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(Created page with "{{#vardefine:transient en name|Nobumichi}} {{#vardefine:transient gate|}} {{#vardefine:transient availability|Current}} {{#vardefine:transient release version|4.24.1}} {{#vard...")
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== {{Star|3}} ==
== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en title|特別司法警察職員}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Special Law Enforcement Officer}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>仰観不殺<rt>コロサズノヤイバ</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Wide Observation Against Killing<rt>Korosazu no Yaiba</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|捕縛術の達人である、ワノクニの「転光生」。なお警察犬ではなく、「犬のお巡りさん」であるのが、彼にとっては重要な違いであるようだ。検事や裁判官と協力あるいは対峙しながら、裁判を前提とした活動を行う、特別司法警察職員。対「外」テロ対策や麻薬取締官などの任務に就くこともある。その中で、東京各区内を所轄とする警察官たちとぶつかり合うこともしばしばだとか。右の頬先に牡丹の痣を持つ、「信」の八犬士。「信」とは欺かぬこと、言を違えぬこと、そして何より疑わぬこと。法律と運命を疑わぬ故の強さを持ち、「八犬士として戦う」限りは他の犬士に決して負けない。自分を育てるために仕方なく密漁の罪を犯し、漁師の父親が捕らえられた過去を持つ。そんなノブミチが赴く現場にはよく、もうひとりの犬獣人の子供の姿があるという。迷宮入りしかけた事件に、幼子とは思えぬ推理洞察力を発揮し、陰からズバズバ真実を言い当てるとか。八犬士随一の庶民育ちを自認し、「犬士たち全員のお兄さん」を自称する。中でも乳きょうだいである犬田小文吾ヤスヨリに対しては、特に可愛さを感じているようだ。}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Arrest master Transient from Wa no Kuni. He is a dog police officer and not a police dog, which is a very important distinction to him. Nobumichi is a special law enforcement officer who either works for or against judges and prosecutors as set by the court. Sometimes he's also involved in counterterrorist and narcotics officer duties, which leads to him clashing with the police officers within their ward jurisdictions. Nobumichi is the Hakkenshi of faith, and he has a peony birthmark on his right cheek. Faith means not deceiving others, not breaking your word, and never doubting others. He has strength that comes from never doubting fate or the law, and he will never lose against the other Hakkenshi so long as he fights as a Hakkenshi himself. In the past, Nobumichi's fisherman father was forced to commit poaching to raise him and was subsequently arrested for it. There are frequent rumors that another canine therian child has been seen at the place Nobumichi goes to. Apparently he has distinctly unchildlike reasoning abilities to solve cold cases and pull the truth from the shadows? Nobumichi admits to having the most plebeian upbringing of all the Hakkenshi, so he calls himself the big brother of the group. He really thinks his foster brother Inuta Kobungo Yasuyori is cute.}}


== {{Star|4}} ==
== {{Star|4}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en title|月夜の大捕り物}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Great Catcher of Moonlight Nights}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>仰観不殺<rt>コロサズノヤイバ</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Wide Observation Against Killing<rt>Korosazu no Yaiba</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|月の照らす如く「夜行とて迷わぬ奇特あり」と称される、十手のような形状をした「神器」。描いた光の軌跡が、漁師の投網のように変化し、犯罪者を迷わず捕縛する。誰も傷つけないための「殺さずの刃」にして、最後の八犬士からの借りものの刃。戦っても傷つける心配がない彼は、「八犬士」という括りの内で戦わせたなら「序列」一位。そんなノブミチは、「八犬士」と呼ばれる者たちの生まれと運命をひととおり聞き知っている。漁師の家での庶民育ちを言い訳に、プライベートでは言葉がなかなかに荒っぽい。特別司法警察としての仕事の時でも、ついつい口に上ってしまうことがある。現場封鎖については一家言あり、外へ伝搬しかねない災害に対しては特に厳しい姿勢を見せる。「八犬士」の8という数字は、世界に散らばった霊玉、「全」ての方位を意味するもの。その意味は「この世界に居る限り、何処にも逃れようがない星位の仕組み」、つまりは運命の網。別異世界の「ソロモン72柱」というシステムと理屈を同じくするものである。故にか、かの「機構」の「序列」一位にして学生検事から、敵意に似た興味を寄せられている。}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Nobumichi has a jitte-shaped Sacred Artifact that shines like moonlight bright enough to light one's way at night. The traces of light from its swings can turn into a fisherman's net to capture criminals without fail. It is a blade borrowed from the last Hakkenshi that will not hurt anyone as the blade that shall not kill. If made to fight within the category of the Hakkenshi, he would rank first among them. Nobumichi has heard the rough circumstances of the birth and fates of the other Hakkenshi. In private his speech style is quite rough, which he explains as his plebeian upbringing in a fisherman's family. Sometimes it slips out during his work as a special law enforcement officer. He has his own opinions on on-site blockades, and he is particularly relentless against calamities that threaten to spill outside. The number 8 in the Hakkenshi/Eight Dog Warriors refers to the spirit orbs scattered around the world in All directions. That means that as long as you are in this world you cannot escape the system of the stars, which you can also call the net of fate. It's the same theory the System of Solomon's 72 Pillars is based on. His being on the top of that System hierarchy might be why he draws an almost hostile interest from a certain student prosecutor.}}


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