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{{#vardefine:transient gate|Takamagahara}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Takamagahara}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|4.9.4}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2020-08-07}}

== {{Star|3}} ==
== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Mountain Preserve Ranger}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Mountain Preserve Ranger}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Wily Mountain Ocean Envy<rt>Ono ga Sachisachi</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Wily Mountain Ocean Envy<rt>Mountain Majesty</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Deity from the other world of Takamagahara and Transient mountain hunter. He belongs to a certain school in Tokyo where he can learn the professional duties of a nature preserver that protects mountains. He admires and opposes his sea fisher older brother and has exchanged tools with him, and he's tried fishing through learning via imitation. Since losing his brother's prized fish hook, he's been constantly looking for it. By nature he's largehearted and not one to sweat the details, so he's not suited for looking for a small object. Every time he sees something shiny by the road he leaps at it thinking it's the fish hook, only to slump his shoulders in dejection. Despite that his tenacity at continuing this search is due to complicated emotions towards the brother he stubbornly hasn't accepted. He holds thoughts of praise for those with an eye for enjoying dances and are good dancers.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Deity from the other world of Takamagahara and Transient mountain hunter. He belongs to a certain school in Tokyo where he can learn the professional duties of a nature preserver that protects mountains. He admires and opposes his sea fisher older brother and has exchanged tools with him, and he's tried fishing through learning via imitation. Since losing his brother's prized fish hook, he's been constantly looking for it. By nature he's largehearted and not one to sweat the details, so he's not suited for looking for a small object. Every time he sees something shiny by the road he leaps at it thinking it's the fish hook, only to slump his shoulders in dejection. Despite that his tenacity at continuing this search is due to complicated emotions towards the brother he stubbornly hasn't accepted. He holds thoughts of praise for those with an eye for enjoying dances and are good dancers.}}
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{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|The original Sacred Artifact Yamasachihiko holds is a sword used in hunting. As atonement for losing his brother's fish hook he's melted it down and turned it into a thousand fish hooks. However, his brother said he wanted his original hook back and did not accept them. As a result of that, when it's in his hands Yamasachihiko's artifact retains its purpose as a sword and is able to transform into fish hooks at his will. He writes his name on all of his property as if to never lose anything again. Yamasachihiko climbs mountains as a part of business, and he fears and does not understand a certain hobbyist mountain climber.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|The original Sacred Artifact Yamasachihiko holds is a sword used in hunting. As atonement for losing his brother's fish hook he's melted it down and turned it into a thousand fish hooks. However, his brother said he wanted his original hook back and did not accept them. As a result of that, when it's in his hands Yamasachihiko's artifact retains its purpose as a sword and is able to transform into fish hooks at his will. He writes his name on all of his property as if to never lose anything again. Yamasachihiko climbs mountains as a part of business, and he fears and does not understand a certain hobbyist mountain climber.}}
== {{Star|4}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient release version|4.21.0}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2022-07-15}}
{{#vardefine:transient variant|Pool}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Searching on a Summer Night}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Great Efforts in Finding Hooks<rt>Ono ga Sachisachi?</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Yamasachihiko spends every day climbing mountains as part of his job as a nature preservation ranger and walking towards the sea to look for that fishing hook. Then one day an invitation email shows up in his phone. In it was a special invite ticket to a new opening pool! Looking back, when he learned how to use the internet he got so excited that he visited a subscription site and subscribed to everything. Also, what the hell is a night pool y'all? When he asked, he was told a pool at night is decorated with lights, and you could then enjoy food and playing in the water there. Yamasachihiko nodded and told himself it must be a night time summer festival. The day of the grand opening, Yamasachihiko was there among the invitees putting on his favorite fundoshi and jinbei. When he sees manly men of the sea and people who resemble his brother especially, he is unable to take his eyes off them even as he knows they aren't his brother. And on a hot summer night at the pool, Yamasachihiko aggressively showers them with his love. It may be competitiveness towards this person, but Yamasachihiko challenges them to a different kind of fishing from the land than he's ever done before. If you're explaining this while taking his countryness into account, it'd mean "I wanna ask the one I'm interested in to a summer date too, ya know!"}}
{{Template:Transient CV
|hit-minor=痛てえな こんにゃろう勘弁してくれぇ
おほほほほほう ちょうどいいとこに来てくれた。
|open=拾うものには福来る。無駄なもんはありゃしねえ。使えるモンはじゃんじゃん持っていってくれ! ところでよ。釣り針とか……拾ったりしてねえか?
|touched=どぉッ、なんだ、相撲でもしようってか?がっはははっ、よぉし、なら手加減しねぇぞッ……はっけよい、ふん! ぬほぉぉ、ソコはぁぁ…っ!
|conversation-1=探し物があるなら、オイが一緒に探してやるぞ! なに? 自分のを先に見つけてから、だって? よ、よ、よよよ余計なお世話じゃい!
|self=山の男なのに、なんで海で探し物してるのかってえ? ……オイは海で、大事な大事なモンをなくしちまった。そいつを見つけるまでは戻る訳にはいかんよ。
|event=兄貴ってぇのは、なんだって上手くできてなんだってオイの先を行っちまうんだ。 オイは……それが悔しかったのかもしれんな……。
{{Template:Transient CV
|summon=こ、こりゃまたずいぶんとキラキラな場所に来たもんじゃわい……ゴホン、今日は待ちに待った2人っきりのデートじゃあ! 最高の夏の思い出を2人で探してみせるぞうっ!
|battle=夏じゃ夏じゃあ! デートの季節じゃあ! 今日こそ、あいつのハートを一本釣りじゃーっ!
|charge=よしっ、今じゃ! ……この世のどんなキラキラよりも、今日のお前は輝いとるぜ。
き、決まったぜー! 完璧すぎる口説き台詞じゃー!
|open=さあさ、じゃんじゃん持って行ってくれ!どうじゃ、太っ腹な兄貴を尊敬し直したじゃろ? え、お代を貰え? す、すまんかった……。
|greeting=ご、ゴージャスなデートスポットじゃあ、緊張するのう。もっとイカした装いにした方が良かったじゃろうか。何? 飾らんともオイは格好良えと……お、おう、そうじゃろそうじゃろ、がっはっはっ!
|touched=んぉっ! なんじゃい急にくっつきおって……。このヤマサチヒコの兄貴ぶりに甘えとうなったか? そうかそうかっ! こっちこい、ほれほれぇっ!
|conversation-1=はは、見てみい! 海みてえにでっけえプール! 山の蛍みてえにキラキラ輝くあのライト!まるで竜宮城みてえじゃあ……。
|character-1=ぐおおおぉっ! 海の男で、あの豪快ぶり! オイの兄貴とは違う、とわかっちゃいても、ついつい張り合っちまうのう?
|event=夏のトラブルなら、自然保護官のオイに任せとけっ。履物バッチリ、道具もOK、やる気は充分鰻登りじゃ! 行くぞぉ! え、逆方向じゃと? ま、待っとくれー!
== Appearances ==
===Transient Summons===
{{Gacha appearance table|{{PAGENAME}}}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* Yamasachihiko is more commonly known as the deity, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoori Hoori]. He is said to be the great-grandson of the goddess [[Amaterasu]], and the grandfather of the first Japanese Emperor, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Jimmu Jinmu].
* Yamasachihiko is more commonly known as the deity, [[wikipedia:Hoori|Hoori]]. He is said to be the great-grandson of the goddess [[Amaterasu]], and the grandfather of the first Japanese Emperor, [[wikipedia:Emperor_Jimmu|Jinmu]]. He is also the basis of the character [[wikipedia:Urashima_Tar%C5%8D|Urashima Tarō]] from the fairy tale of the same name.
* The writing on his sword is in [[wikipedia:ja:ヲシテ|Woshite script]]. Reading from tip to hilt spells out "Yamasachihiko".
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