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(This page is for Zao strategy guide. For the standard Zao page, click here.)


Adapted with permission from Kiraidi's Tier List

☆3/☆4 Zao

Zao comes from the Onsen Event Shop as its featured unit, similar to other units of his kind, you can increase his Sacred Artifact level for his Charge to boast of maximum damage and effects (though in this case the latter is unimportant) to great extent. His skill set encourages getting hit, allowing him and whoever is behind him to sport of a very nice offensive and defensive buff, paired with KO insurance through Guts in case things go downhill, this is also the case for his charge, an amazing party Guts and CP increase is very hard to turn down and can potentially turn the tables in a losing fight. LB3 is situational, though you’d be surprised at how many characters have this skill (which do what his Default does, basically). Consider that Zao may want to have back up, since initially, he has no damage or sturdiness to start with, and you need to be meticulous with how he gets hit and who is behind him to let his power show.

☆5 Zao (Non-Shop Gacha Unit)

Zao (Gendarme) plays very differently from his Event Shop versions, besides the fact he’s only obtainable through gachas like any other summon. He sports of Mage range, which allows him to utterly exploit LB1 and LB3, especially the former, which allows his allies to potentially never die to any attack repeatedly, the latter allows him to wear off enemy buffs, which can be especially helpful against obnoxious buffs or too many enemy buffs. He also gets a small push in durability through Default and bolsters an ally’s damage the same way, granted he’s positioned behind someone (and generally may want to be, depends). He’s not without shortcomings though, he can easily fall to Fire with carelessness and needs to be constantly attacking if his allies just used up Guts, considering it’s his main selling point.


Adapted with permission from Kiraidi's Tier List

☆3/☆4 Zao

Class: Bruiser, Mixed Support

Gameplay Role:


+ As the Onsen Event Shop unit, he is of the few exceptions, along with other units of his kind, to be able to reach max Sacred Artifact level by purchasing all Zao in the shop.

+ Default Guts for KO insurance against the odds.

+ LB1 and LB2 allow both him and whatever is behind him to boast of bolstered damage and increased endurance thanks to Fighting Spirit and Diamond, respectively.

+ Charge is amazing for giving Guts insurance to his allies and some CP to boot.


- With one situational skill and half of his skillset requiring to be hit, he initially lacks some form of noticeable startup and can end up a sitting duck for a bit.

- From the previous point, this also requires an ally behind him if he wants LB1 and LB2 to be approached past him, with no guarantees it’ll be worth taking the hits, especially if said ally is frail

☆5 Zao (Non-Shop Gacha Unit)

Class: Mixed Support, Tank

Gameplay Role:


+ Increased durability thanks to Diamond as a defensive buff.

+ LB1 is amazing, it can potentially make your allies not die when they otherwise would, repeatedly.

+ LB3 is fantastic for shrugging off enemy buffs progressively.

+ Charge is basically guaranteed LB1 with CP included to it, complimenting his role very well.


- His durability can run short after a few turns, LB1 doesn’t apply to himself either, which can be a problem if he’s overwhelmed by damage.

- LB2 may have a huge effect range and offer a nice offensive buff, but ideally you’ll only ever affect whatever is in front.

- Charge can have a slightly odd effect range to work with.

Gameplay Role

Example gameplay role breakdown.

Stats and Seed Usage

Unit Max HP (unseeded) Max HP (seeded) Max ATK (unseeded) Max ATK (seeded) Max normal ATK per square (unseeded) Max normal ATK per square (seeded) Max CS ATK per square (unseeded, SALV1) Max CS ATK per square (seeded, SALV1)
Icon frame rarity 3.pngWood element icon.pngBlow weapon icon.png 6467 8508 3959 5582 3959 5582 3563 5024
Icon frame rarity 4.pngWood element icon.pngThrust weapon icon.png 7334 9349 4683 6341 2576 3488 6322 8561
Icon frame rarity 5.pngWood element icon.pngMagic weapon icon.png 9103 11152 3847 5291 1077 1481 4309 5926

Example description

Team Synergy

Example synergy class

Example description

Checks and Counters

Example counter

Example description

Teambuilding Options

This section consists of user-submitted builds that may not necessarily be viable for high level quests.

Arbitrary Team Name

CollapseTeam Details (submitted by UserName)


【Moveslut, CP Battery】

【Healer, Tank】

【Support unit】

【example of variant call】
Unknown icon.png
Anyone / no one
Cost: ≥X

Example team function description.

Gameplay examples