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The [[Event_Quest:Midsummer%27s_Seaside_School_with_You#Challenge_Quest|Challenge Quests]] and [[Event_Quest:Midsummer%27s_Seaside_School_with_You#Summer_Fireworks_with_You|Summer Fireworks with You Special Quests]] are both also available to complete once more.
The [[Event_Quest:Midsummer%27s_Seaside_School_with_You#Challenge_Quest|Challenge Quests]] and [[Event_Quest:Midsummer%27s_Seaside_School_with_You#Summer_Fireworks_with_You|Summer Fireworks with You Special Quests]] are both also available to complete once more.
Additionally, while sharing the same event, details for the latter part, [[Skill Quest|Skill Evolution Quests Part 2]] is also releasing, adding more skills to evolve.
* {{Skill name|魂を撃つ者}}
* {{Skill name|報復する者}}
* {{Skill name|芽吹かせる者}}
* {{Skill name|月の大天使}}

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