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[[File:2024 Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 2 Banner.png|400px]]
[[File:2024 Spring Breeze Transient Summon Part 2 Banner.png|400px]]
==April Fool's 2024 (SOS from Another Dimension)==
Only available on April 1, 2024, a limited time special quest title SOS from Another Dimension will be held. For 24 hours only you can play a series of limited special quests that can be found in the Events area of the map. Build a team and destroy the extremely durable planet! The maximum damage you deal during the battle will be recorded and displayed once the quest parameters have been met. You can try these battles as many times as you like, but one stamina will be consumed.
[[File:SOS from Another Dimension Image.png|400px]]
[[File:April Fools HDQs.png|400px]]

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