Enemy Movement

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
Revision as of 06:48, 17 May 2021 by Spike (talk | contribs) (added detail with movement disabling)
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Enemy Attack Order

The order in which the enemies attack/miss during their turn determines the order in which enemies will gain move priority. To see this order, setting the gameplay speed to the lowest setting during the enemy turn can be of help. This can be visualized as a queue in which the front most enemy who is able to move is bestowed move priority. When enemies are eliminated, they are removed from the queue and move priority is reassigned to the front most enemy in the queue who is able to move.

The enemy attack order is preset when the battle is started much like randomized enemy positions. What this means is that restarting the battle by means of this method will not change the enemy attack order. This means that the aforementioned method can be used to determine what the enemy attack order is before attempting the quest.


One unit has move priority and keeps it until they're eliminated or cannot move or attack. Every unit has a specific enmity/aggro level, but if none of the units hit the enemy with move priority, the unit with move priority will target the closest unit.

If there are more than one player units equidistant to the enemy, the enemy will randomly move toward one.

Enmity/aggro seems to be equal to the damage dealt to the unit in question. So, whichever unit of the player has dealt the most damage to a particular enemy unit will be the unit that is moved toward by that enemy unit (provided they have move priority).

Blow, Slash, Thrust, and Long Slash units will try to move so that their priority target is in the square directly in front of them. Magic and Shot units will try to move so that their target is two squares ahead of them. Snipe units will move so that their target is 4 squares ahead of them. It seems that All-range units will go as far back as possible (i.e. their target is 5 squares ahead of them). None units will not move, not even in place (the enemy move is skipped if there are only none units left; this is why units with None as their original range are changed into a different range in challenge quests).

Enmity/aggro is additive - it doesn't matter how many times an enemy unit is hit, what matters is the sum total damage dealt to them.

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