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== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient release version|1.0.2}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2016-12-09}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Eden}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Pocket World's Natural Law<rt>Eyes of the Fallen</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Missionaries}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A fallen angel and Father of the Mission school in Shibuya, and a high-ranking member of the Missionaries guild who appeared from the Eden gate. His body is bound in the chains of the Archangels, and his once earth-shaking power is reduced to a fraction of what it was. Although Azazel prefers not to discuss the exact nature of the action for which he was cast out from Paradise, he claims that what he did was done out of love for humans.}}
|skill-1-descriptor=[After Moving] Apply Stubborn to Self/50%
== {{Star|4}} ==
|skill-2-descriptor=[After Moving] Apply Blessing to all Nearby Allies (not including Self)/25%
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|His Sacred Artifact, the holy book kept on his person at all times, has the power to monitor mortals. As he no longer lives in Paradise, he too is subject to this, but he accepts his punishment gladly. He advocates strongly that one should believe in love above all and grants absolution to those who act out of love, even if that path leads to ruin.}}
|skill-3-descriptor=[After Damage] Apply CP Increase to Adjacent Allies/35%
{{Companion CV
|charge-descriptor=Deal Magic damage + Cast Heal on all Nearby Allies (including Self)
|summon=I am Azazel, but a sinful fallen apostle... Well well, I suppose I should have kept that secret.
|battle=Let's go together. My beloved sinners.
|move=Leave behind your guidance.
|skill=The Lord sees all.
|hit-major=This too, is love...
|charge=Pity the good offerings. Know the love of the Lord in our arms. Pocket World's Natural Law, Beneha'elohim.
|victory=Fools to fall in Heaven. Let the Lord love you instead.
|ko=Oh, Lord... This is our reward for treason...
===Transient Summons===
{{Gacha appearance table|{{PAGENAME}}}}
=== Scenarios ===
{| class="wikitable"
|[[Event Quest:Valentine Bonus:Azazel|Valentine's Chocolate]]
|[[Event Quest:Summer_Fireworks_with:Azazel|Summer Fireworks Viewing]]
== Notes ==
* In Christian mythology, [[wikipedia:Azazel|Azazel]] referred to a rugged cliff from which goats were thrown as sacrifice. Azazel is also sometimes translated simply as "scapegoat".
* Azazel's Charge Skill line, [[wikipedia:Sons_of_God|Bene Ha Elohim]] or "Sons of God" refers to the story of fallen angels who, cast out from heaven, formed forbidden sexual relationships with mortals.
* His Role is "Guardian" and his Rule is "Detection."
* During the event "Seaside Summer School with You," it's revealed that Azazel's goat body is actually not his true body, and is instead someone else, whose body he possesses/is restrained to by his chains. When the protagonist severs his chains, his true form is revealed (through narration) to be a terrifying snake-like creature with seven heads, fourteen faces, and twelve wings. This description is similar to how the character is described in the Apocalypse of Abraham. However, he reverts to his "normal" goat body when the App is deactivated and the Battle Zone is dissolved. Currently, the only known thing that can sever his chains is the protagonist's Rule of Rending, albeit only temporarily and within the confines of a Battle Zone.
* In this game, Azazel exhibits traits from various interpretations of the iconic fallen angel, such as from the Book of Enoch, the Apocalypse of Abraham, and Leviticus, making him a sort of composite character from those texts.
{{Transient navbox}}


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