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→‎World Systems: Attempted to make a small list that summarizes each system in a few sentences, but my brain sort of blanked on remembering the functions of multiple systems and for a few I couldn't find proper references to even though I know they were mentioned somewhere. I decided to make the list hidden on the page for now but it's still accessible if anyone wishes to flesh it out more.
(master rule stuff)
(→‎World Systems: Attempted to make a small list that summarizes each system in a few sentences, but my brain sort of blanked on remembering the functions of multiple systems and for a few I couldn't find proper references to even though I know they were mentioned somewhere. I decided to make the list hidden on the page for now but it's still accessible if anyone wishes to flesh it out more.)
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The Worlds are split into majority and minority; the majority believes that the current System is perfect and should continue, while the minority believes that it is flawed in some way. In all the Worlds, the [[Exile]] would represent the minority and would be subsequently banished in order to keep the current world order. This banishment is necessary in order to establish the majority/minority split as existing in the first place and to place the majority on the top, keeping the System functioning.
The Worlds are split into majority and minority; the majority believes that the current System is perfect and should continue, while the minority believes that it is flawed in some way. In all the Worlds, the [[Exile]] would represent the minority and would be subsequently banished in order to keep the current world order. This banishment is necessary in order to establish the majority/minority split as existing in the first place and to place the majority on the top, keeping the System functioning.
===List of Systems===
* [[Takamagahara]] - Hiding your shame is to hide from the sun and get further away from perfection. Everything you consider shameful must be displayed and cast out if you wish to be perfect.
* [[Land of Wa]]
* [[Kamuy Kotan]] - To maintain eternal stagnation by only keeping children around. Reaching adulthood is considered a threat to the System's attempts to remain stagnant.
* [[Hourai]]
* [[Midearth]] - Only absolute good and evil can exist in the world with no thought of there being an in-between, and this maintains a sense of balance. Whenever someone that represents something good exists, there will always be someone that represents the negative version of that thing.
* [[Deva Loka]]
* [[Nirai Kanai]] - Eternity can only be maintained if the concepts of death and departure are banished beyond the horizon.
* [[Oceanic Realm]] - Everything is born from the sea, nourished by the sea, corrupted by the sea, and then drowned back into the sea from whence it came. Everything must sink.
* [[Xanadu]]
* [[Shangri La]]
* [[Yggdrasil]]
* [[Kitezh]]
* [[Tir na Nog]] - Succession of burdens. Those that reside in the world are ageless and must push their burdens onto others. The rulers carry the most burdens out of anyone and as a result are the only ones who age, and they must also push their burdens onto their successors.
* [[Eden]]
* [[Gehenna]]
* [[Olympus]]
* [[Babilim]] - Order vs. chaos?
* [[Great Spirit]] - All life is equal and that equality has to be balanced. Those with more must gives the excess to those with less.
* [[El Dorado]] - Sacrifice represents your devotion and loyalty to the sun.
* [[Aaru]] - System of Judgment???
* [[Old Ones]]
* [[Agisymba]]
* [[Utopia]]
World Systems are flawed on principle, and so may need a secondary subsystem to support itself. In Takamagahara, the Virtual Reality Dragon Palace operated by {{Transient icon|Otohime}} was created in order to remove any strong memories of pain and sadness from its visitors.  
World Systems are flawed on principle, and so may need a secondary subsystem to support itself. In Takamagahara, the Virtual Reality Dragon Palace operated by {{Transient icon|Otohime}} was created in order to remove any strong memories of pain and sadness from its visitors.  

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