Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:2-1

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Episode 2: [The Master Fisherman of the Remote Island]

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Come on, come on, [Player]!
It feels great on the island today too!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Come on, it’s time to wake up.
The sun’s come up already.

2 options
Good morning, Kijimuna. Come on!
Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yes yes, good answer.
I love morning greetings.

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Ughyaa! You’ve memorized my words already.
Hmhm, I’m surprised!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Mmm, but you still look a little sleepy, judging by your eyes.
Alright, I have an idea.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Let’s play in the ocean instead of using an alarm clock!
Right here, in the island’s beautiful ocean!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Let’s go for a swim, [Player].
The water isn't cold, it’ll feel good.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Huh?
What’s wrong, [Player]?

1 option
You can't go swimming without a swimsuit.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Swimsuit?
Erm…… What is a swimsuit?

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

…… Hu…… heh!

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Eheheh, what a funny story. Do you really need it to go swimming?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Eh, me?

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

All the sudden, a big wave…… Oh?

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

What is this?
Hey, hey. Look at what was washed up.

2 options (Same Response)
Is that a swimsuit?! The waves brought a swimsuit?!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Oh, this is a swimsuit!?
What a coincidence. I guess we got lucky!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Hey, hey. There’s one for you too.
Together with [Player], I’m so happy!

3 options (Same Response)
2 pairs of clothes got washed up!? It’s the perfect size! I didn’t expect new clothes!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yes, my child, [Player],
Surely the sun granted you one too.

2 options (Same Response)
What’s the likelihood of this happening?! Isn’t this some sort of trap……?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Haha, don’t worry about it~.
This world is full of wonders, admit it.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Well, I want to wear them.
Come on, let’s put them on together.

Kijimuna:( face)
Come on, hurry, hurry!
Let’s change our clothes quickly.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Ah, this is a swimsuit?
These clothes are quite strange.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

How is it, [Player]?
Hehe, don’t these fit me?

2 options (Same Response)
Yeah, it looks good. It suits you, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Haha, alright-
Let’s go for a swim, [Player]!

3 options
Okay, let’s swim! Let’s go far out. It’ll be dangerous if we swim out too far.
Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Oooh~! You’re so eager!
You’re in very high-spirits!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We didn’t have breakfast either.
We should do this moderately.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Over here, [Player].

2 options (Same Response)
Uwaah, I didn’t expect that! Hey, I’ll get you for that, Kijimuna!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

…… Eheh, hehehe.

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Ah, this is fun, [Player].
I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

This is a very good spot.
It’s warm and there’s plenty of food.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Why do you need to go back home?
[Player], you should stay here a little longer.

3 options
Sorry, but I still need to go back. I am having fun, I don’t want to go back just yet…… For the time being, I’ll play with you, Kijimuna.
Kijimuna expression b sad.png

I see…… That’s a shame. I will be lonely again.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

…… But, if that’s your decision, [Player],
then I can’t change your mind!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

Until then, let’s play a lot, [Player]!

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

That’s great!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

Kijimuna expression b sad.png

But, even now you still want to return home.

Kijimuna expression b joy.png

Yeah, let’s play!
I was waiting for those words! I’m glad!

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

We’ll decide the rest afterwards! …… But-

Kijimuna expression b neutral.png

-But, remember this, [Player].

Kijimuna expression b embarrassed.png

No matter what happens or what you decide my child,
you are still my friend!

2 options (Same Response)
Thank you, Kijimuna. That's reassuring.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… Eh? I just noticed that you’re drifting away.

Kijimuna expression b pout.png

Why are you going out to sea?
Let’s head back to the gajumaru and eat some food.

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

It’s dangerous going out to the open sea!
Come back, [Player]!

1 option
Something’s…… caught my leg……!

1 option
Am I being dragged out to sea!?

Jellyfish:( face)

2 options (Same Response)
Waaaaah!? I’m getting pulled to the seafloor!

Kijimuna expression b shocked.png

…… [Player]!!
I-I-I’m coming-