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''"I am Toji. Of the Sakimori. For now our goals align, so I lend my strength to you."''
{{#vardefine:transient height|174}}
{{#vardefine:transient weight|76}}
{{#vardefine:transient en name|Toji}}
{{#vardefine:transient summon date|3/8}}
{{#vardefine:transient artwork|Touji 3star full}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|1.0.0}}
{{#vardefine:transient icon|Touji 3star icon}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2016-12-02}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Exorcist}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Orphaned Fangs<rt>Senji no Tatari</rt></ruby>}}
== {{Star|3}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi description|Apply {{Status effect|呪い}} to enemy}}
{{#vardefine:transient gate|Tokyo}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Distant Isolated Poison<rt>Orphaned Fangs</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Summoners}}
{{#vardefine:transient en affiliation|Summoners}}
{{#vardefine:transient acquisition|<p>
* [[Gacha:Co-op|Cooperation Gacha]]
* [[Gacha:Premium_Co-op|Premium Cooperation Gacha]]
* Minato Ward Quest</p>}}
{{#vardefine:transient en research file|A male high school student who carries a cursed blade. He is a Shinto priest in training as well as an exorcist. Because he can hear the voices of the dead, spirits always gather around him. When it comes to supernatural incidents, his powers function like an antenna that can gather the spirits of the dead. He has a strong dislike of optimistic people who don't think things through.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A high school student in possession of a twin pair of cursed swords. Touji lives at a shrine in Tokyo where he serves as an apprentice Shinto Priest and demon slayer. Due to his strong spiritual power, he can hear the voices of the dead, and they flock to him. This characteristic of his functions as an antenna that gathers lost, departed souls. A calm and collected thinker, he hates brash fools that rush blindly into a situation.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|A high school student in possession of a twin pair of cursed swords. Touji lives at a shrine in Tokyo where he serves as an apprentice Shinto Priest and demon slayer. Due to his strong spiritual power, he can hear the voices of the dead, and they flock to him. This characteristic of his functions as an antenna that gathers lost, departed souls. A calm and collected thinker, he hates brash fools that rush blindly into a situation.}}
{{#vardefine:transient artwork|Touji 4star full}}
{{#vardefine:transient icon|Touji 4star icon}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Cursed Twin Blades}}
{{#vardefine:transient en research file|The blood of the oni flows through his veins. In order to suppress the power this affords him, he has learned to create barriers. The barriers he creates also controls the power of the two cursed blades he wields. The person he respects most is his instructor, who taught him how to use barriers.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Demonic blood flows through his body, and he has been trained in barrier arts to seal its power. Due to that barrier, he can also control the power with the cursed swords worn at his waist, and Toji deeply admires the master who taught him this invaluable technique.}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Demonic blood flows through his body, and he has been trained in barrier arts to seal its power. Due to that barrier, he can also control the power with the cursed swords worn at his waist, and Toji deeply admires the master who taught him this invaluable technique.}}
== {{Star|5}} ==
== {{Star|5}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient en name|Toji}}
{{#vardefine:transient release version|3.5.1}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp name|トウジ}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2019-02-14}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp title|}}
{{#vardefine:transient element|水}}
{{#vardefine:transient weapon|突撃}}
{{#vardefine:transient variant|Valentine}}
{{#vardefine:transient variant|Valentine}}
{{#vardefine:transient illustrator|BomBom}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Lightning Flash Service with a Smile<rt>Orphaned Fangs?</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient voice actor|稲葉純弥}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|The time is Valentine's. Because of his overly serious personality, he has been roped into helping with an event shop as a waiter on his police master's orders. Even as he wears a uniform different from his usual one and his confusion of all cross-wise style writing flying about, the oni swordsman is deftly handling all the orders asked of him. The work he's unaccustomed to, the event atmosphere, the friends coming to see him...the extraordinary that surrounds him is a far cry from the everyday bloody path he's walked to this point. Touji mumbles to himself about how things are filled with stuff he's never done before, and his face is a mix of soft joy and faint disarray. His role as a sacrifice for the righteous, fighting in the shadows, and exterminating the foreign beings that would harm the light is what builds the gap between the two. But if the Walls were to one day collapse, perhaps he could fulfill his own wishes.}}
{{#vardefine:transient availability|Scheduled}}
{{#vardefine:transient acquisition|Valentine Panic!}}
{{#vardefine:transient rarity|5}}
{{#vardefine:transient cost|24}}
{{#vardefine:transient skill 1|届ける者}}
{{#vardefine:transient skill 2|詰め寄る者}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi description|{{Weapon|突撃}} damage + Apply {{status effect|防御強化}} to {{skill radius|周囲1マス内}} + Apply {{status effect|祝福}} to {{skill radius|周囲1マス内}}}}
{{#vardefine:transient no cdn|true}}
{{#vardefine:transient icon|icon_touji03}}
=== Research Files ===
{{Translations:Research Files

== {{Star|5}} ==
{{#vardefine:transient release version|4.15.4}}
{{#vardefine:transient release date|2021-10-29}}
{{#vardefine:transient variant|Halloween}}
{{#vardefine:transient en title|Traditional Vampire Count}}
{{#vardefine:transient en jingi|<ruby>Interest in Evil Teaches Virtue<rt>Orphaned Fangs?</rt></ruby>}}
{{#vardefine:transient jp en research file|Touji Sakimori is a high schooler with oni blood that takes on exorcism requests and transfers schools to all around Tokyo. At one point due to certain reasons, he was enrolled in Kioh Police Academy. Maybe that's just one way his strong focus on social standards has manifested. As he socialized more with the Summoners and others, his attitude has become a little milder according to people who knew what he was like in the past. But that only applies to when he is off duty. When he's in a police uniform he never lets crimes stand. A guy like him wearing a vampire costume for Halloween has an "interesting" story behind it. It's said to be what a vampire known as the Impaler Lord was wearing when a certain vampire hunter brought him down. That vampire turned to mist and disappeared and his clothes remained behind pierced by a silver bullet, but nothing is definite. Perhaps due to his oni blood being awakened, Touji wearing the costume has a mysterious, charming aura about him. He can't hide his skepticism towards the one calling themselves the Halloween Teacher, wondering if they know how important the title of teacher is.}}
{{Companion CV
|summon=I am Toji. Of the Sakimori. For now our goals align, so I lend my strength to you.
|battle=The Sakimori exorcism begins here!
|move=I go!
|hit-major=The barrier...!
|charge=I shall sever your blood oath! Curse, Distant Isolated Poison! Haaaah!
|victory=Have you learned your place you crooks? Do not think there will be mercy a second time.
|ko=Curse you...I was careless...
|love=Something like a romantic relationship is a foreign thing to me. I won’t say it twice. I have fallen for you.
== CV ==
{{Transient CV
{{Companion CV
|summon=Ugh, look at all the things you've asked for. There probably isn't anyone else around to tend to you. Very well, as an oni of the fleeting world I shall take charge of your orders.
|battle=I'll take your orders. Now, what would you like?
|move=You are absurd as ever. But yes, I understand.
|attack=Take this!
|skill=I'll take this for you.
|hit-major=I may not be able to handle this all.
|charge=Don't laugh me off as some old man. I carry the truth and I will take all requests here. I am Touji Sakimori, and this is how I live!
|victory=Was I able to fulfill your orders? ...that's good then. Next time will you take mine?
|ko=I dropped the orders I've taken? My discipline...ckh...ghh...wasn't enough
|love=I have received a lot feelings from others, maybe a bit more than you have.  What can I do, to compensate you for that? What, what would be a good thing to give to you for it?
|title='''Tokyo Afterschool Summoners.''' This Toji Sakimori will answer to your feelings. Yes, today is the day for that sort of thing to happen, isn’t it?
== Relations ==
{| class='wikitable'
! Relation !! From Others !!  !! To Others
===Transient Summons===
{{Gacha appearance table|{{PAGENAME}}}}
! Like
| {{Companion icon|Amatsumara}}→
| rowspan='2' | {{Companion icon|size=medium|Toji}}
| →{{Companion icon|Hogen}}
! Dislike
| →
| {{Companion icon|Kengo}}

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* His full name is Toji Sakimori (崎守トウジ).
* His full name is Toji Sakimori (崎守トウジ).
* His Valentine alt showcases the Kiou Police School's cafe from the [[Event_Quest:Valentine_Festival!|Valentine Festival!]]. In it, [[Tajikarao]] wears a band with "Sweets Police" written in it, as well as some keychains with some of the "officers" from that school.
* He has several similarities with Mitate Sakimori, a character from Yojouhan Tekiseikatsu's (the doujin circle that would later become Lifewonders) game ''Bouga Kyoukai: Kanma no Niwa'', sharing a surname, weapon of choice and a cross-shaped scar on their cheek.
* Toji has a loading screen, which he shares with [[Hogen]], in which, Toji is seeing focused on his training, thinking about [[Hogen]] and stating "One day, I'll reach that point" (いつかあの域に). Despite the fact that Hogen is stealing underwear (both femenine and masculine), based on Toji's personality, he probably refers to his skill, and not his perversion.
[[File:Touji - Loading screen.png|400px]]
{{Transient navbox}}


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