Difference between revisions of "News"

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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(55 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Below is a list of the most recent news and game updates. Official game changelog can be found [https://housamo.info/news/maintenance/ here].<!--
Below is a list of the most recent news and game updates. Official game changelog can be found [https://housamo.info/news/maintenance/ here].<!--

Please archive the news and reset this page after 2024 ends to shorten loading times.  
Please archive the news and reset this page after 2025 ends to shorten loading times.  

--><onlyinclude><!--START ADDING NEWS BELOW THIS LINE. News wrapped in the onlyinclude tag will be displayed on the front page.-->
--><onlyinclude><!--START ADDING NEWS BELOW THIS LINE. News wrapped in the onlyinclude tag will be displayed on the front page.-->
<!--==[[Event Quest:Special Alert! Halloween Police Corps (2024 Re-Release)|Special Alert! Halloween Police Corps (2024 Re-Release)]]==
==[[Event Quest:Valentine Idol Live!|Valentine Idol Live!]]==

| date=2024-11-19
| date=2025-03-04
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Special Quest]] |
The rerun of the Halloween Police Corps has begun! Details can be found on [[Event Quest:Special Alert! Halloween Police Corps (2024 Re-Release)|this page]].
Valentine Special Quests are now available for all Transients featured in the Valentine Idol Live! banner, as well as all non-event (as in not a variant) Transients released between April 2, 2024 and February 7, 2025. This brings the total to 252.
| [[Catalog:AR Equipment|AR Equipment]]
5 new AR Equipment
*{{AR Equip|ダイブ・トゥ・ドリーム}}
*{{AR Equip|ウェアリング・モンスター}}
*{{AR Equip|鬼ごっこまたしても}}
*{{AR Equip|ハロウィンポリスBack!}}
*{{AR Equip|万聖節には合いの手を!}}

| [[Skill Quest]]s |
3 new Skill Specific Quests:
*{{Skill name|頭陀袋の大風狂僧}} (upgrade of {Skill name|頭陀袋の霊験者}} for {{Transient icon|Hotei}})
*{{Skill name|出世魚のアングラー}} (upgrade of {Skill name|ステージに上がる者}} for {{Transient icon|Ebisu|variant=Halloween}})
*{{Skill name|虚空の暗澹玉座}} (upgrade of {Skill name|虚空の座}} for {{Transient icon|Azathoth|variant=Halloween}})
==[[Event Quest:Tokyo Dancing Saturday|Tokyo Dancing Saturday]]==
| date=2024-11-15
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
The event epilogue has been released! In addition, the event's special quests are now available.
The event Epilogue has been released!
| date=2024-11-12
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 5 and the Level 80 High Difficulty Quest have been released!
==[[Event Quest:AGF 2024|AGF 2024]]==
| date=2024-11-08
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
1 new transient:
*{{Transient icon|Manticore}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
| [[Skill Quest]] |
4 new Skill Specific Quests:
*{{Skill name|ソロモン王の大一角獣}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|頑張る一角獣}} for {{Transient icon|Amduscias|rarity=5}})
*{{Skill name|門にして副王}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|封印を開く者}} for {{Transient icon|Shiro|rarity=4}})
*{{Skill name|三すくみの忍術使い}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|忍びの者}} for {{Transient icon|Jiraiya|rarity=4}})
*{{Skill name|噛み千切るイヌガミ}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|噛み喰らう者}} for {{Transient icon|Kenta|rarity=4}})

| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:AGF2024 Transient Summon|AGF2024 Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Lovely Dogs! Transient Summon|Lovely Dogs! Transient Summon]]
==[[Event Quest:Tokyo Dancing Saturday|Tokyo Dancing Saturday]]==

| date=2024-11-08
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 4 and the Level 70 High Difficulty Quest have been released!
Episode 6 of the event as well as the Level 80 High Difficulty Quest have been released!
==[[Event Quest:AGF 2024|AGF 2024]]==
| date=2024-11-06
| [[Event Quest]] |
Ahead of AGF 2024, a limited time scenario is now available.
==[[Event Quest:Tokyo Dancing Saturday|Tokyo Dancing Saturday]]==
| date=2024-11-01
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 3 and the Level 60 High Difficulty Quest have been released!
| date=2024-10-29
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 2 of the event has been released!
| date=2024-10-24
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Autumn Splash Transient Summon|Autumn Splash Transient Summon]]
| date=2024-10-22
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 1 of the event has been released!
| date=2024-10-18
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Tokyo Dancing Saturday event is now live. The event Prologue and Free Quests are now available. Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
5 new transients:
*{{Transient icon|Saturnus}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Bathym|variant=Nightclub}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Wakan Tanka|variant=Nightclub}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Hakumen|variant=Nightclub}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Marduk|variant=Nightclub}} ({{Star|4}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Tokyo Dancing Saturday Transient Summon|Tokyo Dancing Saturday Transient Summon]]

==[[Event Quest:Date Quest Campaign! (2024 Part 2)|Date Quest Campaign! (2024 Part 2)]]==
| date=2024-10-16
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Date Quest for {{Transient icon|Yamasachihiko}} has been released.
Episode 5 of the event as well as the Level 70 High Difficulty Quest have been released!

| date=2024-10-11
| [[Event Quest]] |
Part 2 of the Date Quest Campaign is now available! In addition, the Date Quest for {{Transient icon|Yule}} has been released. Additional details can be found in the event page.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Passionate Part Time Workers! Transient Summon|Passionate Part Time Workers! Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Dear My Boy! Transient Summon|Dear My Boy! Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]] |
2 new Skill Evolutions:
*{{Skill name|幸福を配る若サンタ}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|幸福を配る者}} for {{Transient icon|Yule|rarity=4}})
*{{Skill name|信念のトナカイ妖精}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|妖精境の住人}} for {{Transient icon|Yule|rarity=4}})
==[[Event Quest:Top of Summer Mountains|Top of Summer Mountains]]==
| date=2024-10-08
| [[Event Quest]] |
The event's Special Quests have been released!

| date=2024-10-04
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
The event epilogue has been released!
Episode 4 of the event as well as the Level 60 High Difficulty Quest have been released!

| date=2024-10-02
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 6 of the event and the Level 80 High Difficulty quest have been released!
| date=2024-10-01
| [[Catalog:AR Equipment|AR Equipment]] |
1 new AR equipment:
*{{AR Equip|あれからのファザーフッド}}
| date=2024-09-27
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 5 of the event and the Level 70 High Difficulty quest have been released!
| date=2024-09-25
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 4 of the event and the Level 60 High Difficulty quest have been released!
| date=2024-09-20
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Beast × Active! AR Summon|Beast × Active! AR Summon]]
| date=2024-09-18
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 3 of the event has been released!
Episode 3 of the event has been released!
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| date=2024-09-13
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 2 of the event has been released!
Episode 2 of the event has been released!
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| date=2024-09-10
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 1 of the event has been released!
This year's Valentine's Day is now live! The story's Prologue and Episode 1 is now available, and Free Quests will be available after completing Episode 1. Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
1 new transient:
*{{Transient icon|Kumano Gongen}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})

| date=2024-09-06
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Top of Summer Mountains event is now live. The event Prologue and Free Quests are now available. Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
5 new transients:
5 new Transients have been released:
*{{Transient icon|Himavat}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Apollo}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Bigfoot|variant=Mountain}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Amduscias|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Enigma|variant=Mountain}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Tomte|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Zao|variant=Mountain}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Echo|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Tanngrisnir|variant=Mountain}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Vapula|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|4}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Top of Summer Mountains Transient Summon|Top of Summer Mountains Transient Summon]]
==[[Event Quest:Summer Interlude Campaign|Summer Interlude Campaign]]==

| date=2024-08-30
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Summer Interlude Campaign is now live! Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Character Quest]] |
{{Transient icon|Christine}}'s Character Quest has been released!
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Summer Interlude Transient Summon|Summer Interlude Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Valentine Idol Live! Transient Summon|Valentine Idol Live! Transient Summon]]

==[[Event Quest:Summer River Adventure (2024 Re-Release)|Summer River Adventure (2024 Re-Release)]]==
==[[Event Quest:Valentine Crossroad (2025 Re-Release)|Valentine Crossroad (2025 Re-Release)]]==

| date=2024-08-27
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Summer Night Girls Talk Transient Summon|Summer Night Girls Talk Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest|Skill Quests]] |
3 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|背教の大ベイバロン}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|大道に背く者}} for {{Transient icon|Babalon|rarity=5}})
* {{Skill name|三刀流の舞人}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|舞い踊る者}} for {{Transient icon|Suzuka|rarity=4}})
* {{Skill name|アクト・マスカレイド}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|仮面を被す者}} for {{Transient icon|Christine|rarity=4}})
| date=2024-08-23
| [[Character Quest]] |
| [[Character Quest]] |
{{Transient icon|Oguchi Magami}}'s Character Quest has been released!
The character quest for {{Transient icon|Motosumi}} has been released!

| date=2024-08-20
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Summer Leisure Transient Summon|Summer Leisure Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Your Guild Supporter! Transient Summon|Your Guild Supporter! Transient Summon]]

| date=2024-08-16
| [[Character Quest]] |
| [[Character Quest]] |
{{Transient icon|Arachne}}'s Character Quest has been released!
The character quest for {{Transient icon|Takeminakata}} has been released!

| date=2024-08-09
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Summer River Adventure event has been re-released with translations in the game's supported languages. Check out the event page for more details.
Valentine Crossroad has been re-released, and it's received translations in the game's supported languages. Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
2 new summons:
*[[Gacha:Summer River Adventure Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Summer River Adventure Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Summer River Adventure AR Summon|Summer River Adventure AR Summon]]
| [[Catalog:AR Equipment|AR Equipment]] |
| [[Catalog:AR Equipment|AR Equipment]] |
6 new AR Equipment:
5 new AR Equipment have been released:
*{{AR Equip|ドントストップ・サマージョイ!}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{AR Equip|出雲に雷舞う如く!}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{AR Equip|リバーサイド・レスキュー}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{AR Equip|革命の犬たちへ}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{AR Equip|アラクネコレクションSO24}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{AR Equip|プリザーブドタイム}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{AR Equip|ウォーター・ストライク!}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{AR Equip|バッドガイズ・グッドラック!}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{AR Equip|祭り漢のお通りよお}} ({{Star|3}})
*{{AR Equip|微笑み彩る花箱を}} ({{Star|3}})
*{{AR Equip|お腹周りは引き締めて!}} ({{Star|3}})
| [[Skill Quest|Skill Quests]] |
3 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|壮快気炎の名ハンドラー}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|快気のハンドラー}} for {{Transient icon|Tajikarao|variant=Summer}})
* {{Skill name|夏映えのファッショニスタR}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|真夏のファッションリーダー}} for {{Transient icon|Arachne|variant=Summer}})
* {{Skill name|鬼王の嗅覚捜査官}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|痕跡を嗅ぐ者}} for {{Transient icon|Oguchi Magami|rarity=4}})
==[[Event Quest:Fabulous Summer Host|Fabulous Summer Host]]==

| date=2024-08-07
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
3 new summons:
Special Quests with the event's Special units have been released! They become available after clearing the epilogue and become available when you have the corresponding unit.
*[[Gacha:Valentine Crossroad Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)|Valentine Crossroad Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Valentine Crossroad AR Summon|Valentine Crossroad AR Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Oedo Christmas Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)|Oedo Christmas Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)]]

| date=2024-08-06
| [[Skill Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
3 new Skill Specific Evolutions:
The Epilogue of the Fabulous Summer Host story has been released!
*{{Skill name|怒髪逆天の大ダエーワ}} (Upgrade of {{Skill name|逆天のダエーワ}} for {{Transient icon|Taishakuten|rarity=4}})
*{{Skill name|祟られし仕置人}} (Upgrade of {{Skill name|祟られし者}} for {{Transient icon|Krampus|rarity=4}})
*{{Skill name|死生の鬼才文学者}} (Upgrade of {{Skill name|死生の文学者}} for {{Transient icon|Masanori|rarity=4}})
| date=2024-08-02
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 6 of the Fabulous Summer Host story and the Level 80 High Difficulty Quest have been released!

==[[Event Quest:Shining New Year|Shining New Year]]==
| date=2024-07-30
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 5 of the Fabulous Summer Host story and the Level 70 High Difficulty Quest have been released!

| date=2024-07-26
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 4 of the Fabulous Summer Host story and the Level 60 High Difficulty Quest have been released!
Episode 3 of the event has been released!
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Love and Part-Time Summer Jobs Transient Summon|Love and Part-Time Summer Jobs Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
3 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|饗宴の大忍者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|饗する者}} for {{Transient icon|Jiraiya|variant=Seaside}})
* {{Skill name|空跳ぶ序列18位}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|空間を跳ぶ者}} for {{Transient icon|Bathym|variant=Seaside}})
* {{Skill name|三蔵法師の軟派豚}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|軟派}} for {{Transient icon|Ganglie|variant=Journey}})

| date=2024-07-23
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 3 of the Fabulous Summer Host story has been released!
The Level 70 High Difficulty Quest has been released!

| date=2024-07-19
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 2 of the Fabulous Summer Host story has been released!
Episode 2 of the event has been released!

| date=2024-07-17
| [[Event Quest]] |
| [[Event Quest]] |
Episode 1 of the Fabulous Summer Host story has been released!
The Year of the Snake has begun, so the Shining New Year event has been released. Episode 1 of the event and Free Quests are now available. In addition, the previous New Year's event story has been re-released with translations in the game's supported languages. Additional details can be found on the event page.

| date=2024-07-12
| [[Event Quest]] |
The Fabulous Summer Host Event is now live! The Event Prologue and Free Quests are now available! Additional details can be found on the event page.
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
| [[Catalog|Transients]] |
5 new Transients have been released:
1 new Transient has been released:
*{{Transient icon|Y'golonac}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Yig}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Perun|variant=Host}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Barong|variant=Host}} ({{Star|5}})
*{{Transient icon|Bael|variant=Host}} ({{Star|4}})
*{{Transient icon|Sarutahiko|variant=Host}} ({{Star|4}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Fabulous Summer Host Transient Summon|Fabulous Summer Host Transient Summon]]
| [[Status]] |
1 new status:
==[[Release Campaign:Main Quest Chapter 15|Chapter 15 Release Campaign]]==

| date=2024-07-09
| [[Catalog:AR Equipment|AR Equipment]] |
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 22-24 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| [[Free Quest]] |
A new Free Quest has been released in Chuo Ward! It becomes available after completing Chapter 15 Episode 24.
| [[Catalog:Mobs|Mobs]] |
A new element has been released for the following mob:
* {{Transient icon|Missing ∀}}
| date=2024-07-03
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 19-21 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| [[Free Quest]] |
A new Free Quest has been released in Chuo Ward! It becomes available after completing Chapter 15 Episode 21.
| [[Catalog:Mobs|Mobs]] |
The following mob along with additional elements have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Starman ∀}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
* [[Gacha:Oath of Eradication AR Summon|Oath of Eradication AR Summon]]
| date=2024-07-01
| AR Equipment |
1 new AR Equipment has been released:
1 new AR Equipment has been released:
* {{AR Equip|君と駆けた不思議の街よ}}
*{{AR Equip|みず入らずの初詣}} ({{Star|5}})
| date=2024-06-28
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 16-18 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| date=2024-06-25
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 13-15 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| [[Free Quest]] |
A new Free Quest has been released in Chuo Ward! It becomes available after completing Chapter 15 Episode 15.
| date=2024-06-21
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 10-12 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| [[Free Quest]] |
A new Free Quest has been released in Chuo Ward! It becomes available after completing Chapter 15 Episode 12.
| Transients |
5 new Transients have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Nyarlathotep|variant=Main Story}} ({{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Michael}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Baphomet}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Sanzo}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Kokopelli}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Chapter 15 Special Transient Summon|Chapter 15 Transient Summon]]
| date=2024-06-18
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 7-9 of Chapter 15 have been released!

| date=2024-06-14
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 4-6 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| date=2024-06-11
| [[Event Quest|Events]] |
The Chapter 15 Release Campaign is now live! With this update, the changes to the Daily Quests will take effect. In addition, Chapter 14 and the Roppongi Dungeon Quest have received translations in the game's supported languages. Check the event page for more details.
| [[Main Quest]] |
Episodes 1-3 of Chapter 15 have been released!
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
4 new summons:
*[[Gacha:The Teaching Rule Makers Transient Summon|The Teaching Rule Makers Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Friends from Shinjuku Academy Transient Summon|Friends from Shinjuku Academy Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Chapter 14 Prologue Special Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Chapter 14 Prologue Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Chapter 14 Special Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Chapter 14 Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
==[[Event Quest:Date Quest Campaign! (2024)|Date Quest Campaign (2024)]]==
| [[Date Quest]] |
The [[Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|chernobog}} has been released!
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
1 new Skill Specific Quest:
* {{Skill name|極夜の魂刈り}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|魂を刈る者}} for {{Transient icon|Chernobog|rarity=5}})
| [[Date Quest]] |
The [[Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Kyuma}} has been released!
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Date Quest:Kyuma and Chernobog |Date Quest:Kyuma and Chernobog]]
| [[Date Quest]] |
The [[Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Kimun Kamui}} has been released!
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
1 new Skill Specific Quest:
* {{Skill name|万年雪の駐留猟師}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|深雪に留める者}} for {{Transient icon|Kimun Kamui|rarity=4}})
| [[Date Quest]] |
The [[Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Akiha Gongen}} has been released!
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Date Quest:Kimun Kamui and Akiha Gongen|Date Quest:Kimun Kamui and Akiha Gongen]]
| [[Date Quest]] |
The [[Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Echo}} has been released!
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
1 new Skill Specific Quest:
* {{Skill name|大自然の音響エンジニア}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Nature's Resonator}} for {{Transient icon|Echo|rarity=4}})
| [[Event Quest|Events]] |
Lifewonders has released a new [[Event_Quest:Date_Quest_Campaign!_(2024)|Date Quest Campaign]].
Starting off the campaign, the [[Date Quest|Date Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Tindalos}} has been released.
| [[AR Equipment]] |
New AR Equipment:
*{{AR Equip|応援すること火の如し}}
*{{AR Equip|兵どもが星の下}}
*{{AR Equip|不夜城のおしごと!}}
*{{AR Equip|忍×忍捕物帳!}}
*{{AR Equip|太陽の子らよ、廃墟を翔けよ}}
*{{AR Equip|廻り合わせの父たちへ}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
3 new summons:
*[[Gacha:Date Quest Campaign (2024) AR Transient Summon|Date Quest Campaign (2024) AR Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Bonds of Marriage AR Transient Summon|Bonds of Marriage AR Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Date Quest:Tindalos and Echo|Date Quest:Tindalos and Echo]]
| Transients |
The following mob along with additional elements have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Fire Drone Pilot}} ({{Star|2}})
==[[Event Quest:May Fever Campaign (2024)|May Fever Campaign]]==
| [[Event Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:May Fever Campaign (2024)|May Fever]] campaign is now happening! More information is available on the event page.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:May Fever Transient Summon|May Fever Transient Summon]]
==[[Event Quest:Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell (2024 Re-Release)|Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell (2024 Re-Release)]]==
| [[Character Quest]] |
The [[Character Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Zhurong}} has been released!
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Golden Week Campaign (2024)|Golden Week 2024]] campaign is now happening! More information is available on the event page.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
3 new summons:
*[[Gacha:Guild Master Transient Summon|Guild Master Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Mountaineering Legends Transient Summon|Mountaineering Legends Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Golden Week 2024 AR Equipment Summon|Golden Week 2024 Equipment Summon]]
| [[Character Quest]] |
The [[Character Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Sarutahiko}} has been released!
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell (2024 Re-Release)|Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell]] event is now being reran. Translations have been made available for its Main Quest, and its Free Quests and High Difficulty Quests are accessible as well. More information can be found on its associated event page.
| [[AR Equipment]] |
5 new AR Equipment:
* {{AR Equip|冥境にて世話をかく}}
* {{AR Equip|湯殿経営2人なら極楽}}
* {{AR Equip|ふわもこな湯上がりに}}
* {{AR Equip|菓子箱の中の夢}}
* {{AR Equip|有馬の2人は三羽烏と}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
2 new summons:
*[[Gacha:Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell! Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell! Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell! AR Equipment Summon|Paradise Hot Spring Village of Hell! AR Equipment Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
4 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|色彩の写真家}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Projector}} for {{Transient icon|Zhurong|rarity=4}})
* {{Skill name|熱泉の水先案内人}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Enthusiastic Guider}} for {{Transient icon|Sarutahiko|rarity=4}})
* {{Skill name|死角死界の大広目天}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Debuting the Underworld}} for {{Transient icon|Mineaki|variant=Hot Paradise}})
* {{Skill name|赫々根の国の大元締め}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Corpse Manager}} for {{Transient icon|Daikoku|variant=Hot Paradise}})
==[[Event Quest:New Semester Campaign! 2024|New Semester 2024]]==
| Transients |
4 new Transients have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Tu'er Shen}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Raven Arthur}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Amaterasu}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Willie Wildcat}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
2 new summons:
*[[Gacha:New Semester! 2024 Part 2|New Semester! 2024 Part 2]]
*[[Gacha:New Semester! 2024 Part 2|One-time only, Paid Stone New Semester! 2024 Part 2]]
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
With the arrival of April comes the commencement of [[Event Quest:New Semester Campaign! 2024|New Semester 2024]] which comes with a selection of new Transients to attempt to pull for! More information can be found on the event page.
| Transients |
4 new Transients have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Belphegor}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Ame-no-Uzume}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Prometheus}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Hei Long Yi Quan}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
3 new summons:
*[[Gacha:New Semester! 2024 Part 1|New Semester! 2024 Part 1]]
*[[Gacha:New Semester! 2024 Part 1|One-time only, Paid Stone New Semester! 2024 Part 1]]
*[[Gacha:New Semester 2024 Pickup AR Equipment Summon|New Semester 2024 Pickup AR Equipment Summon]]
==[[Event Quest:Just Before Spring Campaign (2024)|Just Before Spring Campaign]]==
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
A limited time event for the [[Event Quest:Just Before Spring Campaign (2024)|Just Before Spring 2024]] campaign titled SOS from Another Dimension is being held in celebration of April Fool's Day! More information can be found on the campaign's page.
| AR Equipment |
1 new AR Equipment has been released:
* {{AR Equip|ぼくたちのチェックメイト}}
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
2 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|酔興なる古兵}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Rampager}} for {{Transient icon|Hogen|variant=Festival}})
* {{Skill name|変貌する少年}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|姿を変える者}} for {{Transient icon|Ikutoshi|variant=Gendarme}})
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
2 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|忙殺の賢医王}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Royally Swamped}} for {{Transient icon|Jambavan|variant=Nightmare}})
* {{Skill name|柔剛兼備の踊り手}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Tenderness and Strength}} for {{Transient icon|Smoky God|variant=Pool}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 2|Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 2]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
2 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|夢描く同人作家}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Painter of Dreams}} for {{Transient icon|Kuniyoshi|variant=Nightmare}})
* {{Skill name|老練なる登壇者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Head of the Class}} for {{Transient icon|Amatsumara|variant=Fashionista}})
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Just Before Spring Campaign (2024)|Just Before Spring 2024]] campaign has started! What has been made available alongside the list of changes to the game's UI can be found on the event page.
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 1|Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 1]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
2 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|巡遊する大食漢}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Food Tourist}} for {{Transient icon|Ryota|variant=Festival}})
* {{Skill name|奮励の太鼓奏者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|激励する者}} for {{Transient icon|Nobuharu|variant=Festival}})
==[[Event Quest:Valentine Crossroad|Valentine  Crossroad]]==
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
* [[Gacha:Give Me Some Chocolate for Your Sanity Transient Summon|Give Me Some Chocolate for Your Sanity Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
4 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|ンカイの聖なる怠者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Captivating Corrupter}} for {{Transient icon|Tsathoggua|variant=Fashionista}})
* {{Skill name|暁を呼ぶパン職人}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|One Who Bellows From the Dark}} for {{Transient icon|Dagon|rarity=5}})
* {{Skill name|天外理外の悪戯皇}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Distant Land Prankster}} for {{Transient icon|Azathoth|variant=Halloween}})
* {{Skill name|サニティブラスター}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|深淵に触れる者}} for {{Transient icon|Nyarlathotep|rarity=4}})
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Valentine Crossroad|Valentine  Crossroad]] event has commenced! The first episode of the event quest, alongside the free quests, have been made available for viewing. More info in the event page.
| Transients |
5 new Transients have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Krampus|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Taishakuten|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|5}})
* {{Transient icon|Takeminakata|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Masanori|variant=Valentine}} ({{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Hippolytus}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:Valentine Crossroad Transient Summon|Valentine Crossroad Transient Summon]]
==[[Event Quest:Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)]]==
| [[Character Quest]] |
The [[Character Quest]] for {{Transient icon|Girimekra}} has been released!.
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
6 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|赫々たる家庭科教員}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Baker}} for {{Transient icon|Surtr|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|次世代のリリーフエース}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Legacy of Doubt}} for {{Transient icon|Kyuma|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|人欲の画家}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Greed Gatherer}} for {{Transient icon|Licht|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|愛しの流行歌手}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Benevolent One}} for {{Transient icon|Gabriel|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|不屈のタックラー}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|The Indomitable}} for {{Transient icon|Gunzo|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|鬼の公安外事課員}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Hounder}} for {{Transient icon|Toji|variant=Valentine}})
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The [[Event Quest:Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight (2024 Re-Release)]] rerun event has commenced! The Main Quest, Free Quests, High Difficulty Quests and Special Quests have been released. More info in the event page
| [[AR Equipment]] |
6 new AR Equipment:
*{{AR Equip|新年に啜るは涙にあらず}}
*{{AR Equip|花散らす犬士たち}}
*{{AR Equip|折れし角、折れぬ心}}
*{{AR Equip|知略の武士ども}}
*{{AR Equip|放課後ハプニング!}}
*{{AR Equip|博愛に満ちた季節}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
3 new Transient Summons:
*[[Gacha:Valentine Snow Fight Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)|Valentine Snow Fight Transient Summon (2024 Re-Release)]]
*[[Gacha:Valentine Snow Fight AR Equipment Summon|Valentine Snow Fight AR Equipment Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Sweet Temptation! Transient Summon|Sweet Temptation! Transient Summon]]
| [[Skill Quest]]s |
3 new Skill Specific Quests:
* {{Skill name|大雪玉をブチ込む者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Snowball Thrower}} for {{Transient icon|Jacob|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|銀華のブレイントラスト}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|Snowfield Advisor}} for {{Transient icon|Tanetomo|variant=Valentine}})
* {{Skill name|陣ヶ岡の宿営者}} (upgrade of {{Skill name|陣を構える者}} for {{Transient icon|Yoritomo|rarity=5}})
==[[Event Quest:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons]]==
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:New Years Demons Transient Summon|New Years Demons Transient Summon]]
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:2024 Fortune Gacha Part 2|2024 Fortune Gacha Part 2]]
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
1 new summon:
*[[Gacha:A Mix of Zodiacs Transient Summon|A Mix of Zodiacs Transient Summon]]
| [[Event_Quest|Events]] |
The Year of the Dragon has arrived and to celebrate it the [[Event Quest:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons]] event will commence! Head to the event page for more info.
| Transients |
2 new Transients have been released:
* {{Transient icon|Amanojaku}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|4}})
* {{Transient icon|Qinglong}} ({{Star|3}}/{{Star|5}})
| AR Equipment |
2 new AR Equipments have been released:
* {{AR Equip|干支っ子たちの正月始め!}}
* {{AR Equip|ライク・ア・ショウ}}
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
| [[Gacha|Summons]] |
6 new summons:
7 new summons:
*[[Gacha:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons Transient Summon|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:2025 Fortune Gacha|2025 Fortune Gacha]]
*[[Gacha:2024 Fortune Gacha Part 1|2024 Fortune Gacha Part 1]]
*[[Gacha:2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 1|2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 1]]
*[[Gacha:2024 Grab Bag Part 1|2024 Grab Bag Part 1]]
*[[Gacha:2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 2|2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 2]]
*[[Gacha:2024 Grab Bag Part 2|2024 Grab Bag Part 2]]
*[[Gacha:2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 3|2025 Lucky Bag Transient Summon Part 3]]
*[[Gacha:2024 AR Grab Bag|2024 AR Grab Bag]]
*[[Gacha:2025 Lucky Bag AR Summon|2025 Lucky Bag AR Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Year of the Dragon Transient Summon|Year of the Dragon Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Don't Miss the Serpent! Year of the Snake Transient Summon|Don't Miss the Serpent! Year of the Snake Transient Summon]]
*[[Gacha:Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)|Blessings! A Journey with Dragons and Demons Transient Summon (2025 Re-Release)]]


Latest revision as of 15:15, 4 March 2025

Below is a list of the most recent news and game updates. Official game changelog can be found here.

Valentine Idol Live!


 [ Special Quest ]
Valentine Special Quests are now available for all Transients featured in the Valentine Idol Live! banner, as well as all non-event (as in not a variant) Transients released between April 2, 2024 and February 7, 2025. This brings the total to 252.


 [ Event Quest ]
The event Epilogue has been released!


 [ Summons ]
1 new summon:


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 6 of the event as well as the Level 80 High Difficulty Quest have been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 5 of the event as well as the Level 70 High Difficulty Quest have been released!


 [ Summons ]
1 new summon:


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 4 of the event as well as the Level 60 High Difficulty Quest have been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 3 of the event has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 2 of the event has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
This year's Valentine's Day is now live! The story's Prologue and Episode 1 is now available, and Free Quests will be available after completing Episode 1. Additional details can be found on the event page.

 [ Transients ]
5 new Transients have been released:

 [ Summons ]
1 new summon:

Valentine Crossroad (2025 Re-Release)


 [ Character Quest ]
The character quest for Motosumi has been released!


 [ Summons ]
1 new summon:


 [ Character Quest ]
The character quest for Takeminakata has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
Valentine Crossroad has been re-released, and it's received translations in the game's supported languages. Additional details can be found on the event page.

 [ AR Equipment ]
5 new AR Equipment have been released:

 [ Summons ]
3 new summons:

 [ Skill Quest ]
3 new Skill Specific Evolutions:

Shining New Year


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 3 of the event has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
The Level 70 High Difficulty Quest has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
Episode 2 of the event has been released!


 [ Event Quest ]
The Year of the Snake has begun, so the Shining New Year event has been released. Episode 1 of the event and Free Quests are now available. In addition, the previous New Year's event story has been re-released with translations in the game's supported languages. Additional details can be found on the event page.

 [ Transients ]
1 new Transient has been released:

 [ AR Equipment ]
1 new AR Equipment has been released:

 [ Summons ]
7 new summons: