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1 byte removed ,  17:40, 18 June 2022
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m ([gyumao voice] "formatting")
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{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Love and Alliances for Quicker Diplomacy<rt>Ultimate Realization?</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Love and Alliances for Quicker Diplomacy<rt>Ultimate Realization?</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Before, it was Hourai's Flaming Mountain, and now it's a corporate company in Tokyo. The "organization" may have changed forms, but as the administrator of the group Gyumao has poured his love into the the ones who have been welcomed as one of its affiliates. For that reason, Gyumao has also received many forms of love from many people. What he thinks of love is a trade off, something that gives to both sides, and a thing that aims for a win-win relationship. Even if he were to get a present like some random thing bought off the shelf, he believes the feelings within it are no less than the feelings conveyed in a one of a kind gift. The most important thing about that present is how big the vision put into it is. Gyumao's motivation to expand and monopolize the market and his partner's heart will not stop. He likes headhunting talented people who are worn out and buried in work at other, harsh work environments.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Before, it was Hourai's Flaming Mountain, and now it's a corporate company in Tokyo. The "organization" may have changed forms, but as the administrator of the group Gyumao has poured his love into the the ones who have been welcomed as one of its affiliates. For that reason, Gyumao has also received many forms of love from many people. What he thinks of love is a trade off, something that gives to both sides, and a thing that aims for a win-win relationship. Even if he were to get a present like some random thing bought off the shelf, he believes the feelings within it are no less than the feelings conveyed in a one of a kind gift. The most important thing about that present is how big the vision put into it is. Gyumao's motivation to expand and monopolize the market and his partner's heart will not stop. He likes headhunting talented people who are worn out and buried in work at other, harsh work environments.}}

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