The Bowels of Gehenna

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The Bowels of Gehenna
Rarity 4
効果1Increases HP by 200~400
効果2Increases ATK by 200~400
腑輝栄華アイネム・ゲーヒンノームNo additional CS effects
[When Hit′This unit must have >0HP before being hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 13; occurs before trigger id 12)] Apply Fatal Poison-200~-400HP/turn for 5 turns (Debuff) to hitting units / 60~100%
[Attack ModifierAll modifiers stack with each other. Piercing modifiers do not stack with other piercing modifiers of the same status.] Deal extra damage against 21 statuses / 100%
Element dark.pngNETHER
Element evil.pngINFERNAL
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Infernal Alchemist (☆2)
Nether Alchemist (☆2)
Algernon (☆4 Summer)
Alice (☆3)
Alice (☆4)
Alice (☆5 Halloween)
Alp (☆3)
Alp (☆4)
Amanojaku (☆3)
Amanojaku (☆4)
Andvari (☆3)
Andvari (☆4)
Nether Angel (☆1)
Infernal Angel (☆1)
Arachne (☆3)
Arachne (☆4)
Arsalan (☆4 Halloween)
Astaroth (☆3)
Asterius (☆4 Island)
Azathoth (☆4 Halloween)
Babalon (☆3)
Babalon (☆5)
Babe Bunyan (☆4 Summer)
Bael (☆3)
Bael (☆5)
Bael (☆4 Host)
Balor (☆5 Valentine)
Barguest (☆3)
Barguest (☆4)
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Bertro (☆4 Christmas)
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Boogeyman (☆4)
Cait Sith (☆3)
Cait Sith (☆4)
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Chernobog (☆3)
Chernobog (☆5)
Infernal Ciramantep (☆2)
Nether Ciramantep (☆2)
Cthugha (☆5 Nightglows)
Cu Sith (☆4 Halloween)
Dagon (☆3)
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Daikoku (☆5)
Daikoku (☆4 Hot Paradise)
Ded (☆5)
Nether Deity (☆2)
Infernal Deity (☆2)
Purple Devil (☆1)
Shaded D-Evil (☆1)
Obsidian Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Shadow Scaled Wyvern (☆2)
Black Drone Pilot (☆2)
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Durga (☆3)
Durga (☆4)
Ebisu (☆4 Halloween)
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Ellie (☆3)
Ellie (☆5)
Enigma (☆3)
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Garmr (☆3)
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Kalki (☆4 Christmas)
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Nether-O'-Lantern (☆1)
Licht (☆3)
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Black Livestreamer (☆2)
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Loki (☆3)
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Lucifuge (☆3)
Lucifuge (☆4)
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Masanori (☆3)
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Oscar (☆3)
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Pollux (☆4 Christmas)
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Robinson (☆4)
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Sandayu (☆5)
Saturnus (☆3)
Saturnus (☆4)
Infernal Senri (☆2)
Nether Senri (☆2)
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Shino (☆5)
Shiro (☆3)
Shiro (☆4)
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Simurgh (☆3)
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Snegurochka (☆4)
Sphinx (☆3)
Surtr (☆3)
Surtr (☆5)
Tadatomo (☆4 Valentine)
Taishakuten (☆5 Valentine)
Takemaru (☆3)
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Tangaroa∞ (☆5)
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Tetsuox (☆4)
Tetsuya (☆3)
Tetsuya (☆4)
Tezcatlipoca (☆3)
Tindalos (☆3)
Tindalos (☆5)
Toji (☆5 Halloween)
Black Tribe (☆2)
Purple Tribe (☆2)
Black Trickster (☆2)
Purple Trickster (☆2)
Black Trooper (☆2)
Purple Trooper (☆2)
Tsukuyomi (☆3)
Tsukuyomi (☆5)
Tsukuyomi (☆4 Halloween)
Nether Valkyrie (☆2)
Vapula (☆3)
Vapula (☆4)
Volkh Vseslav (☆3)
Volkh Vseslav (☆5)
Purple Wolf (☆1)
Shaded Wolf (☆1)
Black Wraith (☆2)
Purple Wraith (☆2)
Black Luchador (☆2)
Purple Luchador (☆2)
Black Yaksha (☆2)
Purple Yaksha (☆2)
Yig (☆3)
Yoshito (☆3)
Yoshito (☆4)
Zhurong (☆3)
Translated from Japanese
"We must do our duty as nobles. You understand that, don't you, Bael?"

"Of course, Lucifuge! The hierarchy is absolute and inviolable...heheh, hahahaha!"

Gehenna, also known as the Valley of Hinnom. Those who fall the deepest are the most respected...such is the hierarchy of this inverted pyramid. Lucifuge, the Prime Minister and protector of Gehenna's hierarchy, respects the star that shines in the abyss. He has much to say to Bael, who has a different take on things. But Bael is Bael, and he has his own ideas about the hierarchy. They may have their own feelings, but they can't take their eyes off the star that shines beneath the earth. In the darkest depths of Gehenna, Lucifuge and Bael bow their heads in reverence and invite you to the shining throne ahead. It's a demon's manners, a demon's style - welcome to the deepest bowels of hell.

Official Japanese

「勿論ですとも、ルキフゲ様――序列とは絶対にして、侵すべからざるものです……ククク、ハハハハ!」 異世界ゲヘナ、その別名をヒンノムの谷という。 最も深き底へと墜ちた者こそが、最も尊ばれる……逆ピラミッドの序列。 深淵に輝く星を敬愛し、宰相としてゲヘナの序列を護るルキフゲ。 彼は、それとは異なるものに拘るバエルに多くを言い含めずには居られない。 だがバエルはバエルで、その序列については思うところがあるようだ。 胸中に秘める想いはそれぞれなれど、それでも彼らは共に地の底に輝く星から目を離せまい。 暗きゲヘナの最奥部にて、ルキフゲとバエルは恭しく頭を垂れ、その先に輝く玉座へと君を誘う。 それは悪魔の作法、悪魔の流儀――ようこそ、この地獄の最も深き「はらわた」へ。


Event Line
Profile Lucifuge: We must do our duty as nobles. You understand that, don't you, Bael?
Bael: Of course, Lucifuge!― The hierarchy is absolute and inviolable...heheh, hahahaha!


  • The CS name is "Einem Gehinnom: Shining Viscera and Glory"

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Anonymous user: 926c390f
No. 13321
32 months ago
Score 0 You

me when i see big booty bitches

i'm bitches
Anonymous user: 1d7c98f1
No. 11805
38 months ago
Score 0 You
Lucifuge needs to lay off the roids
Anonymous user: 488a3307
No. 10817
42 months ago
Score 0 You
Nice! More Bael content :P
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