Difference between revisions of "Character Quest:Taurus Mask:VN:1"

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Months later I realize that I fucked up something
(Months later I realize that I fucked up something)
(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<b>Title: 栄光のタッグマ ツチ!</b>
<b>Title: The tag team of glory!</b>

<b>Location: 商店街特設会場</b>
<b>Location: Shopping district’s arena</b>

He was a weak boy.<br/>
精神も。 肉体も。 在り方さえも。
Of weak spirit. Of weak body. He led a weak lifestyle.

本人の意思はなく、 周りの意思に流されるまま<br/>
Without a purpose, he let himself be carried away by the surroundings<br/>
leading an unbearably mediocre lifestyle.

However, a certain day. <br/>
He had a changing experience.


On top of the ring, <br/>
there was a fight between two wrestlers.

様々な技の応酬。 肉薄する試合。<br/>
An exchange of techniques. The match drawing to a close, <br/>
going back and forth.

Cheers for one of the wrestlers became louder, <br/>
but the opponent managed to land a direct hit.

The end of the match was imminent. <br/>
If it continued like this, his defeat would be assured.

''… Hah!!''

内気な少年は、 声を上げた。<br/>
A shy young boy raised his voice. <br/>
He yelled the wrestler’s name.

いや、 ヒーローの名を、<br/>
Rather, the name of his hero, <br/>
he shouted it again and again.

The wrestler couldn’t disappoint him. <br/>
レスラーは立ち上がり、 咆哮を上げる。
He stood up, and let out a big roar.

流れるような連続技。 素早いフオール。<br/>
A swift combo, quick jabs. <br/>
Everyone’s voices started counting down.

The spectators let out the biggest cheer yet.

それは少年にとって、 全てが変わった日。<br/>
That was the day when everything changed for that boy. <br/>
The day where he was given a reason to live.

A world that he didn’t know much about, <br/>
that day, a fascinating new universe opened for him.

''“I want to be like him”''

その日から彼は、 ヒーローを目指す。<br/>
From that day on, he will aim to become a hero. <br/>
思い出を胸に。 尊敬を糧にして。
Those memories in his chest. Glory as his motivation.

… Yes. <br/>
「プロレスラー」 と言うヒーローを。
A hero, a profesional wrestler.

- Ikebukuro, Underground Arena -

Line 80: Line 81:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=アーーーーーイ、 アム!<br/>
|dialogue=IIIIIt’s me! <br/>
タウラーーーーース ・ マスクウウ ウツ ! !
Tauruuuuuus Maaask!!

大歓声の中、 リングの上でー人の男が、<br/>
Among loud cheers, there was one man standing on the ring, <br/>
howling towards the sky.

His fingers pointing to the skies, with an inspiring speech <br/>
トレードマークの、 雄牛を模した緑の覆面。
and his trademark bull-shaped green mask.

It was a battleground, the Ikebukuro Underground Arena. <br/>
And in the middle of the ring there was a young raging bull.

Line 100: Line 101:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Now, how about this technique?! <br/>
If you are able to endure this… Then, prove it!

Taurus Mask threw the microphone he was holding, <br/>
and jumped on top of one of the posts of the ring.

裂吊の気合から放たれるー撃、 またー撃。<br/>
The mike made a shrieking noise when it hit the floor. <br/>
そのたびに、 観客は大きく歓声を上げる。
After every move, the audience’s cheers grew louder.

ラリアット、 工ルボースマッシユ、空中殺法。<br/>
Leg lariat, elbow smash, high flyer. <br/>
ヒップアタック、 ドロップキック。
Hip attack, kick drop.

Although still a bit unrefined, <br/>
パフオーマンスに特化した技の数々。 そしてー
he performed numerous wrestling moves. And then…

Line 124: Line 125:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask

The cries of victory reverberated across the arena. <br/>

==Waiting Room==

|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hah… Hah… Hah…!!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=よっしゃ、 勝てた勝てた……ッ!<br/>
|dialogue=Alright, I won… I really won! <br/>
I knew I could do it!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=この勢いで 「あのイべント」 だって成功まちがいなし!<br/>
|dialogue=If I maintain this momentum, I’m sure that event will also be a success! <br/>
イケる ! イケちゃう ! イケまくるぞ俺!  
Fight! FIGHT!! You got this!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=そうさ! この俺こそが!<br/>
|dialogue=That’s right, this is the real me! <br/>
期待の最強学生レスラーッ ! その名もー
Everyone’s favorite wrestler student! And that name is…

その時、 外から誰かが<br/>
At that moment, someone from outside <br/>
called Taurus Mask’s name.

Line 163: Line 167:
|heading=2 options
|heading=2 options
!<i>Tauruuuuuus Mask!</i>
!<i>Great work.</i>

Line 171: Line 175:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=コールありがとう! ありがとう!
|dialogue=Thank you for coming! Thank you!
Line 177: Line 181:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=あ、 おつかれさまッス!
|dialogue=O-oh, thank you!
Line 184: Line 188:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=つて、マスク! マスクウ!!
|dialogue=GAH, mask! The mask!!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=That was close. <br/>
おーい、 いいぞっ、 マイブラザー!
Ahh, good evening, Brother!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Waaaahahaha! <br/>
我が名はタウラ……えっ、 そのくだりはもういい?
Name’s Tauru… Hey, wait a moment!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=ーつて、 [<i>Player</i>]じゃないか!<br/>
|dialogue=Oh, if it isn’t you [<i>Player</i>]! <br/>
So you decided to come see me today!!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=正直な感想を聞きたいね、 マイブラザー!<br/>
|dialogue=I want to know your honest opinion, Brother! <br/>
どうだったどうだった! ?
How was it, how was it?!

Line 216: Line 220:
|heading=3 options
|heading=3 options
!<i>It was really cool!</i>
!<i>Not very good!</i>
!<i>Why don’t you try wearing fewer clothes?</i>

Line 225: Line 229:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=ホント? ホントにそう思うかマイブラザー!<br/>
|dialogue=Really? You really think that, Brother?! <br/>
嬉しいっ ! すごく嬉しいぜっ !  
I’m happy! I’m sooo happy!!
Line 232: Line 236:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Everything was decided when I countered with that leg lairat, <br/>
もう俺、 内心、 大興奮でさーつ !  
my heart was about to burst from the excitement!

Line 240: Line 244:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=う、 ぐっ……! ゃはりまだまだか。<br/>
|dialogue=Ah, guh…! I still have ways to go. <br/>
The way of the wrestler is a hard one, Brother… !

Line 248: Line 252:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Do you want me to wear fewer clothes, Brother?! <br/>
い、 今でもかなり恥ずかしいんだが……!
W-well, that would be too embarrassing…!
Line 255: Line 259:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=す、 少し検討してみるとするか。<br/>
|dialogue=But I’ll consider it. <br/>
However, the mask can’t go…
Line 262: Line 266:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=And this singlet is Bathym-san’s… <br/>
いゃいゃいゃ、 いくらなんでもアレはないっ !
Awawawaw, I don’t think that will be possible!
Line 271: Line 275:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=えっ、 なんでマイブラザーって?<br/>
|dialogue=Eh~, why am I calling you Brother? <br/>
なーに言ってるんだょ、 マイブラザー!
I’ll tell you, Brother!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Since the first time I met you… <br/>
I saw in you a burning soul!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=There is no barrier between genders or races! <br/>
魂と魂が惹かれ合った、 ただそれだけだ!
Our souls got attracted to each other, that’s all there is to it!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=… To be honest, my memory is very fuzzy. <br/>
肝心なとこで、 モャモャしてるっていうか。
And I think I’m becoming more and more depressed.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=The game that made me become a wrestler… <br/>
なぜかそこだけ、 完璧に思い出せないッ !
for some reason, I cannot remember it very well!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=あまりにショックで、 家で布団被って<br/>
|dialogue=I was so shocked, back home I covered myself <br/>
with my futon and cried to sleep!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=ま、 魂の会話に理由なんざいらねえから、<br/>
|dialogue=Well, no reason to doubt myself now, <br/>
そこまで気にする必要ないさっ ! うんっ!
I don’t need to worry about that! Yeah!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=お、 そうだ! ちょうどいいや!<br/>
|dialogue=Oh, that’s right! <br/>
これから別のところで、 もうー試合あるんだよ。
There is another match I have to attend later today.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=And you are invited, [<i>Player</i>]! <br/>
I promise that you are gonna like it!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I hope there are still tickets left… <br/>
来てください! ホントこの通り !  
But please, come! It’s not too far away!

Line 333: Line 337:
|heading=3 options
|heading=3 options
!<i>It would be my pleasure!</i>
!<i>I have other plans…</i>
!<i>How much is it?</i>

Line 342: Line 346:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Yaaahoooo! <br/>
張り言っちゃうぜ、 俺っ !
I knew you would accept!

Line 350: Line 354:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Ehhhhh… <br/>
いゃ、 用事があるなら仕方ないな。
Well, I guess it can’t be helped if you have something else to do.
Line 357: Line 361:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I’ll feel lonely… Huh, you lied?! <br/>
騙したなっ ! 閻魔様に舌抜かれるぞっ!
You tricked me! Enma-sama(*) will cut your tongue!
''(*)The Yama (閻魔), also called Enma (閻魔 or えんま) in Japan, is a Buddhist equivalent of the Hindu god of the same name. This is the judge of the deceased that decides who goes where after death. Yama can look into the past deeds of any person, and it is said that no one can pass through their sermons without being scolded.'' 

Line 365: Line 371:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=You don’t need to pay for the ticket. <br/>
You can just come and watch the show!
Line 374: Line 380:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=じゃ、 さっそく行こうぜっ!<br/>
|dialogue=Well then, let’s go! <br/>
レッツゴーッ !  
Let’s go!!
==Shopping district==
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Well, back in this place! <br/>
久しぶりだな商店街! 昨日ぶりだ!
It’s been a while since I’ve been in this shopping district! It feels like it was yesterday!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=This man-made street, always going straight! <br/>
時代に負けぬは思いゃり! 強く優しい「情」の道!
Compassionate with the times! A road filled with strong and tender emotions!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=For a student, life looks like a big labyrinth. <br/>
こちとら学生レスラー! 戦い、 勝っのが「俺」の道!
And I’m a student wrestler! Battling, winning, that’s the way *I* decided to take!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hey, don’t start clapping! <br/>
ここが! 俺の! 地元商店街だあっ!
I-I come to this shopping district often!

Line 406: Line 416:
|heading=3 options
|heading=3 options
!<i>何、 今の歓声!?</i>
!<i>Wait, cheers?!</i>
!<i>このゃり取り、 毎回ゃってるの?</i>
!<i>Are you like this everytime you are here?</i>
!<i>(Just ignore him for now…)</i>

Line 415: Line 425:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=This homely feeling… <br/>
いっもありがとう、 商店街のみんなア !
Thank you very much, everyone!

Line 423: Line 433:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I-I don’t do this everytime I’m here! <br/>
I don’t want to bother people that are shopping!
Line 430: Line 440:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=たまにだ、 たまに!<br/>
|dialogue=Only sometimes, occasionally! <br/>
Specifically only once a week!

Line 438: Line 448:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=スルー、 ダメッ! 絶対ッ !<br/>
|dialogue=No, you definitely can’t ignore me! <br/>
It’ll make me think about a bunch of things before going to bed!
==Waiting Room==

|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=This is the local venue of the shopping district! <br/>
In here there is a ring where they did exhibition matches!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I had to beg to Claude-san and Snow-san to borrow the mat, <br/>
posts and equipment from this place!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=And look, this poster is the best! <br/>
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=These posters were stuck all over the premises of the shopping district. <br/>
どうだ、 いい仕事しまくってるだろう!
They did a pretty good job, right?

The poster showed Taurus Mask right in the center <br/>
with a confident pose.

Line 477: Line 490:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I felt selfish asking people to take my picture. <br/>
でもその分、 素晴らしい写真が撮れた!
But anyway, I got this amazing photo taken!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=These were all over the shopping district, of course. <br/>
チケットも全部ハケたって言うし !
I hope all the seats were taken!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=To celebrate the battle that young and old were waiting for! <br/>
まさに今日、 これより開幕! 乞うご期待ツ!
And today is the day! Don’t miss it!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=And this time I was able to ask for cooperation to <br/>
one of the most prominent figures of pro-wrestling from Tokyo~ !
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Negotiations took a while, <br/>
but I had some contacts in the underground arena.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=本来なら、 今時小さい商店街ヘ興行なんて<br/>
|dialogue=Since this is such a small town I was expecting <br/>
that they would refuse… But they ended up agreeing!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=え、 運営費はどうしてるのかって?<br/>
|dialogue=Huh, what about the operating expenses? <br/>
I’ve decided to use the money I win fighting!

Line 521: Line 534:
|heading=1 option
|heading=1 option
!<i>Don’t pay it all on your own!</i>
Line 528: Line 541:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=そ、 そんなに驚くことじやねえだろ……!?
|dialogue=Y-you shouldn’t be that surprised…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=ー俺が小さい頃さ。 ー度だけ。<br/>
|dialogue=When I was young, there once was a <br/>
professional wrestling organization in this same shopping district.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I usually was there watching matches… <br/>
I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=But… that’s way in the past, you know? <br/>
Today there’s no interest investing in this small district.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=でも、 どうしてもゃりたかったんだ。<br/>
|dialogue=However, I really want to do this. <br/>
この地元で、 本物のプロレスラーの興行をさ。
In the future, I want to perform in a pro wrestling match in this place.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=The underground arena also helped me with the money. <br/>
I was fortunate that it was a reasonable amount.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Today’s children may be less interested in wrestling, <br/>
でも、 もしかしたら。 もしかしたらさ。
but maybe… maybe…
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Like old times… There may still <br/>
be some children interested in it.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=If I keep them in my mind, <br/>
then I’m motivated to push forward.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=お、 雷話だ。<br/>
|dialogue=Ah, it’s my phone. <br/>
Give me a moment.
==Shopping District==
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Ehhh… ?! <br/>
I won’t be able to make it on time?!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Wait a moment! <br/>
Such a sudden…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=A flock of cows are blocking the highway…? <br/>
なんだよそりゃ、 ふざけないでくれよ!  
Oh no, this must be a joke!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Because if I can’t go… <br/>
俺の相方も、 対戦相手もいないんだぜっ !?
If either of the opponents don’t show up, there can’t be a match!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=This can’t be…! <br/>
The kids are waiting…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=There may even be a kid like me in the audience… !
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=……悪い。 そちらさんも大変なんだよな。<br/>
|dialogue=…This is bad. The organizers are gonna be angry. <br/>
この世界、 暴れ牛なんか珍しくもない。
Rampant cows aren’t unusual in this place.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I’ll explain the situation to the organizers during a break. <br/>
Troubles… They can happen to anyone.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=気にするな! 俺はタウラスマスク!<br/>
|dialogue=But I’ll overcome them! I’m Taurus Mask! <br/>
トラブルのひとつやふたつ、 どうってことないぜ!
One or two inconveniences, that’s nothing!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=……… 。
==Waiting Room==
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=……… 。

Line 657: Line 678:
|heading=3 options <i>(same response)</i>
|heading=3 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>So this is the place, huh.</i>
!<i>Did you ask when it starts?</i>
!<i>So… What did they say?</i>
Line 666: Line 687:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=俺、 どうしたらいいんだよ……。<br/>
|dialogue=Gah, what should I do… <br/>
せっかく、 ここまで来たのに……。
I’m finally here, but…
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I thought about various excuses… <br/>
However… they…
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=The audience is already gathered. <br/>
I cannot announce a cancellation anymore.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Everyone in the audience looking down on me…! <br/>
My face… burning up…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask

Line 702: Line 723:
|heading=1 option
|heading=1 option
!<i>Will you let me help you?</i>
Line 709: Line 730:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask

Line 716: Line 737:
|heading=1 option
|heading=1 option
!<i>Let’s do it.</i>
Line 723: Line 744:
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=… <i>[Player]</i>.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=そ、 そうだな……。<br/>
|dialogue=T-that’s right… <br/>
A tag team...
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=そうだ、 それだけじゃない!<br/>
|dialogue=Yes, that’s it! <br/>
A single match!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=If we decide to…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I’m the ferocious green bull Taurus Mask! <br/>
I will not lose to any difficulties! Not now, not ever!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=It happened in a peaceful shopping district. <br/>
どんな困難にも負けたりはしないっ! そうだよな!
There, Taurus Mask faced a big crisis!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=However, when he arrived to the arena…  <br/>
There was someone missing!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=His opponent disappeared! <br/>
A hero cannot fight without an opponent!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=But who could help him… <br/>
<i>[Player]</i>! It can only be you!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=How about it, Brother?! <br/>
そこヘ、 タウラスマスクに大ピンチが訪れる!
I will entrust everything to you!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=There won’t be many rewards. <br/>
You won’t gain much fame.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=However… <br/>
There are people out there still waiting and believing!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I ask you to cooperate! <br/>
Believe in me! Don’t try to find a reason!
|heading=3 options
!<i>Leave it to me, bro!</i>
!<i>I’ll completely defeat you!</i>
!<i>My reward will be Taurus himself!</i>
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=That’s the answer I expected, Brother! <br/>
Then, lend me your power!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=O-oh! That’s the spirit! <br/>
But try to be gentle with me…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Leave it to me!  I’m pretty good at physical labor! <br/>
After all, I work as a removalist!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Huh, you don’t want me for that? <br/>
Whatever it is, I’ll absolutely return the favor to you!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Wait a minute, I said you didn’t have to find a reason, <br/>
but… there is one!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I, Taurus Mask, will be your reason!
家族が、 応援が、 そして友が必要なのだ !
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Yeah, I can hear it, <br/>
the people in the venue are getting impatient.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=So, I guess this is time. <br/>
You’ll be Taurus Mask’s rival.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I always bring a microphone with myself. <br/>
Leave the explanation to me.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Are you nervous? Don’t worry! <br/>
You’ll be fine. Of course I have no basis to believe that!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=But you are my Brother. <br/>
So… I promise you this.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=You’ll be hearing people chanting “Taurus Mask!” <br/>
before you realize it.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=That will definitely cheer you up!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
ガレオラ ! 君しかいない!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=If possible, if possible… <br/>
For our first performance, I wanted to form a tag team with you.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=At least, a bit more tan just a helper… <br/>
I wish someone else were the villain!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Ok, then let’s go ahead! <br/>
When I give you the signal… jump out!
''Wait for me!'' <br/>
''People in the audience!''
''Now, it’s time for the hottest plate!'' <br/>
''What you will see today will be kept burning in your memories!''
|heading=1 option
!<i>Come on, I only need a few people…</i>
|dialogue=Yo, Taurus Mask senpai! <br/>
I came to cheer for you!
|dialogue=Well, this place is great! <br/>
Everything is cheap, tasty and in big quantity! I like it!
|dialogue=Come on, Ashigara senpai! <br/>
I couldn’t eat barely anything!
|heading=1 option
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Thanks for the applause, everyone! <br/>
However, I have an announcement to make!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=There is gonna be a modification to the schedule <br/>
for today’s match!
|dialogue=Wait wait wait wait wait waaaait!!!
|character=Taurus Mask
Suddenly from right beside Taurus Mask, <br/>
someone unexpectedly slapped his back, throwing him to the ground.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Huh? What? What’s going on?!
|dialogue=Gahahahaha! <br/>
This is payment for last time, Taurus Mask!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Oi oi oi, what are you laughing at? <br/>
Is my face that funny?
|dialogue=It’s really bizarre to say the least. <br/>
Where did you pick that up?
|dialogue=Oh right, I’m just the assistant! <br/>
Please treat me well!
|dialogue=W-w-w-well then! Taurufufu! <br/>
You cucumber, l-l-let’s put an end to t-this!
|dialogue=But don’t chew on him! That would be a problem!
|dialogue=Remember to not be cruel to your senpai! <br/>
You are making him even more nervous!
|dialogue=We are just some passerby masked wrestlers! <br/>
Doskoi Mask and Rugby Mask!
|dialogue=G-get ready! <br/>
Ta-ta-taurus M-mask!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Eh, uhm… right, let’s…
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I mean! <br/>
Who on earth are you?!
|heading=1 option
!<i>That’s enough!</i>
|dialogue=Hey, you bastard! <br/>
Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?!
|heading=1 option
!<i>My name is ''Taurus Mask 2''!</i>
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Taurus Mask… 2… ?
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I understand… I understand, Brother…! <br/>
Although I can’t see your face, your soul is shouting to me!
|heading=1 option
!<i>Let’s do it!</i>
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Oh oh! I got it, number 2! <br/>
We will make a tag team!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Rather than a professional wrestling match, <br/>
this became a hero show, but whatever!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Now, this will be the match I envisioned together! <br/>
Behold both of us, Taurus Mask!
|dialogue=Oh, no no no, come, Rugby Mask. <br/>
So you wanted us to be the villains, huh, [<i>Player</i>]?
|dialogue=Wasn’t that enough?! <br/>
Doskoi Mask senpai!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
Taurus Mask’s high flyer <br/>
threw Doskoi Mask to the ground.
|dialogue=W-w-w-which way?!
However, Doskoi mask got up immediately, <br/>
and started running towards his opponent, ramming into him.
|character=Taurus Mask
This took him by surprise, and Taurus Mask <br/>
was thrown off against one of the posts.
|dialogue=Hey, wait a minute Ashi--, I mean Doskoi Mask senpai! <br/>
Pro wrestlers fight… like this?!
|dialogue=I’m beginning to get the knack of this! <br/>
Partner, now’s your turn, crush this villain!
|dialogue=Now’s my chance! <br/>
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=You too, Gun-- uh, Rugby Mask senpai?!
|dialogue=Hah, because he said he was the villain… <br/>
The honorable Rugby Mask will fight seriously!
|dialogue=Besides… [<i>Player</i>] told us. <br/>
We need to take this seriously rather than half-baked.
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
信じて待ってくれている人が、 いる!
|dialogue=O-oh…? <br/>
W-we may have gone too far…!
|dialogue=Ah, what a shame! <br/>
|dialogue=This makes me look like the villain…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=頼む、 協カしてくれ!<br/>
|dialogue=Damn… They didn’t go easy on me… <br/>
俺を信じろ ! 根拠はないが!
I was quickly overwhelmed…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=I have to stand up…! <br/>
Or else… I’ll lose this game…
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=But… My body… ! <br/>
My whole body is in pain…
''“… igh… ma…”''
Suddenly. <br/>
Among the loud hustle, only for a second.
In a really soft voice.
There was a voice calling my name.
''“… igh… Taurus Ma…”''
As I’m opening slightly my eyes… <br/>
I could recognize the figure of a young boy.
''“Fight… Taurus Mask…!”''
That small voice was calling out for me. <br/>
And that small voice gradually got louder and louder.
He was grasping both his hands tightly. <br/>
Such a small body, but his voice was so loud.
Ah, that reminds me of my old self.
The hero was knocked down… <br/>
But this kid was still cheering for him, just like myself long ago.
…That’s right, I’m a hero. <br/>
At least, I’ll be the hero for that kid.
I know exactly what I must do. <br/>
Then, what are you doing that you are not getting up?
Yes, this is my dream as Taurus Mask. <br/>
I have been waiting for this for a long time.
''“Fiiiight! Taurus Maaaask!”''
Those words give me the power. <br/>
Those words give me the courage.
The hero always stands up. <br/>
Time and time again.
I will show this kid a miracle. <br/>
Yes, I want him to believe that miracles like these can happen.
|character=Taurus Mask
Taurus Mask stood up. <br/>
Still shaking, he pointed to the skies.
With <i>[Player]</i> watching over him. <br/>
Everyone was staring at Taurus Mask.
That great wrestler that changed him a long time ago. <br/>
For a moment, his presence overlapped with Taurus Mask.
|character=Taurus Mask
The roar of the ferocious bull reverberated all across the venue.
The new legend of Taurus Mask. <br/>
Today, a new episode starts.
==Waiting Room==
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Owowow… <br/>
I’ll have to pay a visit to Mineaki sensei…
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Those intruders, I really wasn’t expecting them… <br/>
But as a result, it was a huge success!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=But… Who on earth were those guys? <br/>
Doskoi Mask and Rugby Mask.
|heading=3 options <i>(same response)</i>
!<i>Are you seriously asking that?</i>
!<i>You’re hopeless…</i>
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Oh, did I say something strange? <br/>
I couldn’t tell because of the masks.
|dialogue=Gaaaaaahahahaha! <br/>
That felt refreshing! It was some great exercise!
|dialogue=Here you have, Taurus Mask senpai. <br/>
This is an ointment from Mineaki sensei.
|dialogue=I got carried away… <br/>
I’m really sorry.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Ah, don’t worry about it Gunzou! <br/>
Everyone got really excited!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Why are you apologizing, though? <br/>
Were you Rugby Mask?
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hah, no way! They were fantastic villains. <br/>
I want to fight with them again in the future.
|dialogue=Apart from [<i>Player</i>], <br/>
I didn’t mean to be a villain.
|dialogue=But, Taurus Mask senpai. <br/>
He really didn’t recognize us…
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Well, the game is over, <br/>
but the celebration must continue.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hey Ashigara, let’s go eat. <br/>
Thie food in this place is delicious!
|dialogue=Yes, I’m down! <br/>
I’ll eat everything in one go!
|dialogue=Well, Taurus senpai. <br/>
Great job out there! See you again at school!
|dialogue=Please, take a good night’s rest! <br/>
Well, if you excuse us.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=…Thank you for everything, Brother.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Even if we didn’t earn anything, <br/>
I think we got other kinds of rewards.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=The cheers, the applause… <br/>
How was it, Brother?
|heading=3 options
!<i>It was awesome!</i>
!<i>It was alright.</i>
!<i>I can see myself wearing a mask again…!</i>
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Awesome… <br/>
I see, awesome…!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hahaha. Well then… <br/>
I think you recieved the best reward!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hah, you really are frank!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=…Many thanks. <br/>
You definitely saved me.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Oh, did something wake inside you?
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=In here there are never too many people! <br/>
You are welcome anytime, Brother!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Hey. <br/>
Can you see that, Brother?
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=That’s the line to take photos and signatures with the fans. <br/>
It’s getting really long.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=And there isn’t only one for me. <br/>
There are two, for you and me.
|character=Taurus Mask
He got silent. <br/>
Taurus caressed his mask.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=... You listened to my wish. <br/>
Thank you for your help, <i>[Player]</i>.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=You and I, as partners… <br/>
Thank you, <i>[Player]</i>.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=After all, you are the best partner I could hope for. <br/>
My Soul Brother!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Someday in the future… <br/>
I might be able to show you my true face.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=W-why not now? Awawa! <br/>
... B-but, you see… H-here…
Taurus Mask’s face turned red and began to speak quickly.
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Well, that will be for another time! <br/>
Now, start smiling! It’s the basic of the basics for meeting fans!
|character=Taurus Mask
|dialogue=Let’s go, Brother!
While holding their hands, <br/>
they rushed to meet the fans.
And again as a tag team <br/>
they marched forward, and the gong rang once more.
Taurus Mask Character Quest Episode 1


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