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JP Name 教え導く者
Trigger timing Quest StartWhen a Quest is initiated. Triggers regardless of slotting (functions on sub and support slots, unless specified). Not interrupted when this unit leaves battle.
Effect Additional XP (+10%)
Proc Chance 100%
Evolution(s) Mentor+

Transients with 教え導く者

Icon NameRarityEnergyWeapon typeBase HPBase ATKBase skill (Def.)Base skill (LB1)Base skill (LB2)Base skill (LB3)Charge skill
Ded 5NetherShot1650880Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Mentor Judge and JuryWeapon Spread Magic.pngClear Dividing OrderRobgoblin Goodfellow
Triton 3WaterMagic359266Flow Diverter Wave Bender Mentor ForefatherWeapon Spread All.pngResounding Yell in Still WaterConch's Call
Jinn 3FireSlash409256Gourmand Vanguard Mentor The Hot-bloodedWeapon Spread Magic.pngSmoke-Clouded EyesVow of the Djinn
Kresnik 3AetherSlash290310Silver Shooter Mentor Cowl-Clad InterceptorWeapon Spread Magic.pngCrossfire Information SupportWarding Cross
Boogeyman 3NetherSlash334266Tragic Actor Icy Gazer Mentor Fair ExchangerWeapon Spread Slash.pngA Gentle Dream All DayFear of Darkness
Sandayu 3InfernalShot340260Subdivisor Enfeebler Mentor EscapistWeapon Spread Shot.pngA Million Collective OpeningsIga Shadow Division
Qinglong 3WoodBlow50298Youth Parole Officer Mentor Tai-Chi Adept Dragon of FortuneWeapon Spread Blow.pngSix Merits of the Dragon SpellProtection of the Sage Dragon
Avarga 3WoodBlow390210Grappler Dragon Slayer Mentor Storm RiderWeapon Spread Blow.pngTalons of the GalesStromforged Khangarid
Raven Arthur 3AetherSlash318282Superintendant Mentor Swinging Down Reincarnated CrowWeapon Spread Slash.pngFlash of FoolishnessCache de Papegau
Ded 3AetherThrust400250Fortune Dealer Fey Folk Mentor Spinner of FateWeapon Spread Magic.pngClear Dividing OrderRobgoblin Goodfellow
Kyoma 3All-RoundSlash493107User Mentor Becoming Man Seeker of OmniscienceWeapon Spread Slash.pngA Flashing Ray of LightYakumo no Chigiri Alternative

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Anonymous user: 15dd90fc
No. 4131
62 months ago
Score 0 You


Add a note to this page for better visibility because noone ever reads comments on skill pages
Anonymous user: 63f88b65
No. 4128
62 months ago
Score 0 You
In case you are curious, yes mentor stacks, and yes it stacks with that Jinn and Triton AR card that boosts exp and funnels it onto one character, and yes sticking that card on your level 79/80 Christmas Aegir and running an abandoned school quest with all four mentors will max him out in a single run. Exp stars may still be the fastest way to get your character up to LB4, but once they're there it's time for the Sensei Squad to PUMP THEM UP.
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