Property:Has English title

From Tokyo Afterschool Summoners
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This text property stores the translated English title of the companion.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
King of the Holy Staff  +
Together With My Brother's Spirit  +
Heroic Transient Cheater?  +
Isolated by 25 Light Years  +
Wanderer from Solitary Space  +
Fluffy High Schooler  +
Whining Pup  +
Black Dog  +
Genius Girl in a White Coat  +
The Third Hour Hand  +
Deep Sea Architect  +
Lord of the Deep Ones  +
Oceanographer of the Summer Shade  +
Police Chief  +
Underground Auctioneer  +
A Sepia-colored Moment  +
Santa in a Bright Mood  +
Santa in a Black Mood  +
Surfside Santa  +