
From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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Transient Information

[?]  [1]
Weapon Spread Thrust.png
Rarity 3 Cost 8
HP 435+107.704*(Lv-1) ATK 165+49.439*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 60 6789.536 ATK @ Lv 60 3081.901
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 10943.616 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 6070.681
F彼コラボホルス用 (1733) [After MovingAfter this unit is held and released by their player. Triggered and applied before [After Not Moving] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 2, 4, 6...) Apply Guts+1HP when HP is at 0 at the end of the turn for 5 turns. Removed once activated. (Buff) to allies 1 square around self / 100%
[Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player, after [Phase Start] effects, before [Opponent Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] (Total turns 2, 4, 6...) Apply On GuardCannot move at will for 1 turn (Irremovable Buff) to allies on the entire board / 100%
[Opponent Turn StartTriggers on turn start of their player's opponent, after [Turn Start] effects. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] Apply ProtectionDEF Up by 0.9x ~ 0.45x for 1 turn (Buff) to self and allies on the entire board / 100%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] +100 HP to allies in a 2-square diamond radius around self / 100%
ネクロス敵専用 (1723) [Before HittingFor each unit with >0HP hit. Triggered and applied before damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Being Attacked] effects, before [When Hit] effects from the target. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied.] -600 HP to hit units / 100%
[When Hit″This unit must have >0HP when hit. Triggered and applied after damage calculation, before attack damage is applied, after [Before Hitting] effects, before [After Hitting] effects from the attacker. Effects of the same timing from same unit are all triggered together before they are applied. (Trigger id 12; occurs after trigger id 13)] Apply Regeneration+400~800HP/turn for 4 turns (Buff) to self / 100%
[Status ResistanceTriggers directly before receiving any status, including those that would normally not be accepted due to pre-existing acquisition of the same status. Prevents target statuses from being applied at all and removes them if already present. The application of the any status that confers Status Resistance will trigger its own Status Resistance skill effects.] Remove Countdown-10000~-20000HP/turn for 2 turns (Debuff)
    Remove Death-56700000HP/turn for 2 turns (Irremovable Debuff) / 100%
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
Apply PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) to hit units + Apply Countdown-10000~-20000HP/turn for 2 turns (Debuff) to hit units Weapon Spread Slash.png
Illustration 1boshi
Scenario ――
Voice Sho Nogami
Sex/GenderAs defined in the game data, might not be accurate to official localization None

Research Files

CollapseOfficial English
"A Transient representative of one of the world of Aaru's most influential families. Wears an eye patch over his left eye. Despite being a student, he also dedicates much of his time to working as a member of an elite judicial constabulary. Possesses a very serious demeanor and values justice and impartiality above all else. In accordance with his family's values, he generally will do everything he's told to by authority figures, often causing him to become noticeably preoccupied as his assignments pile up. Despite this, he hates when others see him only for his birthright and regard him as though he's deserving of special treatment. Although he was not gifted with a naturally healthy constitution, he's managed to achieve a great deal of growth—both mentally and physically—through hard work and perseverance. In his younger days, he got caught up in a family dispute that led him to directly compete with his uncle, whom he formerly held in great esteem. This dispute came to an end with a triumph hand-delivered to him by adults who curried his favor, which he looks back upon with bitter regret. His determination to prove he is far more self-reliant than his uncle largely came to be because of these past experiences. He still harbors considerable disgust toward those who would dare attempt to impersonate his uncle here in Tokyo, however."
Translated from Japanese
CollapseOfficial Japanese


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