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{{#vardefine:ar equipment en name|Shard of the Long Distance Waiter}}
{{#vardefine:ar equipment en name|Shard of the Long Distance Waiter}}
{{#vardefine:ar equipment acquisition|[[Dungeon Quest|Dungeon Capture(Proceed) Quest]]}}
{{#vardefine:ar equipment acquisition|[[Dungeon Quest|Dungeon Capture(Proceed) Quest]]}}
{{#vardefine:ar equipment en note|}}
{{#vardefine:ar equipment en note|A hardened mass left over by the two Rules of the Fisher King of Tir na Nog. That is, the Holy Lance's Rule of Exhaustion and the Holy Grail's Rule of Abundance. The power to bring death to life, and the power to create life from death. The Lance calls for a sacrifice of precious blood, which the Grail accepts, and the miracle of the Resurrection is realized. However, having them both in the hands of a the Fisher King causes some problems in the development of the game of Tokyo. For example, the fact that it can create the equivalent of a "resurrection" by rewinding events in an enclosed area. In this game, there are certain objects which must not be revived by any means other than by the "Flood of Time". As a result, the Fisher King was labelled as one who could ruin the "game", and was sealed in the Plane of Nihility. However, this is only a "failure caused by a combination of factors". It is theoretically possible to bring these Rules to Tokyo by switching their combinations. The Fisher King's heart is moved by the sight of someone who joined hands with a worthy knight and traveled a long journey together. He will recall his former self, who had always been longing for a knight's tale of adventure, even as a child. Back in his land, the Fisher King was injured by the Holy Lance, and was left to await the return of the Knights of the Holy Grail. But perhaps there was a chance for him to travel with the knight of his dreams. It is said that this Fisher King bears a striking resemblance to his great-grandson, a man called Galahad.}}
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