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A list of items to later expand upon, since the Items template sometimes links to items of their own page.
A list of items to later expand upon, since the Items template sometimes links to items of their own page.

= {{Item|Coin}}s =
= Coins =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Coin|size=large}}

{{Item|Coin}}s are used for various mechanics throughout the game.
{{Item|Coin}}s are used for various mechanics throughout the game.

[[LV|Leveling]], [[Limit_Break|limit breaking]], and [[Skills#Skill_Levels|skill ups]] all consume coins.
[[LV|Leveling]], [[Limit_Break|limit breaking]], and [[Skills#Skill_Levels|skill ups]] all consume coins. Most notably, using skill and level [[seed]]s costs a significant amount of coins. To fully LV or Skill seed a unit to the tenfold maximum, 22.5 million coins are required.
Currently, [[Daily Quest|Earning Coin at Work]], which are available every day, are the best way to stock up on coins. Thus, saving stamina drinks for special events where the stamina cost for Earning Coin at Work are halved is the quickest and most reliable way to grind. Events that feature coins and with special login bonuses are also good sources of coin.
Certain skills give an extra bonus to the coin payout at the end of a quest:
{{Skills that use effect|Add Coin|format=small|show=modifier}}
<!--A few AR skills also give an extra bonus to the coin payout, namely {{AR Equipment|id=1008}} and {{AR Equipment|id=2011}}.-->
<!--{{Skill list|tag=Add Coin|type=AR Skill}}-->
= Ally Points =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Ally Points|size=large}}
{{Item|CoOp Pt}}s are used primarily for their designated [[Gacha]].
{{Item|CoOp Pt}}s can be received through any battle (10 FP for using a non-friend as support or for a non-friend using your support; 25 for using a friend support or for a friend using your support; and 100 points for using a given AI support), [[Login Bonus|Login Incentive]]s, or [[Event Quest]]s' event shops.
Certain skills increase the Ally Point payout at the end of a quest:
{{Skills that use effect|Add FP|format=small|show=modifier}}
= AR Tokens =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=AR Token|size=large}}
{{Item|AR Token}}s are used to upgrade the level of [[AR Equipment]]. Increasing AR's level improves the [[ATK]] and [[HP]] bonus it gives but not the skill effects. More info on AR leveling can be found [[Akashic_Records#AR_Equipment_Level|here]].
{{Item|AR Token}}s can be acquired through completions of [[Dungeon Quest]]s as well as purchases in the [[Event Quest]] Item Exchanges.
= Lamp Oil =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Lamp Oil|size=large}}
{{Item|Lamp Oil}} is used to replenish DP (dungeon stamina). Each item replenishes 1 DP.
It can be obtained from tutorial missions and occasional login rewards.
= Piece of Yog-Sothoth's Memory =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Piece of Yog-Sothoth's Memory|size=large}}
Obtained at the end of [[Main Quest:Chapter 7|Chapter 7]]. Does nothing.
= Rainbow Shards =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|jp name=虹のかけら|size=large}}

= {{Item|Stone}}s =
{{Item|Rainbow Shard}}s are the rewards obtained in [[Weekly Missions]]. They can only be used as a currency in [[Andvari's Shop]] where they can be exchanged for various resources as well as items from the past events.
[[File:Summoning Stone.png|thumb]]

{{Item|Summoning Stone}}s are used for various mechanics throughout the game.
= Bookmarks of the Past =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Bookmark of the Past|size=large}}

Summoning through [[gacha]] and replenishing [[stamina]] both consume {{Item|Summoning Stone}}s.
{{Item|Bookmark of the Past}} is an item obtained from [[Login Bonus]]es. These items can be used to view [[Special Quest]]s from Past Events Beneath the Tower of Babel.

{{Item|Summoning Stone}}s can be purchased in the [[Menu#Shop|shop]]
Each Bookmark can also be exchanged for 100x{{Item|Rainbow Shard}}s in [[Andvari's Shop]] and vice versa.

= {{Item|Ticket}} =
{{Item|Ticket}}s can be used to pull one unit from any regular [[Gacha]].

{{Item|Ticket}}s are given as part of [[Login Bonus|Login Incentives]] or part of an [[Event Quest]]'s event shop.

= {{Item|XP Star}}s =
= Transient Stones =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Transient Stone|size=large}}
{{Item|Transient Stone}}s are used for various mechanics throughout the game such as summoning through [[gacha]] and replenishing [[stamina]].
{{Item|Transient Stone}}s are obtainable through first-time completion of most quests and through login bonuses. They can be purchased in the [[Menu#Shop|shop]] either through the usage of {{Item|Rainbow Shard}}s in [[Andvari's Shop]] or through using real life currency to buy Stone Packs.
It is noteworthy to keep in mind that there are two types of Transient Stones. There are Free Transient Stones, obtained through the aforementioned quests and login bonuses alongside being bundled in Stone Packs. Then there are Paid Transient Stones which are only available through the Stone Packs bought with real life currency. There is very little differentiation between the two with the exception that Paid Transient Stones will occasionally be used in exclusive gachas that only allow for their usage in rolls. It should be noted that these kinds of gachas are infrequently offered.
It is recommended to only spend stones on gacha as they are one of the main resources used to perform summoning and obtain new [[Catalog|Transient]]s and [[AR Equipment]], which includes event-exclusive units as well.
= Stamina Drinks =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Stamina Minor|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Stamina Major|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Stamina Drink|size=large}}
Stamina Drinks are used to gain stamina (AP).
{{Item|Stamina Drink}}s restore AP to various degrees: by 10 AP ({{Item|Stamina Minor}}), by Half capacity rounded up ({{Item|Stamina Major}}), and by Max capacity ({{Item|Stamina Drink}}).
These items are usually a part of [[Login Bonus|Login Incentives]] and [[Event Quest]]'s event shop.
= Lil' Salomon Ticket =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Lil' Salomon Ticket|size=large}}
{{Item|Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s can be used to pull one unit from any regular [[Gacha]].
{{Item|Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s are given as part of [[Login Bonus|Login Incentives]], or part of an [[Event Quest]]'s event shop. Another way to obtain them is purchasing the tickets in [[Andvari's Shop]]. They are also reward for completing certain time-limited High Difficulty Quests during Events.
= AR Lil' Salomon Ticket =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=AR Lil' Salomon Ticket|size=large}}
Just like {{Item|Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s, {{Item|AR Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s can be used to pull one unit from any [[Gacha:AR Equipment|AR Gacha]].
{{Item|AR Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s are given as part of [[Login Bonus|Login Incentives]], or part of an [[Event Quest]]'s event shop. They can also be obtained in [[Andvari's Shop]].
= Gold, Rainbow, and Platinum Lil' Salomon Tickets =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Gold Lil' Salomon Ticket|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Platinum Lil' Salomon Ticket|size=large}}
{{Item|Gold Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s and {{Item|Rainbow Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s are both given to brand new players after account creation. They are only obtained once per account and will not be given out again unless you make a new account. The Gold tickets are used to trade in for a single 3star non-Limited unit, and the Rainbow tickets are traded in for a single 5star non-Limited unit.
{{Item|Platinum Lil' Salomon Ticket}}s are only given out during the [[Anniversary]] events, usually in an amount equal to the years that anniversary is celebrating. These tickets are traded in for any 4star non-Limited unit, AR, and Seeds and Blossoms.
= Guild Membership Seal =
{|class="wikitable floatright"
<!--|{{Item icon|en name=Guild Membership Seal|size=large}}-->
|[[File:Guild Membership Seal.png|100px]]
Similar to {{Item|External Guild Subcontract}}s, {{Item|Guild Membership Seal}}s are used to add the Guild affiliation on your transients that you have, other than {{Transient icon|Protagonist}} and {{Transient icon|The Hero}} unit. It can be obtained through limited-time events, the Andvari Shop, and tutorial missions, and is also scheduled to drop in some quests.
Each guild is only allowed up to three non-standard affiliated units. This means if you dispatch two units to a guild such as the Summmoners, and they didn't initially belong to that guild, you will need to reassign one of those units before adding in a different one. Please note the {{Transient icon|Protagonist}} and {{Transient icon|The Hero}} don't count towards this total.
= Forget-Me-Nots =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Forget-Me-Not|size=large}}
{{Item|Forget-Me-Not}}s are used to break up a [[Love Quest|Love]] relationship.
{{Item|Forget-Me-Not}}s can be obtained through some [[Event Quest]]'s event shops or [[Andvari's Shop]].
= External Guild Subcontract =
{|class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=External Guild Subcontract|size=large}}
{{Item|External Guild Subcontract}}s are used to change the Guild affiliation on your {{Transient icon|Protagonist}} and {{Transient icon|The Hero}} unit. This can be helpful when your trying to increase Guild Affiliation boosts for other Guilds.
{{Item|External Guild Subcontract}}s can be obtained through some [[Event Quest]]'s event shops or [[Andvari's Shop]].
= Guild Alliance Certificate =
{|class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Guild Alliance Certificate|size=large}}
{{Item|Guild Alliance Certificate}}s are used to unlock new Guild Affiliations alongside leveling up your current Guilds' stat boosts.
{{Item|Guild Alliance Certificate}}s can be obtained through some [[Event Quest]]'s event shops or [[Andvari's Shop]].
= XP Stars =
[[File:XP_Star_1star_portraits.gif|thumb|{{Star|1}} {{Item|XP star}}s]]
[[File:XP_Star_1star_portraits.gif|thumb|{{Star|1}} {{Item|XP star}}s]]

{{Item|XP Star}}s are a common drop throughout quests. They are solely used to raise a unit's [[LV|level]].
{{Item|XP Star}}s are a common drop throughout quests. They are solely used to raise a unit's [[LV|level]].

{{Item|XP Star}}s come in four rarities, and 6 energies.
{{Item|XP Star}}s come in four rarities (S, M, L, and G), and 9 energies including one omni-type (e.g. {{Item|G All-Round Boost}}).
Boosts can be obtained in [[Daily Quest]]s and various [[Free Quest]]s, including the event ones. They can also be obtained in bulk in Event Item Exchanges.

= {{Item|Skill Up}}s =
= Skill Ups =
[[File:Skill_Up_1star_portraits.gif|thumb|{{Star|1}} {{Item|Skill Up}}s]]
{{Item|Skill Up}}s are also a (relatively) common quest drop. These items are solely used to raise a unit's [[Skills|Skill Level]].
{{Item|Skill Up}}s are also a (relatively) common quest drop. These items are solely used to raise a unit's [[Skills|Skill Level]].

{{Item|Skill Up}}s also come in four rarities, and five weapon types plus one omni-type.
{{Item|Skill Up}}s also come in four rarities (S, M, L, G), and all weapon types plus one omni-type (e.g. {{Item|Warrior Soul G}}).

= {{Item|CoOp Pt}} =
Souls can be obtained in [[Daily Quest]]s and various [[Free Quest]]s, including the event ones. They can also be obtained in bulk in Event Item Exchanges.
{{Item|CoOp Pt}}s are used primarily for their designated [[Gacha]].

{{Item|CoOp Pt}}s can be received through any battle (10 each for using a non-friend as support, 25 for using a friend, and 100 points for using a given AI support), [[Login Bonus|Login Incentive]]s, or [[Event Quest]]s' event shops.

= {{Item|Seed}}s =
= Spell Tokens =
{{Item|Seed}}s are primarily used to further raise the stats (HP and ATK) of units.
{| class="wikitable floatright"

{{Item|Seed}}s are quite rare, as they can only (outside of special quests) be received through the [[Gacha#Premium Co-op Gacha|Premium Ally Gacha]] or [[Event Quest]]s event shop.
Every stage of limit breaking requires spell tokens, also proportional to their rarity and stage.

= {{Item|Spell Token|link=false}} =
You can acquire Spell Tokens by completing specific [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]] or by purchasing them in the [[Event Quest]] Item Exchanges.
= Shards, Crystals and Clusters =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
{| class="wikitable floatright"

Every stage of limit breaking requires spell tokens, also proportional to their rarity and stage.
While any attribute-matching Spell Token will do for any stage, each stage of limit breaking requires a specific kind of Power Stone. For example, Fire Power Stones include {{Item|Fire Shard}}, {{Item|Fire Crystal}}, and {{Item|Fire Energy Cluster}}, respective to each next limit break stage.
You can acquire the other Power Stones through [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]] or by purchasing them in the [[Event Quest]] Item Exchanges.

You can acquire Spell Tokens by completing a specific [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]].
= Crests and Preliminary Crests =
= {{Item|God Shard|link=false}} =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
{| class="wikitable floatright"
For stage 2 and beyond, limit breaking requires a Licenses that corresponds to a character's weapon type/attack pattern. For example, Blow Licenses include {{Item|Preliminary Blow Crest}} and {{Item|Blow Crest}}, respective to each next limit break stage.

While any attribute-matching Spell Token will do for any stage, each stage of limit breaking requires a specific kind of God Shard.
Like Spell Tokens and God Shards, these can also be obtained during [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]] or by purchasing them in the [[Event Quest]] Item Exchanges.

You can acquire the other God Shards through [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]].
= Honor Medallions =
= {{Item|Proof of Mastery|link=false}} =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Honor Medallion|size=large}}
For stage 2 and beyond, limit breaking requires a proof of mastery that corresponds to a character's weapon type/attack pattern.
For the 3rd stage of [[limit break]]ing, {{Item|Honor Medallions}} are required. These are best obtained through Event Shops, but [[Character Quest]]s and [[Gacha:Co-op|FP gacha]] are also possible sources.

Like Spell Tokens and God Shards, these can also be obtained during  [[Daily Quest|Daily Quests]].
= Keys =
= {{Item|Owner Medallion|link=false}} =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|jp name=開拓の銀の鍵の欠片|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|jp name=無窮の銀の鍵の欠片|size=large}}
| [[File:Limit Medallion.png]]
|{{Item icon|en name=Silver Key of Abundance Shard|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|jp name=根絶の銀の鍵の欠片|size=large}}
The key items are used as a currency in [[Dungeon Quest]]s. They are used to make progress in the Proceed Quests. After all Proceed Quests are finished, a new Exploration quest is unlocked which lets the player exchange keys for {{Item|AR Token}}s.
Currently the only way to obtain keys is by completing [[Dungeon Quest]]s.
= Capacity Increase =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Capacity Increase (XP)|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Capacity Increase (Skill)|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Capacity Increase (Seeds)|size=large}}
Capacity Increase items are used to increase the inventory capacity of their associated object. XP with XP Stars, Skill with Skill Ups, and Seeds with Seeds. The only way to uptain these is through increasing your [[Guild Rank]] or through [[Andvari's Shop]].
Beginning from Version 5.1.0, all the inventory capacity limit has been removed. Thus all the Capacity Increase items has also been removed from [[Guild Rank]] and [[Andvari's Shop]]. The existing Capacity Increase items has be replaced by 100 {{Item|Rainbow Shard}}s/item .
= Seeds =
{{See|Stat plus}}
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|{{Item icon|en name=Greater HP Seed|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Greater ATK Seed|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Level Seed|size=large}}
|{{Item icon|en name=Skill Seed|size=large}}
For the last stage of limit breaking, you can obtain this by completing Character Quests.<br />
{{Item|Seed}}s are primarily used to further raise the stats (HP, ATK) of units as well as their level and skill rates.
Owner Medallions also have a small chance of dropping from both Advanced (40 stamina) ELEMENT Limit Break and WEAPON TYPE Limit Break daily quests. It's unknown which of these quests has the higher chance of dropping one, if there's any difference at all.
{{Item|Seed}}s are currently best obtained through [[Event Quest]]s event shop and special login bonuses, but are also obtainable in the [[Gacha#Premium Co-op Gacha|Premium Ally Gacha]]. They are most reliably obtained in various Free Quests that start to be unlocked upon completion of [[Main Quest|Chapter 8]] onward.
Certain skills increase the drop rates of Seeds from Free Quests:
{{Skills that use effect|Add 122|format=small|show=modifier}}
= Blossoms =
{{See|Stat plus}}

= {{Item|Seed}}s =
{| class="wikitable floatright"
{| class="wikitable floatright"
|[[File:Kernel HP 3.png]]
|{{Item icon|en name=Greater HP Blossom|size=large}}
|[[File:Kernel ATK 3.png]]
|{{Item icon|en name=ATK Blossom|size=large}}
Similarly to ATK and HP seeds, Blossoms are used to increase the respective stats of units. They are only available for use after a unit had their HP or ATK maxed out with seeds (at +1000).
Generally, Blossoms are much more difficult to obtain compared to seeds. They're most commonly found in [[Event Quest]] event shops and limited [[Dungeon Quest]]s. They can also obtained in various Free Quests that start to be unlocked upon completion of [[Main Quest|Chapter 12]] onward.
Certain skills increase the drop rates of Blossoms from Free Quests:
{{Skills that use effect|Add 542|format=small|show=modifier}}

Latest revision as of 15:53, 28 November 2024

A list of items to later expand upon, since the Items template sometimes links to items of their own page.


Coins are used for various mechanics throughout the game.

Leveling, limit breaking, and skill ups all consume coins. Most notably, using skill and level seeds costs a significant amount of coins. To fully LV or Skill seed a unit to the tenfold maximum, 22.5 million coins are required.

Currently, Earning Coin at Work, which are available every day, are the best way to stock up on coins. Thus, saving stamina drinks for special events where the stamina cost for Earning Coin at Work are halved is the quickest and most reliable way to grind. Events that feature coins and with special login bonuses are also good sources of coin.

Certain skills give an extra bonus to the coin payout at the end of a quest:

Base Skill Wealth Bringer (+2%)
     Aether Lucky Cat
Gold Grabber (+5%)
Prideful Boaster (+15%)
     Andvari (Beachside)
AR Skill Heading for the Treasures Everywhere (+5~10%)
Wisemen of the East (+10~15%)
A Peaceful Day (+5~10%)
A Special Moment After Work (+5~10%)

Ally Points

Ally Points are used primarily for their designated Gacha.

Ally Points can be received through any battle (10 FP for using a non-friend as support or for a non-friend using your support; 25 for using a friend support or for a friend using your support; and 100 points for using a given AI support), Login Incentives, or Event Quests' event shops.

Certain skills increase the Ally Point payout at the end of a quest:

AR Skill Made Along the Way (+50~100%)

AR Tokens

AR Tokens are used to upgrade the level of AR Equipment. Increasing AR's level improves the ATK and HP bonus it gives but not the skill effects. More info on AR leveling can be found here.

AR Tokens can be acquired through completions of Dungeon Quests as well as purchases in the Event Quest Item Exchanges.

Lamp Oil

Lamp Oil is used to replenish DP (dungeon stamina). Each item replenishes 1 DP.

It can be obtained from tutorial missions and occasional login rewards.

Piece of Yog-Sothoth's Memory

Obtained at the end of Chapter 7. Does nothing.

Rainbow Shards

Rainbow Shards are the rewards obtained in Weekly Missions. They can only be used as a currency in Andvari's Shop where they can be exchanged for various resources as well as items from the past events.

Bookmarks of the Past

Bookmark of the Past is an item obtained from Login Bonuses. These items can be used to view Special Quests from Past Events Beneath the Tower of Babel.

Each Bookmark can also be exchanged for 100x Rainbow Shards in Andvari's Shop and vice versa.

Transient Stones

Transient Stones are used for various mechanics throughout the game such as summoning through gacha and replenishing stamina.

Transient Stones are obtainable through first-time completion of most quests and through login bonuses. They can be purchased in the shop either through the usage of Rainbow Shards in Andvari's Shop or through using real life currency to buy Stone Packs.

It is noteworthy to keep in mind that there are two types of Transient Stones. There are Free Transient Stones, obtained through the aforementioned quests and login bonuses alongside being bundled in Stone Packs. Then there are Paid Transient Stones which are only available through the Stone Packs bought with real life currency. There is very little differentiation between the two with the exception that Paid Transient Stones will occasionally be used in exclusive gachas that only allow for their usage in rolls. It should be noted that these kinds of gachas are infrequently offered.

It is recommended to only spend stones on gacha as they are one of the main resources used to perform summoning and obtain new Transients and AR Equipment, which includes event-exclusive units as well.

Stamina Drinks

Stamina Drinks are used to gain stamina (AP).

Stamina Drinks restore AP to various degrees: by 10 AP ( Stamina Minor), by Half capacity rounded up ( Stamina Major), and by Max capacity ( Stamina Drink).

These items are usually a part of Login Incentives and Event Quest's event shop.

Lil' Salomon Ticket

Lil' Salomon Tickets can be used to pull one unit from any regular Gacha.

Lil' Salomon Tickets are given as part of Login Incentives, or part of an Event Quest's event shop. Another way to obtain them is purchasing the tickets in Andvari's Shop. They are also reward for completing certain time-limited High Difficulty Quests during Events.

AR Lil' Salomon Ticket

Just like Lil' Salomon Tickets, AR Lil' Salomon Tickets can be used to pull one unit from any AR Gacha.

AR Lil' Salomon Tickets are given as part of Login Incentives, or part of an Event Quest's event shop. They can also be obtained in Andvari's Shop.

Gold, Rainbow, and Platinum Lil' Salomon Tickets

Gold Lil' Salomon Tickets and Rainbow Lil' Salomon Tickets are both given to brand new players after account creation. They are only obtained once per account and will not be given out again unless you make a new account. The Gold tickets are used to trade in for a single 3star non-Limited unit, and the Rainbow tickets are traded in for a single 5star non-Limited unit.

Platinum Lil' Salomon Tickets are only given out during the Anniversary events, usually in an amount equal to the years that anniversary is celebrating. These tickets are traded in for any 4star non-Limited unit, AR, and Seeds and Blossoms.

Guild Membership Seal

Guild Membership Seal.png

Similar to External Guild Subcontracts, Guild Membership Seals are used to add the Guild affiliation on your transients that you have, other than Protagonist and The Hero unit. It can be obtained through limited-time events, the Andvari Shop, and tutorial missions, and is also scheduled to drop in some quests.

Each guild is only allowed up to three non-standard affiliated units. This means if you dispatch two units to a guild such as the Summmoners, and they didn't initially belong to that guild, you will need to reassign one of those units before adding in a different one. Please note the Protagonist and The Hero don't count towards this total.


Forget-Me-Nots are used to break up a Love relationship.

Forget-Me-Nots can be obtained through some Event Quest's event shops or Andvari's Shop.

External Guild Subcontract

External Guild Subcontracts are used to change the Guild affiliation on your Protagonist and The Hero unit. This can be helpful when your trying to increase Guild Affiliation boosts for other Guilds.

External Guild Subcontracts can be obtained through some Event Quest's event shops or Andvari's Shop.

Guild Alliance Certificate

Guild Alliance Certificates are used to unlock new Guild Affiliations alongside leveling up your current Guilds' stat boosts.

Guild Alliance Certificates can be obtained through some Event Quest's event shops or Andvari's Shop.

XP Stars

Boosts are a common drop throughout quests. They are solely used to raise a unit's level.

Boosts come in four rarities (S, M, L, and G), and 9 energies including one omni-type (e.g. G All-round Boost).

Boosts can be obtained in Daily Quests and various Free Quests, including the event ones. They can also be obtained in bulk in Event Item Exchanges.

Skill Ups

Souls are also a (relatively) common quest drop. These items are solely used to raise a unit's Skill Level.

Souls also come in four rarities (S, M, L, G), and all weapon types plus one omni-type (e.g. Warrior Soul G).

Souls can be obtained in Daily Quests and various Free Quests, including the event ones. They can also be obtained in bulk in Event Item Exchanges.

Spell Tokens

Spell token portraits updated.gif

Every stage of limit breaking requires spell tokens, also proportional to their rarity and stage.

You can acquire Spell Tokens by completing specific Daily Quests or by purchasing them in the Event Quest Item Exchanges.

Shards, Crystals and Clusters

Spell shard portraits updated.gif Spell crystal portraits updated.gif Spell cluster portraits updated.gif

While any attribute-matching Spell Token will do for any stage, each stage of limit breaking requires a specific kind of Power Stone. For example, Fire Power Stones include Fire Shard, Fire Crystal, and Fire Energy Cluster, respective to each next limit break stage.

You can acquire the other Power Stones through Daily Quests or by purchasing them in the Event Quest Item Exchanges.

Crests and Preliminary Crests

Preliminary crests portraits updated.gif Final crests portraits updated.gif

For stage 2 and beyond, limit breaking requires a Licenses that corresponds to a character's weapon type/attack pattern. For example, Blow Licenses include Preliminary Blow Crest and Blow Crest, respective to each next limit break stage.

Like Spell Tokens and God Shards, these can also be obtained during Daily Quests or by purchasing them in the Event Quest Item Exchanges.

Honor Medallions

For the 3rd stage of limit breaking, Honor Medallions are required. These are best obtained through Event Shops, but Character Quests and FP gacha are also possible sources.


The key items are used as a currency in Dungeon Quests. They are used to make progress in the Proceed Quests. After all Proceed Quests are finished, a new Exploration quest is unlocked which lets the player exchange keys for AR Tokens.

Currently the only way to obtain keys is by completing Dungeon Quests.

Capacity Increase

Capacity Increase items are used to increase the inventory capacity of their associated object. XP with XP Stars, Skill with Skill Ups, and Seeds with Seeds. The only way to uptain these is through increasing your Guild Rank or through Andvari's Shop.

Beginning from Version 5.1.0, all the inventory capacity limit has been removed. Thus all the Capacity Increase items has also been removed from Guild Rank and Andvari's Shop. The existing Capacity Increase items has be replaced by 100 Rainbow Shards/item .


See: Stat plus

Seeds are primarily used to further raise the stats (HP, ATK) of units as well as their level and skill rates.

Seeds are currently best obtained through Event Quests event shop and special login bonuses, but are also obtainable in the Premium Ally Gacha. They are most reliably obtained in various Free Quests that start to be unlocked upon completion of Chapter 8 onward.

Certain skills increase the drop rates of Seeds from Free Quests:

AR Skill Afterschool Workshop (+5~10%)
The Queen of Kabukicho (+5~10%)


See: Stat plus

Similarly to ATK and HP seeds, Blossoms are used to increase the respective stats of units. They are only available for use after a unit had their HP or ATK maxed out with seeds (at +1000).

Generally, Blossoms are much more difficult to obtain compared to seeds. They're most commonly found in Event Quest event shops and limited Dungeon Quests. They can also obtained in various Free Quests that start to be unlocked upon completion of Chapter 12 onward.

Certain skills increase the drop rates of Blossoms from Free Quests:

AR Skill Mother and Child (+5~10%)
For You and Only You (+5~10%)

[Show Comments]

All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: df58cde7
No. 18938
8 months ago
Score 0 You
The "Our Checkmate ぼくたちのチェックメイト" needs to be added to the Ally Points boost section!
Anonymous user: 1cff0ab1
No. 18011
14 months ago
Score 0 You

>>18009 First of all, you can get 1000 each week from just completing the quests

Second of all, why do you run out so quickly, what are you even buying
Anonymous user: c3445b34
No. 18009
14 months ago
Score 0 You
I wish I had more rainbow shards... I'm always running out of them...
Anonymous user: 52c4b9a6
No. 15693
25 months ago
Score 0 You
So capacity increase items are defunct?
Anonymous user: c1f4c4a5
No. 11787
39 months ago
Score 0 You
Shards? Crystals?? Clusters??? I call them urinary stones.
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