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(This page is for Fuxi strategy guide. For the standard Fuxi page, click here.)



Fuxi introduces a very unique style of support. Right off the bat he greatly weakens the entire enemy board at each phase start, but only as long as they remain out of range of his large Obstruct-15% skill activation rate for 2 turns (Debuff) field. Since the 4x defense down greatly outweighs the effects of Obstruct, he will ideally want to have an ally move him to the bottom of the board where his Obstruct will only reach one enemy in large and vertical boards. This enemy will also fall exactly into his high rate PossessionBlock CS activation and on-attack skills, vertically reflect range, disables ability to hit enemies, and enable friendly fire for 2 turns. (Debuff) range, which also couples with DoubtWhen not possessed: ATK Down by 0.1x; When possessed: ATK Up by 10x for 2 turns (Debuff) to ensure that enemy will contribute to Fuxi's damage. Then his LB3 provides his team with three useful buffs for offense, defense and sustain where needed, ensuring very flexible and consistent support. To top it all off, he applies an HP down that is comparable to most offensive All-range Charge skills every eight turns, letting him practically have two CS.



Class: Mixed Support

Gameplay role: Damage Amplifier, Healer, Offensive/Defensive Buffer, Disruptor


+ Board-wide 4x defense down as long as he stays away from enemies allows his allies to do tremendous damage even without any other offensive support.

+ Can apply Possession + Doubt and remove enemy buffs from a safe distance.

+ Offers very flexible and consistent buffing for his whole team through his LB3, which all happens passively.

+ His LB3's tremendous HP down is very powerful, particularly for stall strategies.


- Requires someone to move him at the start of the quest to best utilize his LB1, ideally someone with increased movement.

- His damage is underwhelming even when attacking units affected by his 4x defense down. (though he can excel against Valiant units)

- His support is entirely selfless and can get shut down if enemies reach him; his LB1 can work against him in this regard.

- His LB3 requires thoughtful positioning to fully utilize, while the HP down portion can be wasted without care.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit (Effective) HP Base ATK ATK per square CS ATK per square (SALV1)
Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded Unseeded Seeded
Icon frame rarity 3.pngWorld element icon.pngSlash weapon icon.png 7273 9434 2599 4009 1169 1804 2339 3608
Icon frame rarity 5.pngWorld element icon.pngSnipe weapon icon.png 9171 11227 3509 4943 912 1285 3649 5141
Icon frame rarity 5.pngAether element icon.pngShot weapon icon.png 7196 9094 5484 7076 2468 3184 6142 7925

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Example counter

Example description

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

CollapseTeam Details (submitted by UserName)


【Moveslut, CP Battery】

【Healer, Tank】

【Support unit】

【example of variant call】
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples