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== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* In classical Greek mythology, Echo is an Oread, a type of nymph that lives in mountains.
* In Metamorphoses by Ovid, Echo aided in distracting Juno (Hera in Greek mythology) while Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythology) was out having affairs in the mortal realm. When Hera found out, she set a curse on Echo to be only able to speak words she has recently heard from others.
** In the same book, Echo fell infatuated with Narcissus. In one of his walks through the woods, Narcissus sensed that he was being followed. Echo, only being able to repeat words she hears, was only able to commune with Narcissus with the words he kept shouting to ask the person to show themselves. Echo eventually revealed herself and tried to embrace him but was denied and was told to leave him alone. Heartbroken, Echo fled humiliated and ashamed but her love for Narcissus never waned.
* Her sacred artifact necklace is themed around the daffodil which belongs in the genus ''Narcissus''.
** The flower is named so as Narcissus was cursed by Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, after hearing Echo's story. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and eventually wasted away longing over it, eventually turning into a gold and white flower.
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