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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Resort Pool

2 options (Same Response)
Heeey, Hanuman! Come out, come out wherever you are.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Call out for me and I'll pop out Dororo-style!
Incidentally, I'm a ninja too! Sometimes, Goku turns out to be Hanuman!

2 options (Same Response)
Uwaaaah!? Geez, you startled me!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Nyahahaha, you should've seen the look on your face!
That's a win for me!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

How do you like my fire bomb jutsu though!
I'd say it was pretty impressive~!

2 options (Same Response)
How can you even do that?! Is that your new "Rule," Hanuman?

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

It's simple really.
When I travel faster than the wind, smoke starts coming out from my body!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

With 100 people moving as fast,
100 times the smoke comes out. Simple as that!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

I was trying to imitate Kotaro-dono.
He said that it is a trade secret, so I came up with my own trick.

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Since too much fire comes out, it's hard to work around it-
Eh, it's wrong? What?!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Muhahaha~, were you that surprised? [Player]-dono.

3 options
You didn't surprise me at all. I'm surprised in another sense! That's a real feat of strength......!
Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

Both [Player] and Shirou-dono were surprised by that;
it's quite pleasing to me.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

It's so lively at the Safehouse since there's games and sweets there.
I am so glad I joined the Summoners (guild)!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Oh! I was so busy about startling you that I forgot what I was here for!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

Wanna hear a secret? It's something I heard from Tsathoggua-dono.

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

In the theme park built by Hakumen-chan,
there is a survival game where you use water guns.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

That bit of confidential information was passed onto me from Tsathoggua-dono.
Oh, I'm looking forward to using these bad boys!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Although, if I try out the venue......
I'll get turned down and can't participate unless I pair up with someone.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

... [Player]-dono!! I want you to join me in a water gun fight!

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

Oh please, pleeeeease~! (Throws a tantrum).

3 options (Same Response)
What am I supposed to do in a water gun fight? So, about what you said- You're so adorable, Hanuman.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

I made sure I got the rules down! Give me a sec...... Let's see-

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

Participants will be put in pairs in a dedicated field with objects.
If you hit the cloth of the opposing teams with water, you'll win the game.

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

"Sacred Artifacts" can't be used considering the cloths can only change appearances through water.
It's purely about physical prowess, strategy and more importantly, teamwork.

3 options (Same Response)
Thanks for the details. W-What a game. This is a joke right, Hanuman?

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

By the way, the last team standing will get some cool prizes!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Since I'm only there to have fun,
you can claim the prize for yourself, [Player]-dono.

2 options (Same Response)
You'd do that? I'll split the reward.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

[Player]-donoooooo~! You betcha we're gonna win this!
Oooh, I'm getting pumped!


Grass Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Welcome, visitors. Thank you so much for coming.

Grass Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

By participating in a survival game,
there is no doubt you will deepen your "bond" as a couple.

2 options (Same Response)
Uh, say what now? Did you just say couple?!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Nehehehe~, I'm looking forward to that.
Ah, this is making my heart skip a beat~!

2 options (Same Response)
...... I have something to ask, Hanuman. Do you even know what a couple is?

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

O-Of course I know what it is.
Isn't it like a red, tasty fruit?

2 options (Same Response)
That's- An apple!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Deepning bonds like fruit is nothing but a cheap wine!

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

It's a tad traumatic for a fruit though......
(Shivers)...... A-Ah, it's so bad!

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

A-Anyways, we need to focus on the game for now!
Tsathoggua-dono says we shouldn't let him down!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

I'll wrap the cloth around you, [Player]-dono...... There.
I will do my best to protect my Summoner!

Announcement:( face)
We will now begin the attraction.

Announcement:( face)
3... 2... 1... Go!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

If I'm gonna need to provide [Player]-dono cover,
I'm gonna make myself disappear.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Wind-style ninja art! Wind Release ninjutsu, stealth!

2 options (Same Response)
Hanuman vanished! ? I feel like I'm a decoy!

Hanuman's voice:( face)
That's a ninja trick of mine. It allows me to move around much quicker!

Hanuman's voice:( face)
Since I can move around in an extremely fast pace,
you're the only one visible to the enemy, [Player]-dono.

Hanuman's voice:( face)
The enemies are all gonna go after you instead.
That's when I'm gonna make a surprise attack with water!

3 options (Same Response)
To be honest, that's incredible. That must be what you're up to in this event. Why did it have to be this way.

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

......? Oh! From the northwest, about a distance of 10,
2 people are approaching us.

Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Enemy spotted. I'll show 'em what I can do, Mermaid-chan!

Light Mermaid expression smile.png

Good luck, Darling!

3 options (Same Response)
What the heck is this? This is gonna be a pain. I-I'm not jealous!

Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png


Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Oooh, you're wide open!

Light Mermaid expression smile.png

Eh?! ...... No, Darling!

Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png


Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

Oh no, I...... I couldn't protect you.
You shouldn't live with someone as worthless as myself.

Light Mermaid expression smile.png

Don't put yourself down.
Your tenacity has been conveyed to me.

Water Kurohuku expression desert smile.png


Light Mermaid expression smile.png


Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Mmmm... The couple lost the game, but their bond is deepening!
Why is that?!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

[Player]-dono, our bond! Do you feel it has deepened in any way?

2 options
Uh, not necessarily. My heart's growing!
Hanuman expression desert crying.png

Pooey...... I haven't earned enough points yet.
I'm gonna need to take down 4 more teams to strengthen our bonds!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Oooh, it's already making an impact on us.
I'm gonna defeat the remaining teams to strengthen our bonds even further!

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

Okay, let's go, [Player]-dono! Victory will be ours!

2 options (Same Response)
Right! Let's go, Hanuman!

Soon after, they took down 2 teams that they encountered. It wasn't long before they confronted the last team.

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png

That is something homemade from my lover. A "Trap of Love"!

2 options (Same Response)
No way! Gah!

[Player]'s foot was caught in a cleverly hidden "trap of love" and stepped on a few bellows.

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Huh?! T-Time out for a bit! Emergency Sky Suspension!
Hanuman will not let you get trapped all the sudden-

With high-speeds from the Wind Release ninjutsu, Hanuman crashed, collapsed and held the person in front of him.

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

Owowowow...... Hyaaaaaa... A-Are you alright, [Player]-dono?!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Kah... Where's the enemy at?! Blech!
(Struggling), I can't get you to move!

2 options (Same Response)
Don't move, Hanuman! ...! You're weak to this!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Hey! Ahaha! I got no clothes on! I'm really ticklish~!
Ahaha! Ukyaukyaukyaukya~!

Nether Merman expression neutral.png

A monkey fell from the sky!? Is he our opponent as well?!

2 options (Same Response)
I'm borrowing these water guns! You're open!

Fire Kurohuku expression desert smile.png



Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Hooo, that was so much fun! I am very, very, very satisfied.

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

The winning prize is just a pair of annual passports huh?
Well as promised, you earned them, [Player]-dono.

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

...... [Player]-dono.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Thanks so much for hanging out with selfish ol' me!

3 options (Same Response)
Hanuman's being courteous?! Did you eat something bad? You're such a phony.

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

P-Phony?! Come on, Hanuman's being real genuine here!

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

I don't always play tricks on people.
I can be serious at times too.

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

If you remember from not long ago,
that was an ocassion where things got serious for me.

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

[Player]-dono...... Can I ask you something?
I'm going to be honest with you.

2 options (Same Response)
What's up? Is something bothering you?

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

Ever since I met you, [Player],
I said that every day without school is a good thing.

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

I was going to play around in the safe-house.
Do you think I'm getting in the way of everyone?

2 options (Same Response)
You're not bothering us. (Brush his head)

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

Then..... You're okay about playing with me after this?

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

Back in my hometown, I never had a real friend for a long time!

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

I would play a lot, but nobody would even come.
Even when I was worshipped, I was all alone.

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

I played as much as I wanted, I got told off, and finally died once.
I did reincarnate however, and got a tougher body......

Hanuman expression desert crying.png

Then... I was even lonelier than before.

Hanuman expression desert serious.png

I thought I would become an obnoxious guy if I kept going like that,
so I wanted to turn things around-

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

And then... I met everyone including my Summoner.

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

[Player]-dono and everyone else are cool and strong!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Meeting everyone for the first time,
I could do something I never could before!

Hanuman expression desert embarrassed.png

I want to play with everyone more and more. But, if I'm a bother-

2 options (Same Response)
Come whenever you want. (Hug him tight)

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Woooo! I love you, [Player]-dono!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

Oh, on that remark! The same thing happened when I watched the gaming broadcast
with Tsathoggua-dono the other day!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

It's gonna be a Renai-type of game.
Do you know about it, [Player]-dono?

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

I'm gonna enroll in [Player]-dono's Kokand and set up a fanclub!

2 options (Same Response)
Where did this come from?! Are you trying to capture me......

Hanuman expression desert neutral.png

So then, [Player]-dono!
How about we include water gun fights to the fanclub too?

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Oh, I want to make out with [Player]-dono soon too.

2 options (Same Response)
Make out? Do you even know what that is?

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

The details about making out?
I heard you join hands and kiss.

2 options
Join hands? A kiss?
Hanuman expression desert joy.png

I want to know what it's like to hold hands and kiss.
I want you to teach me, [Player]-dono!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

I'm sure we're supposed to put our lips together...... Right?
I wonder why they call it as a special thing to do??

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

...... Kissing is a lover's thing, right? Please tell me, [Player]-dono!

3 options
You just don't get it, at all. I'll teach you. An "Exception" is gonna come out.
Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Thanks for sharing. I'll look forward to it!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Wooo, it's great being friends with [Player]-dono.
Next time, we should go for a swim in the pool!

Hanuman expression desert surprised.png

That would be a grave situation then!
I don't know if I want that to happen......

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Oh!! Looks like some bustling activity is happening over there.
Let's go check it out!

Hanuman expression desert joy.png

Even if the summer's over,
I want to keep playing and playing with you, [Player]-dono!

In the midsummer's sun, the boy with a bright smile on his face tugged on their arms-

He and [Player] ran off to the summer resort, with the breeze of the vibrant season gently brushed against their skin.