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(This page is for Nyarlathotep strategy guide. For the standard Nyarlathotep page, click here.)


Contrary to the typical idea of a 0.28x ATK penaltyMagic type character, Nyarlathotep is at his best on the front line, taking shots and dealing out debuffs in return. He especially thrives in quests with large numbers of enemies, as he both wants to be hit as frequently as possible to maximize the spread of his debuffs, and wants to hit as many targets as possible in order to proc Blink Jumper. Despite the seemingly low odds (28% at max skill level) the proc chance is rolled one time for each enemy hit, so he only has to land the 1-in-4 chance once.

Most of Nyarlathotep's skills activate when he attacks or takes damage, freeing up your moves for other units to shuffle him into position, but in a pinch or when the enemy field has been thinned down, he has Blood of the Beast as insurance if you don't like your odds of activating Teleporter.


Class: Tank, Disruptive Support

Gameplay Role: Frontline Wall


+ Combination of Evasion/Beast Descendant/Loiterer can reduce even type effective hits to single digit damage.

+ Able to debilitate enemy team with a variety of debuffs, without being reliant on movement to do so.

+ Clearly enjoys being hit, allowing player to use him as a face tank guilt-free.


- Evasion becomes less reliable the more opponents are taken out.

- To get the most out of him, he must always be in the position where he'll be hit by as many enemies as possible.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1)
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png 6299 8299 3569 5140 3569 5140 1999 2879
Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png 7069 9049 4125 5707 1155 1598 3465 4794
Icon frame rarity 5.pngAll-Round element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png 9203 11253 3477 4916 1565 2212 6259 8849

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Powerful Element fire.pngFIRE Attackers + Bad Luck

The more the opposing team is whittled down, the fewer opportunities Nyarlathotep will have to proc his Evasion, leaving him to rely on Loiterer, which can also fail to proc, and Beast Descendant. Fire attacks, particularly from heavy hitters such as Ibaraki or Zabaniya can still punch right through him if he's unlucky with skills, so Fire opponents should be top priority while Nyarlathotep still has targets to roll from.

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

O U R S Q U A D G O A L S Build

CollapseTeam Details (submitted by Salsa)

【Immobilizer, Tank, Damage Attenuator】

【Immobilizer, Damage Attenuator】

【Zoning Tank】
Unknown icon.png
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥40

Not only a themed Lovecraft team, but a trio of units who synergize beautifully to boot. Shiro is used in this example for the sake of saving on team cost, but 4 plays the same part if you wish. Shiro and Nyarlathotep both inflict Fear with their charge skills, Shiro has high odds of inflicting Fear off a normal attack, and Nyarla has high odds to inflict Fear when hit. Between the two of them, the enemy party should be in a constant state of terror, losing CP, unable to move, Cursed and possibly Bewitched. Nyarlathotep enjoys the added benefit of dealing bonus damage to everything inflicted with Fear.

Tsathoggua, ideally the last on the field to move, then uses Air Blaster or Lord of Darkness to further drain enemy CP and force a group back, where they will be unable to regroup due to Fear, and unlikely to damage Tsathoggua or Nyarlathotep due to Curse/Bewitched. Players with a sadistic streak may wish to include a Purple Devil in this setup as well. The support slot is variable but a healing unit who can keep Nyarla and Shirou topped off is recommended.

Gameplay examples