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== Personality ==
Volos is a knowledgeable and approachable bear who studies agriculture. His deep interest for the subject shows when he often runs his mouth about facts, trivia and experiments about vegetables which sometimes annoys or bores the people around him. He is shown to be a slight introvert as revealed in Daikanyama Academy's Halloween party, however he becomes more open-minded and sociable thanks to the efforts of Alice and the protagonist. His experiments such as the sweet pumpkins and watermelons cause trouble to the people around him although he does not anticipate these outcomes. Despite this he cares deeply for others and tries to make up to them.

Volos also has a strong bond with an old friend of his and refers to them a few times in the story. The darker side of his persona was revealed when he expressed hatred for Perun for what happened to him and his friend before coming to Tokyo.



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