Property:Has English title

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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This text property stores the translated English title of the companion.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Stimulating Spider's Silk  +
Summer Accessorizer  +
Chain-Wielder of Otemachi  +
Fetters Ablaze  +
Red-Hooded Rider  +
Chain-Wielder of Otemachi  +
Fetters Ablaze  +
Defender of the Law  +
Oil Wrestler  +
Frankenstein  +
Onward, to the Classic Summer Adventure  +
Bear Sumo Wrestler  +
Tug of War Champ  +
Beachside Sumo  +
Disparity of Body and Soul  +
Winding Golden Snake  +
Disparity of Body and Soul  +
Minotaur of the Mountain Hut  +
Rampaging Divine Bull  +