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282 bytes removed ,  19:05, 8 March 2018
haha disinfo
(to fix later)
(haha disinfo)
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* Translation of [[Main Quest]]s up to Chapter 5 in English and Chinese (both simplified and traditional).
* Translation of [[Main Quest]]s up to Chapter 5 in English and Chinese (both simplified and traditional).
* 「Summopedia vol.1」 will contain illustrations of characters and settings/stories that have and have yet to appear in-game. Whether this is a physical release (such as a manga) or a digital release isn't clear.
* 「Summopedia vol.1」 will contain illustrations of characters and settings/stories that have and have yet to appear in-game. Whether this is a physical release (such as a manga) or a digital release isn't clear.
These features are no longer listed under the news article; take them with a grain of salt.
* A feature to set your support unit for each day of the week.
* New type of quests to make use of currently unused mechanics such as relations.
* Relations will have an impact in gameplay.

As usual, details will be added when announced.
As usual, details will be added when announced.

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