Event Quest:Desert Journey:VN

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Desert Journey ~Let's Meet West~

Chapter 1 Part 1
Chapter 1 Part 2
Chapter 2 Part 1
Chapter 2 Part 2
Chapter 3 Part 1
Chapter 3 Part 2
Chapter 4 Part 1
Chapter 4 Part 2
Chapter 5 Part 1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 5: [The Xuanzang Party Learns the Truth]

Location: Kochuuten

The chaos during the daytime ended, a calming evening then came. The wind mowed down the sandy dunes of the desert, the wave-like sounds echoed in your ears.

After finishing dinner and having a friendly chat with their friends, they finished their shower and returned to their room.

Then, about an hour on the floor, [Player] couldn't fall asleep.

Unable to fall asleep, [Player] got up and went for a stroll to the pool, as if they're being attracted to it.

3 options (Same Response)
It was more active during the daytime. There's no one around at this time. I should've took someone along.

Late-night swims is prohibited here, the lack of people were surprisingly silent and eerie.

2 options (Same Response)
Hmm......? Is that -

Under an umbrella on the beachside, there is someone familiar there-

Gouryou expression serious.png


3 options
Bajie? What are you doing out here? 3, 2, 1... Peek-a-boo! !
Ganglie expression neutral.png

Hrm? Oh, it's just you, Xuanzang-sama.
I could've swore you went to sleep already, buhehe.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Bughyaaaaaaa!! W-W-Who's there!?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Ugh...... Xuanzang-sama, why?
Why would you go around scaring me like that!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Well anyways, what are you even doing at this hour?
Around this hour is for adults like me -

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Oooh...... I get it! You're a smooth operator, huh.

3 options (Same Response)
What are you talking about......? Eh? What are you smiling about? What are you doing here, Bajie?

Gouryou expression joy.png

Buhyahya, I'm joking, joking.
You could hardly sleep, so you went for a nighttime stroll.

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Me? I made success hitting on someone during dinner time.

Gouryou expression joy.png

We made plans to meet here.
Oooh, come soon, my beautiful lady. Buhehe.

3 options
You actually did it!? Did you get tricked somehow......? Damn cheater!
Gouryou expression joy.png

Buheheheh! Be jealous!
I can do it when the time comes!

Gouryou expression shocked.png

D-Don't be stupid! They actually have feelings for me, y'know!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Bweh!? W-What!? Don't be so mad! What are you getting mad at me for!?

Gouryou expression joy.png

Cheating is a kind of resourcefulness,
but I need to afford playing with fire, no? Buhehe.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Anyways, there you have it. I'm gonna be busy now.
Kids oughta go to their rooms, drink something warm and go to sleep.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Oh right...... You should be with Goku.
Just in case something happens, y'know?

Gouryou expression joy.png

Alrighty, it's time!
Time for you to git, git, git on out of here!

Bajie got up from under the umbrella and kicked [Player] out of the spot.

They then walked a few minutes from the place where Bajie was.

A cool breeze blew by, and the moonlight cast onto the surface of the water was calming.

2 options (Same Response)
It's a little nice out. I'm getting drowsy.


3 options (Same Response)
Speaking of tonight - That Narrator didn't show up. I wonder why.

[Player] thought back on the tale described every night.

The older brother that's misunderstood as a crook - The devoted younger brother -

The death of a king - Turning their eyes of disbelief at the older brother -

2 options (Same Response)
...... Hmm? Now that I think about it - Seth said something during the daytime.

Seth expression c neutral.png

I can be "disliked" by others, but I can't be "liked" either.

Seth expression c sad.png

And in my mind...... The self-directed hatred burns forever.

2 options (Same Response)
So - Are they connected somehow?

Then, after a while of listening to the wind blowing, sounds of footsteps got closer.

Turning their head, they hear the sounds of a sobbing nose.

Gouryou expression crying.png

Uwaaaaah...... [Player]......
You're still awake at this hour, huh? Pooey.

2 options (Same Response)
What happened, Bajie? Yep, I knew it......

Gouryou expression crying.png

You were right, dammit.
Aaah, sorry but do you have a tissue?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

The people cleaning the pool threw me out.
Incidentally, I saw my date with another person!

3 options
There there, it's gonna be okay. You're incorrigible. Should I be your lover?
Gouryou expression crying.png

You may be a kid, but you're such a nice person!

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

I am fond of your smell.
Aaah, I can't get enough of it~. (Sniff sniff).

Gouryou expression joy.png

...... What, am I some kind of pervert?
Buhehehe, you could say that!

Gouryou expression joy.png

That's a no brainer.
A small failure won't bring Bajie-sama down!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Sleep, eat, enjoying myself and picking up girls!
That is my dream.

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Oooooooh!? Whether it's good or not,
why would you say something like that!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Ah, it's completely useless.
Going in a time like this? No thanks.

Gouryou expression joy.png

When the time comes,
I'll come up front and make you fall for me, buheeheehee~.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Bleeeh! I cried so much that my nose is running.
Bah, maybe I used up all my luck earlier today.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

I'm gonna head back to the inn and get some sleep.
I wouldn't stay up late if I were you. See -

1 option
...... Wait, Bajie.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

What? Buhee. You're serious all the sudden.

2 options (Same Response)
Bajie - What do you think about Seth's behavior earlier today?

Ganglie expression neutral.png


Bajie, who was about to leave, unusually stiffened his face and stretched his spine.

Gouryou expression serious.png

...... Living as a person,
everyone has something that they keep to themselves.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

That is to say,
pretending not to see it is like a form of kindness.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

you shouldn't casually saddle yourself with problems of other people.

Gouryou expression serious.png

It's gonna be hell...... Y'know?

3 options
I'm Xuanzang for the time being. Because I'm a friend to Seth. But, you helped him during the day.
Ganglie expression neutral.png

I see, that's what that Narrator chick said.

Gouryou expression joy.png

You really are a talented priest.
Maybe that's your calling, bughyahya.

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Friend...... Friend, eh.
Hehehe, what a naive thing to say.

Gouryou expression joy.png

But, I guess it's not as bad when I'm with you.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

That was on a whim.
It was fun and enjoyable when I was doing it.

Gouryou expression joy.png

I'm guessing you already know this, but -
I had a stunning and cool smile, didn't I?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Well...... You don't really listen to what I say anyways.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

If that's how you feel, then don't stop.
But, let me give you one piece of advice.

Gouryou expression serious.png

Go get some sleep for today.
Go to your room right now and tuck yourself in the futon.

2 options (Same Response)
Huh......? What's this about?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Look...... We're finally gonna be at Flaming Mountains tomorrow.

Gouryou expression joy.png

You wouldn't want to be half-asleep when we confront the boss, do you?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

That's why you should call it a day.
You're gonna act as our leader tomorrow too.

2 options (Same Response)
Thanks, Bajie. Good night, Bajie.

Back on his feet, Bajie waves goodbye then leaves.

Gouryou expression serious.png

What could this "strange feeling" be?
It's sending chills down my spine.

Gouryou expression serious.png

[Player]...... You better head back, before you see anything.

Drowsiness, along with the chilly air of the evening, enshrouded their body.

2 options (Same Response)
I should get to bed soon. Bajie warned me about something......

-- That moment.

???:( face)
...... U...... No......
I...... such......

They hear someone's voice. It sounded like screaming; like sounds of remorse.

???:( face)
I did no such thing. I didn't intend on doing it.

???:( face)
I liked him, I loved him, but I......

3 options (Same Response)
Who's there? Could that voice be - Seth's......?

Seth expression anger.png

Who......! Who's there!?

Seth expression surprised.png

I, I...... What am I doing here......

Without focus, Seth was muttering about something with a blank expression.

No spirit and none of his roughness; Seth was dumbfounded.

Seth expression surprised.png

Oh...... [Player]. You...... What are you doing here.

3 options (Same Response)
That's my line. What the heck are you out here for? Is there someone with you?

Seth expression sad.png

...... Who...... Oh, never mind.
I...... I don't need "anybody."

2 options (Same Response)
Seth, is something wrong? What you said during the day -

Seth expression c neutral.png

Hey, Xuan- No, [Player].
Is there...... Has anyone ever hated you before?

Seth expression sad.png

I can live on by myself. I'm still living. That's -

Seth expression surprised.png



Location: Desert

Following Seth's words, the world instantaneously changed to a scene of a desert.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh?! What just happened!?

A sea of sand on one side with no obstruction. A scorching hot sun and a hot breeze blows in the air.

Seth expression neutral.png

That's...... "Me." I was here, and I left from here.

Seth expression sad.png

I...... threw everything away.
I left everything behind......

Seth expression surprised.png

But, why? Why did "I" leave?!

???:( face)
What are you asking, idiot "Seth."

A dark, vulgar voice as infinitely deep like it was from the bottom of a pit.

A suspicious figure of Seth stands before their very eyes.

2 options (Same Response)
Seth - There's two of you!?

Seth expression surprised.png

Wha......!? Wh-What are you!!

Seth expression anger.png

Why do you look like "me"?!
What the hell do you know about "me"!?

Seth expression d neutral.png

That's correct, you chose to forget.

The other Seth claims he is throwing out lies, giving a look like he looking down Seth, mocking him.

Seth expression d neutral.png

You threw away everything, you wanted to forget everything,
you tried to kill off the past.

Seth expression d neutral.png

However - "Seth," you are a fool.
You can't throw away the past.

Seth expression d anger.png

Because this "me" is your "past."
I am the manifestation of shame that you can't erase!

Seth expression anger.png

Wrong...... You're wrong!
Wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG!!

Seth expression anger.png

I - I!!

Seth expression d neutral.png

It's clear your heart is heavy even without weighing it against the feathers of truth.

Seth expression d anger.png

Do not turn your eyes away from the truth.
You should be destroyed.

Seth sits and holds his head, trembling like he's a heat haze, while the other Seth approaches.

3 options (Same Response)
I won't let you! Get up and run, Seth! Stay away from Seth! !

Throwing out a scream, a blade runs through the empty space, cutting the sky.

And the "Rule" of Disconnection was to cut off the shadow; that is what is supposed to happen.

2 options (Same Response)
The sword...... won't appear! The "Sacred Artifact" isn't responding!

Seth expression d neutral.png

It is useless. This is... his world.
This is a land of dry despair, the bottom of his inner heart.

Seth expression d neutral.png

O King of Mended Things, the one fated to carry out exorcisms,
a Wanderer that cannot come close.

Seth expression d anger.png

Why have you formed a bond -
Sink in the rivers of hell with that fool!

The shadows becomes waves, engulfing everything in view.

Pain and anguish, coldness coming from loss craves for the warmth of the body.

2 options (Same Response)
My body - I can't hear anything......

Seth expression surprised.png

Stop! Don't touch me nor get close to me!
[Player]...... Don't you lay a hand on them!

Seth expression surprised.png

I...... Don't take "myself" away from me!

Seth expression surprised.png


A hopeless end; they feel that their deaths are going to happen at that moment.

Game refers to Thunderbird as "Heroic Birdman?" till he formally introduces himself.

Thunderbird expression 4star.png

Ihanbla Gmunka!!

A flash of light cuts through the darkness with bright trajectory.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

It appears that acting as a "lookout" was the right choice.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Dear me,
"you all" are carrying such tremendous baggage on those cute backs of yours!

2 options (Same Response)
I-I'm saved......? T-That voice!

You raise your eyes as you hear a deep, cool voice. What they saw was a Birdman with slender limbs.

Seth expression d neutral.png

A newcomer, eh.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Wipe those tears away, Baby! That's right...... Your hero has arrived!

Thunderbird expression stern.png

The hero of the lonesome and persecuted - Thunderbird! Coming through!

3 options (Same Response)
Thunderbird......!? ...... Huh, you remind me of someone. This man is delighted about giving his name like that......

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Nice to meet you, Baby.
From that face, the situation is a lot for you to take in.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

But, an explanation and reveal will be put on hold till later.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

At any rate, this "me" is a monster of an opponent that is somewhat difficult for me.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

So then - Will you lend me your powers, Baby?

The Birdman then snapped his fingers. Following the cue, a "Sacred Artifact" returns to both their hands.

What returned in their hands was no doubt the sword of disconnection.

2 options (Same Response)
This is......! What in the hell?!

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Heroes can use small miracles "here."
Be sure to remember that.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Now you will be able to fight back.
However, that is "the Monster of the Id."

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Touching them for a long time will eat away your mind.
Fight cautiously.

Thunderbird expression 4star.png

Now, let's begin!!

3 options (Same Response)
I don't get what's going on, but - I will save Seth! Let's go, Thunderbird-san!


Seth expression d anger.png


Seth expression sad.png

Kuh...... Hah......

The Black Shadow scatters away with a blow from the sword and Thunderbird's power,

All that's left behind was a dry world of sand.

Seth lies on the ground with a relieved expression, losing consciousness.

2 options (Same Response)
Seth! ! You alright!?

Thunderbird expression wink.png

You did a fine job, Baby.
You are cute, but you hold a lot of power.

3 options
Thunderbird-san, is Seth... Where are we? What was that monster a minute ago?
Thunderbird expression stern.png

It seems you rejected contact with the outside world
by the defensive instinct of the consciousness.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Don't panic. He'll have no trouble waking up
if appropriate measures are taken.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

This is a world where ordinary people will not perceive.
If there is a right word to describe it, it would be "the other side."

Thunderbird expression stern.png

Only "he" would tell us the answer to that.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

It's a very delicate problem.
I cannot disclose it on my own free will.

( face)
Having said that, Thunderbird gives a sexy wink at [Player].

Thunderbird took out something from his chest that looked like a net.

Putting it on Seth's chest, he muttered something in a low voice so you can't hear him.

Seth:( face)
....... Uu...... Soo...... Fu.......

Seth falls asleep, making peaceful sleeping noises.

His figure disappears as if he's dissolving into the empty sky.

2 options (Same Response)
S-Seth!? Where did he go!?

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Stay calm. He's gone back to the soft, fluffy bed from this cruel, terrible nightmare.

Thunderbird expression sad.png

Right about now, I'm sure he's buried his face on a pillow, having nice dreams.

Thunderbird expression surprised.png

Even so, I'm surprised.
That fight, you were on par with a hero such as myself......

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Like lightning, you give me the impression of an old friend.
The prophecy of the 7th Thunder - Oh, excuse me.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

...... So, care to tell me who you are?

2 options (Same Response)
Thunderbird-san - Who the heck are you......?

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

...... Sorry, I shouldn't have asked when I'm trying to act undercover.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

On the other hand, in honor for your cooperation,
let's see what I can talk to you about.

After thinking about the question through, Thunderbird talked in a low voice.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

I work 2 jobs, day and night.
One of them is, well it is too boorish to put into words.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

If you happen to figure it out by any chance, then please keep it a secret.
That is a rule of a hero.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

The other is that I protect the peaceful slumber of everyone around......
It's a literal "dream hero."

Thunderbird expression stern.png

I took the wishes of my deceased friend of lightning - that is the way I live.
A hero named Thunderbird, that's how it's ought to be.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

...... But, to think I would find anyone this deep down.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Even with wings of pride, I couldn't have made it in time.
It was all thanks to you holding out.

Thanking and thanking them, the gentleman then frowned and threw an apology.

Thunderbird expression sad.png

Please excuse the verbal slip just now.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

As I am the one that crosses through dreams and flies through the depths of the consciousness,
it's advised that I keep quiet about everyone's mental images.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

For that reason, why are you here is something I shouldn't ask.

3 options (Same Response)
I'm fine with it though. That's a rough job. I don't mind that you saved me.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Thank you. Thanks to your kindness,
you will be having nice dreams tonight.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

....... Here's a heads-up.
From now on, a strange phenomenon will occur based on "him."

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

It swallowed up the desert world that you all are traveling in,
it's a strange phenomena that can even affect the outside as well.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

You - Don't look away from him, don't look away from the cane wielder.

2 options (Same Response)
Eh......? You mean Seth?

Thunderbird expression sad.png

"He" is a sobbing, lost child residing in the depths of a complex pyramid -
That "lost child" needs someone to lead the way, to break free from the chaos.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

You...... Will you be his hero?

3 options (Same Response)
I will protect Seth, even I'm not asked to. Thanks for the heads-up, snazzy Hero-san. If that will get me back to Tokyo, then alright.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

....... Thank you.
As protector of the lonely children's dreams, I give you my thanks, brave child.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Well, the night is slowly coming to an end.
The nightmare has passed, it is time to start the day with the rising sun.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

I pray that today's day will be full of luck for you.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

And, what you saw today is very confidential.
Promise that for the "hero," okay, Baby?

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Well then, it's time to go. Good morning, sweet baby......

Thunderbird's figure disappears. He leaves behind an awfully strange message the moment he leaves.

And then, the world was washed with light, awakening the consciousness.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Oh hey! You woke up, [Player]!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

You should be thankful.
You fall behind schedule every day, so I came to get you.

3 options (Same Response)
Oh, I see. I'll try to get up early from now on. It's supposed to be "good morning."

Seth expression b surprised.png

What the, why are you staring at me like that......?
Is there something on my face?

Seth having said that, it seems that he's more energetic than he was yesterday.

3 options (Same Response)
Let's go get breakfast, Seth. Let's go on ahead of Goku and the others. Is Bajie still asleep?

Seth expression b neutral.png

Oh, you finally got your act together?
Goku and the others are already waiting in the dining room.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

We'll be at Flaming Mountains at last.
Let's put up a good fight, Xuanzang-sama!

Seth pressing on with his voice, he leaves to the dining room.

The destination being Flaming Mountains, the group will soon head there.

Chapter 5 Part 2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Desert

Wherever they went - the 4 people walked in the desert that seems to go on forever.

A high spirited boy is humming a tune while walking up front. Although the scaffold is sand, he skips than walk on the sand.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Nin nin nin nin~, nin nin nin~, niginiginigi~.

3 options (Same Response)
You're in a good mood, Goku. Are you making up that tune? Nin nin nin~

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

I heard it from an anime Tsathoggua-dono and I saw together.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

I vaguely remember it, but it has a good rhythm, so I taken a liking to it!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Oh, I agree!
Caravan corps and nomadic people often sing it as well.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Songs are your best friend on a long journey.
Heck, I could even become the next singer.

Gouryou expression serious.png

But, I didn't consider about a musical instrument. Biwa...... Yeah, no.
I would rather try the guitar, heck, even the piano!

Seth expression b neutral.png

This is another scheme to talk to your beautiful ladies about, eh?
You're gonna get smacked.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Wh- Heeeey!! Don't go and destroy my bud of hope like that!!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Sheesh..... You're gonna share your lot in life with me, right? Brother.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Haha, I'm gonna pass.
I don't take fights I know I can't win.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Buheehee, say your prayers.
I'm gonna be successful next time and surprise you!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Big Brother Seth and Bajie-dono! What about me?
What instrument should I play? I hope it's something cool!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

But, I broke the big drums in school once.
I wasn't allowed to do anything aside from clapping and the jingle thingy.

Seth expression b surprised.png

You don't need to put so much force into things.
How about picking up something like a percussion, a stringed instrument or a flute?

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Y-Yeah......! Alright!
When we get back to Tokyo, I'm gonna practice hard with the recorder!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Bwahaha, not a bad idea! Do your best, Goku-chan!

3 options
You're completely out of it. You're all relaxed despite the final battle coming up. It's good to see you're doing okay, Seth.
Seth expression b surprised.png

Hrm? What's up, Xuanzang-sama?
Do I have something on my face?

The companions laughed and chatted while walking.

At the beginning of their journey, their pacing was all over the place.

Gathering together as a group that one day, they were now able to build one long path together.

Bajie's big feet frantically chased after the restless Goku.

Seth, who's familiar with travel, mimicks their fast pacing; his own pace fills the gap.

The great adventure will soon be carved into the sea of sand.

3 options
Don't go too far out, Goku. Need a break, Bajie? Thanks for sticking with us, Seth.
Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Got it. Acting on my own is not allowed in a desert!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Not only because we're a caravan, but because we're all friends!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

I won't forget about Big Brother Seth's lessons, ever!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Thanks for worrying about me.
To be honest, traveling around in a desert is pretty rough.

Gouryou expression joy.png

If I'm with a cutie like you, Xuanzang,
then I'd be willing to go anywhere.

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Better yet, I might actually make it to India...... I'm kidding, buhehehe.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Honestly, I wondered what would've happened to you guys at first.
You guys were such amateurs.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Especially you, Xuanzang-sama.
You were always swinging your sword one-handed.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Maybe you should just stay back and attack from a distance.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

...... I'm kidding. Don't get mad at me.
You are a nice and reliable person, Teacher-sama.


Location: Flaming Mountains

Not before long, everyone fell silent as face towards a huge structure, right in front of their very eyes.

A tower with an astonishingly tall gate lies there. The sounds of the wind blowing echoed as there's no one here.

[Player] and the others have finally reached the foot of Flaming Mountains.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

So this is Flaming Mountains huh......? It has a lot of impact!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Hey, this is really the right place?
Well, the manager of Kochuuten did tell us to go here.

Seth expression b surprised.png

But, the name itself is "Flaming Mountains."
I was expecting it to be a mountain of fire......

3 options
It sure is a huge castle. It feels like a dungeon in a mountain. It's not as hot as I imagined.
Ganglie expression neutral.png

This mountain feels like one huge castle.
The building is most likely up at the summit.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

If that's the case, I'd hate to work in a place like this.
I'd be dropping dead just from going up and down the place.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Hmhmhm, this is definitely the final boss' dungeon!
My yokai senses are tingling!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

But, a mid-boss should be waiting here at the entrance, that's standard procedure!
But, it's too quiet here......

Seth expression b surprised.png

Before you go claiming it's hot,
there's nothing here that suggests it's on fire.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Rather, it's windy and cold out here.
It's right in the middle of a desert too......

Right after giving their impressions, there was no warning in advance as the ground rumbled.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

W-Whoa, hey! You gotta be kidding me!
An earthquake in a desert!? There's nothing to hold onto!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

We'd have to hide under a desk......
but there's no desks around! Akyaaaa!

Seth expression b anger.png

This is bad! Look, over there! The edge of the desert!

In the direction where Seth is pointing, there is a something like a dark wall rising up.

Like a swarm of winged insects, the wall of sand quivered like a thick fog.

It stands high, surrounding Flaming Mountains.

Gouryou expression surprised.png

A sandstorm...... that is a big problem.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

We're gonna head into Flaming Mountains.
I'm getting a bit nervous.

Gouryou expression serious.png

There's no chance of escaping, is there?
This leaves a bad taste in my mouth......

Ganglie expression neutral.png

I just pray it blows over after the heated battle's over.

Seth expression b surprised.png


3 options (Same Response)
What's wrong, Seth? You don't look so good. Do you need to rest a bit?

Seth expression b sad.png

I-It's nothing...... It's just that, watching the sandstorm......

Seth expression b surprised.png

No...... I'll be fine! Seth-sama is not afraid of anything!

Seth expression b neutral.png

Come on, let's go, Xuanzang-sama!
We're gonna take down the boss that owns this castle!

Water Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Pardon me. You are the Xuanzang Party, I presume?

Seth expression b surprised.png

G-Gyaaaaaaaaa!! Wh...... Where did you guys come from!?

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Aha, you must be the bad guys!
Are we going to have a gatekeeper battle here?

Nether Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

We were ordered to wait for you here under Gyumao-sama's command.

Aether Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Our job is to then guide you to the throne room, that is all.

Water Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Please stay calm, we will not hurt you.
Please, come this way.

The well-mannered servants put themselves in a single file line and started walking.

Seth expression b surprised.png

H-Hey! You expect us to come with you because we can't run away!?

Seth expression b anger.png

Tch, what are these guys talking about.....
They're not going to attack but rather "guide" us? Sounds fishy to me.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Come on now. They don't seem to be lying, since they're not gonna fight us.
It would be wise to just follow them, yeah?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

This Gyumao guy is probably a gentleman too.

Gouryou expression joy.png

Who knows, maybe we'll just chat and sort everything out that way.

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

That sounds good! Games are enough of a fight for me!

Seth expression b anger.png

You guys need to be a little more serious!
...... Then again, this is how you usually are.

Following the Black Suits, they went to the top - At the summit, there lies a grand hall.

The location seems big enough to hold a small building. Such luxurious decorations were laid out along with a tall ceiling.

In the middle of the extravagant room, there is a man sitting on a huge throne.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

You finally arrived, Xuanzang and their followers.

Gyumao expression b anger.png

How long has it been - No, it has been decades since I last said your name, hasn't it!?

The man in armor glared intently at them with a sharp look full of anger.

3 options (Same Response)
Uh, Gyumao's the CEO isn't he? Um...... I'm not the real Xuanzang. Are you mistaking me for someone else?

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Graaah, silence!!
You do not understand what it means to choose that name!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Though your face is slightly different,
I will not be bothered by such trivial matters!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

It is my destiny to eliminate you! I am determined to do so!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Whoa, hey come on!! This is insane! We're just using alias -

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Hmm? The pig there, you are...... I remember that appearance.

Gouryou expression shocked.png

Bweeh!? A warm welcome from a lovely lady is great, but from you......

Gouryou expression surprised.png

No, I don't remember who you are.......
I feel like I do remember, but I don't!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

And you, the monkey! You are as incorrigible as ever!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

The one who gave me a scar on my nose, the thought of seeing you again makes my blood boil......!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

That's right! That posture, those features!
You resemble the traitor that was my sworn brother!!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Eeeeeeh!? I don't get it! What are you talking about all the sudden?!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Sure, my name is Goku right now, but my real name is actually Hanuman!

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

Hmmmmmm? Wait, did I get myself mixed up? Is this really our first meeting together?
Are you perhaps...... a neighbor?

3 options (Same Response)
He's confusing himself...... Are you mistaking him for another person? Well -

???:( face)
Oh yes. Keeping things under control, "Husband"?

???:( face)
Being worked up about personal grudges is fine and all,
but this is this, and that is that. But never mind that -

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

Such brave warriors have come this far......
You should at least give them proper hospitality.

2 options (Same Response)
Hakumen-chan's involved too!? Is this all Hakumen-chan's doing?

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

Oh? Is that who I think it is? Milord?

Hakumen expression desert tasty.png

I'll give an explanation later.
I suppose you could play along with the situation for now?

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

Pull yourself toget- Eh? There's no spotlight? Oh my......

Hakumen expression desert joy.png

Ahem. I will humbly introduce myself.
My name is Gyokumen. I am happy to make your acquiantance.

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

I am the temporary "lover" of this man - I am his second wife so to speak.

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

And this here is my son...... Hey!
Drop the cue cards right now!

Xolotl expression desert surprised.png

Hya, hyaaaaaaaa!? I am so sorry!!

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

Forgive me, Haku-...... Wait, no!
Gyokumen, my step mother!

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

I'm, I'm Red Boy! Gyumao's eldest son and successor!!

3 options
Gyokumen - and Red Boy?! But, Gyokumen is the princess who.....
Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

Milord, stop!! I know what you want to say,
but I worry a lot about it!

Seth expression b anger.png

I-I don't get what's going on,
but in the end, you're the mastermind behind all this, aren't you?

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

...... Oh, how right you are.
I am not the Super CEO at the moment.

Gyumao expression b anger.png

I am...... Yes, I am.....!

The Bull Beastman "Transient" stands from the throne and stretched his chest. Then -

His body swells up in a blink of an eye.

Gyumao expression b 5star.png


2 options (Same Response)
W-What the hell is going on!? He suddenly got bigger!?

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Gwaaaaaaah!? Gyumao-dono's body got huge!

Gouryou expression shocked.png

W-What the hell......!? A giant...... No, a giant bull!?

Gouryou expression surprised.png

This is crazy, you can't be taller than 10 meters tall!
Please tell me this is some kind of joke!!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

The distant people hearing noises!
Come closer and see with your own eyes!!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

I am the Master of Flaming Mountains,
Great Sage who Pacifies Heaven, Gyumao!!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

Xuanzang and their disciples!!
Regrets from the past, I will destroy you here!!

Hakumen expression desert tasty.png

Wife of the Master of Flaming Mountains, Gyokumen!
I will everything I can to help with my Husband's matters!

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

I'm, I'm a matchless roughneck! I will assist as weeeell!!

2 options (Same Response)
2 powerful opponents - How can we defeat them!?

Seth expression b anger.png

Keep a cool head, Xuanzang-sama!
Don't be intimidated by his power!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Yeah! If we want to defeat the big boss,
then we should aim for the any possible weakness he has!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Targetting his weakness and throwing him off balance, I think they may be the best possible action.

Seth expression b anger.png

Aim for the legs!
Give him a strong attack and knock him over!

3 options (Same Response)
Got it! I hope it works......! Attack his weak points!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Wait, Xuanzang-sama! Give a super-duper cool speech first! Please!

Seth expression b anger.png

That will get us fired up.
This is the last fight after all!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Yep yep. That's all we're asking for, Teacher-san!

2 options (Same Response)
Hear me! King of Monsters, Gyumao!
2 options (Same Response)
We are Xuanzang - And the 3 disciples!
2 options (Same Response)
In the name of the Heavens - We will punish you!
2 options (Same Response)
Everyone, let's go! We're all coming back to Tokyo!

Gouryou expression 4star.png

Hoh yeah!

Hanuman expression desert b 4star.png

You got it!!

Seth expression b2 4star.png

Leave it to me, Xuanzang-sama! Teacher-sama!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

Interesting!! Go on, show me your strength!!

[Battle Start]

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Nuaaah......!? Guaaaaaah!!

[Player], Seth, Bajie, Goku -

Each of them attacks Gyumao with their strongest attacks and pierces through Gyumao's vital points.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Those attacks......! They surely broke through me!!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

I, Gyumao, have lost once agaaaaaain!!

Gyumao's body stands to become as tall as the mountain.

His imposing figure however, shrinks abruptly due to the attacks he received from before.

Ultimately, he kneels and collapses on the spot, returning to his original size.

2 options (Same Response)
We...... We won......!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Wooooooo!! We won! We defeated the final boss, Xuanzang-sama!!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

We completed our objective! We can go home now!

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

All that's left is the ending.
Show the ending then conclude the movie!

Gouryou expression crying.png

Buheheheee, it's over, it's finally oveeeeer.
Give me all the beautiful ladies and a nice cold drink please......

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

Hakum-...... No, "step mom."

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

No, I'm just good ol' "Hakumen" again, Xolotl.

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

Gyuu-chan, the game is over.
Milord and their friends beautifully cleared the game.

2 options (Same Response)
What......? "Game"......?

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

...... Ah. That appears so......

Gyumao, who's collapsed, slowly stands back up.

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Whaaa......!? D-Do we need to fight him a 2nd time!?

Seth expression b neutral.png

No, doesn't it seem off to you? Look.

Gyumao kneels on one knee before [Player], and fixed his gaze on the Xuanzang Party's faces.

Then, with a huge smile on his face, he opened his big mouth and says -

Gyumao expression b joy.png


Following those words, the throne room is engulfed completely in light.

2 options (Same Response)
Huh!? W-What is going on!?

The room changes into a luxurious decorated party hall, filled with loud cheering and a storm of clapping.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Congratulations, gentlemen! And thank you!!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

You did a great job defeating the Master of Flaming Mountains!
That honor will be respected here!

Gyumao expression b joy.png

You all - your title of being the first people
who successfully cleared this attraction will be engraved here!!

2 options (Same Response)
At...... Attraction!? Cleared......!?

Nether Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Congratulations!! You guys were great!!

Aether Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Drinks, food, we will prepare anything you want!
Please, come this way!

Black Suits that were acting in private came one after another, hanging floral decorations in a line.

Changing from gloomy ambience from earlier, it is now a completely welcoming mood.

Seth expression b surprised.png

Wha...... Huuh?! Wow, no, what is going on here!?

Everyone pretty much goes back to using their original names at this point.

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

B-But we just defeated him, and there's this weird light going on......
Wait, is this his second form!?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Come on, let's just play along......
Oh, I think I'll grab a plate of fried rice over there.

3 options (Same Response)
Up until now - All of it is for an attraction!? This was all some kind of drama!?

Gyumao expression b joy.png

That's correct! Your abductive reasoning is incredible!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

What you just experienced was a next-generation attraction for the TSL.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

It is called "Defeat the Desert King Gyumao!"

Seth, Gouryou, Hanuman:(shocked face)

Seth expression b anger.png

What, HEEEEEEEY!! We've gone through so many life-threatening situations -

Seth expression b anger.png

There's no sense of an attraction in that!!
That's a huge issue for safety!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

What's this? The Roller Coaster, the Haunted House -

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

You're saying those aren't thrill attractions, is that right?

Hakumen expression desert tasty.png

For this event,
the TSL and Underground Casino dramatically remodeled into an artificial desert world!

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

We bring wonderful entertainment and give the guests thrills and excitement!

Hakumen expression desert joy.png

Stunning reality that surpasses virtual reality!
That is what this attraction is!

Hakumen expression desert sad.png

Unfortunately...... The main cast all were in a bad state of health......

Hakumen expression desert joy.png

In a hurry, Gyuu-chan, the figures of the TSL and myself took the roles.
My, it was so wonderful.

3 options (Same Response)
The head architect, Dokkakuji, was part of it? So the company president is the Demon King. Was Thunderbird-san...... being himself?

Gyumao expression b joy.png

We reviewed the guests' responses to the attraction.
It was all wonderful!

3 options (Same Response)
Then, you - The way you were glaring at us menacingly - It was all an act?

Gyumao expression b troubled.png

...... It's a bottleneck from myself.
To be frank, I'd be lying if there weren't any grudges involved.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Xuanzang Sanzang and myself... and the names of the attendants too of course,
our very existence are connected slightly.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

You all called yourself those names,
and I was also surprised that you participated in this event.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

I am the president of the company however.
I am not the type of man to involve my grudges with you, the customers.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Causing an incident about my personal feelings would influence the compliance of my company!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

Dear me...... I'm a slave for such a rough company.
You'll have to pay a workers' compensation if I have problems with my job.

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

But, it's as you expect of Milord!
That beautiful victory mesmerizes me......

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

H-How was my acting......!?
The key thing was all an act, yet I still got punished......

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

And who's the idiot who actually left it behind!
Be thankful I went easy on the whipping!

3 options (Same Response)
How can this attraction be a thing?! I'm exhausted...... Can I go home already......?

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

If I'm being honest, then I would've given an explanation for the event first, but......

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

For my own discretion, I asked her not to speak about it.
I wanted to assess fresh responses from the clients.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

If this succeeds, the TSL will increasingly prosper as a company!

Hakumen expression desert sad.png

Although, I didn't want try conduct for Milord......

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

The results were alright though! A mighty huge success!
I'd like to give a modest thanks to Milord -

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

A permanent free passport to the TSL, an all-you-can-eat restaurant,
and the free use of amenities.

Hakumen expression desert joy.png

Of course, your friends benefit from the free pass too!
I want you to enjoy yourself to your hearts' content!

3 options (Same Response)
It's free forever!? I-If you're willing to do that...... How generous of you, Hakumen-chan!
Hakumen expression desert joy.png

Wa...... Haaaaaaaah~.

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

That makes me happy, very happy.
My, oh my, those words are just, goodness~!

Gyumao expression b joy.png

HAHAHAHA!! My client seems to be extremely happy!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

By the way, can you give me your thoughts on this event?

Gyumao expression b joy.png

It will prove useful for later operations.
Of course, we'll pay for the information as per by the rules.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Ah, you are not required to fill out the survey right now.
There is a postbox at the exit of the attraction -

Seth expression b anger.png

H-Hey, wait a second!
Just how do you get out of this world!?

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Erm...... What on earth are you talking about?
This is nothing more than the Underground Casino of Tokyo -

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Ah, yes. Escape routes are essential to such events.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Nevertheless, with reference to your opinion,
someone will guide those who want to escape this event -

Seth expression b anger.png

What a load of crap!
We're here cause we thought we were on a journey!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Yeah, Gyumao-dono! It's weird that this desert goes on forever!

Gouryou expression shocked.png

The scorching hot weather was hell for our health!
We all almost became sun-dried jerky!!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

What...... What is this!?
There can't be anything as absurd as that!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

The desert is only one floor of the Underground Casino -
If you keep walking, you should eventually hit a wall......!

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

Hey, what's the meaning of this, Gyuu-chan!?
You almost killed Milord and their friends!!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

That...... That's impossible!!
The safety management of the TSL is flawless!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

If there's an abnormal guest, the staff would've rushed to the scene!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Peace, safety and a thrilling 3-hour grand adventure!
That is the concept of the attraction!

Seth expression b surprised.png

T-Three hours......!?
That can't be right! We've been traveling for 4 days now!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

4 days......!? Th-That's impossible!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

Taking the time for a siesta is included,
but it most certainly shouldn't have passed more than 3 hours!

3 options (Same Response)
It crossed over without us realizing it.....? Ourselves, Gyumao and the others in this world - It's like it went out of allignment.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Th-That could be...... No, that is......!!

...... It was that moment.

???:( face)
What you see, is a vision.

Xolotl expression desert surprised.png

Ah-AAAAAAAAAIEEEEEE!! S-Someone's appearing!!

Seth expression d anger.png

The existence of myself showed a distorted reality, a mirage!

2 options (Same Response)
Y-You! ! The Other Seth! !

Seth expression b surprised.png

What...... the......!?
A lie...... A lie! This has to be a MISTAKE!!

Seth expression b anger.png

You...... What are you doing here!!

Seth expression d neutral.png

In the world where the sun shines, I suppose I say "nice to meet you"?
One who pretends to be "An Avatar of Windstorms."

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

B-Big Brother Seth...... There's two of you!?
What's going on here!?

Gouryou expression serious.png

Ah! This is such a chilling feeling!
A memory...... It's just like what happened with Typhon!

2 options (Same Response)
That can't be...... So that is what Other Seth is! !

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

T-This is serious, President! I have something to report!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Such noise!! I'm in the middle of something right now, make it brief!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Th-That's.....! The desert that was part of the facility -

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

The desert is expanding at an alarming rate,
it's going to engulf the entire TSL facility!!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

The desert...... is expanding!?
That's ridiculous! It's only an artificial object!

Seth expression d surprised.png

Yes, that is what it was till now.
Now, it will be all different.

Seth expression d neutral.png

Flaming Mountains is the "center" of this world.
Since I have arrived here, everything will change!

Seth expression d anger.png

One with the sands and winds - The true "Emperor of the Desert"!!

Christine expression desert sad.png

Having finally reached Flaming Mountains to conclude everything,
only to find an unexpected visitor waiting for them there.

Christine expression desert frown.png

The image of Seth from inside the dreams manifests in reality.
What could be the truth that he speaks of?

Christine expression desert neutral.png

That concludes the tale for today.
We shall meet again on another night.

Chapter 6 Part 1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 6: Xuanzang Sanzang Saves Seth and Expels the Darkness

Flaming Mountains is closed off from the outside world due to the sandstorm. Sitting on the throne on the summit -

An ominous being that has the same face as Seth appeared.

He looks nearly identical to Seth, but there was dark hatred glowing in his eyes.

Seth expression d neutral.png

......What's the matter? You look very surprised.
This isn't your first time seeing my face, is it?

Seth expression b surprised.png

This...... This can't be real......
You're a dream of me, you're supposed to be a dream of me......

Seth expression d neutral.png

That's correct, "Seth."
I was supposed to be your dream.

Seth expression d neutral.png

However...... That was only for when you are not breaking the promise you imposed on yourself.

Seth expression d anger.png

You've changed this journey.
You wanted to change yourself.

Seth expression b surprised.png

So the reason for that is...... awakening back my memories......

Seth expression e surprised.png

...... (Inaudible).....! .......!!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Waah...... UWAAAAAaaaaah!!

Seth expression d anger.png

You sealed away your memories along with your own heart, you varnished yourself with lies -
I'm sure you've been able to live your life in peace, "Seth" ......!!

3 options (Same Response)
What is your intention!? Why is a "Shadow" like yourself here......?! Are you the cause of the sandstorm outside?

Seth expression d neutral.png

Hmph. What do you care, "patchwork one."

Seth expression d sad.png

He was watching you and that guy near the waterside......

Seth expression d neutral.png

The person that became a fool themselves -
He discovered that wreckage within yourself!

Seth expression d neutral.png

Because of that, by taking advantage of his fears and regets......
I was able surface in this world.

Seth expression d anger.png

I should feel grateful......
Thanks to you, I can finally carry out my greatest desire!

3 options (Same Response)
You're not getting away with this! "Fear," "Regrets"......? Don't you dare lay a hand on Seth!

Seth expression d cheerful.png

Kahaha! Don't be ridiculous!
You should know that you can't possibly stop me!

Seth expression d neutral.png

Hey...... [Player]. Do you know anything about it?

Seth expression d neutral.png

Beings like myself - Beings that are born as "Shadows."

Seth expression d anger.png

I do what I believe in accordance to that fate -
That is to be the embodiment of hatred that I so desire!

He then quietly approached the boy that has the same appearance as Shadow Seth.

Gazing at the Shadow, Seth does not move an inch.

2 options (Same Response)
Seth, run! He's going to kill Seth!

Seth expression b surprised.png

I can't...... I can't do it.
Even I can't run away from him......

Seth expression b sad.png

That's because he is...... the "real me" ......

Seth expression d neutral.png

Hmph. You finally gave in. You really are a pathetic blockhead.

Seth expression d anger.png

Don't fret...... I'll quickly put you out of your misery.
Now, it is time for you to be rid from this world!

Seth expression b sad.png

...... (Gasp)!!

Hanuman expression desert b 4star.png

Ultimate move, super-disrupting-water-shot!!

Seth expression d surprised.png

Gwaaaah!! You...... You're getting in the way!!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Although I don't have the slightest idea of what's going on,
I can't let you do that!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Big Brother Seth is a very important friend to me!
I won't let you get away with tormenting him!

Seth expression b surprised.png

......! Hanuman, no, don't!!

Seth expression d cheerful.png

"Friend"! I see, so he's your "friend"!
Kahaha! That is so dumb of you to stand up for him!

Seth expression d neutral.png

Very well......
If you are going to protect him, then I suppose I should get some assistance.

With one arm swing from Shadow Seth, a sandstorm brews inside the room.

Countless Shadow Seths then stepped out from inside the sandstorm.

Seth expression d anger.png

The masses like yourself are nothing but insects to my countless copies!

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Waaaaaaah!? It's like a horde of zombies!!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

No big deal! I am the best when it comes to shooting!
I'm going all-out with these bad boooooys!!

Hanuman's fierce and perfectly accurate rapid shooting shoots down the Sand Shadows in succession.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Nice! I did it!!

Hanuman raised his voice to a certain effect. However -

The sand absorbed the water and crumbled to the ground, but new figures of Seth arose again.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png


Seth expression d anger.png

Futile, absolutely futile!!
Inexhaustible gravel won't feel pain from such morning dew!!

Hanuman expression desert b crying.png

N-No fair! That is so unfair!
You should've been destroyed after getting shot at!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

...... Oh, what am I saying right now!!
We can't save Big Brother Seth if we just sit here!

2 options
Wait, we're helping too! Ganglie, please!
Gouryou expression serious.png

Fine. Stay back, "Teacher-san"! Things are gonna get a bit rough!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Sure thing. I was gonna do it on this guy anyways even if you didn't tell me from the start!

Ganglie brandishes his hoe and breaks the nozzles of the water fountain set up on both sides of the throne.

Gouryou expression 4star.png

Get swept away in the waves! Outlook Admiral!!

A huge wave surged and destroyed the enemy that just came back to life.

Gouryou expression serious.png

Now, [Player]! I bought you some time, now go save Seth!

2 options (Same Response)
Got it! I'll save him right away!

[Player] rushed over to Seth who's fallen over, lifting him in their arms.

Seth expression b surprised.png

[Player]......! You......!

Seth expression d anger.png

Graaaah......! You damn low-life of a pig!!

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Nice work, [Player], you rescued Seth!
Hey, young lady owner, which way is the exit!?

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

G-Goodness me......! Being called a "young lady" is...... Oh my!

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

E-Excuse me, Hakumen-sama?
I think you shouldn't be getting embarrassed by the current situation......

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

Oh, keep your mouth shut!! You don't need to tell me cause I'm already aware of it!!

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

The emergency exit is behind the throne!
It connects to the passage leading a shelter in case of an emergency!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Right! Everyone, follow the evacuator's instructions and evacuate through the emergency exit!

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

Xolotl! Do you understand what to do?
Evacuate and guide them to the designated place!

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

I understand! Everyone, please hang onto this vine!

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

I feel I'm becoming an adult......!
Please, do not let go of it at any cost!!

Seth expression d anger.png

You're not getting away......! I will send you all to the depths of hell!!

Shadow Seth chases after the group heading to the exit. He immediately barricades the path behind the throne.

He runs after them faster than expected, however -

Gyumao expression b anger.png


Seth expression d surprised.png

...... !!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

I will act as an after-care! Everyone, you must escape in the meantime!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

All of my guests, all of my staff, you all are assets to me!
A sand monster such as him won't lay a finger on you!

3 options (Same Response)
Gyumao-san......! I'll back you up! You can't handle him by yourself!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

You want to form an alliance with me,
is that what you're telling me?

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

...... Heh. The one who took on the name, "Xuanzang Sanzang,"
the day where we fight alongside each other has come, it seems.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

I truly appreciate it, "Xuanzang-dono."
We shall conclude our partnership!

Seth:( face)
Uu...... Uuunnn......

2 options (Same Response)
...... Hanuman. I'll leave Seth in your care.

Hanuman expression desert b surprised.png

Hey, wait a minute, [Player]-dono!
I want to help him together with you -

Gouryou expression serious.png

Hold it. [Player] entrusted a weak and exhausted Seth in your care, did they not?

Gouryou expression serious.png

Believe in them. It's our job to stay out of it too.

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

Let's go!! Ehcatl Mayahuel!!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

......! [Player]-donooo!
You better come back alive! You have to!!

Huge bundles of vines grew with intense momentum - They then penetrated through the sand monsters in succession while also carrying everyone to the evacuation door.

Now, all that's left behind is Other Seth, Gyumao and [Player].

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

...... I had a thought.
After the battle is over, why not come visit my company?

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Bonus in salary, retirement plans with employee benefits,
I'll even consider 2 leaves per month as well!

Gyumao expression b joy.png

All the employees are free every Friday.
You can join the banquets too if you like! Wahahaha!

2 options (Same Response)
Sure, I'll do it! I'll think about it......

Seth expression d anger.png

Bah! You really don't have a care in the world,
talking on about your business when your life is clearly in danger!

Seth expression d neutral.png

Don't worry. I'll relieve you two from this cruel, sad world with my own 2 hands.

Seth expression d anger.png

Rest a peaceful slumber in hell,
then there won't be anything for you to be concerned about!

Gyumao expression b joy.png

I'm terribly sorry, but Gyumao loathes opportunity losses more than anything in this world!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

I am not interested in a world lacking economic activities and such!
I will take you down and take in this youngster to my company!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

[Player], we shall fight him! Crush the bottleneck, then escape!


Gyumao expression b 5star.png


Gyumao's gigantic, swelled up body blows away the Sand Seths.

In the course of events, the leader of the clones taking commands trembled.

Seth expression d anger.png

Dammit, this can't be happening......!
The sand can't hold its shape!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Now, partner! We shall proceed with a strategic retreat!

2 options
I agree, President! Can we really run away......!?
Gyumao expression b joy.png

Bwahaha! Unnecessarily throwing out business terms is nonsensical, no?

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

It's all in coordination to the TPO, do you understand now?* (TPO = Time, Place, Occasion)

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

A top businessperson never misses a chance and thoroughly gets into things!

Gyumao expression b joy.png

A swift retreat under these dire circumstances, then we'll work around a new strategy.
Please keep that to your knowledge!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Anyway, I will lead the breakthrough! Stay close behind me!!

Seth expression d anger.png

There is no escape! Especially you, [Player], you're not going anywhere!!

3 options (Same Response)
How persistent! Why are you going after me?! You're not targeting Seth?!

Seth expression d neutral.png

It's obvious. You hold power that can even interfere with fate itself.

Seth expression d anger.png

With that, it is the only potential option that can revive him,
to revive Seth in the place where he is entombed!

Seth expression d anger.png

How else would I carry out my goal without eliminating you!!

The threatening Shadow catches up to them, grasping them, ready to take their life.

3 options (Same Response)
Too fast......! I can't break free! Help, somebody! !

Seth expression d neutral.png

It's useless! That strong barbarian has already left.
Now, you're all alone with me here -

Seth expression d anger.png

No one will come and save you! Perish, and fall into a peaceful slumber!!

That moment, when he attempted to do something gruesome with that sandy hand -

Seth expression d surprised.png

Guaaah!! Who's there!?

Thunderbird expression stern.png

I arrived just on time! Leave matters to me, Baby!

Thunderbird, with one sharp feather in hand, makes a gesture before throwing it at the enemy.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

Shadow of the heart that has taken shape!
"Dream Crosser," return to the depths of where you're born!

Seth expression d anger.png

Dammit, you again.....! The affectionate, dandy hero!

Seth expression d neutral.png

I know more than anyone else about how an unfortunate demise for a hero goes!

Seth expression d cheerful.png

Everything is at my mercy! Kahahahaha!!

His presence fades away with his voice. And then, the Avian Gentlemen suddenly shrugged his shoulders.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

I'm sure I know as much as you do when it comes to a hero's end.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Hey, Baby. Can you stand? You're not hurt, are you?

3 options
Why are you here......? Why are you in the real world? I can't get up, please help me!
Thunderbird expression wink.png

I'll provide an answer to that question later.
For now, let's take you to the location where everyone is waiting in.

Thunderbird expression stern.png

The current situation is far more urgent than I anticipated.
An exchange of information will be necessary.

Thunderbird expression wink.png

Hey now, you don't seem to be hurt just by looking at you -
I suppose you must've been terrified then, Baby.

Thunderbird expression neutral.png

Good, now get on my back.
I shall deliver you to the place where everyone is with my wings of pride!


Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

...... This is all I have to report.
Multiple sand-like monsters have appeared in the "Kochuuten" area.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

All the customers have been evacuated inside the buildings,
the pool has been filled with sand, and the place has been isolated from the other areas.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

Rescue from the outside world...... I'm 100% sure we can't expect any to come.

Gyumao expression b troubled.png

(Sigh), this is a major concern. I appreciate the report.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

On the other hand, what do you mean by "no chance of rescue"?
If there is an outbreak of issues within the facility......

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

"Evacuate the customers as soon as possible and wait for rescue from outside."
I want to say something, but I figured it's pointless.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

A moment ago, a clerk working at the Endless Scream informed me that contact got engulfed in sand,
one after the another.

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

And, it's strange but the door leading outside disappeared without a trace.

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

How...... How can that be!?
It shouldn't have been possible for the exit to disappear like that!

Ganglie expression neutral.png

...... Nah, it's possible. Hey, [Player].

Gouryou expression serious.png

It's the same as him -
It's just like the "sea with no way out," remember?

2 options (Same Response)
...... You're right! We're in an "overworld shift"!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

What's this!? [Player], you have an idea of what this incident is?

Hakumen expression desert sad.png

Milord...... We truly can't escape from this ordeal?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Well, even we are not familiar with it.
To sum it up, it goes like this -

"Overworld shifts." That is, it's another world that erodes onto Tokyo.

There are 2 conditions for it to occur. One, a "Closed Area" must be there on that occasion, and the other is the "Transient" who is the "Key" to be there as well -

The mind of the "Transient" that is the "Key" connects together the parallel world and the "Closed Area," causing time and space to warp.

And, the "Key" who can solve it also, is the true self that created the world.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

...... I see. The TSL, which is surely a weather-proof resort,
can become a "Closed Area" if you change the viewpoints.

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

And the artifical desert built inside here is connected to the real desert world...... Is that correct?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Well, that's pretty much the gist of it.
This is my 2nd time while [Player] seems to have been involved in it a bunch of times.

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

But...... But how did time pass on differently for [Player] and their friends and us?

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

We were on Flaming Mountains and [Player] and their friends traveled in the desert.
We should have been all on the same floor......

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

...... I assume the "overworld shifts" originally occured in the more populated desert areas on this floor.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Flaming Mountains is a solid wall and door, isolated from the desert area.
That is the reason why it wasn't involved in an "overworld shift."

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

And now, the door to Flaming Mountains has been opened.
Flaming Mountains and the exit of the attraction has been swallowed up by the "overworld shift" as well......

Gyumao expression b troubled.png

It's not only this floor, but the "overworld shift" is now spreading across the TSL.
It's all coming together now.

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

In regards to the "Closed Area," if you be so kind to explain -
who in earth is the "Key" to it?

Hakumen expression desert sad.png

Unless that person does something to undo the "overworld shift," there's no way out of here, correct?

Ganglie expression neutral.png


2 options (Same Response)
That's - It's surely......

[Player] and the others looked over and concentrated on Seth, who was resting in a corner of the room.

Seth, who was laying on his back towards this direction, felt their gazes and slowly got up with a murky look on his face.

Seth expression b sad.png

...... This is all my fault. Is that what you want to say to me......?

Seth expression b sad.png

I already know. This strange world is undoubtedly connected to me.

Seth expression b anger.png

It's because of him - He shouldn't have shown his face here!

Seth expression b sad.png

...... I knew. But, I don't know what I should do......

3 options (Same Response)
We're not accusing you of anything. We want to know what's going on. Any kind of hint will help.

Seth expression b sad.png

[Player]...... You......

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

It's surely something that was created by you.
A bitter crystallization of past memories that wants to be forgotten.

Thunderbird expression desert stern.png

What was sealed away in the inner heart, and what's saddled with the past has overflown.

Thunderbird expression desert sad.png

But, that is something that anyone can do.
We cannot move on by carrying our agony and suffering.

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

...... Could you tell us? What are you holding, and what do you have sealed away?

Seth expression b surprised.png


Seth expression b sad.png


Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

I-I...... I want to hear from you too!
Please, tell us everything that's bothering you!

Seth expression b surprised.png

Hah...... Hanuman......

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

That's because you're a brother to me, Seth -
My Big Brother Seth!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

...... You still call someone like myself your "Big Brother." You're such a nice guy.

Seth expression b sad.png

....... But, I doubt it's okay.
You shouldn't be calling me your "Big Brother" anymore.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Wha...... What are you saying!? Big Brother Seth -

Seth expression b neutral.png

You see, I...... I'm not actually "Seth."

2 options (Same Response)
What......? What do you mean?

Seth, raised his head, determined about his feelings, went on to tell them his true name.

Seth expression b anger.png

I'm...... No, my real name is...... Ash.

Seth expression b sad.png

"Seth," the ruler of tempests and the sands - I'm nothing but a pathetic brother-in-law to him.

Chapter 6 Part 2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 6 Part 2

Location: ???

Christine expression desert neutral.png

This is a tale from long ago.
A tale of "brothers" that spent their life in a world with sands and oases.

Christine:( face)
The "older brother" was kind in nature, although he was misunderstood because of his rough behavior.
That older brother is Seth, a candidate to succeed the throne.

Christine:( face)
And the "younger brother" lived in solitude on the side of the desert.
That younger brother is Ash, a descendant of a family whose fate is to be forgotten completely.

Christine:( face)
Although they were strangely similar in appearance,
the two brothers were complete opposites in their personalities.

Christine:( face)
The two brothers were connected to a family that served in a dynasty.
The two met, deepened their bonds and eventually made their pledge as "siblings."

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Seth compensated for Ash's weaknesses as Ash compensated for Seth's weaknesses.
The two complimented each other and gradually raised fame.

Christine expression desert joy.png

Seth loved Ash like his real brother,
while Ash respected and loved his older brother like his own.

Christine expression desert sad.png

...... Sadly, the relationship between the two did not last long.

Christine expression desert frown.png

There were too many strong "enemies" that surrounded the brothers.

Christine:( face)
On that one day, Osiris, the King of the world, was murdured,
and the two brothers were subsequently separated.

Christine:( face)
The siblings...... No, the authorities were envious of Seth's reputation,
and utilized all of Seth's infamy to strengthen the suspicion against him.

Christine:( face)
Ultimately, Seth was "banished" from the world.

Christine:( face)
...... However, it is peculiar,
but someone took the name "Seth" for themselves and lived on afterwards.

Christine expression desert sad.png

Who was this "Seth" really?

Christine expression desert sad.png

And in the desperate situation of the "older brother,"
Ash, the younger brother, what did he do......?

[Narrative over]

Location: Flaming Mountains

Seth expression b sad.png

...... There was evidence. We called the witnesses immediately on the spot.

Seth expression b anger.png

The people didn't trust my older brother.
They said, "He was capable of doing so" ......

Seth expression b neutral.png

Additionally, all the citizens suspected my brother and denounced him.

2 options (Same Response)
It's so one-sided...... Didn't you object to it?

Seth expression b anger.png

Of course! But I...... I didn't have anything on hand to clear the suspicion.

Seth expression b sad.png

My older brother often fought with the authorities and King Osiris, who was killed......

Seth expression b neutral.png

I even wanted to believe in my brother,
that's why I kept telling him again and again to tell the truth!

Seth expression b sad.png

But, my brother...... he didn't say anything until the last minute.

Seth expression b neutral.png

And on that day where the trial took place -
whether or not my brother should be exiled......

Seth expression b sad.png

I was pressured by the people and the authorities......
In the end, I ended up agreeing to the banishment.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png


Seth expression b neutral.png

Even now, I can still see it in my dreams -
The face my brother made when the expulsion has been decided and the "execution" has been done.

Ganglie expression neutral.png

...... Ah, I see.
That guy is holding a grudge against you for that, eh?

Seth expression b anger.png

But, my brother!
On the morning that one day, he gently caressed my cheek!

Seth expression b sad.png

Even though I ended up helping the guys that framed my brother,
he told me he'll leave the rest to me......

Ganglie expression neutral.png

That's why I......
That's why I decided to fill in for my "older brother," I guess.

2 options (Same Response)
So you - You took the name, "Seth."

Seth expression b sad.png

....... After my brother was exiled, I realized the "truth."

Seth expression b neutral.png

The authorities were part of a collusion.
I wanted even my brother, who was their "enemy," to reconcile.

Seth expression b anger.png

They wanted to kill King Osiris and seize the hegemony from the people.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Additionally, after the plan was carried out,
they labeled my brother with all the crime and fabricated evidence.

Seth expression b anger.png

They eliminated my brother, who was a potential successor to the throne.
Everything all was on the palm of their hands.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

H-How awful! Everyone should be getting along!
Resorting to fraud is unethical!

Seth expression b sad.png

...... Because of that, I started to detest everything.
The people that lived in my own country, the world itself -

Seth expression b neutral.png

Because of those pathetic people, I ended up abandoning my own brother......

Seth expression b sad.png

I am nothing but a coward. A coward who doesn't have the strength like my brother.

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... Though, it is weird. By calling myself "Seth" and simply wielding this "Sacred Artifact" -

Seth expression b cheerful.png

It's just...... I feel like I can become stronger, for real.

Seth expression b sad.png

Also...... Before I noticed it myself, I shut away my own memories.

Seth expression b sad.png

Memories of the crimes that banished my brother,
the fact that I pretended to be "Seth" by taking his name......

Seth expression b neutral.png

After responding to a summoning and alienating myself from where I lived,
I was building up the heroic saga of "Seth" in the world you call Tokyo.

Seth expression b sad.png

I was sure that I was making up for my brother, who disappeared -
I think I was living on for my brother's sake......

2 options (Same Response)
Seth...... Ash......

Thunderbird expression desert neutral.png

...... Thank you, "Seth." I know it was hard for you to explain everything.

Seth expression b anger.png

Wrong! I just told you, I am not really "Seth"!

Seth expression b sad.png

I did nothing but run away like a wimp.
I am "Ash," a complete coward......

Seth, who was depressed - No, a boy who claimed to be Seth hanged his head.

Gyumao expression b troubled.png

...... For a little one, you carried such heavy burdens on yourself.

Gouryou expression serious.png

I find it pretty weird though.
Does that violent guy have a grude towards Ash?

Ganglie expression neutral.png

Why does the "Seth" from inside his memories smiled for him?

Gouryou expression serious.png

I don't quite get it but...... there's something about it.
The "key" to returning to Tokyo may be there.

2 options (Same Response)
Where are you getting at......? Could it be -

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Pre-President! President!! A-An urgent report, a-about outside!!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

The desert! Outside! The sand, a serious problem!!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Calm down, NOW!!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png


Gyumao expression b frown.png

Reports must be precise! Keep a cool head!
Consultation is what you should keep in mind for a mutual understanding!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Incidents are manually driven!
Once you understand, start over by going outside the room!

Hakumen expression desert sad.png

Hey, Gyuu-chan?
You do realize they don't have the time for that, yes......?

Gyumao expression b shocked.png

Gaaaah, you are completely right!
Let's see, how about you get on with the report! Action!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

...... P-Please excuse me! There is a rescue call from outside the shelter.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

The anti-sand wall of the Kochuuten area,
the barrier of the Endless Scream area, both of them have been destroyed.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

The source of the water supply in both areas have been blocked.
In addition, the guests that have evacuated are fearing for the lives like there are serious illnesses and injuries.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

There is a small estimate that in 2 hours, the situation will become fatal.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Good, your report was delivered perfectly!
Make an announcement to all the staff members within the TSL, if you please.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Put all your effort into keeping the guests safe!
In the meantime, I will figure out a solution to all the issues!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

As their CEO, Gyumao will protect the lives of all employees!
I will fulfill my job for all hands!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert neutral.png

Right away! If you will excuse me! Also...... Please be careful!

3 options
The President is incredible......! Is it really okay to you give your word to them? Hire me to your company please!
Gyumao expression b joy.png

It's a natural thing to say as someone who protects the company!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

By the way, why not become an employee?
Of course, we can work out a salary.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Of course. It's because I am the top position of this company.
I've been ready since the beginning to look after the lives of my employees.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Hahahaha! I see, I see! If that is what you want, then I'll be happy to accept you!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

After Tokyo returns to normal, I will send you the briefing documents.
Please consider it as your career after you graduate.

Gyumao folds his arms and fell silent.

After thinking everything over, Gyumao opened his mouth and gave instructions to his subordinate.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Hakumen-dono, my partner.
You shall remain here and give instructions to the personnel.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Then, at the last possible moment to escape,
go and join up with the other areas.

Hakumen expression desert neutral.png

Very well, you can perfectly leave things to me.
I'll bring it all together as the Owner of the TSL.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

...... Manager of Kochuuten, Head Architect,
and the lad, Xolotl as well, please assist Hakumen-dono.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

My business partner, although it was only temporary,
she played the role as my "lover" -

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Please, support her. Everyone must be alive and well.

Thunderbird expression desert wink.png

Yes, of course, President.
Please leave the safety of the personnel to me.

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

I-I...... I will keep doing my best, no matter what!!

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Hmm, I understand.
On the other hand, are you sure you can handle it yourself?

2 options (Same Response)
We're lending a hand ourselves. You guys should stay safe too.

Gouryou expression surprised.png

No way...... You're counting me in this too?

Gouryou expression joy.png

Aw, come on, I'm just messin' with ya.
I can't say no to helping out Xuanzang-sama.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

I'm coming too of course!
Wherever Xuanzang-sama goes, I go too!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Oh, I appreciate the encouraging cooperation!
[Player]...... No, the Xuanzang Taskforce!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Now that's settled, let's get things going pronto!
Begin the preparations, we cannot let this business opportunity slip away!

Thunderbird, Hakumen, Xolotl:(Winks, blushes, bears his fangs face)

Amatsumara, Hanuman, Gouryou:(Smiles, serious face, laughs/trolls face)

The inside of the room that fell into a depressing ambiance recovered in enthusiasm thanks to one man.

Everyone is ready and prepared, to go and carry out their duties.

...... All except for one boy.

Seth expression b sad.png


Gyumao expression b troubled.png

I wonder what I should say to you in a situation such as this.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

I feel I should try to comfort you,
or say that you shouldn't mope about things......

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

But, I will not. Do you understand?

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... A useless weakling will be nothing but a burden to you.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png


Gyumao narrowed his eyes, sighed deeply and turned towards [Player].

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

What is necessary for a good job? [Player], do you know?

3 options (Same Response)
By trying your hardest? Disciplining yourself? Cooperating with everyone?

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Yes, your answer is correct.
But, that answer would be when you're "healthy."

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Healthy means you're not fatigued nor hurt,
and your mind is light and does not weaken.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Additionally, those who aren't healthy - Their first job is to "rest."

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Use your mind and body,
when you feel exhausted, get some rest right away.

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Start doing that, and you can become a top-class businessperson!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Oooh, President-san! That's a great thing to say!

3 options
Zip it! Ganglie, aren't you always lazy? Yeah, rest is important.
Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Okay, okay. I'm listening quietly.

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

I need time to recharge, y'know.
I can only do it when I'm ready to do it, yeah?

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Seth...... In a world known as Aaru,
there was a warrior that called themselves that name.

Seth expression b surprised.png

...!? You know about that!? It's my brother......!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

That is because information about parallel worlds is indispensable for business in this Tokyo!
I had hoped to see him one day -

Seth expression b sad.png

...... Sorry to have disappointed you. The "Seth" here is a fake......

Gyumao expression b frown.png

That's nonsense. The deed of succeeding a name
is to impose responsibilities to oneself.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

The notion of doing what you believe in must surely be left inside you.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

I remember it as well.
The 7 "siblings" who all called me an appalling title called the "Great Sage."

Gyumao expression b joy.png

Ever since the dispute with the siblings, they stashed away that name -
I still remember the weight and resolve for myself.

Seth expression b surprised.png

............. Gyumao, you......

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Get some rest, and refresh your mind.
If you can stand and fight, then that's fine.

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

If it was "Seth" that I have heard from the heroic tales,
then I am positive he would have done the same.

Seth expression b neutral.png


Gyumao expression b neutral.png

I apologize for preaching so long about my stories.
I must get going shortly.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

Let's get going! Xuanzang Party!
We cannot allow them to cause any more damage to our TSL!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Okay! This will be my last battle as Son Goku!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Kay. This will be my final big job then.

Seth expression b sad.png

...... Sorry, Ganglie, Hanuman......

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Nyeheheh! You're being reserved again!
There's no need to apologize, Big Brother Seth!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Big Brother's burdens are my burdens too!
I will do a perfect job at protecting my Big Brother!

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Hoooh, I was doing my part of slacking off till now,
I guess I can work for a little bit.

Gouryou expression joy.png

After we get back, let's do another flirting contest again!
Right, Big Bro Seth?

Seth expression b surprised.png

W-Wait! "He" isn't an ordinary opponent that you can beat with normal means......!

Seth expression b sad.png

Why, just why...... Why does everyone feel the need to help others?

Seth expression b sad.png

Because of the chaos that's happened......
I'm sure that surrendering myself to him will solve everything......

1 option
Seth, listen.

Seth expression b anger.png

[Player]......! Go and stop everyone! Because -

1 option
Because you helped us in the desert.

Seth expression b surprised.png

But, that was......! It was originally my fault -

3 options (Same Response)
Seth, you're a lifesaver. That's it, to be exact. We're just returning the favor.

Seth expression b surprised.png

.........! [Player].......!

They did not look back, nor did they say anything.

Having fixed their eyes on the thing that they must do, they head towards outside, where a decisive battle awaits.

Seth expression b surprised.png


Seth expression b sad.png



[Player] and friends once again gone back to the upper floor.

The place that was a throne room, has already transformed into a desert.

Seth expression d neutral.png

The fool hasn't come out yet? Yes, that's right......
I'm referring to the wuss who is hiding in a corner of a room.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Big Brother Seth is not a wuss! I know that much he's not a wuss!

Gouryou expression serious.png

We were just looking after our Big Bro.
We plan to return the favor to him right here.

Seth expression d neutral.png

Utter nonsense. He is nothing more than a "shadow" of Seth -

Seth expression d neutral.png

He framed "Seth," he swindled "Seth."
He is a fool that acts on behalf of "Seth"!

Seth expression d anger.png

And you are all fools who innocently chased after a mirage that wavers in a desert!

Gyumao expression b frown.png

If that's how you feel, then you don't understand what a business is like.

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Trust is assets that outweighs pricelessness.
Those who acheived that cannot be seen as weak!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

If you are the "real Seth," then you should know.
The reason that boy assumed the name, "Seth" ......

Seth expression d anger.png

...... (gibberish)!! Strength is the summit of solitude!!

Seth expression d neutral.png

Know that a lone person in an eternal desert cannot communicate with anyone!

Seth expression d anger.png

A droplet of water that falls into a scorching desert will evaporate instantly!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

I am a one-man business proprietor. Here's advice from someone who has experience.
All that lies in the end is only isolation.

Gyumao expression b frown.png

...... In any case, if you don't want to reply to our discussion,
then we will proceed by using force!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Let's move, Xuanzang Sanzang and their Disciples!
We will make a breakthrough!

2 options (Same Response)
Okay! Let's go, you two!

Gouryou expression joy.png

You got it! Leave everything to Ganglie-sama!

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

I have a tank full of water, ready to go!
Super fighting type, Hanuman, sortie!!


Chapter 7 Part 1:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 7 Part 1

Location: Flaming Mountains

Seth expression b sad.png


Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

Excuse me...... Ash-san.
Is it alright if I stay close to you?

Seth expression b surprised.png

...... Oh, it's you. Are you sure about that?
Shouldn't you be helping that Master of yours?

Xolotl expression desert happy.png

Eheheh...... It's because I'm a coward.
Since I'm noisy and scream a lot, I've been sent back to doing logistical support.

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... I see. You and I are alike then.

Seth expression b sad.png

I'm a coward as well. I just chicken out,
I can't get myself to do anything until things pass -

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

............. Ash-san......

Seth expression b sad.png

I can't do anything but watch.
I can't help but hate myself for that.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png


After looking at Seth, Xolotl shifted his eyes into empty space and began talking to himself.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

...... A long time ago, it was the same for me.
I abandoned a "sibling" who was important to me.

Seth expression b surprised.png

...... Is that so? You too huh......

Xolotl speaks in a dispassionate manner, with a look that can't be seen, hidden behind those glasses.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

We had to become a sacrifice ourselves, or the world couldn't be saved.
That's why the "siblings" that did sacrifice themselves were brave and knowledgeable.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

Despite that, I only wanted to save my "siblings" -
Instead, I was so scared that I ran away, crying till my eyes washed away.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

I still regret it to this day.
I need to get stronger, so I can fix the past where I couldn't save my own siblings.

Xolotl expression desert happy.png

Unfortunately, I've been completely unsuccessful.
I really can't do it, ahahaha.

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... You're not feeling bitter about it?
Wouldn't you go and give everything up?

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

I felt so too. I run away all the time, because I'm always afraid.
That is the only thing I can do.

Xolotl expression desert happy.png

But, I swore that "I wouldn't cry anymore."
Even though I cry and get scared, I still manage to stand my ground.

He is definitely strong. His mouth may show signs of fear, but he won't bring himself to run away.

For one thing, he is not giving up, because there is still something for him to protect.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

Ash-san, shouldn't there be something for you too?
Didn't you make a vow when you called yourself your brother's name?

Seth expression b surprised.png

...... That was, I......

During the thought sequence, Seth is just making faces.

He's right. Why did I call myself my brother's name?

Was it remorse that I couldn't help him? Or was it feelings of guilt that I didn't believe in him?

...... No, that can't be it. I'm sure it's -

Seth expression e neutral.png

My brother, I...... Yeah, he asked his own brother, Ash.

Seth expression e embarrassed.png

If Ash would be a family with him.
If Ash would sit together on the throne with him.

Seth expression e embarrassed.png

I still remember that embarrassed face he made.

Seth expression e cheerful.png

It was such a loving look, I wanted to remember that scene forever.

And...... Ah right, I remember what he said.
My brother wanted to fulfill only one thing -

Those were the last words he said -

The "wish" that was left behind, it was the origin behind calling myself, "Seth."

Seth expression b surprised.png

...... That's right. I wanted to grant my brother's "wish" ......

Seth expression b sad.png

...... I'm sorry.
I've been putting away something important as that.

Ash stands up, focusing on the passageway leading to the upper floor, where the "Shadow" is rampaging in.

He remembered the thing that he himself have forgotten. He found the thing that he shouldn't throw away.

Xolotl expression desert neutral.png

...... Ash-san? Is something the matter?

Seth expression b neutral.png

Thanks for everything, Xolotl. I'll be heading out now.

Seth expression b anger.png

I'm not gonna stop until my brother's "wish" has been fulfilled!

Xolotl expression desert happy.png

...... Sure. I'll go and tell everyone.

Xolotl expression desert anger.png

Take care, "Seth-san." Please do your best out there......!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Ah, thanks...... I'm off then!

And so, the boy started running. To the outside world, devastated by a storm of the desert.


Seth expression d anger.png

O, Storms! Claws and fangs of the ruthless sands!
Devour and tear them!!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

I don't think so! GRUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

Gyumao becomes a literal of wall of flesh, obstructing the power of the sands that is blowing.

Hanuman expression desert b serious.png

Hiyaaaaaaaaaaa! Let's see if you can take all of this!!

Hanuman's precise shooting with his water guns completely pulverized the sand enemies.

Even so, more and more enemies still appeared.

Gouryou expression surprised.png

Bwaah, there's still more of them! There and there!
I don't even have the strength to handle 'em all!!

Gouryou expression serious.png

Bah, the only thing that should be making me breath this hard is the cute babes!

3 options (Same Response)
Jeez, there's no end to this......! He really is persistent......! We should just surrender then!

Seth expression d neutral.png

...... What utter fools you all are.
I am the very desert itself.

Seth expression d neutral.png

Your playground mimicked the world of sand.
For that, I used that design choice to materialize my home world.

Seth expression d anger.png

The deeper the erosion becomes, the more my power increases!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

........ I am ashamed to admit it,
but we did all that we could until now.

Gouryou expression serious.png

It looks like there's no way to beat this jerk then...... Well shit.

Seth expression d neutral.png

It should be clear to you.
One who is the same as I, can defeat me -

Seth expression d neutral.png

Strongly speaking, it must be the "real Seth" ......
One who holds equal to the "Seth" that was banished from the world.

Seth expression d cheerful.png

There is none that currently fit that description however.
Since the moment "he" gave up on "Seth," I have emerged victorious!

Seth expression d neutral.png

That clown of a whelp, Ash, the one who now abandoned "Seth" -
Who am "I" to be in this situation?

Seth expression d anger.png

That's correct...... I am the "real Seth"!

Seth expression d anger.png

The tyrant that governs the sands and storms!
That is the great Seth himself!

( face)
...... Tch. This "me" really is a pain in the ass.

Seth expression d surprised.png


Seth expression b anger.png

Hoy, I came back just like you wanted, right?
Filthy scumbag, you slander "Seth's" name!!

3 options (Same Response)
Hey, that's my disciple! You're late to the party, Big Brother! We've been waiting for you, Seth!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

B-Big Brotheeeer~! You came back for us!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Big Bro, you slowpoke! We got tired of waiting for ya!
Come on, you gotta help us out here!

Seth expression b anger.png

Sorry to keep you waiting, my brothers! You too, Xuanzang-sama!

Seth expression d anger.png

...... Idiot. Even if you just arrived...... It's far too late!

Seth expression d anger.png

You abandoned your thoughts to this "Seth,"
You went back to being "Ash"!

Seth expression b anger.png

Shut your filthy mouth!! You aren't familiar with the name "Seth" as you claim to be!

Seth expression b anger.png

I realized what your true identity is -
You are not the "brother" that I love and admire!

Seth expression d surprised.png


"Seth's" face after finishing his sentence showed no signs of fear or hesitation.

Just from looking at the other party's eyes, the true identity - He is staring right at the center of "his own weakness."

3 options (Same Response)
W-What's that supposed to mean......? Ah, I get it! That's how Seth is!

Seth expression b anger.png

I'll give a short explanation later!
[Player], I'll need your power to defeat him......!

"Seth" brought his long snout close to [Player]'s ears, and whispered to them the strategy details.

3 options (Same Response)
Okay, got it! I don't really understand, but...... I'll give it a shot.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Ah, I knew I could count on you......!
We'll be sure to return Tokyo back to normal!

Seth expression d anger.png

What babble are you talking about over there!?
You can't go back...... You can never leave from here!!

"The Other Seth" heaves up the sand around him then vigorously pressed on this direction.

As [Player] agreed to what Seth told him, they did not move an inch, but rather allow the enemy to approach closer.

Seth expression d anger.png

Hmph, so the fools are frozen in their tracks, eh!
This time, I will be sure to send you to the depths of hell!!

Then, "Other Seth's" body along with the Sand Monsters dropped shadows over [Player] -

Seth expression b anger.png

Now! Do it!!

2 options (Same Response)
"Role" of "Wanderer" - "Rule" of "Rending" -

Seth expression d anger.png


They couldn't do it until now. In front of the massive amount of sand -

It is the right time for a decisive attack. Because "Seth" approached just now -

2 options (Same Response)
I. [Player], shall inscribe thy name here - Emerge, Yakumo no Chigiri! !

[Player] has swung their sword, causing the "Other Seth" to disconnect from the desert.

1 option
Seth, now! !

Seth expression b anger.png

Right! I'll take care of this!!

With no delay, "Seth" brandishes his "Sacred Artifact." The moment when he vigorously stabbed it into the ground -

Seth expression d surprised.png

Gyeh...... UWAAAAAAAaaaaaah!!

Bathed in white light, the territory control is being overwritten.

Then, the moment the light disappeared...... A new dictacting ruler is there.

Seth expression c 4star.png

My name is Seth! The one that rules over the sands and storms!!

Seth expression c 4star.png

To succeed in this name -
I engraved the thoughts of my brother into my soul and blood!!

Seth expression b2 4star.png

Can you "overcome" my vast desert......!?

Seth expression d surprised.png

Ku.....!! You, youuu!! What cheeky behavior!!

Seth expression d anger.png

What are you trying to become with such misleading courage and a shallow conscious!

Seth expression d anger.png

Drown in the sea of sand, detest your own misfortune and perish!!

Seth expression b anger.png

Damn! I stopped the expansion of the desert but him......!
In that case, we'll need to go all-out!

Gyumao expression b neutral.png

Wait a moment, Seth!
Abruptly selling out is the source of personal bankruptcy!

Gyumao expression b anger.png

Investment is pouring resources into a momentary turning point!
This is for my Flaming Mountaaaaaains!!

Gyumao's body puts in more power until he becomes huge beyond limit.

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

My body is an invincible fortress!
Observe, an imposing figure that pierces, destroys and pressures the heavens!!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png


A gigantic wall of flesh drives away the shadows like a road roller.

Seth expression d surprised.png

Ku......! They were also useless in the desert where it had its control stolen......!!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

Go, youngsters! Go and settle everything once and for all!!

Seth expression b anger.png

Thanks, Gyumao!!

Seth's gaze runs across in the wind, glaring at "himself" that stands across the road.

Seth expression d surprised.png

What a foul, despicable man! Ash, how did you!?

Seth expression d anger.png

You hid in your brother's shadow until it's convenient,
now you're resort to relying on your comrades' powers!

Gouryou expression joy.png

Bwehehehehe! What is this guy complaining about?

Gouryou expression serious.png

He can rely on me, I can rely on him and slack off when times get rough!
It's alright to entrust your life with others!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

Wow, Ganglie-dono! That was a cool speech right there!

Gouryou expression embarrassed.png

Ahhhh, what are you saying, Hanuman!
I'm always a quality cool guy, aren't I!?

Seth expression d anger.png

Fine then. If you love him dearly,
then I'll entomb you all together with him -

3 options (Same Response)
We'll put that hatred to sleep now. Do not get in Seth's way! Don't interfere with his resolve!

The attack of "disconnection" that [Player] holds cuts off the "Shadow's" power - No, instead it cuts off the "Shadow's" memories from the sands.

What's left after that, is a lump of sand pulled from hatred.

Seth expression d surprised.png

Stop...... Stop! You are not as strong as you think you are!

Seth expression d surprised.png

Don't make dumb decisions! You cannot bear the weight of me!

Gyumao expression b 5star.png

Disappear, Phantom of the Past!
You are a top down of obstructive thoughts that hinder growth!

Gyumao's latent strength destroys all the shadows that were left remaining.

Gouryou expression joy.png

If things don't go your way, then it's okay to try something else.
If not, you might as well run to the ends of the earth!

Ganglie's hoe cuts off the heads of the Shadows, who were full of hatred.

Hanuman expression desert b neutral.png

Even if you fail once, it doesn't hurt to try again!

Hanuman expression desert b joy.png

That's all there is to it! You have infinite chances, for as long as you live!

Hanuman splits up into numerous copies. With water guns in hand, he proceeds to destroy all the remaining shadows.

Seth expression d surprised.png


The last one standing is none other than Seth, standing there speechless.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

...... Thanks so much. Everyone, you were a great help.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Come on, [Player]! You and I together -

Seth expression b anger.png

Let's set him free...... My weakness!

3 options (Same Response)
Leave it to me! I'll end this, as Xuanzang Sanzang! Stay frosty!


Chapter 7 Part 2:
[Translated by Kukuru]

Chapter 7: And the Journey Continues On

Location: Flaming Mountains

Seth expression c 4star.png


Seth expression d 4star.png


The 2 boys with twin-like appearances, clash on the ground where a sandstorm rages.

Already, there is nothing that can assist them in their battle.

The Sand Soldiers all decayed and crumbled away. Additionally, the traveling comrades put their faiths into their companion.

The lonely shadow fights with the one who is no longer lonely in a one-to-one fight.

Seth expression d anger.png

You little......! Vanish, vanish, vaniiiiiiiiiiiish!!

Seth expression d surprised.png

A weakling such as you, Ash, is not fit to be "Seth"!!

Seth expression d anger.png

A weakling like you got rejected -
Now, I have declared myself the "true Seth"!!

Seth expression b anger.png


Seth expression b anger.png

I...... No, we can't become the "older brother"!

Seth expression d surprised.png


Seth expression b anger.png

But, even so......!! I will still live on as "Seth"!!

Seth expression b sad.png

I don't want to act on behalf of him,
I don't want to paint over regret -

Seth expression b neutral.png

I will show proof of my "brother's" life,
everything that I received from my "brother"!

Seth expression c 4star.png

Until my life comes to an end, I will continue to demonstrate it!

Seth's shout becomes a force like a tempest, swelling up completely.

The Sacred Artifact that he wields shoots a bright light, piercing through the shadow.

Seth expression d sad.png

...... I see. Then, that is good enough.

Seth expression d neutral.png

When you accepted the "Sacred Artifact" that was entrusted to your brother,
you've begun to walk the path to become a true "hero" like Seth.

Seth expression d neutral.png

You finally understood it, the "true self" ......

Seth expression b sad.png

You...... Didn't you want to steal it from me?

Seth expression b neutral.png

From a cowardly "Ash" to a "strong man" called Seth.

Seth expression d neutral.png

...... I certainly intended on doing that.
If you stayed as a fool, you would've lost to the likes of me.

Seth expression d neutral.png

But, you emerged victorious.
For that, I have decided to acknowledge you as "Seth."

Seth expression d sad.png

Go and inherit this name, "New Seth" ......

Seth expression d neutral.png

The "cowardly Ash" you used to be......
Now, "you" will take me along.

Seth expression b sad.png

...... Ahh. Farewell, "cowardly Ash," my former self.

Seth expression b sad.png

But, I won't forget you, Ash.
"This shadow" will...... always be a part of myself.

Seth expression d cheerful.png

...... Such a selfish guy. That's why you're "Seth" ......

A farewell tears the world. A surge of energy engulfs everything.

Visibility dissolves into the light, and everything loses their features.

Christine expression desert smile.png

This is a tale from long ago.
A tale of a lonesome boy.

3 options (Same Response)
Narrator-san...... When did you get here? Where am I? Where's Seth and the others?

Christine expression desert sad.png

He was protecting a small oasis, yet he was alone for such a long time.

Christine expression desert sad.png

With nobody to talk with, with nobody to connect his heart with,
He was destined to be alone.

Christine (Mysterious Narrator?):( face)
One day, he came across something.
He found a young man who collapsed in the desert.

During the narration, Seth isn't actually saying anything but rather makes faces.

Seth expression e cheerful.png

Providing the young man with water,
the young man gave the boy his thanks with a smile.

Ash:( face)
...... Please, think nothing of it.
Really, it's not that big of a deal.

Seth expression e surprised.png

That was what the boy said.
A drop of water from a desert is equivalent to a drop of blood.

Seth expression e cheerful.png

The deed of giving that blood,
is a great debt of gratitude that can never compensate for that treasure.

Christine expression desert smile.png

The lonely boy saw that man at first glance and became attached to him.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Someone who was completely different from himself -
He who holds a noble and beautiful heart.

Christine (Mysterious Narrator?):( face)
And interacting with each other many times,
the day where their bonds have deepened -

Seth expression e neutral.png

Seth asked Ash, if there was anything he wanted.

Seth expression e neutral.png

He was noble in name only......
All he could do by himself was take everything that he could with his own efforts while smiling.

Ash:( face)
...... There is nothing that I want.
Because I've been alone here for a long time.

Ash:( face)
Just being with you, Seth-sama..... is good enough for me.

Seth expression e sad.png

Seth wanted Ash to stop formally referring to him as "sama,"
while looking at Ash, muttering something.

Seth expression e sad.png

There are no other siblings and parents for them to rely on,
it's only those two that have each other in the desert......

Seth expression e surprised.png

At that moment, something flashed into Seth's mind,
his eyes sparkled and asked Ash -

Seth expression e cheerful.png

That if he was fine with it, he would become "brothers" with him.

Christine expression desert joy.png

Seth also had no relatives, the same with Ash.
And so, Ash responded to his proposal.

Like being drawn to those words, light shines into the world of darkness.

When they came to, they were in the middle of the desert where the sand flutters.

3 options (Same Response)
Narrator-san - You knew - about Seth's past.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

That I do...... Frankly, I am the same as you, in a certain point of view.

Christine expression desert smile.png

I am the one, that bears the fragments of lost memories.

That said, the Narrator softly strokes the half of a mask with her thin finger.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

...... It all began when you came across Seth-sama.

Christine expression desert sad.png

By feeling "Seth" that was lurking inside you and His soul -
His memories disrupted the "past" and the "present."

Christine expression desert sad.png

"Memories of the exiled brother swayed in revenge" took shape,
beckoned an "overworld shift" with the world that imitated a desert.

Christine expression desert frown.png

Moreover, for the purpose of destroying the abominable past,
he sought to sink all under the sand.

Christine expression desert sad.png

Everything, because he hated the world that disapproved his brother.

Christine expression desert sad.png

On the other hand...... The world that was created was ingenious,
He would not have been able to find "Seth" so easily.

Seth expression b neutral.png

That was the reason why you and the others were given strange roles,
to go and find him, the Shadow.

3 options (Same Response)
Seth, you're safe! Are you hurt anywhere? What happened to him?
Seth expression b cheerful.png

Of course I am. See? I'm still alive and well.

Seth expression b neutral.png

He is...... now here.

Seth lightly patted his own chest. It was to show that everything is in there.

Seth expression b neutral.png

He made me, someone who had no relatives, into his younger brother.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Even though I never asked for it,
I became a "family" with him.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

I was so happy, to the point I nearly cried.
He really became like a "family" to me.

Seth expression b neutral.png

Even though my brother is gone......
I didn't know what to do with myself.

Seth expression b sad.png

I betrayed my own brother, who was the only "family" to me.

3 options (Same Response)
That's because - You couldn't do anything about it. Mourning about the past is a natural thing to do.

Seth expression b sad.png

About what you just said, that may be it...... But, I didn't want to believe it.

Seth expression b sad.png

I didn't want to forget about my brother.
I wanted to live with him forever.

Seth expression b neutral.png

So that's why......
I will live on as a "continuation" of my brother.

Seth expression b neutral.png

I will live as "Seth," together with "Ash" tucked away in my heart, in this "new world," Tokyo.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

....... [Player]. It was great being with you.

Seth expression b neutral.png

It's not only just you.
Hanuman, Ganglie, Xolotl, Thunderbird, Gyumao -

Seth expression b neutral.png

Everyone. Everyone that looked out for me.
Thanks to them, I was able to face my "weakness."

3 options
It's okay if you're not as strong as Seth. The Seth you are now is strong enough. So, it's okay to call you Ash afterwards?
Seth expression b cheerful.png

Jeez, that's not something to make a fuss about.
Both the "strong points" and "weak points" are all part of "me."

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Thanks. But, gosh, that's not something to make a fuss about.
Both the "strong points" and "weak points" are all part of "me."

Seth expression b neutral.png

I...... I will still go as Seth.
I may not be as good as my brother, but my name will be the same as his.

Seth expression b sad.png

...... My brother has been talking about it for a long time.
He wanted to check out the "other world."

Seth expression b neutral.png

There are no rulers, no one who would be ruled by them,
it's a vast world where you can go wherever you want.

Seth expression b neutral.png

I inherited my brother's name, to experience the things he couldn't see himself,
and to go and see as far as the eye can see -

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Ahhh...... I see. Starting anew is such an easy thing to do.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Then, I will start over again -
The "journey" where my brother and I will see the new world.

Seth having said that, his body gradually fades away.

The desert that stretched all around also began to disappear into the wind.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

It is nearly time to say your farewells, [Player]-sama.

Christine expression desert smile.png

Like a dream of dawn,
as Seth-sama's heart opens up, the same for this world.

1 option
We'll meet again, right, Seth?

Seth expression b sad.png

...... Yeah. I'm positive we'll see each other again.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

I travel to all kinds of worlds.
So, I'm sure I will go to the place where you are.

Seth expression b sad.png

Give my regards to everyone.
I'm sorry, that I couldn't say goodbye to them myself.

Seth expression b neutral.png

...... [Player]. You really resemble my brother.

Seth expression b cheerful.png

I liked traveling with you and the others.
Really, I had a ton of fun! Thanks, for everything.

3 options
We'll meet again, my dear little brother. Stay strong, my Disciple. See ya, Big Brother Seth.
Seth expression b surprised.png

Y-You dumbass......! Joking around like that during a time like this isn't funny......!

Seth expression b sad.png

The next time you say something like that......
I'm gonna knock you silly, ya big moron!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Hahahahahaha! The same goes for you too, Xuanzang-sama!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

The next time I accompany you, I can go with you anywhere, even India!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

Heh, I understand, [Player].

Seth expression b anger.png

If there's anybody trying to threaten you, give me a shout.
I'll come running and give those assholes a good beating!

Seth expression b cheerful.png

...... Then, I guess this is good-bye.
We'll meet again, "brother" -

Seth's body and the desert that stretched out, all vanished and disappeared into the light.

With the feeling like falling into a deep slumber - [Player] temporarily lost consciousness.

Desert Journey: [Let's Meet Beyond the West!] ...... To Be Continued in the Epilogue

[Translated by Kukuru]

Desert Journey: Epilogue

Location: TSL

???:( face)
....... ey. What a.......

2 options (Same Response)
Still sleepy...... Who is......?

Toji expression sad.png

[Player], you will get a strange tan if you don't wake up.

When you realized it, the world has returned to what it was before.

Looking across your friend's back who was staring in your direction, there are the sounds of people swimming and enjoying themselves in the pool.

Toji expression neutral.png

You finally woke up.
Did the heat get to your head?

3 options (Same Response)
Huh...... Toji? The desert...... and everyone? Seth......?

Toji expression surprised.png

What the hell kind of dream were you having......? This is Roppongi.
And a desert? We already have a mockery of it here all around us.

Toji expression neutral.png

And you happened to be the only one sleeping here.
You were sleeping soundly until I yelled at you.

While you were listening to Toji expressing his concerns, you gradually regained your composure.

The vast desert vanished and became the resort pool it originally was.

Everyone is enjoying themselves like nothing has happened. There is no proof that a desert used to be here.

3 options (Same Response)
Huh...... It was just a dream then. Wait, I'm sure it was - ...... Hrm?

Something slips off from [Player]'s body, who had just woken up.

As you picked it up, it was the ring that Thunderbird placed on Seth's chest during that nightmare.

2 options (Same Response)
This is - Then, it really did -

Moritaka expression summer cheerful.png

Ohh, [Player]-dono! I have just arrived!

Moritaka expression summer angry.png

I would like to apologize for making you worry!
I, Moritaka, have come back from recovering!

Kengo expression beach joy.png

Hoy, you finally woke up, [Player]!
Oh, Inuduka, you feelin' better already?

Moritaka expression summer neutral.png

Yes, I am. As you can see, Xolotl-dono has nursed me back to health!
I am very thankful to him.

Moritaka expression summer cheerful.png

I am now willing to enjoy a game in the water with everyone!

Shirou expression swimsuit neutral.png

Overworking yourself isn't allowed.
Even if it's in the water, it's still working out.

Shirou expression swimsuit happy.png

But, rather it's a perfect time to jump into the cold water now.

Shirou expression swimsuit surprised.png

[Player], you must be worn-out since you were just sleeping......
Should you be pushing yourself like this?

Ryouta:(beach_b_neutral face)
Oh! Since [Player] woke up, let's go to a restaurant and get something to eat!

Ryouta:(beach_b_joy face)
There's still plenty of time left to play,
so let's regain our strength first!

Kengo:(beach_embarrassed face)
No matter how much you play, you're always hungry for food.
So about that, did you take a look at the menu at the restaurant?

Ryouta:(beach_b_shocked face)
N-No I haven't!
But, the restaurant had a delicious Hawaiian bowl though......

3 options
Where did Hanuman run off to? What about Hakumen-chan and the others? You didn't happen to see Gyumao, did you?
Shirou expression swimsuit surprised.png

Speaking of which, he went off to look for you.
Did you promise something with Hanuman?

Shirou expression swimsuit neutral.png

Either way, he'll come back if we stay here.
This facility isn't that big as far as I'm concerned.

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
They hasn't come back yet?
I guess something came up while they were looking for your swimsuit.

Kengo expression beach joy.png

Since she does whatever she wants, you don't have to worry about a thing!
She'll be back before you know it!

Ryouta:(beach_b_thinking face)
President-san? Let's see......
I haven't seen him since the greeting he gave us earlier.

Ryouta:(beach_b_joy face)
He's a busy man, y'know! I'm sure he's working on business somewhere!

While you listen to your friends' remarks, you remembered about the dream-like experience.

Maybe it was all just a dream.

The young boy who you meet in the desert, and the days traveling with everyone.

Even so, those things remained inside your mind.

Toji expression surprised.png

...... Hey, are you not feeling well?
Do you need to go to the infirmary?

2 options
...... It's nothing! Don't you want to go swimming, Toji?
Toji expression sad.png

R-Really......? If you say you're fine, then alright......

Kengo expression beach joy.png

Aw come on, when will you stop being a stuffy cool-guy?
Here, we'll take you for a swim.

Toji expression surprised.png

Wh-What are you talking about!
I didn't come here to play around -

Toji expression surprised.png

That was a sudden request.
As I've said a while ago, I'm not here to play around.

3 options (Same Response)
It's summer. You don't want to waste it, right? You didn't bring a swimsuit?

Toji expression sad.png

N-No......! But, that's not the point! This is enemy territory -

Toji expression surprised.png


Toji expression surprised.png

W-What the.....!? A water gun......!?

Kengo:(beach_neutral face)
Heheh! Bullseye! You shouldn't get careless, y'know!

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
A-Aaaaah......! I'm not involved in this! Honest......!

Toji:(embarrassed face)
Pweh...... Pwuh...... Fine, if that's how you want to play......

Toji:(swimsuit_anger face)
I will completely submerge you underwater!
Prepare yourself, Takabushi Kengo! You as well, Hanuman!!

2 options (Same Response)
You had a swimsuit? ? This is the first time you stripped......!

Kengo expression beach joy.png

Hohoh, you were wearing one the whole time! I knew it!

Hanuman:(desert_crying face)
Wh-Why are you going after me too!?
He only asked me to lend him my water guns -

Toji:(swimsuit_anger face)
No use arguing against it! Stay right there!!

Kengo expression beach joy.png

Heheh, how scary! You better chase after us if you found it annoying!

Hanuman:(desert_surprised face)
Waaaaah, I need to get out of here, quick!!

Toji:(swimsuit_anger face)
Don't you dare run off! STOP RIGHT THERE!!

2 options (Same Response)
I-I hope they'll be okay...... Toji has gotten serious, huh?

Shirou:(swimsuit_sad face)
(Sigh)...... Honestly, Kengo. Well, I hope he's gonna be okay.

Shirou expression swimsuit neutral.png

That was a very menacing look.
But even so, he didn't bring his "Sacred Artifact" -

Shirou expression swimsuit happy.png

I think he knows that he's just playing with him.
Once he plays with him for a while, I'm sure he'll forget about it.

Shirou expression swimsuit neutral.png

A student's duty is to study, and he has the task of protecting you -

Shirou expression swimsuit happy.png

Though, if he keeps getting nervous, his breathing will be blocked.
It's important for him to take the time and take deep breaths.

Ryouta:(beach_b_joy face)
Yep yep! Your shoulders get stiff when you get hungry.
You just need to take it easy in life!

Moritaka expression summer cheerful.png

I will also say that flexibility is important.
Toji-dono came with us for our enjoyment!

Kengo and Toji scuffle in the water, with Toji pressing down Kengo's head and holding off his movement.

Toji:(swimsuit_embarrassed face)
...... Fine. I'll play along with you guys.

Toji:(swimsuit_smile face)
I am Sakimori Toji! I will go and give it my all out there!

3 options (Same Response)
That's the spirit! Finally we're going to the pool! Cold water awaits us!

[Player] immediately runs over there, the beach they saw in their dreams.

However, prior to vigorously diving in, someone's silhouette walked in front of you.

???:( face)
What the? H-Hey! Gyaaaa!!

Splashes of water rise up, the boy who you jumped into just now is soaking wet.

Seth expression sad.png

Puh, pweh......! Damn, I accidentally drank some!

Seth expression anger.png

You gotta be more careful!
Check your surroundings before you go run-

2 options (Same Response)
I'm really sorry - Ah......

The boy looking this way lightly wiped his cheeks that was soaked with water.

Seth expression surprised.png

............ Puh!

Seth:(cheerful face)
Hahahahaha!! No way, you can't be serious! Hahahaha!!

Then, with the things he couldn't wipe off, he smiled and gave a hearty laugh.

3 options (Same Response)
Seth! ! I thought you disappeared! You came to Tokyo!

Seth:(embarrassed face)
...... What? I know we just parted ways.

Seth:(cheerful face)
Honestly, look at us, we're both sloppy...... Xuanzang-sama.

You grasped the hand that was spontaneously held out to you.

It's unmistakable that proof of what is there is real.

Toji:(swimsuit_surprised face)
Oi, what happened!? I thought I heard shouting......

Ryouta:(beach_b_joy face)
Hey, what's the deal with that "Transient"?
Is he a friend of yours, [Player]?

1 option
He is -

While you were trying to introduce him, someone's figure leaps into the pool.

Hakumen expression desert embarrassed.png

Miloooooooooooooooord~! Your lovely and pretty Hakumen has come!

Hakumen expression desert joy.png

Now, for a gorgeous div-ing! Ahaaaaaaaaaa~!

Kengo:(beach_shocked face)
What the hell did I come back to!? It's really packed!
Not to mention the tension is high here too!!

Hanuman:(desert_4star face)
Oh yeaaah~! Time for a water gun competition to break out~!

Shirou:(swimsuit_shocked face)
Gaaaaah!! Hanuman, stop!
It's dangerous to shoot someone in the face...... Ack!!

Gouryou:(desert_a_4star face)
Wooohoooooooooooo! Surfs uuuuuuup!
This time, I'm gonna be hogging all the attention at the beach!

Ryouta:(beach_b_shocked face)
Gyaaa! What the heck!? There's a huge wave in the pool all the sudden!

Gyumao:(joy face)
Bwahahahahahahaha!! It surely is a resort's dream to be luxurious and gorgeous!

Gyumao: My "Tokyo Bandit Leisure Resort" or TSL for short,
will become a huge success in the future!

Gyumao:(joy face)
A big crowd of happy customers will become a peak season in my account books!

3 options (Same Response)
Huh......? The TSL - That's what the abbreviation was!?

Gyumao: Correct! But, there are other meanings as well!
Spectacles, sports, survival......

Gyumao:(joy face)
There are multiple ways the "S" could stand for!

Moritaka:(summer_shocked face)
I-I see......! That is a very innovative naming!

Toji:(swimsuit_surprised face)
He must be very persuasive......
He must often gets approved by the owner.

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

Hey, Gyuu-chan!? What is with that stupid naming!?

Hakumen expression desert anger.png

As the owner, I did not approve of that!
It should be "summer" for short......!

Hakumen expression desert surprised.png

We must make the changes immediatel-
Aahhh, waves, waaaaves! Help me, Milooooord!!

Xolotl expression desert sad.png

I'm coming to save you......! (Choking noises)...... I-I'm drooowniiiing!!

Amatsumara expression troubled.png

Goodness, you all are a noisy lot.
Just like the youngsters from Kamata.

Amatsumara expression neutral.png

Then, I'd better go and check if the equipment is affected.
You should stay here and observe things for me.

Thunderbird:(b_wink face)
You got it. When the time's right, I'll go and prepare them lunch.

Thunderbird:(b_neutral face)
Seth, [Player] - I'm hopeful you two will be getting wonderful dreams.

Chaos unfolds on the beach. You laugh together with Seth as the scene carries on.

Seth:(cheerful face)
Hahaha~! Your friends sure are loud!
This was a great reunion too.

Seth expression neutral.png

Now that I think about it.......
Things were always off about my life.

Seth expression neutral.png

I knew it wasn't possible for me to be strong like my brother.
I wanted to be a bit cooler when I met with you again.

Seth expression sad.png

I can't achieve what I aimed for. I think it's impossible for me -

Seth expression neutral.png

I think it's a waste of time to wish for it, even if it's that big of an ideal.

1 option
So, things are bad now?

Seth:(cheerful face)
Ah. I already found the things I was lacking in.

The boy narrowed his eyes and stared at the answer he gave himself.

Hanuman, whose strength does not make the world an enemy. Ganglie, who has the mentality to laugh over mistakes. Gyumao, who holds ideals to himself as he moves forward.

And you, who resembles his brother yet are different from him. As you sit beside Seth, you laugh about it.

Seth expression neutral.png

I will happily accept everything, as I demand and search for new things.

Seth:(cheerful face)
Maybe this is...... a new "journey" for me.

A shockingly short farewell, a surprisingly fast reunion.

The words to say to him, who you reunited with in the beautiful greenery...... Those were -

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Now then, everyone. What did you think?

Christine expression desert smile.png

I hope you enjoyed this fairy-tale of the summer.

Christine:(desert_surprised face)
Hmm? "Who am I" you may ask?

Christine expression desert smile.png

...... I am an "Entertainer."
I deliver deep emotions, excitement and thrills to everyone.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

That is all I can tell you, for now.

Christine expression desert joy.png

I do not speak much, but rather leave behind a narration.
That is the nature of a good storyteller.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

However, if I want to further a memento for you,
then what I will say may be senseless and redundant.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

The stormy tale that unfolded in a mirage of the desert,
has come to its closing point.

Christine expression desert neutral.png

Thank you very much, for your longstanding fellowship.

Christine expression desert smile.png

We shall meet again in another tale, on a different night.

The Narrator leaves her thanks. The curtain calmly comes down afterwards.

Until the curtains raise again, the stage falls completely silent.

[Desert Journey: Let's Meet the West!]...... END