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==Gameplay Role==
==Gameplay Role==

Example gameplay role breakdown.
Mostly he's just a debuffer with ability to debuff enemies with {{Status|en name=Obstruct}} and a buffer to surrounding allies. But after a fixed number of turns periodically, he can granting himself {{Status|en name=Crit+}} that increase his damage and granting him CP from 50~100 CP but also granting him {{Status|en name=Weakness}} that increase damage he will be taken.
His Charge Skill can deal an insanely damage to an entire area and granting him {{Status|en name=Taunt}}.
Even though he seems strong, but with {{Status|en name=Weakness}} and {{Status|en name=Taunt}} on him, he can be very vulnerable if enemies are not defeated yet.
To avoid that situation, you can either pairing him with allies or equipping him with an AR that can remove {{Status|en name=Weakness}}.
Overall, Tindalos is a character with a versatile roles, he can be a buffer, a debuffer and a nuker.
But if you want to make a use of him, you need to consider what role he is in your team and pay attention to number of turns of each phrase to use him wisely.

==Stats and Seed Usage==
==Stats and Seed Usage==


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