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[Translation by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

Asterios expression island neutral.png

I-I’ve brought the new material.
This should be everything that you need.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oh, thanks, Asterios!
Now, if you could secure it tightly for me please.

Asterios expression island anger.png

Okay, this should be good.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Oooh, you’re just like a vice!
That’s awesome, Asterios!

Asterios expression island embarrassed.png

I’m glad to be of service……

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Alright, let’s start right away -

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Emerge – Mechanized Masterpiece!

Feeling the iron ore with his right hand, Kurogane produced something shiny.

It then quickly changed into the form of a hammer.

2 options (Same Response)
…… Wow, how did you do that? Your right arm……

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Ah, I simply extracted the “hardness” from the iron ore.
I then “concentrated” it into a usable form.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

Oh, you don’t understand what I’m saying?
It's okay, I don’t understand why either!

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Too bad I can’t remember how exactly it works.
It would be very convenient if I did.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

Well anyways, this will turn out amazing.
Oh, since I’m older than you, you can refer to me as your senpai.

Kurogane expression b 5star.png

You can refer to me as “Kurogane-senpai.”
…… In return, I will refer to you as Junior.

Kurogane expression 5star.png

Okay…… let’s move on.

In an early afternoon, Kurogane was working on the banyan house.

Asterios took care of the physical work, while Kurogane handled the technical work.

They built the furniture for the home one by one. The two was shown to work well together as a pair.

3 options (Same Response)
You two work well together. Asterios, I thought you were afraid of strangers? You two are like partners.

Asterios expression island sad.png

…… I-I’m a little surprised.
I’ve always been living alone…… I wasn’t sure if I could handle it.

Asterios expression island smile.png

When I’m with a friend, I don’t feel as nervous……

2 options (Same Response)
We’ve been together for a long time now. We’ve spent a lot of time together now.

Asterios expression island surprised.png


Kurogane expression surprised.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

What are you saying, [Player]?
We’ve just started living here.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Well, we have been comfortably living in this house for a while now.
It would make sense to think that.

3 options (Same Response)
No, that's not it. It’s like we’ve been here for a very long time. That’s hard to believe……

Triton expression neutral.png

I understand why you would think that but,
you should still distinguish your opinions from objective facts.

Triton expression sad.png

Although, it has been a few days, the amount of time passed does feel like an illusion.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

T-That’s right, professor.
It does feel that way……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

[Player], what is everyone trying to say?
Are we trying to figure out how long we’ve been living together?

Triton expression happy.png

Hahaha, Kijimuna you’re still a child.
A small amount of time passed does makes it feel like it goes by very quickly.

Triton expression neutral.png

To those who brought it up, the amount of time passed is still very short.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

Is that how it works?

Triton expression neutral.png

When I was young, there were a lot of things I was interested in.
When you dedicate yourself to those things, time will fly by very quickly.

Triton expression happy.png

When you get older, you’ll realize how fast time passes.
There’s no need to be impatient.

Triton expression happy.png

It feels like a rather long time.
You should be happy that you’re still a child.

Triton expression neutral.png

Alright, let’s cut the chatter here.
Everyone, please gather around the professor.

Triton expression neutral.png

Now that everyone’s gathered together,
we need to go over what we need to do.

Triton expression neutral.png

We’ll need to stock up on food and materials.
It's to prepare for any unexpected situations later.

Triton expression neutral.png

Kijimuna, Asterios,
Kurogane and [Player], I’ll leave it to you.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

I’m already used to it from doing this every day.
After we finish, we should all go for a swim!

Kurogane expression anger.png

Hey, Kijimuna.
Wouldn’t the professor get mad if you’re not being serious about this?

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Don’t worry, Kurogane. I’ll do my best with Asterios.
He’s very strong and he can help me.

Asterios expression island smile.png

T-That’s right.
After we finish, we’ll go for a swim together.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Asterios is the best!!

Kurogane expression sad.png

Oh boy……
I’m at a loss here……

Kurogane expression sad.png

I wonder if I’m capable of looking after the youngest child here……

Triton expression neutral.png

In the meantime,
I will continue where I left off yesterday of investigating the island.

1 option
…… Professor, did you find something about the island?

Triton expression sad.png

I’ve yet to confirm it.

Triton expression neutral.png

I’ve found traces of life here –
I believe there are other people here on this island.

2 options (Same Response)
……! I'm going with you. I want to investigate the island as well!

Kijimuna expression shocked.png


Triton expression serious.png

I’m afraid not. It’s too dangerous.
I will not put a student in danger.

Triton expression neutral.png

Procuring food is a very important task.
You should not abandon-

3 options (Same Response)
But, I want to go home! How long will we stay here?! Professor, how else will I get back home?!

Triton expression shocked.png

[Player], you……

Kurogane expression anger.png

I understand how you feel, but please try to stay calm.

Kurogane expression sad.png

Professor Triton doesn’t want to put us in danger.
He’s just worried about you.

Kurogane expression sad.png

…… On his own judgement,
if you were to get hurt-

1 option
…… Sorry for the outburst.

Triton expression sad.png

…… No.
I did not consider my own student’s feelings.

Triton expression serious.png

I understand how much you want to go home!
But, please try to understand-

2 options (Same Response)
I need some time alone. I need to cool off.

Triton expression serious.png

Hey! Where are you -

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’ll go after them.
Please leave it to me, professor Triton.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Alright.

Following Triton’s words, Kurogane went after [Player].

Triton expression sad.png

…… Being a teacher is difficult.
I feel the things I’ve been saying is becoming a bad habit……

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Don’t worry about a thing~
Kurogane will help calm the child down.

Triton expression happy.png

Thank you, Kijimuna.

Triton expression happy.png

That’s just like you –
I feel reassured to be your senior.

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

There’s nothing we can do.
Let’s just continue on for now.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

P-Professor, please rest for a while.
We’ll do our best on our part.

Triton expression sad.png

Yes, please do.

[Player] ran out of the gajumaru house and walked alongside the beach.

Ever since they washed up on the island – they wondered how many days have passed.

Meeting Kijimuna and Triton, then meeting Asterios a few days later. Not too long, they met Kurogane as well.

2 options (Same Response)
Even so - It feels like I’ve been on this island for a long time……

Their memory still has not returned yet. They did not know what they were doing beforehand.

2 options (Same Response)
I just want to go home. I want to get off the island.

???:( face)
Aha, so this is where you ran off to.
It’s a bit dangerous to be that far from your home.

2 options (Same Response)
Kurogane-san…… Did you come after me?

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

I also thought about taking a short walk around here.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

There’s no need to be quiet, you can talk to me.
I’m willing to listen to you, okay?

2 options
…… Alright. Please leave me alone.
Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

I promise I won’t get in the way.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Well, I’m afraid I can’t do that.
I can’t just leave you by yourself.

[Spans to Kijimuna and Asterios in a dark forest]

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Ooooh! Look what I found here.
Asterios, look look, a big mushroom!

Asterios expression island smile.png

That’s nice, Kijimuna.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

…… Everyone is so gloomy.
Is going home really that important……?

Asterios expression island sad.png

……. I-I’m enjoying living on the island but, to be honest…… I’m not really sure.

Asterios expression island sad.png


Asterios expression island neutral.png

What about you, Kijimuna?
Did you have a thought about it too……?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

The gajumaru’s roots are fixated onto this island, I can’t leave.
I can’t leave the island with you all.

Kijimuna expression sad.png

You really like being here right?
Don’t you want to stay here with me……?

Kijimuna expression sad.png

I've been living on this island for a very long time……
I’m not sure how it feels to go home that badly.

Asterios expression island sad.png


Kijimuna expression sad.png

Even so, I thought I would be the only one here.
Here…… on this island.

Kijimuna expression joy.png

To be honest, I was sleeping for a long time.
I think the island has changed a lot since then.

Asterios expression island neutral.png

Kijimuna, that’s -

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

…… !!
I think it’s someone’s smell!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

S-Someone’s smell……?
Well, professor Triton did say that-

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Come on, Asterios!
There might be new students here!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

H-Hey! Kijimuna!
Don’t run off by yourself, it’s too dangerous!!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

T-This is a…... village?!

Kijimuna expression joy.png

Yep! It’s definitely a village.
My suspicions were right!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Come on, Asterios!
Let’s be friends with everyone-

Asterios expression island anger.png

Something’s not right!
The village is way too quiet……

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Maybe everyone is sleeping-

Asterios expression island anger.png

I’m not sure……
We should head on back.

Asterios expression island anger.png

Kijimuna, look out!

Asterios expression island anger.png


Kijimuna expression shocked.png

Asterios! What happened?!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Quiet! Something’s here!
There might be someone else on this island other than us……!

Asterios:( face)

[Spans back to Kurogane and the Player]

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I see, this gravel……

Kurogane is taking interest of the scenery around the island while following [Player].

Kurogane expression surprised.png

What’s up, [Player]? You suddenly turned your head back.
Do you still want to go home?

3 options (Same Response)
Where……? I heard a voice…… …… No, it’s nothing.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

…… It’s already evening.
By the way, something seems to be on your mind.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Alright, spill the beans.
Tell me what’s bothering you.

2 options (Same Response)
…… I can’t really tell you. I’m just…… worried.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Whatever crazy story it is, I’m willing to hear it.
Just tell me what's bothering you.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Think of me as a scientist.
I won’t laugh at your stories.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

You can trust me!
I am your senpai after all.

1 option
…… Hey, Kurogane-san.

Kurogane expression anger.png

Uh huh……
So that’s what happened this morning.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I think I understand.
It does feel like we’ve been living here for a long time.

Kurogane expression sad.png

Unfortunately, everyone else doesn’t think that.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

What are you thinking about?

1 option
I’m just worried that…… they might think I’m crazy.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I see……
So that’s what’s troubling you.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Alright. Come over here.
Yeah, over here. Don’t be shy!

They did not understand what’s going on. They slowly got closer to Kurogane.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

Yeah, there you go!
Just close your eyes for a bit……

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

There there. I understand how you feel.
There’s no need to be afraid. I know how much pain you’re in right now.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

I’m here for you.
So is everyone at the school.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

It’s okay if you want to cry.
It’s perfectly fine to cry if you’re feeling tense.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

…… Sorry.
Even as your senpai, you probably don’t trust me.

Kurogane gently stroked [Player]’s head and hugged them tightly.

Warmth was being transmitted. Their sorrow were being passed down onto him.

3 options (Same Response)
(Cry loudly) (Cry silently) (Say thanks)

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Don’t worry –
You can share your problems with me.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

How are you feeling now?
Do you feel better after letting it all out?

Kurogane expression surprised.png

Eh, I misunderstood it? You don’t have any emotions?
…… That’s awfuul!!

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Anyways, we’ve been living together for quite some time.
To be honest, it does feel that way.

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

What you’ve said this morning,
I thought of it too.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oh right,
I finally remembered something that I was supposed to tell you.

Kurogane expression sad.png

It’s just one thing.
I think the island itself is strange.

Kurogane expression anger.png

When we were thinking about gathering food and materials,
I noticed something off with the island’s formation.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

The alignment shouldn’t be possible.
The vegetation here doesn’t make sense either.

Kurogane expression anger.png

It’s almost like someone forcibly merged multiple islands together.

1 option
Multiple…… islands……?

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

There are traces of other things “washed up” on the island’s soil.
It’s almost like a flood struck here a while ago.

Kurogane expression anger.png

…… Something’s different about the island.
It’s not just you. My senses told me so!

Kurogane expression b cheerful.png

We’ll find the truth about this island.
I’m sure we’ll figure it out.

Kurogane expression b smile.png

Even if you and I can’t do it alone……
With everyone at the school, we can accomplish anything!

2 options (Same Response)
Kurogane-senpai……! Thanks, Kurogane.

With the sunset behind him, Kurogane smiled.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

But, the island itself is truly strange.
The formation here is truly intriguing, no?

Kurogane expression surprised.png

…… That’s?!
L-Look, [Player]!

In the direction where Kurogane was pointing at, there was a piece of lumber buried.

It was evident that the manufacturing was man-made.

Kurogane expression surprised.png

Some writing is etched on here.
This is – my handwriting?!

Kurogane expression surprised.png

It's written the same way!
There’s no doubt about it, it’s my handwriting.

Kurogane expression surprised.png

Hm, uh huh……
The first day after I disappeared……

Kurogane expression surprised.png

It’s over a hundred.
I’ve been here on this island for over a hundred days now……

2 options (Same Response)
What! ! How could that be-

Kurogane expression anger.png

You were right, [Player].
Isn’t it strange how we don’t remember that?

Kurogane’s expression suddenly changed, prompting [Player] to look over their shoulder.

Kurogane forcibly pulled [Player] away from the opposite direction.

Trying to get a sense of his words – a myriad of huge snakes with black eyes caught Kurogane.

1 option

???:( face)
So, you’ve learned about the truth.
You shall forget about it once more.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

My name is Tangaroa.
I am the one who created this island and protects his beloved children.

2 options (Same Response)
Tangaroa......? The island’s…… creator……

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

That’s correct.
But, this island is not mine to rule now.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

The ruler of the sea of the great abyss is the one who will rule over us and this island now.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

You will become an ally.
You will carry out the “role” that you will be given.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

You will soon understand,
the pleasure of spending your life as a servant.

Tangaroa expression neutral.png

I do not plan on answering any questions.
Do not plan on asking anything.

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Let us go to the altar of our great “lord.”

Tangaroa expression surprised.png

Do not try to resist!

Kurogane expression anger.png

[Player], run!
Just get out of here!!

2 options (Same Response)
I can’t leave you, Kurogane-senpai! Kurogane-san, I’m not leaving!