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(This page is for Benten's strategy guide. For the standard Benten's page, click here.)


With a biwa in hand, clad in headphones and with no Omnitrix to be seen, Benten is often considered to be the best free-to-play unit in the game, with debuffs and high range alike and the ability to charge her CS, which casts Bewitched and Blowback, if needed. Benten can also proc Bind and CS decrease with Binder, shutting down some of the peskiest enemy tactics.

Benten also sports a decently high HP pool, meaning she can eat a lot of attacks granted they aren't buffed, however this leads into Benten's primary weakness, her water attribute, which takes double damage from the ever increasing green unit pool. One must take good care of Benten, keeping her out the way of most damage when using her.


Class: Disruptive Support

Gameplay Role: Multi-target Debuffer


+ As the Ocean Sail Event Shop unit, she is of the few exceptions, along with other units of her kind, to be able to easily reach max Sacred Artifact level.

+ With the previous point, this means her Charge can boast of maximum damage and effects, which in her case Bewitched is a nice damage reduction ailment and stacks with Curse and Bind’s damage reduction bit.

+ Magic range allows Benten to reliably cast Purge and Bind from behind allies

+ Can get annoying attackers off of her easily with her CS which can be sped up with Artist

+ Optional When Moving ability gives her more versatility in team composition


- Weak to the ever-increasing pool of Wood units.

- Increased cost as an event unit means it can be difficult to fit her into a composition

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
Icon frame rarity 3.pngWater element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png 6523 8554 3436 4974 1546 2238 1924 2785
Icon frame rarity 4.pngWater element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png 7407 9433 3909 5455 1095 1527 3284 4582

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Long-range Element earth.pngWOOD units

Benten's primary weakness is green units with the ability to reach her, and with green units becoming ever-present in Challenge Quests, it can be hard to keep her alive for as long as necessary. Units to watch out for in such quests include Xolotl and Macan.

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

CollapseTeam Details (submitted by UserName)


【Moveslut, CP Battery】

【Healer, Tank】

【Support unit】

【example of variant call】
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples