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Revision as of 06:53, 6 June 2019 by Augustchase (talk | contribs)
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Transient Information

Icon perun01.png
[?]  Perun
Rarity Cost
HP ?+?*(Lv-1) ATK ?+?*(Lv-1)
HP @ Lv 0 ATK @ Lv 0
Max HP+20 Lv, +2000 HP 2000 Max ATK+20 Lv, +2000 ATK 2000
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
? {"error":"invalid ID"}
??? ()
Illustration ——
Scenario ——
Voice ——

Partial Entry


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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Anonymous user: bf591c1c
No. 20181
one month ago
Score 0 You


Probably the only good takeaway I can get from this is the based Hastur, Quantum and Surtr illustration appreciation. So glad they hired the former 2 again for last event!!
Anonymous user: 740a0caf
No. 20093
2 months ago
Score 0 You
Can I suck your big fat dick?
Anonymous user: 695c88cc
No. 19420
6 months ago
Score 0 You
god what is wrong with your thighs Perun
Anonymous user: 470a0cfd
No. 19393
6 months ago
Score 0 You
Damnit, his new special quest is really cute. Can't believe I actually like this guy now
Anonymous user: 9d94ed40
No. 19354
7 months ago
Score 0 You


i got him and he will be broken with my tean of cool fighters
Anonymous user: a408b088
No. 19351
7 months ago
Score 0 You
damn this place really blew up huh
Snoopy Jian
No. 19349
7 months ago
Score 0++


The story starts here
Anonymous user: 7a79faf5
No. 19343
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Chill out dude, it was never that serious. Everybody in this comment section need to take a step back and chill.
Anonymous user: 33fcdec0
No. 19341
7 months ago
Score 0 You
Shut the fuck up you usless annoying bitches, i just drove them away, so shut your goofy ass up, holy shit, are you so stupid and retarded that you cant help but to taunt them back to keep this stupid shit going on?
Anonymous user: 5f80f606
No. 19333
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Yay! Ding-Dong! The witch is dead! Which old witch? These wicked bitch
Anonymous user: a824b7f9
No. 19332
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19330 >Replies to the other guy's post with full clarity of what they meant >"i dont understand what are you trying to say."

Pick a lane.
Anonymous user: 33fc7320
No. 19331
7 months ago
Score 0 You


you know what? fine, i will stop, i am tired of feeling angry and miserable because of this, you all win.
Anonymous user: 33fc7320
No. 19330
7 months ago
Score 0 You


are you so angry and butthurt that you think every inconvenience you see is my fault? i dont have an account here so i cant edit things, i dont know how to hack and i can sure as hell say that i am not such a shitty person as to ruin other people's work they do for fucking free for a png i dont like, sorry to not give you more reasons to hate me but i didn't do it. Also, talk like a normal person, you write like a 13 year old that thinks that repeating swear words make you look like a though dude, you could also work on your literary syntax, i dont understand what are you trying to say.
Anonymous user: a82490e4
No. 19329
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Dumbass prolly hacked it because he got his dumb ass handled to his dumbass hands
Anonymous user: 33fcdec0
No. 19321
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Jesus, drama so hot perun's wiki page fucking died
Anonymous user: 50df74ae
No. 19310
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19303 hey dumbass you literally said "let Bombom die already" how the hell are we supposed to take that MetAPh0ricAlLy
Anonymous user: 50df74ae
No. 19309
7 months ago
Score 0 You


What--? There's no "place to shine" in Dungeons. If you bring Summer Bael in a Dungeon, that means you're trying to level him up. The rest of the team will be units who have Mentor skills and maybe a powerhouse from a friend.
Anonymous user: a824e900
No. 19308
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Oh okay, you didn't wished for him to die you just metaphorically wanted him dead because you're fave is not a 5*. That DEFINITELY makes it better. So sorry for jumping the gun on that one.
Anonymous user: 8e9233d8
No. 19306
7 months ago
Score 0 You

Ok but consider

Perun hot
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19305
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19289 it is not 2021 anymore, smoky was good before everyone became self-sufficient powerhouses, the problem is 6 is too little in dungeons, he would have shined there as he could have be able to cleanse annoying debuffs, but he can only do it for 6 rounds out of 10, he is used in challenges and in and modern blossom farming, but challenges that deal with debuffs are 3 feet underground and blossom and seed farming is so chaotic and fierce that you can't afford to use a mediocre support character and on top of that another support for said character.

dont you see the problem?, using a support to fix a support
Anonymous user: 0155d81c
No. 19304
7 months ago
Score 0 You


I recommend checking a gastroenterologist as well on top of that therapist, stat.
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19303
7 months ago
Score 0 You


what the ever living fuck are you saying?, it was metaphorical, are you so dense you think i was literaly saying i wanted bombom dead???? dude, me hating his designs and drawings and saying that i want other chars to get five star variants instead of his is not in any way the same as wishing he fucking died
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19302
7 months ago
Score 0 You


shit can never be a blessing, specially when it looks like diarrhea
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19301
7 months ago
Score 0 You


look at his eyebrows and at his oblique muscle and tell me it doesn't look like a tumor or as if he had his ribs outgoing
Anonymous user: 33fcdec0
No. 19300
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Also, shut up, i dont know what you think will happen or if you think lw will fire bombom because of this discussion but it will only end bad for you and everyone here, even if you are right and turns out all you said is true, maybe he is a mediocre artist, maybe he has preferential treatment because he is friends with lead of the company, maybe he has too many units, it does not matter, you are in perun's page, shitting about perun and hating on perun's artist, You will never win this 100 versus 1 you got into, you are only making a hate echochamber that will result in everyone here hating bael fans, and that will result in them hating perun fans in return, so stop it. yeah, it sucks, your favorite character is bad and not as strong as you wanted, while other one you hate is the strong one, the game is not Hard enough to care about power levels, you need to be genuinly trash in this game to be unusable, and i am talking 1 stars levels of bad, and if it helps you cool down your cheeks, maybe it will happen the same thing that happened with seth, maybe bael will get a valentines 5 star 2 years in the future, so please, stop this and let perun fans lust after him without having to look at this nonsensical mess of a fight
Anonymous user: a824f68e
No. 19299
7 months ago
Score 0 You
Perun why didn't you came to my pulls? :(
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19298
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19277 Ugh, you're so obsessed with tumors its so unreal. Rent-free tumors in your head 24/7
Anonymous user: 33fcdec0
No. 19297
7 months ago
Score 0 You


What is going on, why are you teaming against me?, it was with comedic intent, in no way you are the ones in the wrong or or being unjust, jeez, one moron goes feral and you belive the one that said a joke about it is telling you that you are bullies and that you should die
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19296
7 months ago
Score 0 You


"Stop bullying him! He's just wishing death on another person."
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19295
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Then why are you still using it? Checkmate, atheists
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19294
7 months ago
Score 0 You


He literally said "let Bombom die" and you think we're the rude ones? Hello?
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19293
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19287 Bombom pic for the Bombom Hater COUNTER: 4

Will be updated every time RNG blesses you with a Bombom
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19292
7 months ago
Score 0 You


And the winner of Pettiest First World Problem Award goes to....
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19290
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19289
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19287 Dude put a Smoky in the team and your skill rates bitching will be over. Also matches since everyone dies at turn 7 anyway if the battle isnt over by then
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19288
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19286 Objection, your honor. My client typed STATISTICALLY in uppercase
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19287
7 months ago
Score 0 You


the problem is not that it only lasts 6 turns, it is that you need 3 to four turns wasted for the stars to align to have his buffs activate, his rates are so shitty those 6 turns pass and you realize he never did something at all, his utility evaporate as water in a desert
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19286
7 months ago
Score 0 You


oh wow, so much easier, i only got 3 fucking peruns and still no bael, sorry but the chance of getting a five star you want is better than for a four stars, specially with how there is three 4 stars that share the pity, i get it you got amazing luck, good for you
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19284
7 months ago
Score 0 You


more like the witch appeared in the middle of the town, angers the townsfolk and then wonders why everyone hates her
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19283
7 months ago
Score 0 You
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19282
7 months ago
Score 0 You


What's wrong with 6 turns? Are you taking 20 turns finishing a farming stage? I think there's a lot of Skill Rate enhancing buffs out there but I think you just like to look at other people's plate instead of focusing on yours.
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19281
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19232 We didn't start the fire lmao There's no witch hunt here.
Anonymous user: 01554416
No. 19280
7 months ago
Score 0 You


I recommend glasses and therapy to solve your issues.
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19279
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19215 Bro is mad that the lead designer of the game is working.

Also, Valentine Itzamna? You really wanna take away the one 5* NB in the game?
Anonymous user: aea1168f
No. 19278
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19277 "why are you telling me about the history of bombom?" my brother in Christ, you were the one saying LW is best friends with Bombom instead of the fact that he's a big part of the company.

Also the likelihood of you getting Bombom's unit is HIGH because say it with me:

Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19277
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19272 why are you telling me about the history of bombom?, i know what they did and that he has been a part of the team since the start. i am painfully aware of bombom original works since thanks to him a great mayority of the nordic mythos is now comprised of circus freaks that look as if they were melting or as if they had tumors on their bodies, the fact that we have things like hastur, quantum, soz or surtr and then we have 10 diferent characters that have a cube head and the same face but with different hair colors or cronenberg aberrations like andvari or fucking odin that looks as if he was melting is a bad taste joke. look what he did to jormungandr, the world sepent, turned him into a lego block whose hairline is receding and his "dragon" form looks like a sea monkey, there comes a poin when his art damages the games narrative and looks, how am i supposed to believe that this game is professional while having his characters deformed faces and bodies all over the screen.

i fucking hate that i am only getting bombom dogshit units as profile.... this only makes me more mad, like..... why do all his units are not only ugly but also the same, i cant for the love of my life can tell when i am looking at dagon, jorm, triton, onikawa or kengo, i can only tell by the clothes and hair but aside from that it is almost like looking at artoria faces from fate
Anonymous user: 33fc1d52
No. 19276
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19272 kamui, xolotl and zhurong didnt get a skevo because they are good and have aged very well, kamui is the worst one of the three and only because there are options better that him, not because he is bad. saru and daikoku got one because they were mediocre at best, that is how it goes, the more dogshit your kit is the more probable it is you get a skevo on the rerun, bael and saru are the ones that have a higher chance of getting a skillevo next year because their kits are a joke, and i hope they do because what the hell is bael supposed to do? he is a leannan sidhe from walmart, apllies buffs after being debuffed at the amazing rate of 30 and 50 percent at max skill level, and only the first 6 turns, dude what the fuck am i supposed to do with that?.

just because sometimes lw is enlightened by divine providence to make the most forgotten and hated characters into the most useful ones does not mean it is the norm, like, yes eita and taromaiti are good but like, 2 out of 100 is not a lot, if you are a 4 star you only can be good at release, like Sbehemoth or Soz, and if you are not it is probable you will stay as trash forever.
Anonymous user: 695ccff5
No. 19274
7 months ago
Score 0 You


Lastly last, not all 4* Skevos are bad. Eita was great after his skevo, def a must-bring on the Ra Mu farming because of his Weakness application. And he's only on top of my head when it comes to utility, I'm sure people who are better at the game could say more 4* that got a banger skevo.
Anonymous user: 695ccff5
No. 19273
7 months ago
Score 0 You
>>19272 *guaranteed to happen
Anonymous user: 695ccff5
No. 19272
7 months ago
Score 0 You

>>19271 Just because an event is reran doesn't mean EVERYONE in the banner gets a skevo. Hell Onsen was reran but Horkeu didn't get his. Your argument is based solely off something that's not guaranteed to win. You're fighting with air right now.

Also, Bombom IS LW. He did all of the in-game art for LW's previous games even before when the team wasn't called LW.
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