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Location: Daikanyama Academy

A flash of a blade detached the mysterious objects. With one swing, the pumpkins collapsed.

Then, what’s left afterwards-

Children:( face)
Uuoh, I don’t feel so good……

JackOLantern expression normal.png

Where… am I?
Um… who are you?

I didn’t understand the situation either- The children were as confused as I was.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Ah, these children. It seems they don’t remember anything.

Salomon-kun expression naughty.png

What happened? I speculate that they were being manipulated somehow.

1 option
This pumpkin for example?

The pumpkin headgear that were originally on the children, It seems that it became smaller than it was before.

Based on the eyes and nose being hollow, it turned out to be a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Uh-huh… it looks like… an ordinary pumpkin doesn’t it?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Even I don’t feel any spiritual presence in them…
Do you feel anything unusual?

Salomon-kun expression tasty.png

Let’s see…… (sniff sniff).
What an oddly delicious, fragrant smell!

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

No doubt about it-
It must be a pumpkin that tastes like candy!

1 option
That seems to be a nice thought……

Volos expression joy.png

Of course it is.
Those pumpkins were single-handedly made by me.

Volos expression neutral.png

Showered with precious sunlight, they are finely crafted as sweet and tender.

Volos expression sad.png

Moreover…… these pumpkins are clearly flawless.
They’re nothing like the ones you find on Halloween.

Volos expression sad.png

The contents are extracted, with nothing left inside.
There are literally no “seeds” or “gimmicks.”

Volos expression pout.png

Now, let’s see what caused these circumstances.
I wonder if there were other factors other than this pumpkin…

2 options (same response)
Do you know why? Maybe something dangerous is living in it

Volos expression surprised.png

……Ah! Sorry!
I was so caught up in my investigation that I forgot to introduce myself.

Volos expression joy.png

Erm…… Thank you for your help.
My name is Volos, an active Agricultural Student.

Volos expression pout.png

Now then.
Let’s begin a thorough examination immediately.

After giving a polite thank you, Volos took out various tools from his pocket.

This research is based on the experience of living things. It is crucial to record every single detail.

Volos expression joy.png

First, I’ll examine the size.
Next, I’ll measure the weight… take a piece of the skin……

2 options (same response)
Hello? What are you planning to do?

Volos expression joy.png

I am studying this pumpkin.
Since it was made by me, it is my responsibility.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

He is the creator of this pumpkin?
Well, I didn’t expect him to be the culprit……

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Judging by his face… he doesn’t appear to be a bad person.

Volos expression neutral.png

What’s wrong?
… Is there something on my face?

1 option
Was the turmoil your responsibility?

Volos expression neutral.png

Hmm… Yes, I’m aware of that.
To tell you the truth, I am very surprised.

Volos expression sad.png

From my memory of the situation…
it couldn’t be helped that my pumpkins were the cause of this.

Volos expression neutral.png

However, I cannot deny it.
Honestly, I don’t understand this.

Volos expression sad.png

…… That’s right.
That does make me appear a little suspicious.

Volos expression neutral.png

About this situation… Would you like to hear an explanation?

Volos expression neutral.png

As I stated earlier-
This pumpkin was made by me.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

I’m doing research on agriculture.
Especially that I am majoring in vegetable production.

Volos expression neutral.png

I’m trying to produce delicious vegetables.
I want the children to eat a lot of it.

Volos expression joy.png

In the end of my research-
This is a prototype which I managed to make right before mass production.

Volos expression joy.png

This is a large and fine pumpkin.
It is a finely delicious, comforting masterpiece.

Volos expression pout.png

To begin with, insect or artificial pollination cannot produce pumpkins like these.

Volos expression pout.png

This is simply selective breeding,
There is nothing more to say-

Volos expression joy.png

Beginning with plant genetics,
This is a peculiar characteristic for these species-

An endless stream of knowledge began to pour out of Volos’ mouth.

He switched over to his professional talk and went on and on. The Children gradually become bored and left the scene.

Volos expression joy.png

Expression of recessive inheritance caused by intergenerational breeding,
In some cases, it can be ignored.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, this man’s story is very long.

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

If we don’t forcibly stop him, he’ll continue to talk for a long time!

2 options (same response)
Can you make the story brief! Is there a reason why they’re being possessed?

Volos expression surprised.png

Aaaaaaah, sorry!
I couldn’t stop talking…!

Volos expression sad.png

There must be a reason why these pumpkins are being possessed.
In this current situation… I’m afraid I don’t know.

Volos expression neutral.png

After all, I simply want to produce delicious pumpkins.

Volos expression joy.png

I raise them very well, I even put a lot of love into them…

Volos expression pout.png

I am the caretaker… I will raise them myself!

Based on Volos’ face, there is not a single hint of a lie.

Volos expression sad.png

It’s obvious looking at the situation.
It’s far from an excuse for my pumpkins……

Volos expression sad.png


Volos expression pout.png

OK, I’ve decided!

Volos expression neutral.png

I will investigate why my pumpkins have become like this.

Volos expression surprised.png

Locate the cause so the next one does not move arbitrarily.
I will make delicious pumpkins!

Volos expression joy.png

I will be going now!
…… I doubt this will be the last time we’ll be together.

Volos expression joy.png

Thank you for everything!
The next time we’ll meet…… I’ll treat you to some vegetables.

2 options (same response)
Wait a second, are you going alone? That will be difficult for you

Volos expression neutral.png

I will go and figure out why my pumpkins have turned out like this.

Volos expression joy.png

It’s alright.
The general basis is observation, deduction and verifying.

Volos expression joy.png

With the power of science, anything can be unraveled.

Volos expression surprised.png

I will determine the cause-

With a sound effect, The overly-energetic Volos falls over.

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Ooough, I hurt my nose…… Why did I have to fall…?

Volos expression embarrassed.png

Oh… That’s weird, my feet feel numb……

1 option
There was nothing there to trip you…!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master…… This man, this is what you call a “Mr. Airhead” doesn’t it?

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

His head seems to be full of research,
He wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings.

Volos expression sad.png

Ahaha, I give up.
This happens to me sometimes.

Volos expression joy.png

When I start talking, I just can’t help it.
Well, I’ll be going now.

1 option
…… I’ll help you.

Volos expression surprised.png

...... Eh?

Volos expression sad.png

Are you sure?
Don’t you have other things to do?

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

Master, Chernobog-san’s play,
do you have enough time until it starts?

2 options (same response)
That won’t be a problem. I’ll make sure we see it.

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

…… OK, I understand.
It’s hard convincing my Master otherwise.

Salomon-kun expression suggestive.png

Skillful Familiar, Salomon-kun,
I will provide perfect support for my Master-

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

I will keep track of time until the play starts.
Master, please don’t hesitate in investigating the cause!

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

This incident! Let’s put an end to it together for Halloween!

2 options (same response)
Now then, let’s go. Nice to meet you, Volos-san.

Volos expression joy.png

I am pleased.
I like that you are so carefree.

Volos expression surprised.png

Well… Uh… What is your name?

1 option
It's [Player].

Volos expression joy.png

Well then, nice to meet you…… [Player].

Salomon-kun expression neutral.png

Thus, this is the start of the conduct between Master and Volos-san.

Salomon-kun expression happy.png

The start of the performance by Master, he will be able to solve the case with no problems!

Salomon-kun expression crying.png

…… Ah! Maaster!
Please don’t leave me behind!