Event Quest:GoGo! Remote Island Expedition:VN:6-2

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[Translated by Kukuru]

Location: Mysterious Island

A few days before Triton-sensei disappeared from the banyan house –

3 options (Same Response)
Is that you, Triton-sensei? Isn’t it dangerous? Aren’t you going to sleep?

Triton expression shocked.png

Oh…… I was thinking for a bit.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Say, [Player].
Are you enjoying life here?

Triton expression happy.png

…… Ah, that’s right!

Triton expression neutral.png

When you said you wanted to go back home –

Triton expression neutral.png

You have been saying that ever since we met……
Do you still feel the same about that now?

2 options (Same Response)
Yes. Y-Yes.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… I see.

Triton expression happy.png

It is alright.
I will do my best to help you on your "career path."

Triton expression happy.png

That is the “Role” of a teacher.

Triton expression sad.png

…… Students will leave the school eventually.
You cannot be a “student” forever.

Triton expression happy.png

You cannot stay in the same place forever.
You must continue moving forward.

Triton expression neutral.png

If you, the students are happy –
Then “I” won’t have any problems.

Triton expression happy.png

I pray that you will continue growing in the future.

Triton expression happy.png

[Player]. Even when you leave this school……
I will pray that you will still be happy.

Triton expression neutral.png

…… Yet, everyday at school has truly –

Triton-sensei:( face)
…… Truly been a lot of fun……

[End Flashback]

2 options (Same Response)
Triton-sensei…… Triton-sensei! Please be okay –

Dagon expression unknown.png

…… You have come.
Have you prepared yourself?

The black shadow that Triton was facing asked him a question.

Triton expression neutral.png

I…… am prepared.
I vow to do as you wish.

Triton expression serious.png

…… However, “promise” that you will protect them.
When I get back to where my students are –

Triton expression neutral.png

If you break your –

Dagon expression unknown.png

Ah, I’ll be sure to keep that promise.
After all, I am “you.”

Triton expression neutral.png


Dagon expression unknown.png

Rejoice – You will come back to me.
Come, present that “Role” –

Dagon expression unknown.png

Abandon the “Role” of the ancestor of all creation,
fall to the “Role” of that of a dwarf.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Induce it to me.
It is rather a foolish thing…… “if I say so myself.”

Triton went forward and stepped foot into the huge shadow. Then –

1 option
Triton-senseeeeeei! !

Triton expression neutral.png


At that moment, when [Player] ran to the altar, Triton and the huge shadow merged into one.

Dagon expression unknown.png

Fah…… Fahahaha –

Dagon expression tasty.png


[Until Dagon introduces himself later, he is assumed to be "Triton-sensei?"]

2 options (Same Response)
Triton-sensei!? You’re not –

The huge shadow was gaining mass; it was swelling up right before their very eyes.

That large build continued to grow without stop. It went as far as to reach the ceiling above the altar.

Kurogane expression b neutral.png

Oooh, [Player], you’re okay!
Was Triton-sensei in there?!

Nomad expression island anger.png

…… What is with all this shaking!
What the hell is going on in there?!

The large build continued to expand until it finally broke through the ceiling and exposed itself to the outside air.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

L-Look at that!
S-Something just came out!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Heaven, Earth, Sea…… Listen well!

Dagon expression tasty.png

The one who created you has now been resurrected!

With every breath, the sky gets cloudy. With every movement, they could feel the earth crackle.

That gigantic being was too much. That being has transcended beyond human knowledge.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-What is – Aah……?!

Asterios expression island surprised.png

That figure……
It can’t be Triton-sensei, right?!

Kijimuna expression neutral.png

Oh, Triton-sensei’s gotten bigger!
How did he do it?

Kijimuna laughed with friendly smile, despite the situation.

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Hey, this isn’t a joke.
What the hell is going on? Waaah……

Kurogane expression b shocked.png

How can something be that big?!
I-I can’t believe it. What kind of structure is that?!?!

Nomad expression island anger.png

You idiot!
This is not the time for that!

1 option
What are you! !

Dagon expression tasty.png

My beloved children.
The ancestors with great affection, and the rude type that is permitted for labor.

Asterios expression island surprised.png

W-Why do you have the same face as Triton-sensei?
Are you really Triton-sensei……?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

The opposite.
I am the “real Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

The one that you encountered, it was merely just a shadow.

Kurogane expression b surprised.png

The real Triton-sensei……?
The hell do you mean by that?!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Ah, my beloved children.
Those who are unaware of the outside world, should live in paradise.

Dagon expression tasty.png

If the ancestors do not understand of a such place,
then I shall tell you of it directly.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I was once an “ancestor” of the land and created all sorts of life.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The fertility of the Earth, the ocean’s blessing,
and even the children who ruled the heavens were created.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Consequently –
An appropriate name for that power is Creator of Heaven and Earth.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Even in the neighboring world of Olympus,
I was known for that power with the given name of “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

But…… what blasphemy “they” are.
They crave for those who were “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

And for that, I have been “cut down.”
“Triton” became a dwarf and was left behind with the “Role of an ancestor.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Do you understand how humiliating it was?
They have “joked of that reason” and tore the world into pieces!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Arbitrarily deciding everything within their own quota to “what it should be,”
and cutting down…… meeeeeeeeeeee!!

2 options (Same Response)
…… “They”? “Joked of that reason”?

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… Hah.
It was inevitable that you would ask about that sort of thing.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The struggle between myself and “them” was for the high order.
From an ant’s perspective, they understood that it will not come true.

Dagon expression tasty.png

Those beings are rather dangerous.
They were torn apart, lost their Roles, and eventually fell to pieces in my world.

Dagon expression tasty.png

With the tentacles I borrowed from them, I was able to compensate for my lost body parts.
Then I waited for the opportunity for rehabilitation.

Dagon expression tasty.png

To bring Triton back into my womb,
I had to expend a lot of time –

Dagon expression tasty.png

And now, I have finally become complete –

Dagon expression tasty.png

My true name is “Dagon the ancestor.”
The creator of Canaan!

2 options (Same Response)
What are you talking about? But, I don’t understand.
3 options (Same Response)
Your name was Dagon, right? You gained power for yourself - You swallowed Triton-sensei!

Dagon expression tasty.png

Innocent little dwarves. You should know that I am the original “Triton.”
I have been since the beginning.

Dagon expression tasty.png

In other words,
I took form of that ideal teacher of yours.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… The problem was if “Triton” would lose the “Role of an ancestor.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

He was obsessed with the “Role” of a “teacher” of “that” parallel world.
He was already accustomed to it.

Dagon expression tasty.png

…… It took a very long time.
I needed the world that was closed from the outside.

Dagon expression tasty.png

To imprison “Triton” and demonstrate my “Rule,”
I set my eyes on that Lumia Kanaloa.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I used the tentacles to break, invade,
and bring fragments of my world and sew them to the island.

Dagon expression tasty.png

That is this island.
A garden to imprison that “Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

I invited him to the island, imprisoned him,
and encouraged him to strengthen your bonds as a “teacher.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Every time that he would try to escape the island in secret,
I had to clean out his memories multiple times.

Dagon expression tasty.png

The existence of “Triton” is strongly connected to the “Role of ancestors.”
It should not be separated.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

W-What…… That’s a dirty trick!

Dagon expression tasty.png

As I’ve expected, they have matured.
“Triton” chose that “Role” of a “teacher” –

Dagon expression tasty.png

Till he abandoned the “Role of the ancestors,”
it was foolish to make that a compensation.

1 option

Dagon expression tasty.png

That is correct, “returning the students to the original world.”
Then “wash away all the memories about Triton.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

That was the compensation that “Triton” asked for as a “teacher.”

Dagon expression tasty.png

Do not fear, I will protect you.
Wash away all your memories, and forget the thing known as “Triton” –

2 options (Same Response)
I will do no such thing. Triton-sensei is coming back!

Dagon expression tasty.png

You should know by now.
“Triton” is nowhere to be found.

Dagon expression tasty.png

“I” have taken the initiative. It was a such contract.
“Triton” sacrificed himself in the “Role” of a teacher.

Kurogane expression b anger.png

No, shut up!
That is your selfishness talking!

Kurogane expression b anger.png

Erasing our memories and bullying our sensei –
I’m already pissed off!

Asterios expression island anger.png

Y-Yeah…… Don’t say such selfish things!
T-Triton-sensei…… is our teacher!

Asterios expression island sad.png

It was fun…… taking lessons with everyone.
Triton-sensei was really kind, so……!

Nomad expression island neutral.png

Ah, we’re taking back everything you stole.
That is my policy.

Nomad expression island anger.png

On top of that, that will never happen again!

Dagon expression tasty.png

These children are so unreasonable.
But, since the children are so passionate, this should be fun.

Dagon expression tasty.png

I will play with you for a while.
You will know the power of the ancestors –

Kijimuna expression shocked.png

O-Oh my gosh!! O-Octopus, I really hate Octopus!!

2 options (Same Response)
Everyone, let’s go! We’re bringing Triton-sensei back!