Talk:Main Page
Doubt anyone will see this, but shrug. I don't know where else to address it, but seeing as the English translation is finally rolling out, I'm leaving a list of terms and phrases to use for the sake of consistency. I'm not listing everything, just keywords everyone adjusted to.
To Use | In Place Of |
Wood | Grass, Earth |
Divine | Holy, Light, Heavenly |
Nether | Dark |
Transient | Transient, Summon |
Hallowed Artifact | Hallowed Artifact, (charge / jingi I guess too?) |
Feel free to add more ideas and I'll edit accordingly.
--Mrquiggles (talk) 18:41, 17 February 2018 (UTC)
Some more notes for later when I or anyone else decides to correct things:
To Use | In Place Of |
Therian (maybe) | Wolf |
Asterius, Zabaniyya, Arsalan, Yule | Asterios, Zabaniya, Arslan, Youl |
Aether | Divine (what a fast change) |
o and u | ou and uu (long vowel sounds) |
It's worthy to note that the "promotional" (for lack of a better term) card for units who have had their name changed uses a weird aliased Serif font instead of the old, prettier font within the characters page (sidebar of More will be added when people who do have inconsistent access to the unannounced translations grab them. --Mrquiggles (talk) 02:00, 27 March 2018 (UTC)