezh who calls himself the Werewolf Czar, straddling the line between man and beast and vigilantly serving his faith as custodian of the frozen wastelands. In his home world, he trained an army of youths into an organized band of warriors who were taught to be merciless and spare no lives, including their own. When he stands on the battlefield himself, he carries in his hands a 10,000-pound mace and a shield draped in an amniotic Cowl which he claims to have been born with. Volkh sternly opposes the idea of any one child being singled out as a heroic sacrifice for the betterment of the world, instead believing with conviction that all children should be willing to sacrifice themselves, such that every one of them could be remembered as a hero. Even now, he sees no logical fallacy in this. He constantly tries to recruit any and every child he sees with a constitution that avails itself to the fleeting lifestyle of a warrior, though most children now avoid him as a result. He takes great pride in his homeland, and shows tremendous respect to the one who honors its values and beliefs as its representative."
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply Debuff StrengtheningWhen holding removable debuffs: DEF Up by 0.1x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 50~100% [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply CurseATK Down by 0.8x ~ 0.4x for 5 turns (Debuff) to self / 45~90% [When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)]Apply Remove DebuffRemove one debuff (Buff) to self / 100% [After DebuffDoes not trigger with skill-disabling debuffs. Does not trigger if debuff is nullified, reflected, or resisted. Shares timing with effect that inflicted debuff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when debuff is already held. Debuff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.]-400 HP to self / 100%
[After DebuffDoes not trigger with skill-disabling debuffs. Does not trigger if debuff is nullified, reflected, or resisted. Shares timing with effect that inflicted debuff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when debuff is already held. Debuff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.]Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to enemiesin Long Slash range / 25~50% [Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply CritATK Up by 2x ~ 4x for 1 turn (Buff) to self / 45~90% [Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.]Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler enemies Deal 1.5x damage to Ruler of Munition enemies / 100%
[After BuffDoes not trigger if buff is nullified or resisted. Shares timing with effect that bestowed buff. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. Will not trigger when buff is already held. Buff-type status skills self-activate with this timing.]+200~400 HP to self / 25~50% [Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.]Remove PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) / 50~100%
[When AppearingWhenever this unit appears in a battle for the first time. Happens before the start of the next player's turn. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply Curse StrengtheningWhile user has Curse: ATK Up by 5x for 999 turns (Irremovable Buff) to self / 50~100% [Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.]Apply Non-Debuff WeakeningWhen not holding removable debuffs: ATK Down by 0.5x, DEF down by 2.5x for 3 turns; When holding removable debuffs: DEF down by 1.9x for 3 turns* (Irremovable Debuff) to hit units / 45~90% [Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.]Deal 2x damage to Nullify DebuffPrevent receiving debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff)-affected enemies Deal 2x damage to Reflect DebuffReflect debuff once for 4 turns. Vanishes after use. (Buff)-affected enemies / 100%
Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to hit units + Apply DEF UpDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 4 turns (Buff) to self + +4~8 CP to self
"Volkh, born from a human, bears an amniotic Cowl as his Sacred Artifact which he's supposedly been wearing since his time in the womb. Its Rule allows it to dispel any curse or dissipate any cold temperatures, and he views it as a physical symbol of his mother's love. Volkh is affiliated with the Invaders guild, known for their incursions and revolutionary activities, and one fellow revolutionary shows a great deal of fondness toward him on account of the beast that dwells within him. Based on memories of past events, Volkh considers Kamui Kotan's Silver Wolf to be his arch-nemesis, while harboring a kinship of fate toward a certain vampire who's connected to his faith in the amniotic Cowl."
Is named after the East Slavic figure Vseslav of Polotsk, who was one of the more famous rulers of Polotsk and was briefly a Grand Prince of Kiev. In modern Belarusian he is known as Usiasłaŭ the Sorcerer; in Russian he is Vselav Charadei or Vseslav Veshchii, Vseslav the Sorcerer or Vseslav the Seer. He appears in the Old East Slavic 12th century epic titled "The Tale of Igor's Campaign, where Vseslav was depicted as a werewolf.
Vseslav of Polotsk was also thought to be the basis of the bogatyr (a type of character in East Slavic literature) called Volkh Vseslavich or Volga Sviatoslavich found in a cycle of an Old Russian oral poem byliny. The character was thought to have the ability to transform into a wolf and other animals.
Volkhv was a title given to priests of pre-Christian Slavic religion. The word "volk" (волк) is also Russian for "wolf".
He carries with him a shield crafted from the amniotic membrane he was born with, this is a reference to the "Russian Primary Chronicle" where Vseslav was conceived by sorcery and that he was born with a caul or cowl (Caput galateum), a fragment of the amniotic sac that covers the head upon birth, and was thought to be a sign of good luck.
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till my jaw locks. till i am no longer able to walk. till my knees give out. till the bed breaks in half. till my throat is sore. till i black out unconscious. till the room stinks. till my organs are rearranged. till my hole remembers the shape. till the walls collapse on us.
> "Volkh is hostile to the idea of a single child being raised as a hero and a sacrifice to the world. He instead believes that all children should be raised as heroes and sacrifices to the world. Even now he does not realize the logical failure present in this viewpoint."
can someone explain the contradction? i really too stupid to process
The connection to Kamui is likely due to the connection between ancient Ainu and Siberian populations and common cultural roots. Of course, ancient Siberians don't have much to do Slavic mythology, but I guess the connection was enough to gin up some fun game drama a la Hakkenshi.
He good combine with Mephistopheles to apply Deal with the Devil / Pierce of Contract, If you well play Volkh will be Monster but this is very risky too.
Volkh dead for sure If you cant apply Deal with the Devil every 2 turn or you can't move Mephis Because he got Oppression / Fear / Break or Paralysis
Still have a problem Because U cant let Mephis dead, If him dead he will apply Countdown entire board yeah... Volkh and your allies will dead by Countdown too.
That’s how I felt when trying to pull Summer Hombretigre but instead they gave me so many Summer Algernons, I had to wait until the banner returned near the end of last year to finally get Summer Hombre. While we’re on this topic, I have gotten at least one variant of every unit in the current banner (I got both 3 and 4 star Mephistopheles and that other guy) except Volkh Vseslav. I haven’t even gotten his 3 star yet.
He works quite well with Mephistopheles. His buff and debuff are both irremovable so Volkh can get the benefits of a debuff and the boost of Meph's contract without risk, especially since Volkh has no move based skills.
Ok, it seems like this guy is the biggest case of high risk high reward. He gets stronger from debuffs and that’s not even mentioning a 5x boost if one of them is Curse, which he can apply to himself every turn, and on the rare occasion he’s fighting someone with Nullify/Reflect Dubuff hedealsevenmore damage.
That said, he takes damage every time he’s debuffed, he loses debuffs when hit, and combine that with him being a blow type, meaning he pretty much has to be in the front, and his Infernal attribute, which is weak to everything except World and All, and he may not utilize his full power for long. Doesn’t help that making a team specializing in inflicting debuffs on yourself isn’t exactly easy since that’s not something you’d normally want to do. Especially if most of your team doesn’t benefit from them.
Please tell me I am not the only one considering making a team of Volkv, Horkeu, and Kimun? That is assuming I can actually pull Vseslav in the 1st place.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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