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Transient Information

[Cunning Duelist]  [1]
Weapon Spread Slash.png
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 424+116.082*(Lv-1) ATK 176+41.061*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 7272.838 ATK @ Lv 60 2598.599
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 11594.478 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 5419.819
Net Stringer [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 50~100%
[Forced Movement ResistancePrevents skill effect-mediated movement in the given trajectories, regardless of which unit applied it.] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -3000 HP to self / 100%
Duelist [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Attract enemies in Shot range by 1 square / 45~90%
[After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to enemies near hit units, directly adjacent to them / 15~30%
Instiller [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to enemies in front of self / 15~30%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) / 50~100%
Bagua Diviner [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Blessing+300~600HP/turn for 4 turns (Buff) to allies on the left and right of self
    Apply ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) to allies in front and behind of self
    Apply ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies 1 square diagonally away from self / 25~50%
Attract hit units by 1 square + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + Apply ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies directly adjacent to self Weapon Spread Shot.png
Illustration kimidori
Scenario ――
Voice Toshihiko Seki
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization None
Gate Hourai

Research Files

CollapseOfficial English
"Dragon Transient from the world of Penglai who considers himself a duelist, challenging others in pursuit of the things he deems most important. Fuxi is best known as a market livestreamer with an impressive follower count, who's seen his competitors' financiers fall to ruin while he always makes it through unscathed. Some speculate he can even see the future, and his successive victories have won him many admirers. Part of this may be because he consistently places bets high enough to turn the world on its head, yet even when he inevitably wins big, he never hoards his winnings, always jumping right back into the fray. His reputation is that of a man who never fails to do thorough research and never makes assumptions—and all with an unfalteringly mild-mannered, gentlemanly disposition. Sometimes, however, he gets a look in his eyes that speaks to a volatile darkness within. He strongly believes in revolution, but in the original sense of the word rather than its modern, toothless incarnation. Constantly obsesses over his estranged sister to the point of fanaticism, and thus holds great empathy for others who maintain a tenacious grip on their love."
Translated from Japanese
CollapseOfficial Japanese
[End of the Revolution Game]  [2]
Weapon Spread Snipe.png
Rarity 5 Cost 24
HP 1888+105.551*(Lv-1) ATK 512+43.429*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 70 9171.019 ATK @ Lv 70 3508.601
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 13282.039 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 6377.181
Board Trapper [Phase StartTriggers on their player's first turn of each phase, before [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Non-Obstruct WeakeningWhile user does not have Obstruct: DEF Down by 4x for 999 turns (Irremovable Debuff) to enemies on the entire board / 50~100%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies in a 3-square diamond radiusDiamond3.png / 100%
[Forced Movement ResistancePrevents skill effect-mediated movement in the given trajectories, regardless of which unit applied it.] Resists all forced movement / 100%
[After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -3000 HP to self / 100%
Duelist of the End [Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Attract hit units and enemies 1 square around them by 1 square / 45~90%
[After HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, after attack damage is applied, after the target's [When Hit] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to enemies near hit units, 1 square around them / 15~30%
Defiant [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to enemies at the 3rd square in front of self
    Apply DoubtWhen not possessed: ATK Down by 0.1x; When possessed: ATK Up by 10x for 2 turns (Debuff) to enemies at the 3rd square in front of self / 35~70%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) / 50~100%
Bagua Adept [Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply Blessing+300~600HP/turn for 4 turns (Buff) to allies 2 squares to the left and right of self
    Apply ConcentrationATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x, skill activation rate +10% for 2 turns (Buff) to allies 2 squares in front and behind of self
    Apply ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to allies 2 squares diagonally away from self / 45~90%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 8, 16, 24...) -10000~-20000 HP to enemies on the entire board / 50~100%
Attract hit units by 1 square + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + Apply Remove BuffRemove one buff (Debuff) to hit units + Apply ATK UpATK Up by 1.1x ~ 2.2x for 4 turns (Buff) to allies 1 square around self Weapon Spread Snipe.png
Illustration kimidori
Scenario ――
Voice Toshihiko Seki
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization None

CollapseOfficial English
"Fuxi is one of the founders of Bagua, a special technique used for divination. His Sacred Artifact can take the form of a game board or talismans as needed, and holds the power not just to foretell the future in a general sense but to see the very end of individual lives as well. It's through this power that he's able to see his own downfall, making it theoretically impossible for him to lose any wager placed until such an event is foretold. This knowledge, however, has left him feeling empty and unattached to his winnings. After losing his sister, whom he considered to be his alter ego, he's become increasingly unstable and has sought refuge more and more in duels and wagers. The underground caves of Kunlun, where he and his sister used to live, remain burned into his memory and have given him a general fondness for the underground lifestyle and those who choose to live beneath the surface."
Translated from Japanese
CollapseOfficial Japanese