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- {{#vardefine:status en name|Remove Defensive Buffs}} {{#vardefine:status en note|Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Protection, Tenacity, Adamantine, DEF Up, Evasion, Unction / 100%}}468 bytes (57 words) - 22:01, 11 September 2021
- {{#vardefine:status en name|Remove Defensive Buffs}} {{#vardefine:status en note|Acquire skill for 1 turn: [Status Resistance] Remove Protection, Tenacity, Adamantine, DEF Up, Evasion, Unction / 100%}}468 bytes (57 words) - 06:30, 14 November 2023
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' can feed him offensive buffs, he’ll take care of the rest. Bear in mind that 3☆ has Strike range and only adjacent effect and lack of healing in LB3 c3 KB (398 words) - 13:13, 3 February 2020
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...units have naturally the worst endurance, making it a rough trade without defensive buff assistance. Still, be it considerable damage potential from him or unp4 KB (574 words) - 13:07, 19 April 2021
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...again, is a small effect), if you can slot someone who can apply defensive buffs to him (maybe behind him), consider them, alternatively you can find someon4 KB (516 words) - 03:47, 24 April 2019
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...ves him the unique trait of being able to bestow two skill activation rate buffs at a very generous rate, enabling him to make a number of situational luck-4 KB (636 words) - 17:12, 21 April 2019
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...ffs, allowing him to deal even more damage than his 5☆ version could. Past that there’s not much else to say, if only 5☆ has had LB3 to himself as well8 KB (1,257 words) - 04:44, 20 May 2020
- '''Gameplay role:''' Offensive Support, Defensive Support, Mover + Good defensive capabilities due to having innate {{Status|en name=DEF Up}} and applying {{8 KB (1,240 words) - 13:46, 22 May 2023
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'', much more viable competition. Consider someone who can apply defensive buffs to let him reach considerable potential.4 KB (563 words) - 17:43, 21 April 2019
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' {{Transient icon|Ifrit}} is has an extremely narrow and situational gimmick that he can’t access from the get go due to his default, which contradicts his6 KB (1,017 words) - 04:57, 20 May 2020
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...eakness is an ailment, you may want to consider offensive and/or defensive buffs to get the most mileage out of him. Also, given Weakness’ short duration,4 KB (604 words) - 09:01, 22 April 2021
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...ters have this skill (which do what his Default does, basically). Consider that Zao may want to have back up, since initially, he has no damage or sturdine6 KB (939 words) - 04:42, 24 April 2019
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...his buff from the CS depends on the difficult-to-upgrade SALV, and because buffs of the same name do not overwrite, Ganglie's CS may actually work against h5 KB (769 words) - 10:59, 6 June 2021
- ...ame=Dazzle}} to enemies, providing yet another avenue for Bael to act as a defensive support. .... Since the main way for a unit to deal a high amount of damage is through buffs, this makes Bael an ideal candidate for improving a team's survivability.17 KB (2,715 words) - 04:52, 20 May 2020
- ...lf. So despite being an old unit, Marchosias is very capable as a tank and defensive support and presents a nice low-cost option for users. Finally, the introdu '''Class:''' Tank, Defensive Support10 KB (1,493 words) - 13:51, 13 September 2020
- ...rains HP and steals and removes buffs from allies when he moves, something that can be very detrimental to a team, especially for newer players who may not ...In short, a lot of the appeal about Tezcatlipoca's kit comes from the fact that his status effects are less commonly used, which improves his ability to fi17 KB (2,699 words) - 23:26, 13 December 2020
- ...sistent and make him a real offensive and defensive powerhouse since these buffs are {{Status|en name=Brawn}}, {{Status|en name=ATK Up}}, {{Status|en name=A ...n be a potential issue, one should use Cthugha to tank hits and the notion that he should always be kept from receiving damage is naive and should be dispe20 KB (3,176 words) - 04:48, 20 May 2020
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' ...nal, but nonetheless good. He gets a nice Brawn buff every start of level, that should be approached when it procs, especially if he has his Charge up.6 KB (896 words) - 18:37, 20 April 2021
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'' {{Transient icon|Oniwaka}}’s skill set is a bit awkward, needing to get hit in order to have Berserk up, which6 KB (932 words) - 08:58, 22 April 2021
- ...gbZnys_fFGH6RSelgq5kfe03O9bkY/edit# the Housamo Gameplay-Based Tier List]. Remove this disclaimer when Overview is sufficiently modified.'', loosely followed by LB1 and LB2, just like Marchosias, LB2 is a tricky skill to pull off and benefits the most from good positioning and natural back-li4 KB (581 words) - 19:59, 21 April 2019