Cards with Snipe (kanji 狙撃) weapon type attack enemies occupying the 5 squares directly ahead of them. The damage output is the product of the card's ATK and the Snipe penalty multiplier (0.26). Snipe cards gain ≥4 CP for every instance they hit a card with >0 HP, and ≥6 CP for every instance they hit a card at 0 HP. They also gain ≥5 CP when struck. Snipe licences are obtainable in Daily Quests on Thursdays JST and in certain free quests. Snipe souls are currently unavailable in Daily Quests.
Normal weapon type
Cards which have built up less than 100 CP and are not affected by Weapon Change attack with a default weapon type. Skill leveling and limit breaking a card requires souls and licences that match this normal weapon type. A full list of cards with Snipe for their normal weapon type can be found here.
Weapon change
Some regular skills and charge skills bestow Weapon Change to a card, changing the weapon type of the target's normal attack (typically the target is self).
See Weapon Change (Snipe)/Used Skills for more details
Charge attack weapon type
Some regular skills and charge skills bestow Weapon Change to a card, changing the weapon type of the target's normal attack (typically the target is self). Currently, no card has a skill (regular or charge) that changes their weapon type to Snipe. A full list of skills and cards that bestow Weapon Change (Snipe) can be found.
Resistance to Snipe damage
Certain skills confer cards resistance to Snipe attacks.
self | |
Base Skill | Sealer of Infinity (x0.7) Tetsuya Tetsuya Rainbow Crosser (x0.7) Protagonist Bad Influence (x0.7) Red Trooper Blue Trooper Green Trooper Yellow Trooper Purple Trooper Black Trooper White Trooper Brown Trooper Interceptor (x0.7) Kresnik Transformed Striker (x0.7) Kresnik Distancer (x0.6) Wakan Tanka∞ Long Distancer (x0.6) Wakan Tanka∞ Gravitational Presence (x1.3) Tangaroa∞ Maelstrom Beckoner (x1.3) Tangaroa∞ Slum Assassin (x0.8) Fire Senri Water Senri Wood Senri Aether Senri Nether Senri Infernal Senri Valiant Senri World Senri Revolutionary Constituent (x0.7) Masanori (Valentine) |
AR Skill | Mission Complete (x0.8) The Nth Banquet (x0.8) |
AR Card Limitation
AR Equipment can only be equipped on cards that match its limitation criteria. Snipe weapon type is one of the potential criteria. Below is a list of ARs where Snipe is specified as a restriction or where no restriction is set.