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(This page is for Pollux strategy guide. For the standard Pollux page, click here.)


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Pollux

At first glance, Pollux seems absurd if only for the fact he might be an effective last-man standing thanks to very constant Guts just by moving thanks to LB2, further helped by the fact he prevents any damage past the first hit thanks to LB1 Evasion, which speaks for itself for dramatically reducing incoming damage. He also reaches his crowning peak thanks to LB3, pushing allies proc rates up by moving is great by itself and Charge adds to his potential by potentially mitigating a lot of damage for his party with a clean hit. However, he’s purely Strike despite being Light and if either LB1 and/or LB2 don’t proc, he’s as good as dead, with LB3 sadly not applying to him (though all things considered it could break him).

☆4 Christmas Pollux

Pollux (Christmas) breaks records as arguably currently the best 1.00x ATK penaltyBlow unit in the game thanks to putting a smart twist on his attack range by covering all the flaws it has and in turn offering a lot of important boosts for his allies and himself. To start, he has very constant proc methods by hitting or missing things as well as offering Insight per turn to his party just by existing. His buffs go from almost absolute damage mitigation thanks to Evasion to constant ailment warding thanks to Status Barrier when it counts and finally KO insurance thanks to Guts, all of this done by hitting and missing and fully supported by Insight and Combo to maximize his odds, meaning there’s no instance where he’s not actively supporting his party. To top it all his Charge has good damage through Default and will shrug off any and all ailments he were to have, making his only flaws be adequate positioning and mindful planning on his proc methods, it’s not at all hard if you know what you’re doing.


Adapted with permission from the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List. Remove this disclaimer when Highlights is sufficiently modified.

☆3/☆4 Pollux

Class: Tank, Defensive Support

Gameplay Role:


+ LB1 is great to prevent incoming damage past the first hit almost completely.

+ LB2 Guts almost on demand can prove great to keep him alive in situations where he’d be KO’d, surviving just barely very frequently.

+ LB3 is fantastic to boost his allies’ proc rates, which can make for good interactions with allies who’d like a push in that area.

+ Charge is amazing to almost nullify incoming damage for him and his allies if timed properly.


- Purely Strike, his damage may be good, but his range is very lacking, this also extends to his Charge despite amazing effects.

- Default is mostly a bonus to reach his Charge faster and may need of LB1 to be of use.

- Naturally bad against burst damage, and relies on LB1 to proc after the first hit to be any resistant.

☆4 Christmas Pollux

Class: Offensive Support

Gameplay Role:


+ Default sets his damage up and a very important Combo to fully exploit the rest of his skills.

+ Offers both Evasion and Guts for his allies, tremendously increasing their survivability while also having constant Guts himself to even the odds.

+ Not only this but he also offers an extremely constant Insight to his allies and himself, which will greatly help his proc rates.

+ His Charge allows him to shrug off any and all ailments he were to have, also having consistent damage thanks to Default and constantly spammed through LB3.


- Needs to play around hitting and not hitting things which is easy thanks to his range, but still needs careful attention.

- Takes mindful positioning to affect all his allies with all of his effects.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
Icon frame rarity 3.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png 6001 7951 3874 5497 3874 5497 7747 10994
Icon frame rarity 4.pngAether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png 6743 8670 4449 6082 4449 6082 13348 18247
Icon frame rarity 4.pngNether element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png 6120 7967 5071 6786 5071 6786 8368 11196

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Example counter

Example description

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

CollapseTeam Details (submitted by UserName)


【Moveslut, CP Battery】

【Healer, Tank】

【Support unit】

【example of variant call】
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples