Event Quest:Money Makers!:Volos and the Resort

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[Translation by Kukuru]

Spending time with Volos at the Beach Resort

Location: Andva-Resort

Volos expression beach joy.png

There~! Now that I finished today's delivery with no hitches...

A few days after the watermelon splitting contest, Volos finished up his usual deliveries and headed to the beach alone where the watermelon bombs were exterminated.

Volos expression beach neutral.png

Good. Looks like there hasn't been any bombermelon sprouts since.
If there were any seeds left, it would spell disaster again...

3 options
Found you, Volos! Yikes! It's a bombermelon! Check out these huge melons right here!
Volos expression beach surprised.png

Waah! Gosh, don't scare me like that, [Player].
Anyways, I take it you've been taking in a proper amount of potassium?

Volos expression beach surprised.png

Geh!? Wh-Who's there... Oh, it's just you, [Player]...

Volos expression beach pout.png

You think it's funny to see a reaction like that out of me eh?
Gosh, you're such a mean little critter sometimes...

Volos expression beach surprised.png

Ughya!! [Player], y-you scared me...! You're touching my bottom, not a watermelon!

Volos expression beach neutral.png

By the way... I didn't see ya at the beach house earlier.
I'm guessin' you're done with work already?

3 options (Same Response)
I finished work for today. Today's my day off actually. I've been waiting to hear from you...

Volos expression beach neutral.png

Really? Since I had no more errands to take care of later today,
I came by to check if there were any seeds left behind from the bombermelon the other day.

Volos expression beach surprised.png

... Ah. H-Hey, [Player], I want to ask you something...

Volos expression beach embarrassed.png

W-Well... U-Umm... [Player]... If you don't mind at all...

Volos expression beach neutral.png

I... I'd like ya to lend me a hand in looking for any bombermelons hiding somewhere. How about it...?

3 options
Sure, I'd be happy to! Alright, let's play together! So you're asking me out on a date huh?
Volos expression beach surprised.png

W-What'd you say...!? A d-d-d-d-day... DATE!?

Volos expression beach embarrassed.png

O-Oh, no that wasn't my intention at all...
But I suppose it might come off like that.

Volos expression beach sad.png

Oh... that's right... i-it could happen again...

Volos expression beach embarrassed.png

So then, [Player]... Would you, um... would ya like to go on a date with me?

[Some time passes...]

Volos expression beach c 4star.png

Awright! Photo-syn-the-size! Ahahah! Ain't that a clean hit, [Player]!

The mostly used as a pretext exploding watermelon search was quickly concluded, and the two of you enjoyed watermelon smashing using damaged watermelons.

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

Whew, I didn't even break a sweat. Here, do ya need a towel?

3 options
I'll borrow one, thanks! This is what you wiped your sweat off with... Smells like a watermelon...

( face)
You wiped your face off with the towel Volos handed you. It's got a faint earthy smell to it.

Volos expression beach c surprised.png

Huh... Dah, my mistake! That's the one I used already! Don't use that!

Volos expression beach c sad.png
  • Sigh*....This is how I am... I have to be attentive don’t I? Gosh...

Volos arranges the split watermelon and hands you a slice that seems easiest to eat.

Volos expression beach c surprised.png

Here you are, one watermelon slice.
Oh, there will be some leftover if it's only the two of us...

While Volos hands out cleanly split watermelon slices to you, He sits down close to you and cools off in the shade.

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

Careful, [Player]. Some prickly flowers are bloomin' there.

On top of the sand, a shrub with vividly pink flowers has taken root there. Just like Volos said, there's sharp thorns growing on the branches behind the leaves.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

Ahh, this is a hamanasu flower. It’s a durable plant that can grow in sandy soil.
I wonder if it’s almost time for the flowers to drop off?

Volos expression beach c joy.png

Hamanasu is written to read as beach eggplant, but it's actually a type of rose.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

The flowers resembles the flowers for sand pears,
which people say is how they've also came to be called beach roses. In Japan sand pears are called nashi, and association turned the rose into hamanasu.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

When the flowers fall off they bear fruits known as rose hips, which you can dry and put into tea or make jam with...

3 options (Same Response)
Wow. You're as much of a nerd about flowers as you are with vegetables! Okay, Volos, I get it! It's a type of rose just cause it has thorns...?

Volos expression beach c surprised.png

... Yikes! I shouldn't do that... Sorry, [Player], I couldn't help ma self again......

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

Ahahah... Even if it's agriculture talk, I usually get bored of it.
Let's see, what else could I talk about... Oh, I got it!

Volos expression beach c joy.png

Not only that I can talk about fruits, but I know the flower language too! Hmhmhmhm~

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

A hamanasu symbolizes, let's see now...
"A fun journey" and "sweet sorrow"--

Volos expression beach c sad.png

...... Darn, how did it go again? Erm......

2 options (Same Response)
A fun journey, sweet sorrow... Wasn't the saying, "a farewell to the journey is sweet sorrow"?

Volos expression beach c surprised.png

...... O-Oh, [Player]......

Volos lifts up his face to your nonchalant comment.

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

A-Ah, sorry, pardon me. You see... an old friend of mine also said the same thing to me.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

To tell ya the truth... my old buddy knows more about them flower language than I do.

Volos smiles and glances over to the distant sky dyed by the evening sun.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

He... was something of an artist who loves words and poetry.
I learned the flower language from him.

Volos expression beach c pout.png

Though he had a sarcastic side to him, he often calls me "fuzzy."

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

Whenever I chat with you... somehow I keep remembering about him.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

I reckon... there might be something about ya that's resembles him.

Volos gives a faint smile and quietly brought his shoulder close to you. You can smell a faint earthy smell from him.

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

I can't go and see him anymore. The memories I have about him are very precious to me.
But now... I want to make lots of memories.

Volos expression beach c joy.png

Just like seeds left behind by a withering flower that sprouts anew once more.
I want to witness more memories blooming in the future.

Volos expression beach c neutral.png

What happened then was like what's happening now.
I'd be delighted if you're right by my side--

Volos brings his shoulders closer to you as he whispers something, although his small voice seems to get lost in the breeze blowing in the shade of the tree.

2 options
Kind regards, my new "friend"! So... as a "lover"?
Volos expression beach c joy.png

... Yup! I hope we'll be good buddies from now on, [Player]!

( face)
Volos responds with a smile, like a flower that had just bloomed.

Volos expression beach c embarrassed.png

Eh!? Oh, well, um... mmm...

Volos expression beach c joy.png

W-Whew, sure is hot out today, ain't it?
M-Maybe the summer heat's come back already!!

Volos expression beach c surprised.png

Gotta change the subject, but how...... Ah!

Volos expression beach c joy.png

Aye... I remembered somethin'! It's what I was talking about earlier.
Ya know, the flower language! I'll share another one with ya...

( face)
Volos remembered that after a little while.
However, he hesitated to say something due to being slightly embarrassed still.

Volos expression beach c embarrassed.png


( face)
Volos looked down at his feet while smiling in embarrassment.

( face)
It's another floriography of the hamanasu that he couldn't tell you.
"I'm attracted to your charm."