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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Kabukicho

Gyobu and the Summer Festival

The setting sun shines on Kabukicho, Shinjuku. Signs of bustling activity was showing on the final day of the festival.

[Player] was looking around restlessly for someone.

2 options (Same Response)
Huh? Who's pulling on my clothes?

Looking around the area where they felt something, there was a tanuki looking upwards, smiling.

Gyobu expression surprised.png

...... Hey now. You shouldn't run off like that.
What if someone takes you away?

Gyobu expression sad.png

My apologies, Chief-san. Our youth are quite impolite.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

You are my summoner, Chief [Player]-san.
The young ones will pay you their respect.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Go on, young tanukis, politely greet them.

Aligning themselves in a single row, the young tanukis bowed their heads to deliver Gyobu's greetings.

2 options (Same Response)
That was great. Yeah. Good evening, everyone.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Indeed. Fantastic work.

1 option
One thing. What do you mean by Chief?

Gyobu expression smile.png

A "Summoner" is one of high respect.
That is why you are the Chief, yes?

Gyobu expression smile.png

We've been serving a long time,
but please just consider it the way country folk speak.

In Gyobu's hands, there were 2 water yo-yos loosely hanging.

1 option
Water yo-yos?

Gyobu expression neutral.png

Ah, is this something you would buy?
The little one wouldn't stop begging for it.

Gyobu expression smile.png

I fished it up from the store over there.
It's particularly 2 large balls.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

As you can see, it looks quite intriguing yes?
-Ah, you shouldn't drop it.

Gyobu gave one to the young tanuki, who came back from where [Player] was.

Gyobu then handed the water yo-yo in the tanuki's hands, who were at his feet, and started playing with it happily.

3 options
That's pretty cool of you, Gyobu-san. That's cute, Gyobu-san. He's a cute little guy.
Gyobu expression smile.png

Oh? I'm honored to receive praise from you.
Whether it be appearance or behavior, for chivalry, "modesty" is what holds dignity.

Gyobu expression stern.png

Those who are honest will ascertain that.
There are trivial things to avoid as well.

Gyobu expression joy.png

If you're drawn in by that, there's still ways to go.
No matter how old I get, you're still inexperienced.

Gyobu expression surprised.png

Eh, that's quite absurd, what do you mean by...... Oh?
Pardon me, Chief-san, did you praise me just now?

Gyobu expression joy.png

This chap...... Haha, easy come, easy go.
It seems Chief-san loves to show their colors.

Gyobu expression smile.png

...... You should only flirt in moderation.
That is all I should say.

Gyobu expression joy.png

But, there is no mistaking it.
You certainly put this Gyobu in a good mood, heheh.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

Hey hey, keep things in order...... Don't sulk about it, Chief-san.
It's quite embarrassing.

Gyobu expression smile.png

It's hard for me to say, but it's adorable to see them playing and laughing.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

...... So then, [Player]-san.
I must apologize for stopping you.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Since today is the festival in Kabukicho,
I'd like to enjoy myself here.

2 options (Same Response)
Let's go! I was looking for you, Gyobu-san.

Gyobu expression surprised.png

-Hey. That can't be. You were truly waiting for me?

Gyobu expression sad.png

No, no...... Back in the day,
I tend to sneak around, concealing and making myself not known.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

So then, what would your business with me be?

2 options (Same Response)
Wanna go to the festival together? I want to go on a date with you.

Gyobu expression surprised.png

...... What a surprise.
So, that was the reason you were searching for me.

Gyobu expression smile.png

You're quite the whimsical fellow,
wanting to go on a date with an oldtimer like me.

Gyobu expression joy.png

-Ah, it's been a long while since I rejected a love affair.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Yet, I don't plan on throwing your affection towards me, hahaha.

Gyobu pets the underling's head while laughing.

Gyobu expression smile.png

...... Ah yes. Let me give you advice out of kindness.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

You're still young. Don't let yourself in on the kinds of kitsunes or tanukis,
it's for your own good.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

It involves you folks,
but we are the type of spirit who trick and toy with people.

Gyobu expression sad.png

It seems that I've been let off generously in the foliage.
To be frank, I was called to the tatami room, relaxing on the 8 tatami-mats......

Gyobu expression neutral.png

You may be familiar with rakugos,
but there are still decent anecdotes to be seen. I am only just a tanuki.

Gyobu expression sad.png

Even so, we stirred a fuss back in the day,
casting ourselves away in the caves of Kumayama.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

So, [Player]-san, if you're poking fun-

Gyobu expression smile.png

Before you go on with your tricks,
why not reconsider a little and make wise choices?

3 options (Same Response)
Even so, Gyobu-san- Am I deluding myself? I contributed to this case too.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

...... Well then. So, that's how it is.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Although I admit myself to chivalry, I am an Outlaw, a black sheep of the world.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Chief-san. The tanuki's heart is ephemeral, and will move on.

2 options
I can change that. I like you, Gyobu-san.
Gyobu expression surprised.png


Gyobu expression joy.png

Pff, hahahaha! I see, that's what it's come to!

Gyobu expression surprised.png

.......... Puh.

Gyobu expression joy.png

Hahahaha! You really got me there!

Gyobu expression smile.png

No no, it's been a while since sentimental words were ever said to me......

Gyobu expression joy.png

Even if you were joking, I'm glad to hear it.
It just made me unintentionally tingle.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

Hoh hoh...... I was once trusted by someone too.

Gyobu expression stern.png

Yes, they said "I can't live without you," similar to your case.

At that moment, [Player] caught the sight of Gyobu's sharp expression.

2 options (Same Response)
......? Gyobu-san?

Gyobu expression smile.png

No...... Perhaps, it was only just a trick.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

After all, kitsunes and tanukis are threats to humankind.
The trickery is far over.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Well then. A helping of ill will.
Allow me to act that for this partner's date.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

[Player]-san, you appeased our disturbance.
I will repay you for what you've done.

Gyobu expression smile.png

Aah, don't fret. I wasn't thinking of deceiving you.

Gyobu expression neutral.png

This Inugami Gyobu...... A person who lives by chivalry,
I will stick to that as part of my honor.

2 options
(Take his hand) (Give him a hug)
Gyobu expression surprised.png

... Hey. I didn't think it would come to this.

Gyobu expression joy.png

[Player]-san, you are such a pampered child.

As Gyobu said that, he gently rubbed [Player]'s back.

Gyobu expression smile.png

...... Hmm, how about you come over, Chief-san - No, [Player]-san.

Gyobu expression smile.png

It's not even windy and they're swinging,
that sort of thing.

Gyobu expression joy.png

Chief-san, please accept the good traits of a merry tanuki.

[Player] and Gyobu faded away into the crowds of the festival.

With the sounds of Japanese drums, the music blends into the excitement of the festival.