Difference between revisions of "Catalog:Mobs"

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(use Companion list)
Line 1: Line 1:
== ☆1 ==
.toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,
.toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul,
.toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul,
.toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul,
.toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul,
|[[File:Fencer_1star_portraits.gif|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【フェンサー 】<br/>[[Fencer]]
.toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul {
    display: none;
|[[File:Mage_1star_portraits.gif|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【メイジ 】<br/>[[Mage]]
}}<div class="toclimit-2">{{__TOC__}}</div>
=== Fire ===
{{Companion list
| format = ul
| frame = y
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element =
| rarity = 1
=== Water ===
|[[File:Red_Slime_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Slime]]<br/>【レッドスライム】<br/>Red [[Slime]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Red_Wolf_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Wolf]]<br/>【レッドウルフ】<br/>Red [[Wolf]]
| format = ul
|[[File:Red_Evil_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Evil]]<br/>【レッドエビル】<br/>Red [[Evil]]
| frame = y
|[[File:Red_Fencer_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【レッドフェンサー 】<br/>Red [[Fencer]]
| size = medium
|[[File:Red_Ghost_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Ghost]]<br/>【レッドゴースト】<br/>Red [[Ghost]]
| show name = y
|[[File:Fire_Mage_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【ファイアメイジ 】<br/>Fire [[Mage]]
| element =
| rarity = 1
=== Wood ===
|[[File:Blue_Slime_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Slime]]<br/>【ブルースライム】<br/>Blue [[Slime]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Blue_Wolf_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Wolf]]<br/>【ブルーウルフ】<br/>Blue [[Wolf]]
| format = ul
|[[File:Blue_Evil_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Evil]]<br/>【ブルーエビル】<br/>Blue [[Evil]]
| frame = y
|[[File:Blue_Fencer_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【ブルーフェンサー 】<br/>Blue [[Fencer]]
| size = medium
|[[File:Blue_Ghost_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Ghost]]<br/>【ブルーゴースト】<br/>Blue [[Ghost]]
| show name = y
|[[File:Ice_Mage_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【アイスメイジ 】<br/>Ice [[Mage]]
| element =
| rarity = 1
=== Light ===
|[[File:Green_Slime_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Slime]]<br/>【グリーンスライム】<br/>Green [[Slime]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Green_Wolf_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Wolf]]<br/>【グリーンウルフ】<br/>Green [[Wolf]]
| format = ul
|[[File:Green_Evil_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Evil]]<br/>【グリーンエビル】<br/>Green [[Evil]]
| frame = y
|[[File:Green_Fencer_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【グリーンフェンサー 】<br/>Green [[Fencer]]
| size = medium
|[[File:Green_Ghost_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Ghost]]<br/>【グリーンゴースト】<br/>Green [[Ghost]]
| show name = y
|[[File:Earth_Mage_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【アースメイジ 】<br/>Earth [[Mage]]
| element =
| rarity = 1
=== Dark ===
|[[File:Yellow_Slime_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Slime]]<br/>【イエロースライム】<br/>Yellow [[Slime]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Yellow_Wolf_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Wolf]]<br/>【イエローウルフ】<br/>Yellow [[Wolf]]
| format = ul
|[[File:Yellow_Evil_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Evil]]<br/>【イエローエビル】<br/>Yellow [[Evil]]
| frame = y
|[[File:Yellow_Fencer_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【イエローフェンサー 】<br/>Yellow [[Fencer]]
| size = medium
|[[File:Yellow_Ghost_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Ghost]]<br/>【イエローゴースト】<br/>Yellow [[Ghost]]
| show name = y
|[[File:Light_Mage_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【ライトメイジ 】<br/>Light [[Mage]]
| element =
| rarity = 1
|[[File:Purple_Slime_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Slime]]<br/>【ダークスライム】<br/>Dark [[Slime]]
=== Fire ===
|[[File:Purple_Wolf_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Wolf]]<br/>【パープルウルフ】<br/>Purple [[Wolf]]
|[[File:Purple_Evil_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Evil]]<br/>【パープルエビル】<br/>Purple [[Evil]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Purple_Fencer_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Fencer]]<br/>【パープルフェンサー 】<br/>Purple [[Fencer]]
| format = ul
|[[File:Purple_Ghost_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Ghost]]<br/>【パープルゴースト】<br/>Purple [[Ghost]]
| frame = y
|[[File:Dark_Mage_1star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Mage]]<br/>【ダークメイジ 】<br/>Dark [[Mage]]
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element =
| rarity = 2

== ☆2 ==
=== Water ===
{{Companion list
| format = ul
| frame = y
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element =
| rarity = 2
=== Wood ===
|[[File:Red_Oni_2star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Oni]]<br/>【アカオニ】<br/>Red [[Oni]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Red_Valkyrie_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Valkyrie]]<br/>【火のヴァルキリー】<br/>[[Valkyrie]] of {{Attribute|FIRE}}
| format = ul
|[[File:Red_Genin_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Genin]]<br/>【?ゲニン】<br/>Red [[Genin]]
| frame = y
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element =
| rarity = 2
=== Light ===
|[[File:Blue_Oni_2star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Oni]]<br/>【アオオニ】<br/>Blue [[Oni]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Blue_Genin_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Genin]]<br/>【?ゲニン】<br/>Blue [[Genin]]
| format = ul
| frame = y
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element =
| rarity = 2
=== Dark ===
|[[File:Green_Oni_2star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Oni]]<br/>【ミドリオニ】<br/>Green [[Oni]]
{{Companion list
|[[File:Green_Einherjar_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Einherjar]]<br/>【木のエインへリエル】<br/>[[Einherjar]] of {{Attribute|GRASS}}
| format = ul
|[[File:Green_Genin_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Genin]]<br/>【?ゲニン】<br/>Green [[Genin]]
| frame = y
| size = medium
| show name = y
| element = 冥  
| rarity = 2
|[[File:Yellow_Oni_2star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Oni]]<br/>【キオニ】<br/>Yellow [[Oni]]
|[[File:Yellow_Genin_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Genin]]<br/>【?ゲニン】<br/>Yellow [[Genin]]
|[[File:Purple_Oni_2star_Portrait.png|100px|link=Oni]]<br/>【ムラサキオニ】<br/>Purple [[Oni]]
|[[File:Purple_Genin_2star_portrait.png|100px|link=Genin]]<br/>【?ゲニン】<br/>Purple [[Genin]]

== {{Star|?}} ==
== Unobtainable ==
|<br/>【飛竜】<br/>[[Flying Dragon]]
|<br/>【飛竜】<br/>[[Flying Dragon]]


Revision as of 18:46, 28 May 2017







List of transients that satisfy the search criteria.


List of transients that satisfy the search criteria.


List of transients that satisfy the search criteria.


List of transients that satisfy the search criteria.


List of transients that satisfy the search criteria.


Element fire.pngFIREElement water.pngWATERElement earth.pngWOOD
Element light.pngAETHERElement dark.pngNETHER Attribute

Flying Dragon



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All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: 237de851
No. 15447
25 months ago
Score 0 You

>>15445 I live in your nightmares

See you there.
Anonymous user: 5d5a96d3
No. 15445
25 months ago
Score 0 You
Gale X Cal OTP matching icons <3
Anonymous user: 3421ed3c
No. 11840
38 months ago
Score 0 You
housamo mobs NFT
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