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535 bytes removed ,  16:15, 9 June 2019
Replaced content with "{{#masterdata:Skill|532|format=wiki}}"
m (Arathun moved page Spirit of Prosperity to Symbol of Prosperity)
(Replaced content with "{{#masterdata:Skill|532|format=wiki}}")
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{{Skill infobox
| jp name = 繁栄を象る者
| en name = Spirit of Prosperity
| jp-en name = Embodiment of Prosperity
| jp trigger timing = 攻撃後
| jp description = [攻撃後]隣接1マス内に弱体無効& C P増 <br/>[特攻]祟られし者に特攻
| en description = Apply {{Status effect|弱体無効}} and CP increase to Adjacent Allies and Self<br />
[Special Attack] Deal extra damage to enemies with [[Curser]]
| proc chance = 40
== Companions with {{PAGENAME}} ==
{{Companion list
| base skill = ?, 繁栄を象る者
| show skill description = n


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